today is the twenty second of january what was the date yesterday
1. today is the twenty second of january what was the date yesterday
twenty first of January (21 January)
Jawaban:Twenty-First January
Penjelasan:gitu aja sih ga ada penjelasan
kalau pun ada
: First,Second,Third,Fifth,ninth,eleventh,
:) itu banyak tinggal di cari di google
2. jimmy mothers had many children. the first was called april, the second was called may. what was the name of the other
the other was jimmy
#maaf jika salah semoga membantuJawaban :
Jimmy's mother had many children. The first was called April, the second was called May. What was the name of the other?
==> Jimmy
Semoga membantu^^
3. What is the second day of the week?
tuesday .......... smoga benarThe second day on the week is tuesday
4. what ia the main idea of the second paragraph?
where is the paragraph?
5. What is the second month of the year
Jawabannya February
karna bulan kedua adalah februari
The first month is January
The second month is February
6. What is the second month of the year arti
Jawaban: Apa nama bulan yang kedua tahun ini
7. what is the second step of the text?
teks nya mana ya?
tolong sertakan teks nya,, jgn cm pertanyaannya aja :')
8. what is the resolution of the second paragraph
There is no paragraph, please re-ask your answer at or DM me
9. What ia the main idea of the second paragraph...
paragraf nya mana ga ada
10. what is the second paragraph of the text about?
Unfortunately, posts from some of you popped up all through Election Day/ week, when President-elect Joe Biden pulled ahead of Donald Trump in those crucial swing states. You started to plead with everyone to suddenly get along and sing “Kumbaya.” We’re all Americans and human beings, you remind us, so we shouldn’t hate those whose opinions differ from ours.
In general, I agree, but your patronizing tone and lack of apparent joy over the new day dawning reveal where your sympathies lie. You voted for Trump, the antithesis of the kind of person you tell us to be. Your hypocrisy is showing, and it’s a terrible look.
11. what is the resolution of the second paraghraph?
Sepertinya ada kesalahan pada penulisan soal, mungkin maksudmu adalah resolution of the third paragraph bukan resolution of the second paragraph.
Resolution of the second paragraph is “The daughter ran home and asked her mother. the mother started crying, felt sad that her husband had broken his promise.“
Narrative text ialah jenis text yang bercerita tentang kisah berupa khayalan (fiksi) maupun kejadian nyata (non fiksi) dengan tujuan untuk menghibur pembaca.
Generic Structure Orientation, bagian ini berisi pengenalan tokoh serta latar terjadinya cerita. Complication, bagian ini berisi konflik atau masalah yang dihadapi oleh para tokoh. Resolution, bagian ini umumnya terletak diakhir cerita dan berisi bagaimana para tokoh menyelesaikan konflik yang muncul di bagian complication. Resolution juga merupakan akhir cerita yang dapat berupa happy ending maupun sad ending. Re-orientation, bagian ini merupakan opsional (bisa atau maupun tidak) dan berisi pandangan atau pesan moral dari penulis berdasarkan cerita tersebut.Semoga membantu.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Pengertian narrative text
Macam- macam narrative text
Contoh narrative text
Detil Jawaban
Kelas: IX
Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Narrative Text
Kode Kategori: 9.5.7
12. what ia the main idea of the second paragrap
The "topic sentence" is the sentence in which the main idea of the paragraph is stated.
13. what is the main idea of the second paragraph?
The head of the village and his wife found a small worm and took care of them.
Semoga bisa membantu :)
the main idea is the keyword of each paragraph. We can find the main idea in the first line, middle , last of paragraph or even hidden. The step to understand the main idea is reading the passage and try to conclude by using our understanding.
Let's try to find the main idea from your text!
The main idea of the second paragraph is
The head of the village and his wife took care of the helpless worm.
Wish it could help you in understanding English.
14. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? *
bsa kirim paragraphnya ga ka di chat boxnya soalny kakanya ga kirim
15. What is the main idea of the second paragraf
the paraghraph tells us about how is blank paper can't be recycled
the paragraf tell us about how is a blank paper cant be recycled.
Maaf Kalau Salah
16. what is the main idea of the second paragraph
chairs and table in the family room,because is spends the space more
sorry if wrong
17. What is the main of the second paragraph
apa yang utama dari paragraf keduaitujawabanya
18. what is the rhyme of the second verse
what is the rhyme of the second verse:
apa sajak dari ayat kedua
19. what is the second step of the text?
apa langkah kedua dari teks ini?
maaf saya cuma bisa ngartiin
20. What ia the main idea of the second paragraph
The main idea of the second paragraph is about the physical characteristics of the platypus."
Soal ini menanyakan ide pokok paragraf kedua pada teks tersebut.
Terjemahan paragraf kedua adalah "Platypus memiliki ekor datar dan kaki berselaput. Panjang tubuhnya 30 sampai 45 cm dan ditutupi dengan lapisan bulu yang tebal dan berbulu. Paruhnya mendeteksi mangsa dan mengaduk lumpur.
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