The Data Of Alpha Indigo And Xn Software Packages

The Data Of Alpha Indigo And Xn Software Packages

if alpha and beta are the roots of 2x^2-4x-3=0, where alpha > beta, find the value of alpha - beta

Daftar Isi

1. if alpha and beta are the roots of 2x^2-4x-3=0, where alpha > beta, find the value of alpha - beta



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

2x² - 4x - 3 = 0

alpha - beta = (√D)/a

where D = b² - 4ac

a = 2

b = -4

c = -3


alpha - beta = √((-4)²-4(2)(-3))/2

alpha - beta = √(16 +24)/2

alpha - beta = √(40)/2

alpha - beta = 2√(10)/2

alpha - beta = √10

2. if alpha and beta are the roots of 2x 2x^2-4x-3=0, where alpha > beta, find the value of alpha - beta


mungkin maksud soalnya itu jika alpha dan beta adalah faktor dari :

(2 kali 2 ) x^2 - 4x -3 = 0 dimana alpha lebih besar dari beta , maka alpha dikurang beta adalah.....

4x^2 - 4x - 3 = 0 ( ax^2 + bx + c = 0 )

caranya ada 2

teorema vieta bilang

x1 + x2 atau alpha tambah beta =  -b/a

x1 + x2 = --4/4

x1 + x2 = -1

x1 . x2 = c/a

x1 . x2 = -3/4

(x1+x2)^2 = x1^2 + 2x1x2 + x2^2

(-1)^2 = x1^2 + 2. -3/4 + x2^2

1 = x1^2 + x2^2 + -3/2

1 + 3/2 = x1^2 + x2^2

5/2 = x1^2 + x2^2

(x1-x2)^2 = x1^2 - 2x1x2 + x2^2

(x1-x2)^2 = 5/2 - 2. -3/4

(x1-x2)^2 = 5/2 + 3/2

(x1-x2)^2 = 4

x1 - x2 = -2 atau 2

atau cara ke 2

tinggal langsung faktorkan

4x^2 - 4x - 3 = 0

4x^2 - 6x + 2x -3

2x ( 2x -3) 1 (2x-3)

(2x + 1) (2x-3)

x1= -1/2

x2= 3/2

sedangkan alpha itu yg besar jadi

alpha = 3/2 dan

beta = -1/2

jadi alpha - beta = 2

kenapa di yang cara pertama bisa 2 sama -2 karna di yang pertama bisa aja x1 alpha atau begitu sebaliknya

semoga membantuuu

jadikan jawaban terbaikk yahh :)

3. for what value of 'a' the roots of the equation 2x²+6x+a=0 ,satisfy the condition (alpha/beta)+beta/alpha)<2 {where alpha and beta are the roots of the equation}

A/B + B/A < 2
( A^2 + B^2 ) / AB < 2
{ ( A + B )^2 - 2AB } / AB < 2
{ (-6/2)^2 -2(a/2) } / a/2 < 2
( 9 - a ) / (a/2) < 2
2(9-a) < 2a
18- 2a < 2a
18 - 2a - 2a < 0
18 -4a < 0
-4a < -18
a > 9/2

4. alex has 20 table tennis balls and 16 table tennis paddles. She wants to sell packages of balls and paddles bundled together. What is the greatest number of packages she can sell with no leftover balls or paddles? Show your working step​


cari dengan FPB

[tex]faktor \: 20 = {2}^{2} \times 5[/tex]

[tex]faktor \: 16 = {2}^{4} [/tex]


[tex] {2}^{2} = 4[/tex]

maka banyaknya wadah yang dibutuhkan adalah 4

dengan perincian dalam 1 wadah berisi 5 table teniis balls dan 4 tables tannis paddles

5. The whole software industry depend entirely on computer technology. Today if we can see software industries as most growing and profitable industries, this all could be possible, just because of computer technology. Software companies make software, application and contribute to the development of computer technology. Today we have a lot of applications, software programs which provide a lot of facilities. Software industries not only contribute to the advancement of computer technology but also take part in the development of the country also. 1. What is main idea of this text?

1. The main idea of the text is about the software industry. And the software industries mainly contribute on many developments area in the country.

Artinya adalah ide pokok dari teks di atas adalah tentang industri software (perangkat lunak). Dan industri software banyak berkontribusi dalam banyak wilayah pengembangan di negara.  


Dalam teks di atas yang menjadi main idea atau ide pokok atau ide utama adalah tentang software industry, terlihat dari kalimat pertama dalam teks yaitu:

The whole software industry depend entirely on computer technology. (Seluruh industri software bergantung seluruhnya kepada teknologi komputer).

