Activity 3: Making a Summary B Have you ever read the story of Rapunzel? Read the story of Rapunzel below, then summarize it! Present your summary to the class orally!
1. Activity 3: Making a Summary B Have you ever read the story of Rapunzel? Read the story of Rapunzel below, then summarize it! Present your summary to the class orally!
Answer yourself Lo independent
I do not know
2. summary the lagecy?
'The Legacy' is a modernist short story by British writer Virginia Woolf. It is a story about how the wife of a well-known politician commits suicide to reunite with her lover. ... The politician's wife's name was Angela Clandon. This is Angela's story that her husband, Gilbert Clandon, reads about from her diaries' pages
The Legacy' is a modernist short story by British writer Virginia Woolf. It is a story about how the wife of a well-known politician commits suicide to reunite with her lover. ... The politician's wife's name was Angela Clandon. This is Angela's story that her husband, Gilbert Clandon, reads about from her diaries' pages.11 Sep 2020
The Legacy 'adalah cerita pendek modernis oleh penulis Inggris Virginia Woolf. Bercerita tentang bagaimana istri seorang politisi terkenal bunuh diri untuk bertemu kembali dengan kekasihnya. ... Istri politisi itu
3. Arti The Village Of Ultimate Beggar
Desa Pengemis Tertinggi
Jawaban :
The hungry beggar ate whatever was offered to him.
5. Where did the beggar find the purse.? Terjemahkan
dimana pengemis menemukan dompet
dimanakah pengemis menemukan tas
6. the beggar walks with A little Boy The Boy must be...... son
The beggar walks with a little boy the boy must be (his) son
*maaf jika salah soalnya kurang jelas*The beggar walks with a Little boy the boy must be(his/her) Son
7. Orientation , purposes , summary the text malin kundang
Orientasi, tujuan, ringkasan teks malin kundang
8. What is the character of the merchant of the text beggar
ya karena mungkin beggar adalah suatu pasif yang dikirim melalui UI yang sering dipakai hacker pada tahun 2015
9. Buatlah percakapan berdasarkan text "the beggar"Tolong bantuannya
This morning I went to the market with my mother to see an old beggar sitting on the edge of the sword. Then I went to him and said:
dira: "hello grandma. why is grandma sitting here, not with grandma's family?"
beggar: "I don't know where my family is. I'm alone. Now I'm hungry, I didn't eat from yesterday."
dira: "oh yeah, Grandma. Grandma. I only have Rp.10,000 for this for my grandmother. I hope Grandma won't starve again, and find Grandma's family."
beggar: "you are good boy. may God repay your kindness."
dira: "same with Grandma. I go first, Grandma."
beggar: "yes please."
10. The beggar begs some money from the people
Artinya = Pengemis itu meminta sejumlah uang dari rakyat
artinya: pengemis meminta uang dari orang-orang
maap klo slh semoga membantu
jadikan yg terbaik ya
11. Why do the writer give all of the beggar? because he
because he is generous
g pasti ya Mohon maaf jika salah
12. Make a short summary about conditional sentence type I. your summary should cover the pattern, the function and the meaning.
Conditional Sentences type 1 adalah kalimat pengandaian. Kalimat pengandaian ini berdasarkan fakta yang ada dan digunakan untuk menyatakan situasi yang mungkin terjadi atau tidak mungkin terjadi.
Pada umumnya kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentences) terdiri dari dua bagian yaitu "main clause" dan "if clause." Jadi, pada kalimat conditional sentences type 1 ini, kondisi pada "main clause" akan terjadi jika syarat -syarat pada "if clause" terpenuhi.
Secara penulisan tidak masalah apabila anda menuliskan "main clause" terlebih dahulu atau "if clause" terlebih dahulu.
Rumus untuk Conditional Sentences Type 1 :
If + Subject + Verb (present), S + Will + Verb 1
Subject + Will + Verb 1, if +Subject
Contoh kalimat conditional type 1 beserta artinya :
If I have free time, I will go to visit you. (Jika aku ada waktu luang, aku akan mengunjungimu)If you finish your homework, you can go home. (Jika kamu selesai mengerjakan PR, kamu boleh pulang)You can go home, if the bell rings (Kamu boleh pulang jika bel berbunyi)Mother will pick me up, if she finish work. (Ibu akan menjemput saya jika dia selesai bekerja).If you study hard, you will pass the exam. (Jika kamu belajar sungguh-sungguh kamu akan lulus ujian.If you exercise regularly, you will stay fit. (JIka kamu berolahraga secara teratur, maka kamu akan tetap bugar)If you wake up late, you will be late for school. (Jika kamu terlambat bangun, maka kamu akan terlambat ke sekolahDari contoh percakapan diatas yang memenuhi conditional sentence type 1 adalah kalimat yang digaris-bawahi yaitu :
If there's news about natural disaster in a place, people will quickly know what happening there through satellite, radio and TV, as well as the internet and send their donations to the affected place. (Jika ada berita mengenai bencana alam di tempat, orang akan cepet mendengar berita tentang apa yang terjadi melalui satelit, radio, TV dan juga internet, mereka akan mengirimkan donasi ke tempat yang terkena bencana).
