A Man Moves 2 Km Towards East

A Man Moves 2 Km Towards East

the sun moves from...to...a.south,eastb.west,eastc.east,westd.north,west​

Daftar Isi

1. the sun moves from...to...a.south,eastb.west,eastc.east,westd.north,west​


C. East to west


c. easr,west

sorry if wrong

2. west - The sun - from-to-moves - every day -east. Susunlah dengan benar​


The sun moves from east to west every day

semoga membantu

3. west-the-sun-from-to-moves-everyday-east susunlah kata kata nya​

The sun moves from east to the west everyday


The sun moves from east to west everyday


Semoga membantu:')

4. the train moves 150 km/hours .the planemoves 600 km/hours the train is...​

Jawaban: The plane faster then the train

Penjelasan: Translate: Pesawat lebih cepat dari kereta api

5. A 1000 kg car moving east at 5 m/s collides with a 2000 kg car moving east at 2 m/s. After the collision, the 2000 kg car moves east at 5 m/s. a. Determine the total momentum before collision. b. Find the final velocity and direction of the 1000 kg car.


The 1000 kg car is moving to the opposite of east, meaning it is going west.


6. Tulis pertanyaanmu di sini (pertanyaan simpel & jelas lebih cepat terjawab)a west-the jumled-from-to-moves-everyday-east

the jumled moves everyday from east to a west

7. 1. A car has mass 800 kg moves with initial velocity 36km/hours. How long car moves if after travels long 150.0 m, it’s velocity becomes 72 km/hours ?.

males ah pen pulang gk usah sekolah

Vo = 36 km/h >> 10m/s
Vt = 72 km/h >> 20m/s
s 150m

(I) a = ...?
(II) t = ...?

Vt² = Vo² + 2as
(20)² = (10)² + 2a . (150)
400 = 100 + 300a
300a = 300
a = 1 m/s²

Vt = Vo + at
20 = 10 + (1) .t
t = 20 - 10 = 10s

8. s 19. The sun moves from ... to ....a. south, eastb. west, eastc. east, westd. north, west20. A : "Is Kediri Regency in the east ofPacitan regency?"B:"..a. No, it isc. No, it doesb. Yes, it isd. Yes, it doesver!​


19. c

20. a

semoga membantu

19. C

20. A

maaf bila salah

9. arange the jumbled word below 1. west - the sun - from - to - moves - every day - east

every day the sun moves from east to (the) west the sun - moves - from - west - to - east - everyday

10. A motorcycle travels 20 km to the east, then 4 km to the north, then 10 km to the east and finally 20 km to the south. the current distance of the motor from its starting place is...

Jarak sepeda motor saat ini dari tempat awalnya adalah 10[tex]\sqrt{13}[/tex] = 36, 05 km. Untuk menjawab soal tersebut, gunakan Teorema Pythagoras, yaitu:

c² = a² + b²

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkahDiketahui: Sebuah sepeda motor menempuh jarak 20 km ke timur, kemudian 4 km ke utara, kemudian 10 km ke timur dan akhirnya 20 km ke selatan.Ditanya: Jarak sepeda motor saat ini dari tempat awalnya adalah?Jawab:

Langkah 1

Gunakan Teorema Pythagoras:

c² = a² + b²

Pada soal tersebut, sepeda motor menuju ke timur (20 km + 10 km) ⇒ a

Menuju ke arah selatan 20 km ⇒ b

Langkah 2

c² = (20 + 10)² + 20²

c² = 900 + 400

c² = 1.300

c = [tex]\sqrt{1.300}[/tex]

c = 10[tex]\sqrt{13}[/tex] = 36, 05 km

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang Teorema Pythagoras: https://brainly.co.id/tugas/51342210

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

11. A car moved 60 km east and 90 km west. What is the displacement?

displacement = 90 km - 60 km
= 30 km west

12. what is your opinion if the capital city moves to East Kalimantan?please jawab​


MY opinion if the capital is moved to East Kalimantan is that Jakarta will stay urban and East Kalimantan will become more populated. The same with Washington D.C. and New York. New York is still the most busy city while DC is the capital but less busy than New York.


13. The man had stayed here before my family ... here A. Move B. Moves C. Moved D. Moving E. Were moving

The man had stayed here before my family...............C. Moved............. Here

14. Your aunty hasil got married to a man she loves .They mereka when they wereng involved ini a medical mission ini the middle east.


Your Aunty has got married to a man she loves. They married when they were involved in a medical mission in the middle east =

Bibi mu baru menikah dengan seorang pria yang dia cintai. Mereka menikah ketika mereka terlibat dalam misi medis di Timur Tengah

15. the shipmoves 20 km/hour.cAr moves 70km/hour.the ship is........than car​


The ship is slower than car




compararive degree untuk membanding.jika kurang dari 3 suku kata kita tambahkan er di belakang adjective dan est utk kata paling.

16. . A boat travels at 2.0 m/s east towards a port, 2.2 km away. When the boat reaches the port, the passengers travel in a car due north for 15 minutes at 60 /h. The average speed in m/s is ​


me tidak mengerti


karna bahasa inggris

17. 19. The sun moves from ... to ....a. south, eastb. west, eastc. east, westd. north, west20. A: "Is Kediri Regency in the east ofPacitan regency?"B: "...a. No, it isc. No, it doesb. Yes, it isd. Yes, it does​


19. c

20. a

semoga membantu

18. A motorcycle moves with speed 18km/h in 10 minutes, after that it moves with speed 54 km/h in 30 minutes, and finally it moves with speed 72 km/h in 20 minutesDetermine:a. graph average speed (v-t)b. average of the car (in km/h)tolong bantuannya kak​


==> Kinematika <==

Sepeda motor bergerak dengan kecepatan 18 km / jam dalam 10 menit, setelah itu ia bergerak dengan kecepatan 54 km / jam dalam 30 menit, dan akhirnya ia bergerak dengan kecepatan 72 km / jam dalam 20 menit.


a. grafik kecepatan rata-rata (v-t)

b. rata-rata mobil (dalam km / jam)

A. Grafik

Ada di gambar

B. Rata rata kecepatan

☞ V1+V2+V3 / t1+t2+t3

=> 18+54+72 / 10+30+20

=> 144km/60menit

=> 144km/jam

19. A man takes 20 s to walk briskly due east for 10 m and then due west for 12 m. What are the average velocity of the man ? (Take due east to be the positive direction)​


diket : delta t = 20 s

s1 = 10 m (east)

s2 = 12 m (west)

dit : vavg= ?

jawab :

vavg = delta s / delta t

vavg = (s2 - s1) / delta t

vavg = (12-10) / 20

vavg = 2/20

vavg = 0,1 m/s


make it the best answer please


20. A man takes 20 s to walk briskly due east for 10 m and then due west for 12 m. What are the average velocity of the man ? (Take due east to be the positive direction)


diket : delta t = 20 s

s1 = 10 m (east)

s2 = 12 m (west)

dit : vavg= ?

jawab :

vavg = delta s / delta t

vavg = (s2 - s1) / delta t

vavg = (12-10) / 20

vavg = 2/20

vavg = 0,1 m/s


make it the best answer please


ya nggak tau kok banyak saya


cari di buku ‍

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