Dan seluruh teks secara umum berputar pada main idea (ide pokok) yaitu tentang perkembangan industri software dan efeknya terhadap pengembangan berbagai bidang di dalam negara.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang cara memahami kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ9

6. all the visitors must....their coats and packages before entering the museum

leave (meninggalkan)

remove / throw off / put down their coats

7. apa perbedaan software versi alpha dengan versi beta?

Alpha. Pada tahap ini bugs-bugs yang ada sudah banyak diperbaiki. Software yang dibuat masih dalam tahap uji coba oleh developer dan orang-orang tertentu yang diundang, biasanya software belum stabil dan kadang mengalami crash.Beta. Tidak berbeda jauh degan Alpha, tahap Beta ini sudah didistribusika secara umum untuk diuji oleh pengguna / user. Nantinya user akan memberikan feedback / umpan balik kepada developer tentang keluhan-keluhan terhadap software tersebut. Selain keluhan, biasanya user juga memberitahu developer tentang keinginannya terhadap software tersebut.Alpha. Pada tahap ini bugs-bugs yang ada sudah banyak diperbaiki.
Software yang dibuat masih dalam tahap uji coba oleh developer dan orang-orang tertentu yang diundang, biasanya software belum stabil dan kadang mengalami crash.Beta. Tidak berbeda jauh degan Alpha, tahap Beta ini sudah didistribusika secara umum untuk diuji oleh pengguna / user. Nantinya user akan memberikan feedback / umpan balik kepada developer tentang keluhan-keluhan terhadap software tersebut. Selain keluhan, biasanya user juga memberitahu developer tentang keinginannya terhadap software tersebut.

8. The amount of waste...(decrease) if people started to buy reusable packages

Cindy's ssu we substantially lower the new one of this email address or any questions about this message

9. 5. At the Party Store, paper plates come in packages of 30, paper cups in packages of 15, and napkins in packages of 20. What is the least number of plates, cups, and napkins that can be purchased so that there is an equal number of each?tlg jawab ya, yg gjls ak report ​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

To find the least number of plates, cups, and napkins that can be purchased so that there is an equal number of each, we need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of 30, 15, and 20.

The LCM of 30, 15, and 20 is 60, so we need to purchase 60 plates, 60 cups, and 60 napkins to have an equal number of each.

By purchasing 60 plates, 60 cups and 60 napkins, the least number of plates, cups and napkins that can be purchased so that there is an equal number of each is 60.

Di Toko Pesta, piring kertas tersedia dalam kemasan 30, cangkir kertas dalam kemasan 15, dan serbet dalam kemasan 20. Berapa jumlah piring, cangkir, dan serbet paling sedikit yang dapat dibeli sehingga?


KPK 30, 15, DAN 20

= 2²(3(5)

= (2(2(3(5)

= (4(15)

= 60



10. You will go to the local supermarket to pick up veggie burgers and sausage. four packages of veggie burgers and 2 packages of sausage cost $44. two packages of veggie burgers and 6 packages of sausage cost $72. how much does one package of veggie burgers and one package of sausage cost? for this project you will need to: read the word problem above carefully. create either a poster, a booklet, or an edu-creations that includes the following: title of this project choose which will become x and y (veggie burger and sausage), then create the algebra equations based on the problem provided in terms of x and y. show your working solution and graph the equation on the cartesian plane, clearly step by step from order pairs until creation of the graph. show the intersection point between the two linear equation graphs. from the intersection points that you’ve got, state the cost of one package of veggie burgers and one package of sausage. explanation/discussion. explain th

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

we will substitute veggie burgers with x

and substitute sausages with y

4x + 2y = 44

2x + 6y = 72

first, we need to match the variable x. we can do that by multiplying 2x with 2 and multiply 4x with 1.

4x + 2y = 44

4x + 12y = 144

------------------ (subtract)

-10y = -100

y= -100 ÷ -10

y = 10

we can now substitute y with 10 into one of the equations above.

4x + 2y = 44

4x + 2(10) = 44

4x + 20 = 44

4x = 44 - 20

4x = 24

x = 24 ÷ 4

x = 6

that means, 1 veggie burger is 6$ and 1 pack of sausages is 10$.

