Identify x and y in the pictured triangle. *1 point
1. Identify x and y in the pictured triangle. *1 point
X adalah tinggi segitiga
Y adalah alas segitiga
X its the height
Y its the base
Jadi jawabannya
C atau pilihan ke 3
x is the height and y is the base
Terjemahan :
Height = Tinggi
Base = Alas
Semoga membantu
2. in each of the following sentences underline and identify the subject and the predicate
a. flowers(s) withered(p)
b. barbara(s) was stung(p)
c. dog(s) leaped(p)
d. jonh and i(s) were (p)
e. iron fence(s) surrounded(p)
f. the door(s) the shed....(p)
g .i(s) had.(p)
h.the boy(s) shot(p)
i. the man and.....(s) were killed(p)
j.the tree(s) grew(p)
3. Read the following text, and identify the pronoun stated in the tex
Jawaban yang benar adalah "I, They, She".
Soal ini meminta untuk mengidentifikasi kata ganti subjek yang ada di dalam teks.
Kata ganti subjek atau subject pronoun adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan kata benda yang berkedudukan sebagai subjek.
Kata ganti yang termasuk ke dalam subjek pronoun adalah I, You, They, We, He, She, It.
Beberapa contoh kata ganti subjek.pada teks yaitu:
- Charles and Rose Webber are my grandfather and grandmother. They are my mother's parents.
Kata ganti subjek yang terdapat pada kalimat tersebut adalah "They". Kata ganti tersebut digunakan untuk menggantikan noun "Charles and Rose Webber".
- Uncle Johnny's wife is my aunt. Her name is Beth Webber. They have a daughter, Lauren.
Kata ganti subjek yang terdapat pada kalimat tersebut adalah "They". Kata ganti tersebut digunakan untuk menggantikan noun "Uncle Johny and Beth Webber".
- They have a daughter, Lauren. She is my cousin.
Kata ganti subjek "she" menggantikan kata benda "Lauren".
Dengan demikian, kata ganti subjek yang terdapat pada teks adalah sebagaimana yang telah disebutkan di atas.
Penjelasan: semoga Membantu. Thanks
4. identify the adverb clauses in the following sentences and tell the kind of each adverb clause
1. tanaman akan tumbuh bila hujan turun terus-menerus
2.tanah ini cocok untuk tanaman yg tumbuh karena itu akan subur
3. pohon itu teduh, untuk beberapa waktu petani akan beristirahat dibawahnya
4.jangan menganggu dia, apapun yg dia lakukan
5.sangat deras hujan turun, sungai itu akan menyebabkan banjir
6. pohon akan tumbuh dimana mereka ditanam
7.setiap yg terjadi, pasti telah diharapkan
8. pemerintah bertanya kepada petani beras, untuk segera menanam beras, karena disana stok nya tidak cukup
9. irlandia terkenal dengan perkebunan kentang. namun dimusnahkan oleh org tdk tanggung jawab
10. tanaman itu menghancurkan tanaman lain, jika mereka tdk membunuh lagi
11. buah-buahan akan cepat membusuk karena ,terdiri dari banyak air
12.banyak gula yg dimasukkan ke dalam jus,sebagai perasa nyaSubject : English
Category : Adverbial Clause
An adverbial clause is a subordinate clause that functions as an adverb. It means that an adverbial clause modifies an adjective, a verb or verb phrase, or other adverb.
Answers :
8. adverb clause of condition
9. adverb clause of reason
10. adverb clause of reason/cause and effect
11. adverb clause of condition
12. adverb clause of comparison degree
13. adverb clause of cause and effect
14. adverb clause of place
15. adverb clause of manner
16. adverb clause of time
17. adverb clause of time
18. adverb clause of condition
19. adverb clause of reason/cause and effect
20. adverb clause of concession
5. identify the following expressions and give a tick in correct boxes
identifikasi ekspresi berikut dan beri tanda centang pada kotak yang benar
Semiga membantu
the woman : NPwas reading : VPon her job : PP2.
in the classroom : PPthe students : NPare studying : VPa new lesson : NP3. the foot ball players : NPhave played : VPvery seriously : Adj Pfor two hours : Adv P4.
the gift : NPwill be given : VPto you : PPon time : Adv P.Penjelasan:
semoga sedikit membantu ya. :)
7. Tolong jawabbb teks 23 identify the following expressions and give a tick (betul) in the correct boxs
mana soalnya? ga ada soal kok disuruh jawab
8. Identify the cause in the following sentence!the yard looked nice since kyle mowed and raked the grass
Because kyle mowed and raked the grass, the yard look nice.
