Two Identical Conducting Rods Are First Connected Independently

Two Identical Conducting Rods Are First Connected Independently

Which two Christmas trees are identical?

Daftar Isi

1. Which two Christmas trees are identical?

Jawaban :

3 and 4

Arti pertanyaan :

"Mana dua pohon natal yang terlihat sama?"

1 and 5

because if 5 and 1 are the same as 5 + 1

karena jika 5 dan 1 sama dengan 5 + 1

Yg hasil nya adalah 6

2. two identical cars are travelling along edsa?


Jika diubah ke bahasa indonesia maka jawabannya adalah


Dua mobil identik jalan-jalan sepanjang edsa

Semoga membantu...

3. 1. Mention two Icona that are identical with Sydney! ​


Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge


semoga membantu


1.Sydney Opera House.

2.One Central Park.

maaf kalo salah


4. two people are meeting for the first time at school

Dua orang bertemu untuk pertama kalinya di sekolah.

5. The figure shows two identical semicircles and two identical quarter circles in a rectangle. Find the area of the shaded part. (Take π=22/7)

The area of the shaded part

rectangle area - 3/4 circle area

[tex](l \times b) - ( \frac{3}{4} \times \pi \times r \times r) \\ (14 \times 10 \frac{1}{2} ) - ( \frac{3}{4} \times \frac{22}{7} \times 7 \times 7) \\ 147 - 115,5 \\ 31,5 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]

6. 1.Which statement describes human cells formed by meiosis? a.They are genetically identical gametes. b.They are genetically identical body cells. c.They are genetically different gametes. d.They are genetically different body cells.


Which statement describes human cells formed by meiosis?

a.They are genetically identical gametes.

b.They are genetically identical body cells.

c.They are genetically different gametes.

d.They are genetically different body cells.

semoga membantu

7. two metal wires in a bulb are connected to


dua kabel logam di bohlam terhubung ke


mohon jawaban tercerdas

8. there are two rooms on the first deck....galley and.....loundry​

There re twi rooms on the first deck the first room is galley and the second one is loundry

9. not connected you are currently not connected to any networks​


Tidak tersambung, anda tidak tersambung dengan koneksi internet

10. apa kegunaan dari rods

agar kita dpt brmain bola
maaf klo slhuntuk menghubungkan piston ke poros engkol dan selanjutnya menerima tenaga dari piston yang diperoleh dari pembakaran dan meneruskannya ke poros engkol.

11. Write the conversation between two persons who are meeting for the first time

Lisa: Hi, my name is Lisa, I am from USA.

Rina: Hi, I am Rina, from Indonesia.

Lisa: Nice to meet you, Rina.

Rina: Nice to meet you too, Lisa.

Lisa: So, where do you live in Indonesia?

Rina: I live in Bali. Have you ever visited Bali?

Lisa: Oh, yeah, Bali, I know Bali, I visited Bali once, 5 years ago. It's so beautiful.

Rina: And how about you? Where do you live?

Lisa: I live in Eugene, Oregon.


Dialog atau conversation di atas bertema perkenalan dua orang yang baru bertemu. Mereka kemudian saling memperkenalkan diri, dimulai dengan nama masing-masing dan lainnya.

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang cara memahami kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1

12. Mengatasi not connected you are currently not connected to any networks


ke settings, lalu pilih wifi , lalu pencet wifi ditempatmu lalu masukin passwordnya

13. arrange the number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 inside this circle so that no two consecutive numbers are in connected circles


susunlah angka 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 di dalam lingkaran ini sehingga tidak ada dua angka yang berurutan di dalam lingkaran yang saling berhubungan

14. The first two terms of an arithmetic progression are 15 and 19 respectively. The firsttwo terms of a second arithmetic progression are 420 and 415 respectively. The twoprogressions have the same sum of the first n terms. Find the value of n.​


n = 91

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Jumlah n suku sama sehingga

Sn = ½ n (2.15 + 4(n-1)) = ½ n (2.420 + -5(n-1))

30 + 4n - 4 = 840 -5n +5

4n + 5n = 845-26

9n = 819

n = 91

15. is the voltage of two identical lamps the same?​


kalo artinya:

adalah tegangan dua lampu identik yang sama

adalah tegangan dua lampu identik yang sama

16. What are the first two numbers in the sequence that are less than zero?​


minus two or two

maaf kalo salah, semoga benar

-1 & -2

Semoga membantu & maaf jika salah

17. (a) Based on the information above, suggest why twins formed from two fertilised eggs are non-identical.(b) Based on the information above, suggest why twins formed from one fertilised egg are identical.​


(a) Non-identical twins form from two completely separate eggs which are fertilised by two completely separate sperm. Because identical twins share the same genes, they are always the same gender.

(b) Identical twins form when one egg has been fertilised by one sperm and the zygote splits into two. This happens at the very earliest stage of development, when the zygote is no more than a cluster of a few cells. Dividing this early in conception means that each baby has exactly the same genetic information as the other.

18. why are we not identical our parent

kenapa kita tidak identik dg orang tua kitakenapa kita tidak sama seperti orang tua kita


19. The figure is made up of a rectangle, four identical quarter circles anf two identical semicricles. Find its perimeter and area


we divide the shape into 3

Build 1 = Rectangle

[tex]l = p \times l[/tex]

[tex]l = 56 \times 42[/tex]

[tex]l = 2352 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]

Build 2 = two identical semicricles

[tex]l = \frac{1}{4} \times \pi \times {d}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]l = \frac{1}{4} \times \frac{22}{7} \times 42 \times 42[/tex]

[tex]l = 1386 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]

Build 3 = four identical quarter circles

[tex]l = \pi {r}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]l = \frac{22}{7} \times {28}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]l = 2464 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]

we add the three shapes

[tex]2464 + 1386 + 2352 = 6202 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]area = 6202 \: {cm}^{2} [/tex]


for four quarter circles


2×π×r = 2×22/7×28 = 176 cm

For two semicircles


2×π×r = 2×22/7×21 = 132 cm

we add the two shapes

132 + 176 = 308 cm

Perimeter = 308 cm

Sorry if wrong.

Sorry I did not translate well

I only know that.

20. what are thr challenging parts in conducting critical text analysis

apa adalah bagian menantang dalam melakukan analisis teks kritis

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