Which is the incorrect statement?
1. Which is the incorrect statement?
halo mana pertanyaan nya?where is the questioquestions
2. THE INCORRECT statement according to the text is
Arti dari kalimat "The incorrect statement according to the text is ..." adalah pernyataan yang kurang tepat berdasarkan teks tersebut adalah .... Karena soal tidka dilengkapi dengan pertanyaan, maka saya hanya bisa membantu menerjemahkan perintah soalnya.
PembahasanContoh soal yang berhubungan dengan pertanyaan di atas adalah
Dаvid аnd Victoriа Beckhаm hаve four children: sons Brooklyn Joseph (born on 4 Mаrch 1999 аt Portlаnd Hospitаl. London), Romeo Jаmes (born on 1 September 2002 аt Portlаnd Hospitаl, London), Cruz Dаvid (born on 20 Februаry 2005 аt Rube Internаtionаl Hospitаl, Mаdrid), аnd dаughter Hаrper Seven (born on 10 July 2011 аt Cedаrs-Sinаi Medicаl Center, Los Аngeles). Elton John is godfаther to Brooklyn аnd Romeo Beckhаm; their godmother is Elizаbeth Hurley. Beckhаm's three sons hаve аll plаyed footbаll in the Аrsenаl Аcаdemy. Like their fаther, Brooklyn аnd Romeo hаve both done modelling work аnd been nаmed аmong GQ's best dressed British men. Brooklyn previously plаyed footbаll for Аrsenаl U16, but wаs releаsed аt the end of the 2014-15 seаson.
Аccording to the text, the incorrect stаtement is ....
a. Dаvid аnd Victoriа Beckhаm аre husbаnd аnd wife.
b. Victoriа Beckhаm is Brooklyn Joseph's mother.
c. Romeo Jаmes аnd Cruz Dаvid аre brothers.
d. Hаrper Seven is Brooklyn Joseph's sister.
Answer: There is no incorrect statement according to the text.
Pelajari Lebih LanjutMateri tentang contoh soal dengan perintah yang sama pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/35463076
3. The following statements are incorrect, except ....
tidak ada soal? jhony jhony yes papa
4. Stomata are open when the air is saturated. BECAUSE Water enters into the guard cell by osmosis. The answer is... (A) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, and both show a cause and effect relationship. (B) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship. (C) If the statement is correct and the reason is incorrect. (D) If the statement is incorrect and the reason is correct. (E) If the statement and the reason are both incorrect.
B. If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship
maaf kalau salah:)
5. change the incorrect verbs in the following cleaning instuction with the correct one, example : enter the door
please, enter the door
6. At maximum total product, the marginal product equals to zero. BECAUSE Marginal product always diminishes as output increases. The answer is... (A) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, and both show a cause and effect relationship. (B) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship. (C) If the statement is correct and the reason is incorrect. (D) If the statement is incorrect and the reason is correct. (E) If the statement and the reason are both incorrect.
A) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, and both show a cause and effect relationship.
At maximum total product, the marginal product equals to zero.
Marginal product always diminishes as output increases.
7. Complete the following statement with the suitable words from the box read the statement in turns
=> "Lengkapi pernyataan berikut dengan kata-kata yang sesuai dari kotak baca pernyataan secara bergiliran"
Smoga membantu^^
8. Protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells occurs in the ribosome. BECAUSE Ribosomes can be found in prokaryotic cells. The answer is... (A) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, and both show a cause and effect relationship. (B) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship. (C) If the statement is correct and the reason is incorrect. (D) If the statement is incorrect and the reason is correct. (E) If the statement and the reason are both incorrect.
the statement is correct because protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells occurs in the ribosome is true.
but the reason is incorrect because ribosomes can be found in eukaryotic cells
9. is the statement correct They have watched the movie 3 times.correctincorrect
semoga membantu
10. If the producers increase car price, ceteris paribus, the producers’ revenue will increase. BECAUSE Car demand has demand elasticity greater than one. The answer is... (A) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, and both show a cause and effect relationship. (B) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship. (C) If the statement is correct and the reason is incorrect. (D) If the statement is incorrect and the reason is correct. (E) If the statement and the reason are both incorrect.
If the producers increase car price, ceteris paribus, the producers’ revenue will increase.
Car demand has demand elasticity greater than one.
The answer is...
(A) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, and both show a cause and effect relationship.
(B) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship.
(C) If the statement is correct and the reason is incorrect.
(D) If the statement is incorrect and the reason is correct.
(E) If the statement and the reason are both incorrect.
Jika produsen menaikkan harga mobil, ceteris paribus, pendapatan produsen akan meningkat.
Permintaan mobil memiliki elastisitas permintaan yang lebih besar dari satu.
Jawabannya adalah...
(A) Jika pernyataan itu benar, alasannya benar, dan keduanya menunjukkan hubungan sebab dan akibat.
(B) Jika pernyataan itu benar, alasannya benar, tetapi keduanya tidak menunjukkan hubungan sebab dan akibat.
(C) Jika pernyataan itu benar dan alasannya salah.
