Mary bought 2 vanguard sheets each measuring 70 cm by 90 cm. She cut out squam of identical size from the vanguard sheets such that there was no wastage. (a) What is the largest possible length of the side of each square card she cut out? (b) What is the total number of square cards she cut out such that there was no wastage?
1. Mary bought 2 vanguard sheets each measuring 70 cm by 90 cm. She cut out squam of identical size from the vanguard sheets such that there was no wastage. (a) What is the largest possible length of the side of each square card she cut out? (b) What is the total number of square cards she cut out such that there was no wastage?
|70 - x| = 90
x = 90 + 70
x = 160 cm
2. Apa arti meaning of life?
Pengertian hidup atau makna hidup
Meaning of life = Arti dari kehidupan
3. Ceritakan dengan singkat informasi yg dapat kamu ambil dari tayangan tersebut.. Isi ringkasan harus memuat: Penjelasan tentang food wastage/ sampah sisa makanan Dampak negatifnya jika tidak food watase/ sampah sisa makanan tidak ditanggulangi Usaha untuk mengelola/ mengatasi food wastage/ sisa makanan
hitunglah keliling lingkaran berikut
4. what is the meaning of time and evidence
• The meaning of proof is something that states the truth of an event, real information, signs
• The meaning of time is the whole series of moments when a process, action, or situation exists or takes place, no one knows what will happen in the future
Semoga bermanfaat ya
5. life is a piace of cake."idiom "piece of cake "means
The saying "a piece of cake" means something that's simple to accomplish. ... Something that's a piece of cake is as easy as eating a delicious piece of cake would be. The Americanism cakewalk, used to mean "something easy," came first, in the 1860's — piece of cake wasn't used until around 1936.
maaf kalau salah
6. What is the meaning of past time
past time : waktu/kejadian yang sudah lewat/lampau
7. what is the meaning of life?
life is a place that requires a space as a living being entitled like humans and animals
sorry if wrong
It depends According to whom
Tergantung menurut siapa
Maaf kalo salah
8. What is the true meaning of life???
the meaning of life is a philosophical and spiritual problem related to the primacy of life or existence in general.
arti:makna hidup adalah masalah filosofis dan spiritual yang terkait dengan keutamaan hidup atau keberadaan secara umum.
||semoga membantu||
9. find the meaning of time expression
temukan arti dari ekspresi waktu.Tentukan arti dari ekspresi waktu
10. The meaning of the proverbs friends are flowers in the garden of life
Subject: English
Category: Proverbs
Sub Category: Proverb Meaning
Friends are flowers in the garden of life
Friends are special, thy are more special when they gets older (friendship). You can not replaced them by something. What if friends are like stars, you don't always to see them, but you know they are there for you. Friends listen to what you say, and best friends listen to what you don't say.
Good Luck
11. What is the meaning of life
life adalah kehidupan
jadikan jawaban terbaik ya :)
what is the meaning of life = apa arti / maksud dari kehidupan ?
12. what is the meaning of mass? what is the meaning of time? what is the meaning of temperature? jawab yaa^^
massa adalah hasil pembagian antara berat Benda dan gravitasinya. waktu adalah besaran pokok yang menjurus pada berapa lama periods yang dibutuhkan suatu Benda untuk melakukan suatu hal tertentu. temperature adalah suatu besaran pokok pengukuran suhu
13. What is the thene of the song the time of my life
Apa tema lagu itu dalam hidup saya
14. 1.meaning of expensive 2.meaning of ban 3.meaning of bear 4.meaning of spiky 5.meaning of husk 6.meaning of thorns 7.meaning of flesh 8.meaning of ripe 9.meaning of juicy 10.meaning of jam
1. mahal
2. melarang
3. beruang
4. runcing
5. sekam
6. duri
7. daging
8. matang
9. berair
10. selai
semoga membantu... :)
15. Can you please tell me the meaning of life
bisakah kau memberi tahu saya arti hidup?
16. whats the meaning of life universe and everything
Life that involves all the living things that live in the universe and whatever that has to do with the rest of the universe and its journey
17. adverbs of time and meaning
yesterday = kemarin
last night = tadi malam
last week = minggu lalu
last month = bulan lalu
last year = tahun lalu
now = sekarang
today = hari ini
later = nanti
tommorow = besok
Today=Hari ini
now sekarang
18. what is the meaning of life?
life is struggle not destination
what is the meaning of life?
apa arti hidup?
-Life is a feature that distinguishes physical objects that have biological processes from physical objects that do not, either because those functions have ceased or because they never had that function and are classified as inanimate.
-Kehidupan adalah ciri yang membedakan objek fisik yang memiliki proses biologis dengan objek fisik yang tidak memilikinya, baik karena fungsi-fungsi tersebut telah berhenti atau karena mereka tidak pernah memiliki fungsi tersebut dan diklasifikasikan sebagai benda mati.
19. what is the meaning of life???
bagaimana cara kamu hidup dan apa yang dapat kamu lakukan bagi orang lainartinya: apa arti hidup
20. meaning of additional of time *pake bahasa inggris ya kak
additional period (stoppage time) or extra game time at the end of a half in association sports game
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