In A Surface Tension Experiment With A Capillary Tube

In A Surface Tension Experiment With A Capillary Tube

explain why a liquid rises in a capillary tube

Daftar Isi

1. explain why a liquid rises in a capillary tube


A liquid rises in a capillary tube due to the phenomenon known as capillary action. Capillary action occurs when the cohesive forces between the liquid molecules are stronger than the adhesive forces between the liquid and the walls of the capillary tube.

When a liquid is placed in a capillary tube, the cohesive forces between the liquid molecules cause the liquid to be attracted to itself, while the adhesive forces between the liquid and the walls of the tube cause the liquid to be attracted to the walls. If the cohesive forces are stronger than the adhesive forces, the liquid will be pulled up the walls of the tube, resulting in the phenomenon known as capillary action.

Capillary action is commonly observed in small tubes or pores, such as those found in plants. In plants, capillary action is responsible for the movement of water and nutrients from the roots to the rest of the plant. It is also used in a variety of scientific and technological applications, such as in the design of inkjet printers and in the measurement of small amounts of liquid.

2. mosquitoes can perch on the surface of the water because a. capillary force b. the surface tension of liquids c. adhesion d. cohesion

Jawabannya :

d. cohesion
Maaf kalau salah, good luck!!!
b. the surface tension of liquids

3. 16. An insect can perch on the water surface and not sink. That is because the phenomena of .... c. surface tension a. capillary d. adhesion b. capillarity​


c. Surface Tension

Sorry if it's wrong.

4. in 1752, Ben franklin (conduct) ... his experiment with a kite, a key, and a storm​

Conducted (maap kl slh)

5. How to count surface tension?​


Maaf jika kurang jelas


Ketegangan permukaan diberikan oleh persamaan S = (phga / 2) di mana S adalah tegangan permukaan, p(atau rho) adalah keladatan cairan yang anda ukur, h adalah ketinggian cairan yang naik dalam tabung, g adalah akselerasi karena gravitasi yang berkerja pada cairan (9,8 m/ s2) dan a adalah jari-jari tabung kapiler.

6. Sll surface with grass roots growning in it?

semua permukaan dengan akar rumput tumbuh di dalamnya..

jawaban=iya,karena selurih permukaan bumi dipenuhi dengan akar rumput/tumbuhan

7. the students are in the biology lab today.They are on to an experiment with frogs. mana kata yg salah A)the students B biology lab C Are on D an experiment

c. are on..

mungkin yg benar: they have to an experiment with frogs

maaf kl salah y kak..Jawabannya. C. Are on

8. three strings A, B, and C, are attached to a circular ring, as shown in Figure 4.35. The strings and the ring all lie on a smooth horizontal surface and are at rest. The tension in string A is 8.0 N. Calculate the tension in strings B and C.



maaf kak kalo salah,, semoga bisa bantu

9. Sool surface with grass roots growning in it ?


Soil surface with grass roots growning in it?


Permukaan tanah dengan rumput akar yang tumbuh didalamnya?

10. susunlah kalimat berikut !! 1. has - an alcohol thermometer - a glass tube - with a bulb in the bottom 2. alcohol that expands - when the temperature rises - inside the tube - and contracts when the temperature falls - is colored 3. with mercury - some thermometers - are made

1. a glass tube with a bulb in the bottom has an alcohol termometer
2. when the temperature rises alcohol that expands inside the tube is colored and contracts when the temperature falls
3. some thermometers are made with mercury
maaf yaa kalo salah hehe=> Answer :
1.) An alcohol thermometer has a glass tube with a bulb in the bottom.
2.) When the temperature rises alcohol that expands inside the tube is colored and contracts when the temperature falls.
3.) Some thermometers are made with mercury.

