A Man Sold 250 Chairs

A Man Sold 250 Chairs

Uncle Ben sold [metal – garden – dirty – old – five] chairs to a collector

Daftar Isi

1. Uncle Ben sold [metal – garden – dirty – old – five] chairs to a collector


uncle ben sold five old dirty garden metal chairs to a collector


uncle ben sold five old dirty garden metal chairs to a collector


maaf kalau salah ya

2. Kata kerja The man sold his house last week


Kata kerja = sold

Laki laki itu menjual rumahnya minggu lalu

Kata kerja = menjual <=> kata kerja = sold

Maaf kalau salah

3. She sold the...chairs at a yard sale.a. old woodenb. wooden oldc. an old fatd. a fat old​


a. old wooden


old wooden artinya kayu yang sudah tua. jadi,pada penjualan akhir tahun dia menghabiskan dulu kursi dengan kayu yang sudah tua karena kalau dibiarkan lama akan menjadi lapuk.

4. ManWhy didn't you sell your car tome?Woman : If I had sold my car to you, youwould have bargained it.What can we learn from the dialogue?A. The woman sold the car to the man.B. The woman didn't sell her car.C.The woman bargained the car for theman.D.The man didn't buy the woman's car.E.The man bargained the woman's car.​

D. The man didnt buy the womans car


D. The man didn't buy the woman's car.

5. Active or Passive23. My car ... for 200 million rupiahs.A. was soldB. had soldC. have soldD. having soldE. have been sold​


jawabannya sebenarnya bisa a atau d.

a. was sold ( telah terjual )

d. have beeb sold ( telah dijual )

silahkan dipilih salah satunya.


A. was sold


maaf kalo salah

6. mr. jack takes a ....... (chair/chairs)​

Sekoga membantu




Mr. jack takes a chairs

7. Battery operated reading lamps ..... very well right now A. Sale B. Sold C. Are being sold D. Were sold

C. Are being sold

semoga  membantu

8. Anwar's car ... three months ago. A. is sold B. Was sold C. Has been sold D. Had been sold E. Will be sold

The Anwar's car was sold three months ago

9. u.B. Join these pair sentences, using relative clause!1. my little sister knows that man, the man sold you the shoes.J!​


my little sister knows that man who sold you the shoes


kita gunain kata "who" sebagai relative clause di kalimat tersebut. karena who digunakan jika kata yang ingin diganti merujuk ke manusia, kaya di kalimat kamu "man". kalau untuk hewan/benda bisa gunain "which".

i hope it helps you!

10. The notebook ...yesterday.A. sellB. soldC. was soldD. is sold​

Jawaban:B.SoldArtinya Terjual

Semoga Membantu !


c.was sold



'buku tulis sudah terjual kemarin'

pakai was sebagai kata bantu

11. The man ……… the chairs now: * a. Was counting b. Is counting c. Has just counted d. Will count e. Is count


jawabannya b. Is counting

12. change into reported speech the man said to me ,"i have sold all my cars i dont need it​

The man said to me that he had sold all his cars (because) he didn't need that (anymore).

Harusnya didn't need them/those anymore.

the man told me that he had have sold all of his cars that he didnt need

13. They____all the dresses before we___there A. Had sold, are getting B. Will have sold, got C. Sold, had got D. Are selling, get E. Had sold, got

E. Had sold, got

Karena, rumusnya adalah :
Past Perfect Before Simple Past
B. Will have sold, got.

14. Mela : Why do you prefer Surya Department store to others? Noni : Because the items ____ at a reasonable price. a.had been sold b. are sold c.was sold d.were sold e. is sold

Mela : Why do you prefer Surya Department store to others?

Noni : Because the items b. are sold at a reasonable price.

Pertanyaan diatas menggunakan passive voice. Rumus passive voice adalah auxiliary + V3. Jawaban yang tepat adalah are sold karena kejadian tersebut terjadi pada masa kini (present) dan auxiliary yang tepat digunakan untuk object "the items" (plural) adalah are.

Berikut penjelasan mengenai passive voice.


Kalimat pasif (passive voice) adalah lawan dari kalimat aktif. Pada kalimat aktif, hal yang menjadi fokus utama ialah subjek atau pelaku dari suatu tindakan, sedangkan kalimat pasif memberi penekanan pada objek yang dikenai tindakan.

Rumus Passive Voice

Secara garis besar, rumus passive voice ialah auxiliary (am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been) + past participle (V3)

Namun, penggunaannya jharus disesuaikan dengan tenses, berikut beberapa diantaranya.

Simple present tense: O + auxiliary (am, is, are) + V3

Contoh: the coffee is drunk

Simple past tense: O + auxiliary (was, were) + V3

Contoh: the movie was released yesterday

Simple future tense: O + auxiliary (was, were) + V3

Contoh: This subject will be taught by Mrs. White

Semoga membantu.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang passive voice https://brainly.co.id/tugas/2369292

Contoh kalimat passive voice



Detil Jawaban

Kelas: XI

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Grammar

Kode Kategori: 11.5.3


15. the painting...three days agoA. is soldB. was soldC. is being soldD. has been soldE. will be sold​

D.Has been sold

Karena Past tense

                                   (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

16. How many chairs in the picture? ... six chairs. *


6 chairs


*Its six chair*

Penjelasan: It digunakan untuk kata benda mati ex: kursi meja dan lemari

Semoga membantu untuk kalian semua ya...❤️❤️❤️

Tolong jadikan jawaban terbaik ya ( gak maksa kok ^v^ )

17. Arman made 8 chairs a a cost of IDR 40,000/ piece. When they were sold, all of them were selling for IDR 60,000/piece. Arman's profit is ... A. 25% C. 50% B. 15% D. 75%



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Banyak kursi = 8

modal kursi = 40.000/kursi

Modal Keseluruhan = 8*40.000=320.000

harga Jual = 60.000/kursi

Harga Jual keseluruhan = 8*60.000=480.000

Keuntungan = harga jual keseluruhan-Modal keseluruhan

                    = 480.000-320.000=160.000

dalam % maka : (keuntungan/Modal keseluruhan)*100%

                        : 160.000/320.000  *100%

                        : 50%

Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

18. this man is skilful at making chairs and tables tolong dijawab y kakak dan abang nya ​

Pria ini ahli membuat kursi dan meja


Ini artinyaa ya semoga membantu:)

19. tolong jawabAt Beringharjo market, medicinal herbs and Jogja's trademark handy craftsA. were soldB. have been soldc. are soldD. have soldE. will be sold​


jawabanya adalah are sold

20. The passive voice of: ‘she has been counting the chairs’ is …. a. The chairs have been being counted b. The chairs have been counted c. The chairs had been being counted d The chairs had been counted e. Uncommon ini apa yaa?


a.The chairs have been being counted

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