Selamat belajar! Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut mengenai conditional sentences type 1 silakan kunjungi link berikut :
Detail tambahan :
Kelas : XI
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kategori : Conditional Sentences
Kata Kunci : conditional sentences, if clause, kalimat pengandaian
Kode : 11.5 .1
13. 7. Mr. Simanjutak's son gave some money tothe beggar............. is a kind man.a. Mr. Simanjutakb. The beggard. the boyc. he
c. he
karena pak simanjuntak adalah laki-laki
c. he
I hope this answer can help you
I'm sorry if there's some mistake
14. kata sambung the-my-beggar-mother-money-giver
My Mother giver money the beggarmy mother give the beggar money
15. Summary the wagon driver's patron
Rangkum pelindung pengemudi kereta??Artinya: rangkum pelindung pengemudi kereta
16. mayl________this money to the beggar dad?
may ________ this money to the beggar dad?
bolehkah ________ uang ini untuk ayah pengemis?
maaf kalo salah
may I _______ this money to the beggar dad?
"may i giving this money to the beggar dad?"
="bolehkah aku memberikan uang ini kepada pangemis ayah?"
kata dasarnya adalah"give = memberi"
kata kerjanya"giving = memberikan"
dan orang yang melakukannya (memberikannya) disebut"giver = pemberi"
hope this help
have a nice day... v(=∩_∩=)フ
jadikan jawaban tercerdas yah...
17. Arti The Village Of Ultimate Beggar
the meaning of the village of ultimate beggar is desa pengemis utama
artinya desa pengemis utama
18. Tolong bantu ya kakapa pesan moral dari folktale the beggar and the miser
the moral of the story is = if you are selfish and do not help other the same will happen with you
jadikan jawaban tercerdas dan jangan lupa follow ya
19. summary of the movie "the karate kid" apa ya?
12-year-old Dre Parker and his mother Sherry move from Detroit to Beijing. Dre develops a crush on a young violinist, Meiying, but a 14-year old boy named Cheng, attempts to keep them apart by beating Dre. During an attack, the maintenance man Mr. Han comes to Dre's aid. After Han mends Dre's injuries using fire cupping, Dre asks if Mr. Han could teach him kung fu. Han refuses, but meets Cheng's teacher, Master Li, to make peace. Li challenges Dre to a fight with Cheng. Han instead proposes that Dre compete against Li's students at an open kung fu tournament, and also requests the students leave Dre alone to train. Li accepts the offer. Han promises to teach Dre kung fu. Han begins training Dre. He teaches Dre by having Dre go through various actions with his jacket. Han then takes Dre to a temple in the Wudang Mountains, and Dre witnesses a woman making a cobra reflect her movements and Han allows Dre to drink the water from a magical well. Dre persuades Meiying to cut school for a day of fun, but when she is nearly late for her violin audition, her parents deem him a bad influence and forbid her from spending more time with him. Han gives Dre a day off. Dre goes to Han and finds Han, apparently drunk, smashing a car he was working on. Han tells Dre that he crashed the same car years ago. His wife and his son were died in the car crash. Dre shows Han the kung fu techniques he has learned while his mother arrives . Han assists Dre in reading a note of apology to Meiying's father in Chinese, he accepts and promises that Meiying attend the tournament to support Dre. At the tournament, Dre begins beating opponents and advances to the semifinals, as does Cheng. Dre comes up against Liang, who severely hurts Dre's leg and Liang is disqualified as a result, while Dre is taken to the infirmary. Dre convinces Han to mend his leg by using fire cupping in order to continue. Dre returns to the arena, facing Cheng. Dre flips and catches Cheng with a kick to his head, winning the tournament along with the respect of Cheng and his classmates.
20. what is the executive summary
kalo untuk tujuan executive summary to find the moral value from the story
executive summary adl kesimpulan pendek dari sebuah proposal atau report bisnis...
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