Moral Science Book Class 6 Answers

Moral Science Book Class 6 Answers

science book bahasa indonesianya apa​

Daftar Isi

1. science book bahasa indonesianya apa​


Buku Sains/Buku Pengetahuan Alam

====================================================================Maap klo salah

Moga mbantu


buku sains


maaf kalo salah

2. science book and also notebook

buku ilmu pengetahuan alam dan buku tulis

3. Today i bring matematic book,english book,science book,and also note book


hari ini saya membawa buku matematika, buku bahasa inggris dan juga buku catatan

4. Erika has just bought three new books; a novel, a science book and a dictionary. The novel costs Rp100.000 and the science book costs Rp150.000. Meanwhile, the dictionary is priced at Rp200.000 Which statement is true? OO Science book is the most expensive among others. Science book is more expensive than dictionary


Neither statement is true


Statement 1 : Science book is most expensive among others false. Because the most expensive thing above is the dictionary

Statement 2 : Science book is more expensive than dictionary false. Because the science book costs only Rp 150.000, meanwhile the dictionary costs Rp 200.000

5. together in the class




"Maaf klo salah"


Read the, Throw the, Exchange the

Penjelasan:Bias jadi bisa apa ae kwkwkw

6. 5. What is Dewi reading?A. English book C. Math bookB. Science book D. Computer book6. Who is reading an English book?A. DittoC. Her sisterB. DewiD. They7. what book is ditto looking for?A. A English book C. A Math bookB. A Science book D. A Computer book​


5. A. English book

6. B. Dewi

7. Where did you buy you science book ​


In the Book Store




book store



8. Erika has just bought three new books; a novel, a science book and a dictionary. The novel costs Rp100.000 and the science book costs Rp150.000. Meanwhile, the dictionary is priced at Rp200.000 Which statement is true? OO Science book is the most expensive among others. Science book is more expensive than dictionary

Dian: Why is the man waving at us?

And there is no true statement because all of the statements are wrong.

The most expensive book is dictionary.

9. What is Dewi reading?A. English book C. Math bookB. Science book D. Computer book​


teks bacaannya mana?


mana haaaaa?

10. Moral values the book cinderella

Do not underestimate other people, then our own results are received & instead people who are patient when underestimated who will get good because of his patience to face trivial.

Jangan meremehkan orang lain, nanti hasilnya kita sendiri yang menerima & justru orang yang sabar ketika diremehkan yang akan mendapatkan kebaikan karena kesabarannya menghadapi remehan.

As quoted from our lovely protagonist Cinderella, 'have courage and be kind.' I'd say that quote is quite impactful. People think being kind includes the qualities of being fragile and weak -- I beg to differ.

Being kind is powerful, small kind actions could swell one's heart with joy. Being kind requires courage; to be kind to a person wherein other's won't. It's a special trait I see in our wonderful Cinderella.

11. ______ you take the science class before business class? *DoesDidDoAre




karna Do digunakan untuk subject I , You , We , They

12. 5. (+) We write a science book.(-)..........................................(?)........................................​


(+) We write a science book

(-) We not write a science book

(?) Are we write a science book?


Semoga membantu :)

13. Saat ini , Penggunaan tenaga manusia sudah banyak digantikan oleh ...(tolong bantu cepat / no random answers!)(Class : IPS SD 6)​



Mesin Dapat Bekerja Lebih Bagus Jika Dibandingkan Dengan Kemampuan Manusia, Mesin Juga Dapat Bekerja 24 Jam Karena

Tenaga Utama Dari Mesin Zaman Sekarang Adalah Listrik.

Maaf Jika Salah,Jika Boleh Jadikan JawabanTerbaikYa !Likenya Juga :D !Terima Kasih!


14. (+) We write a science book. (-) .... (?) ..... Jawab dengan benar

(+) We write a science book.

(-) We don't write a science book

(?) Do we write a science book?

Pola simple present tense adalah:

(+) s + verb 1 + s/es + o

(-) s + does/do + not + verb 1 + o

(?) does/do + s + verb 1 + ?

do = I/you/they/we = without s/es

does = he/she/it = s/es

+ we write a science book
- we don’t write a science book
? Do we write a science book?

Untuk penjelasan lengkapnya ada di foto yaa

Kata kunci : simple present tense, positive, negative, introgative

15. book which gives information of so many subjects is aa encyclopediab animal bookc cook bookd science book​




Encyclopedia is a book or set of books giving information of many subjects or many aspects of one subject and typically arranged alphabetically

16. why.... you borrowing science book


kenapa .... kamu meminjam buku sains

karena ingin membaca

because you want to read


maaf kalau salah

17. may i have another science book , please

bisakah aku mendapatkan buku sains lagi, ya

18. chapter 4 For example hal 56English class 8 please answers...

maaf kalo salah
hal 55 sama hal 56 kan??

19. The math book is as _____________________ (expensive) as science book.​



The math book is as expensive as science book.


Buku matematika sama mahalnya dengan buku sains.


Mapel = English

Materi = Words

20. the boy... in science class yesterdaya.isb.arec.was

c. was
maaf ya , klo salahthe boy WAS in science class yesterday

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