Today is November 25th 2021 * The twenty fifth of November two thousand and twenty one The twenty five of November two thousand and twenty one The twenty fifth of November two thousand and twenty first The twenty five of November two thousand and twenty first
1. Today is November 25th 2021 * The twenty fifth of November two thousand and twenty one The twenty five of November two thousand and twenty one The twenty fifth of November two thousand and twenty first The twenty five of November two thousand and twenty first
The Twenty fifth of November two thousand an twenty
2. it is Monday December the twenty first two thousand and nine
Hari Senin, 21 Desember 2009
3. 19. April, 22nd 2001a. It is April the twenty second, twothousand and oneb. It is April the twenty first twothousand and onec. It is April the twenty third,twothousand and one
A. It is April the twenty second two thoudands and one
4. The twenty first of april is kartini's day translate
The twenty first of april is Kartini's day
(21 April adalah hari Kartini)
"The" dalam kalimat tersebut berfungsi untuk menegaskan makna "Twenty first"
"Twenty first of April" berarti tanggal 21 April, penggunaan "twenty first" khusus untuk penanggalan saja
"Kartini's Day" berarti hari Kartini, penggunaan 's salam kalimat tersebut menunjukkan kemilikan jadi "Kartini's Day" mengandung arti "Harinya Kartini"
jadi "The twenty first of april is Kartini's day" dalam bahasa Indonesia memiliki arti sebagai berikut "21 April adalah hari Kartini"
Terima kasih
5. The ordinal number after twenty first is ...
Twenty Second
Twenty Third
Twenty Fourth
Twenty Fifth
Twenty Sixth
and so on
Smoga membantu dan bisa jadi jawaban terpintar ^-^
The ordinal number after twenty first is Twenty-second
Hopeithelps(◍•ᴗ•◍)6. 3 1. What is the second from the left ?2. What is the third from the right3. What is the fifth from the left ?4. want is the firth from the right ?5. Wahit is the seventh from the left?
1. Apa yang kedua dari kiri?
2. Apa yang ketiga dari kanan
3. Apa yang kelima dari kiri?
4. inginkan adalah yang keempat dari kanan?
5. Apa yang ketujuh dari kiri?
7. a.25. The Mother's day is celebrated in ....December the twenty-firstb. December the twenty-secondDecember the twenty fifthd. December the twenty-sixthC.
b. December the twenty-second
8. Sista is the right side from me but sari is the left side from me. I am...........Sista and Sari. bantu jawab dong!!
I am in the middle of Sista and Sari
aku berada di tengah Sista dan Sari
the middle of
semoga membantu
kalok salah maaf ya
9. -bring the broad end across the front from right lo left
1. Extend the broad end 1.5 inch longer than the thin end
2. Bring the broad end across the front from right to left
3. Bring the broad end up through the loop
4. Cross the broad end over the thin end
5. Bring the broad end down through the knot in front. tighten the knot carefully and draw it up towards the collar
6. Pull the broad end underneath the thin end and to the right, back through the loop and to the right again so that the broad end is inside out
1. Biarkan memanjang ujung lebar 1,5 inci lebih panjang dari ujung yang tipis/pendek.
2. Ambil ujung yang lebar ke depan dari kanan ke kiri.
3. Ambil ujung yang lebar ke atas melalui simpul.
4. Silangkan ujung yang lebar ke ujung yang tipis/pendek.
5. Turunkan ujung yang lebar melalui simpul di depan. Kencangkan simpul dengan hati-hati dan tarik ke arah kerah.
6. Tarik ujung yang lebar di bawah ujung yang tipis/pendek dan ke arah kanan, kembali melalui simpul dan ke kanan lagi sehingga ujung yang lebar berada terbalik.
Pelajari lebih lanjut materi tentang Arranging The Jumbled Sentences pada
Kata kunci: arrange sentences, steps
10. 1. What is the second from the left2. What is the third from the right?3. What is the Fifth from the left ?34. want is the fifth from the right ?5. Want is the seventh from the left
maksud dari pertanyaan2 berikut bagaimana yaa???
11. 3. the twenty first -is - Kartini Day - AprilAnswer:........
The twenty first April is Kartini Day.
- 21 April adalah Hari Kartini.
12. 7. See the picture!December21How do you read the date?It is ....A. the twenty one December, two thousand and thirteenB. the twenty first December, two thousand and thirtyC. December, the twenty first two thousand and thirteenD. December, the twnety one, two thousand and thirty
C. December, the twenty first two thousand and thirteen
13. How do you read the date?A. the twenty one December, two thousand and thirteenB. the twenty first December, two thousand and thirtyC. December, the twenty first, two thousand and thirteenD. December,the twenty one, two thousand and thirty
B. the twenty first December, two thousand and thirty
karena pembacaan tanggal dalam bahasa inggris dilakukan dalam first, second, etc
14. Ordinal number of 21 is …Twenty firstTwenty oneTwentiethTwo and one
twenty first
ordinal number of 21 is twenty one
15. 23. Sista is the right side from me but Sari is the left side from me. I am ......... Sista and Sari
Between itu artinya "Diantara"
yang bukan berarti Diantara dilema cinta kita eaa
16. April 21st=..... a.april twenty first b.the twenty first aprli c.april the twety first d.the aprli twenty first
April the twenty first
17. fifty plus twenty is seventy. what does the sentence mean? a.fiftty subtracted from twenty equals seventy b.fifty minus twenty is seventy c.if you add fifty and twenty, yoy get seventy d.seventy plus twenty is fifty
C. if you add fifty and twenty, you get seventy
semoga membantu ya
18. . 14 Juni 2020 in English *It is on June the fourteenthIt is on June the fourtentIt is on Juni the fourteenthIt is on June the fourteent 21 Maret 2020 in English *It is on March the twenty secondIt is on March the twenty sekondIt is on Marhc the twenty firstIt is on March the twenty first
1. A. It is on June the fourteenth.
2. D. It is on March the twenty first.
19. What is the second from the left
pertanyaan : apa yang kedua dari kiri?
Right ( kanan)
Semoga membantu, maaf kalau salah:)
20. April 21st=..... a.april twenty first b.the twenty first aprli c.april the twety first d.the aprli twenty first
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