Express regret about the past: Jacob regrets that he bought that car.a.Jacob wishes he didn't buy that car.b.Jacob wishes he hadn't bought that car.c.Jacob wouldn't buy that car.d.Jacob wouldn't have bought that car.e.Jacob would bought that car
1. Express regret about the past: Jacob regrets that he bought that car.a.Jacob wishes he didn't buy that car.b.Jacob wishes he hadn't bought that car.c.Jacob wouldn't buy that car.d.Jacob wouldn't have bought that car.e.Jacob would bought that car
b. Jacob wishes he hadn't bought that car
2. Mr. Smith has bought a new car for his jon
Mr Smith telah membeli mobil untuk pekerjaannya?
3. you father has just bought a car she asked for your opinion about the car
I love the car! The color of the car is the same as my favorite color. The car has three rows of seat so that means I can invite all my friends for a car ride and they'll all fit. It's engines are amazing and I'm sure I can go fast with it for years. The seat is comfortable too -- even at the back. The one downside of this car is that it has little space for the garage due most of it being taken by the backseat.
hope that helps :D
4. Which sentence is correct?a) Was Darren bought a car?b) Did Darren bought a car?c) Did Darren buy a car?
jawabannya c. Did Darren buy a car?
b) Did darren bought a car?
maaf kalau salah
5. (+) ………………………………………………………… (-) They have bought a new car. (?) ……………………………………………………………
kalimat positif (+) adalah kalimat yang tidak mengandung kata negatif (not, no)
kalimat negatif (-) adalah kalimat yang mengandung kata negatif (not, no)
kalimat interogatif (?) adalah kalimat tanya
jawab :
(+) they have bought a new car
(-) they have not bought a new car
(?) have they bought a new car?
6. Peter has bought a New car
Peter telah membeli sebuah mobil baru
7. mr.morris has bought a car is a BMW
Mr. Morris has bought a car. HIS new car is a BMW
8. 1. John bought a car last year for$ 8000. In the sam e year , he sold car for $ 7500. Did he make a profit or a lost ? Explain !2. Vita bought car ( Toyata ) for 10.000 in 2010 , in 2011 he purchased a car ( Honda ) . Toyota & Honda for $ 10250 & How many % did he make profit ?3. Ali bought motorcyle for $ 1200 , Then he sold for $ 1550 , How many % did he lost ?Tolong Jawab nomoe ini , pakai cara !!!!!
ini jawaban lengkapnya ya
9. soal coba kamu terjemahkan dalam bahasa IndonesiaJonson's mother bought a car for her son named Jonson and he used the car for
Ibu jonson memberikan sebuah mobil untuk anak lelaki nya yang bernama Jonson, dan dia menggunakan mobilnya untuk..
Ibu Jonson membeli mobil untuk putranya yang bernama Jonson dan dia menggunakan mobil itu untuk.
10. a. when l arrive.she....readyb. he had.....up for five years before he bought a car
a. when l arrive.she is ready
b. he had is up for five years before he bought a car
11. Andrian just bought a used car . ....... car has manual locks
The car has manual locks
12. Mr. Bram bought a new car. The correct sentence pattern for the text above is?
Subject + Verb 2 + Object
Kalimat di atas menggunakan Past Simple Tense.
Past Simple Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi pada masa lalu.
Dalam kalimat positif, Past Simple Tense menggunakan Verb 2 sebagai kata kerja.
Dalam semua subject, Past Simple Tense menggunakan to be yang sama, yaitu did.
Adapun rumus dari kalimat Past Simple Tense, yaitu:
(+) Subject + Verb 2 + Object (+ Adverb)
(-) Subject + "didn't"/"did not" + Verb 1 + Object (+ Adverb)
(?) "Did" + Subject + Verb 1 + Object (+ Adverb)
Note : Adverb adalah keterangan waktu.
I hope this helpsSemoga membantu13. Andrian just bought a used car. … car has manual locks
jadikan yg terbaik
14. 'we've bought a new car the told me they......a new car
They havebought a new car
15. Sutowo was a .... A. Car-buying expert B. Car-bought expert C. Buying-car expert D. Bought-car expert Tolong dikasih penjelasannya yaa...
was itu bentuk lampau, oleh karena itu kita menggunakan kata kerja ketiga
dan gunakan s-p-o-k
subjek = Sutowo
predikat = was a bought
objek = car
ket = expert
16. Kurniawan just bought a used car.......... Car has manual locks.
Jawabannya: the. Kalo salah maaf ya
17. bikin dialog 4 baris tentang you father has just bought a car she asked for your opinion about the car
daugther: dad did you just buy a new cardad : yes,so how is the car? daugther: i think the car look is nicefather : well then,i make the right choice18. (+) ………………………………………………………… (-) They have bought a new car. (?) ……………………………………………………………
(+)They have bought a new car
(-) They have not bought a new car
(?) Have they bought a new car?
Ini adalah kalimat present perfect tense
Tense ini dipakai untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang pada titik saat ini (saat pembicara mengucapkan kalimat ini), sesuatu telah tuntas/selesai.
"They have bought a car" berarti, pada saat kalimat ini diucapkan, maka tindakan membeli mobil baru itu sudah terjadi. (mobilnya sudah dibeli)
Present perfect tense menggunakan truktur kalimat:
(+) subjek + have/has + verb 3 (past participle) + objek/keterangan dst
(-) subjek + have not/has not (sering disingkat haven't / hasn't) + verb 3 (past participle) + objek/keterangan dst
(?) Have/has + subjek + verb 3 (past participle) + objek/keterangan dst?
Kata "have/has" ini meskipun sama dengan verb yang artinya "mempunyai", tapi di sini dia berfungsi sebagai auxiliaryyang membantu verb kalimat untuk menandakan dia sebagai verb yang prefect (tuntas/selesai)
Jadi dalam kalimat perfect tense, have/has ini tidak berarti "mempunyai" tapi dia selalu dilanjutkan dengan verb dan auxiliary ini menandakan ini adalah kalimat perfect tense.
The have bought a new car.
Di sini auxiliary have dilanjutkan dengan verb bought (dari buy, artinya membeli.
Verb dalam kalimat perfect tense selalu dalam bentuk past participle (disebut verb -3)
bought adalah verb 3 dari buy
Jadi dengan penggunaan auxiliary have/has yang langsung dilanjutkan dengan verb-3, orang tidak akan salah anggap bahwa have di sini adalah kata yang berarti "mempunyai"
Cotntoh lain:
I have seen the movie (saya sudah menonton film itu)
seen adalah verb3 dari see
He hasstolen my money (dia sudah mencuri uang saya)
has di sana dipakai karena subjek kalimatnya He
stolen adalah verb 3 dari steal
Semoga bermanfaat
19. Choose the correct verb for each 'indirect sentence "we've bought a new car."They told me they ..... a new car.
Pilih kata kerja yang benar untuk setiap 'kalimat tidak langsung "kami telah membeli mobil baru." Mereka mengatakan kepada saya bahwa mereka ..... mobil baru.
Choose the correct verb for each 'indirect sentence "we've bought a new car."They told me they have a new car.
20. * So you bought a car,____?
jawaban :
jadi kamu beli mobil?
penjelasan :
*#follow Ig ku NKkarina9*
So you bought a car, did you?
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