(D) Jika pernyataan itu salah dan alasannya benar.
(E) Jika pernyataan dan alasannya sama-sama salah.
(A) Jika pernyataan itu benar, alasannya benar, dan keduanya menunjukkan hubungan sebab dan akibat.(A) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, and both show a cause and effect relationship.11. Ecdison hormone plays an important role in the growth of insects. BECAUSE The hormone serves to stop the molting process. The answer is... (A) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, and both show a cause and effect relationship. (B) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship. (C) If the statement is correct and the reason is incorrect. (D) If the statement is incorrect and the reason is correct. (E) If the statement and the reason are both incorrect.
The answer:
(A) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, and both show a cause and effect relationship.
(A) Jika pernyataan itu benar, alasannya benar, dan keduanya menunjukkan hubungan sebab dan akibat.
Ecdysone hormone plays an important role in the growth of insects. BECAUSE The hormone serves to stop the molting process. The answer is...
Hormon Ecdysone berperan penting dalam pertumbuhan serangga. KARENA Hormon ini berfungsi untuk menghentikan proses molting. Jawabannya adalah...
Sorry if my answer isn't right or wrong Jawaban: pernyataan mana di bawah ini yang tidak benar menurut teks Penjelasan: jika artikan ini artinya, jika soalnya dimana soalnya?? Jawaban: A) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, and both show a cause and effect relationship. Penjelasan: because what is stated in the puzzle matches the statement and both sentences show cause and effect, why? because dikalimat shows the relationship of natural phenomena that occur in other countries but does not occur in the country of Indonesia, because the country of Indonesia does not have that kind of climate Penjelasan: the following responsed that is incorrect is (artinya adalah : jawaban berikut ini yang salah adalah) Jawaban the following responsed that is incorrect dalam bahasa indonesia (jawaban berikut ini tidak benar Penjelasan: setahu saya begitu jawabannya maaf kalo saya salah Jawaban: IC Penjelasan: Artnya:seorang janitor menyirami tanaman sekolah. Secara logika itu tidak mungkin. semoga membantu dan tolong kasih jawaban saya sebagai jawaban tercerdas >.< Jawaban: A. If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, and both show a cause and effect relationship. Penjelasan: Hal tersebut bisa dijelaskan dalam geografi, yaitu tentang perubahan arah angin. Jawaban: True Penjelasan: Soalnya mana kak? 12. Urethra in men is only to drain urine. BECAUSE Urethra begins from the bladder. The answer is... (A) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, and both show a cause and effect relationship. (B) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship. (C) If the statement is correct and the reason is incorrect. (D) If the statement is incorrect and the reason is correct. (E) If the statement and the reason are both incorrect.
Urethra in men is only to drain urine.BECAUSEUrethra begins from the bladder.The answer is...(A) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, and both show a cause and effect relationship.(B) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship.(C) If the statement is correct and the reason is incorrect.(D) If the statement is incorrect and the reason is correct. (E) If the statement and the reason are both incorrect.Uretra pada pria hanya untuk mengalirkan air seni.KARENAUretra dimulai dari kandung kemih.Jawabannya adalah...(A) Jika pernyataan itu benar, alasannya benar, dan keduanya menunjukkan hubungan sebab dan akibat.(B) Jika pernyataan itu benar, alasannya benar, tetapi keduanya tidak menunjukkan hubungan sebab dan akibat.(C) Jika pernyataan itu benar dan alasannya salah.(D) Jika pernyataan itu salah dan alasannya benar.(E) Jika pernyataan dan alasannya sama-sama salah.(B) Jika pernyataan itu benar, alasannya benar, tetapi keduanya tidak menunjukkan hubungan sebab dan akibat.(B) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship. 13. Which statement below is incorrect according to the text
14. Haiyan cyclon hitting the Philippines did not hit Indonesia. BECAUSE Haiyan cyclon is not a tropical cyclone phenomenon. The answer is... (A) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, and both show a cause and effect relationship. (B) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship. (C) If the statement is correct and the reason is incorrect. (D) If the statement is incorrect and the reason is correct. (E) If the statement and the reason are both incorrect.
15. the following responsed that is incorrect is bahasa Indonesia
16. II. Write C if the statement is correct, or IC if it is incorrect, then revisethe incorrect statements.1. A janitor waters the school garden.(....)
17. When it is winter in Australia, it is dry season in Indonesia. BECAUSE In Australia, Christmas is not celebrated in winter. The answer is... (A) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, and both show a cause and effect relationship. (B) If the statement is correct, the reason is correct, but both do not show a cause and effect relationship. (C) If the statement is correct and the reason is incorrect. (D) If the statement is incorrect and the reason is correct. (E) If the statement and the reason are both incorrect.
18. The following statement are untrue/true
19. Complete the following statement with the suitable words from the box read the statement in turn
Lengkapi pernyataan berikut dengan kata yang sesuai dari kotak. Baca pernyataan secara bergiliran. 20. which of the following statement is irrelevant to the text
Soalnya tidak kentara ?? bisa di perjelas
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