Maaf jika salah. Semoga membantu ^_^

11. The students have a experiment in the

In the Laboratorium kalo gak salahquestion (pertanyaan) > the student have an experiment in the (siswa melakukan percobaan di)

answer (jawaban) > in the laboratory (di laboraturium)

12. A uniform capillary tube, closed at one end, contained air trapped by a thread of mercury 85mm long. When the tube was held horizontally, the length of the air column was 50mm. When it was held vertically with the closed end downwards, the length was 45mm. Find the atmospheric pressure in Pascals (Take g = 10m/s squared, density of mercury = 14000 kg/metre cubed)

new to berrrrrrrreerrr

13. A cube with a volume of 27 cm³. Calculate the total surface area of the cube, in cm².​




To find the surface area of a cube, first find the side lengths

formula :

V = s³


[tex] \tt s = \sqrt[3]{V} [/tex]

[tex] \tt s = \sqrt[3]{27} [/tex]

[tex] \tt s = \sqrt[ \cancel3]{ {3}^{ \cancel3} } [/tex]

[tex] \tt s = 3cm[/tex]


Surface area :

[tex] \tt S = 6 \times {s}^{2} [/tex]

[tex] \tt S = 6 \times {3}^{2} [/tex]

[tex] \tt S = 6 \times 9[/tex]

[tex] \boxed{\tt \red{S =54 {cm}^{2}} }[/tex]

14. Surface tensionBahasa Indonesia NyaApa Ya?​


Surface tension memiliki arti tegangan permukaan

Bahasa Inggris

Arti dari surfacetension adalah?

Surface tension artinya Tegangan/Tekanan Permukaan, biasanya ada dalam ilmu fisika untuk melambangkan tekanan permukaan laut

15. a..............surface reflects light in the same direction


I'm not so sure about the answer but it seems that this is the best answer. Hope it helps. :)

16. In a scientific experiment, theone variable that changesduring the experiment is calledthe .... variable.​


The independent variable is the one that is changed by the scientist. To insure a fair test, a good experiment has only ONE independent variable. As the scientist changes the independent variable, he or she records the data that they collect.


Semoga Membantu Ya

17. The student of smoth grade are in the laboratory now they are making experiment with frag.they use look at the smallobjects in diteil​


magnifying glass

sorry if wrong

18. An elevator with a mass of 2000 kg rises with an acceleration of 1.0 m/s/s. What is the tension in the supporting cable?​


T - W = ma

W = mg

T = m(g + a)

Asumsikan g = 10 m/s^2

T = 2000(10 + 1)

T = 22000N


maaf kalo salah


22000 newton


m = 2000kg

a = 1 m/s²

g = 10 m/s²

berat elevator terhadap bumi = m x g = 20000 Newton

tegangan yang ditimbulkan harus melebihi berat elevator terhadap bumi

dengan kata lain percepatan yang dihasilkan harus lebih besar dari percepatan gravitasi

sehingga percepatan sebenarnya tanpa pengaruh gravitasi = g + a = 10 + 1 = 11 m/s²

Tegangan yang dihasilkan = m x 11 = 2000 x 11 = 22000 newton

19. Q.A cylinder has a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 16 cm. Calculate areathe tube surface!​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

An area the tube surface = 2πr (r + h)

diameter = 20

r = 20/2 = 10

h = 16

An area the tube surface = 2 (3,14) (10) (10 + 16)

An area the tube surface = 62,8 (26)

An area the tube surface = 1.632,8 cm²

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Area Of The Tube surface = 2nr(r + h)Diametre = 20 cmr = D/2 = 20/2 = 10 cmheight = 16 cm


= 2nr(r + h)

= 2(3,14)(10)(10 + 16)

= 6,28(10)(10 + 16)

= 62,8(26)

= 1.632,8cm^2


[tex]\huge \bf{By~KRI.}[/tex]

20. When a test tube containing gas X in inverted into a beaker filled with sodium hydroxide solution increases a lot in the test tube. Gas X is


Gas-X is doctor's number 1 gas relief brand and number 1 OB-GYN gas release brand (use as directed. Gas-X Gas relief is also available in Strength chewable additions (in Cherry creme and

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