11. what cell feature packages and move things around the cell

Apa paket fitur sel dan memindahkan barang barang di sekitar sel

12. [tex]\alpha[/tex] and [tex]\beta[/tex] are the roots of [tex]x^{2}-6x+m=0[/tex] and [tex]\frac{1-\alpha}{\alpha},\frac{1-\beta}{\beta}[/tex] are the roots of [tex]8x^{2}+10x+n=0[/tex] [tex]\boxed{\text{Find the value of \bold{m} and \bold{n}}\;?}[/tex]

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

sudah dilampirkan.. maaf jika kurang jelas atau kurang tepat:)

mohon koreksiannya :)



Materi:Persamaan kuadrat

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

13. If alpha plus beta equals to 3 and alpha cube plus beta cube equals to 7,then alpha and beta are the roots of equation

[tex] \alpha + \beta = 3\\ \alpha ^3 + \beta ^3 = 7\\\\ \alpha ^3 + \beta ^3 = 7\\( \alpha + \beta )( \alpha ^2 + \beta ^2 - \alpha \beta ) = 7\\\alpha ^2 + \beta ^2 - \alpha \beta = \frac{7}{3}\\( \alpha + \beta )^2 - 3 \alpha \beta = \frac{7}{3}\\3 \alpha \beta = 9 - \frac{7}{3}\\3 \alpha \beta = \frac{20}{3} \\ \alpha \beta = \frac{20}{9}\\\\So....\\x^2 - ( \alpha + \beta )x + ( \alpha \beta ) = 0\\x^2 - 3x + \frac{20}{9} = 0\\\boxed{\boxed{9x^2 - 27x + 20 = 0}}[/tex]

MIPA Study Center ID
Alpha = a
Beta = b

a + b = 3
a³ + b³ = 7

Ingat , pemfaktoran dr a³ + b³
= (a + b)(a² - ab + b²)

7 = 3(a² + b² - ab)

(a + b)² = a² + 2ab + b²
(a + b)²- 2ab = a² + b²

7 = 3( (a +b)² - 2ab - ab))
7 = 3 ( 3² - 3ab)
7 = 3(9 - 3ab)
7 = 27 - 9ab
9ab = 27-7
9ab = 20
ab = 20/9

Krn akar akarnya alfa dan beta , maka disusun PK sbg :
x² - (a + b)x + (ab) = 0
x² - 3x + 20/9 = 0
Kali 9 kdua ruas

9x² - 27x + 20 = 0

14. Satrio wants to send two packages. The first package weighs 5.89 kg. What is the weight of the second package if the total weight of the two packages is 12.42 kg?


6.53 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


The weight of the second package = 12.42 - 5.89 = 6.53kg

15. find the volue of[tex] \alpha [/tex]

Jawabannya 65°

Karena kedua sudut sehadap dan terdapat garis sejajar

16. what is the function of the kernel of an operating software

Berikut adalah fungsi dari Kernel pada sistem operasikomputer:

Kernel berfungsi untuk melayani perangkat lunak aplikasi untuk dapat mengakses perangkat keras atau hardware secara aman.

Kernel juga berfungsi sebagai pengatur  kapan dan berapa lama sebuah program aplikasi dapat menggunakan satu bagian perangkat keras. hal tersebut biasanya disebut dengan Multiplexing

Membantu dan mendukung perangkat lunak aplikasi untuk mengeksekusi dengan fitur abtraksi perangkat keras (hardware

17. all visitors must ............their coats and packages before entering the museum





18. 4. The boy is now delivering the packages to the customers We can also say .... a. The customers are delivering the packages now b. The customers are now delivered packages C. The packages are now delivered by the boy d. The packages are now delivered to the customers e. The packages are now being delivered to the customers​


Jawabannya yang benar adalah E. The packages are now being delivered to the customers


E. The packages are now being delivered to the customers.


Subject + to be + verb(ing) + adverb

Subject: the packages

To be: are

Verb(ing): being

Adverb: to the customers

Delivered di sini berfungsi sebagai "diantarkan", bukan "mengantarkan" versi past tensenya, karena di belakangnya terdapat adverb "to the customers".

Kita harus memilih present continuous tense karena ada kata "now" yang berarti sekarang atau sedang terjadi.

Mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan, bisa bilang ke saya

Semoga membantu, semangat belajar

19. Given the mean of a set of data x1,x2,x3, ... ,xn is 18. The mean of the set of data 1/2 x1 + 3, 1/2 x2 +3,1/2 x3 +3, ... , 1/2xn +3 is...

Jawabannya i love you basahil

20. find the volue of[tex] \alpha [/tex]

Jumlah sudut segitiga= 180°
Garis lurus= 180°

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