Karena kyle memotong (mowed) dan menyapu (raked) rumputnya, Halaman jadi terlihat bagus.
9. please identify which are verbs,nouns,adjective and adverbs,and pronouns in the following text
mana ya text yang mau diidentifikasi??
10. Read the following text, identify the generic structure and the language features of new orangutan species discovered in indonesia
Baca teks berikut, identifikasi struktur generik dan fitur bahasa dari spesies orangutan baru yang ditemukan di Indonesia
11. identify the cause and the effect in the following sentence.mohon bantuannya ya.soal aku lampirkan.terima kasih banyak.
1. Cause: They (people) do not feel responsible for public areas like streets and parks.
Effect: People litter
2. Cause: Extreme and dangerous weather
Effect: The youth football game was stopped
3. Cause: Good Painting (dari teks - Since your painting is really good)
Effect: planned to display on the coffee shop
4. Cause: The river was so polluted
Effect: Declared biologically dead
5. Cause: Help from the community
Effect: The annual musical will go on this weekend
6. Cause: Harvest new kinds of resources
Effect: People moved into unoccupied island territories
7. Cause: People are staying in their first properties longer
Effect: Severe lack of affordable housing
8. Cause: Dishes rich in starch
Effect: Increase blood sugar level
9. Cause: A good number of people have already been infect by these viruses
Effect: Carry some immunity towards them
10. Cause: Flood concerns
Effect: One of the busiest stretches of road in the city closed down
semoga membantu maaf kl ada yg salah
12. Identify the verbs in the following sentences and state whether they are transitive or intransitive.
transitive setelah verb ada object.
intransitive setelah verb gaada object.
1. verb = fight, intransitive karena setelah kata fight gaada object. fiercely kata sifat.
2. verb = sank, transitive karena setelah kata sank ada object yaitu the ship.
3. verb = spoke, transitive karena setelah kata spoke ada object yaitu the truth.
4. verb = spoke, intransitive karena setelah kata spoke gaada object. loudly kata sifat.
5. verb = boil, transitive karena setelah kata boil ada object yaitu the water.
6. verb = stopped, transitive karena setelah kata stopped ada object yaitu the train.
7. verb = kicked, transitive karena setelah kata kicked ada object yaitu the boy.
8. verb = rises, intransitive karena setelah kata rises gaada object. in the morning konjungsi temporal.
9. verb = blew, transitive karena setelah kata blew ada object yaitu his whistle.
10. verb = killed, transitive karena setelah kata killed ada object yaitu herself.
11. verb = took, transitive karena setelah kata took ada object yaitu shelter.
13. read the following text and answer the questions: 1. Identify the text structure ! 2. Identify the tenses! 3. Identify the social function!
1. Text structure refers to how the information within a written text is organized. This strategy helps students understand that a text might present a main idea and details; a cause and then its effects; and/or different views of a topic. Teaching students to recognize common text structures can help students monitor their comprehension.
2.It's happening right now.
It's happening right now – and continuing.
It was happening in the past – and is still happening now.
It happened in the past.
It was happening – then it got interrupted!
It's going to happen in the future.
3.Social function: The purpose is to inform the information about an event Structure: title and Content (what to be announced, include day and time) Langu ange feature: simple present tense
maaf kalo salah semoga membantu
14. Identify the pronoun, verb, adjective, and adverb in each of the following sentences! The band played all evening
The band played all evening
The = determiner
band = noun
played = verb
all evening = adverb of time.
PembahasanParts of Speech adalah kelas kata untuk menganalisis kalimat dan memahaminya. Berikut ini rincian tentang 9 parts of speech.
1. VerbVerb menggambarkan pernyataan atau tindakan.
Contoh kata: like, eat, to (be), can, write.
Contoh kalimat: He likes singing. I eat watermelon.
2. NounNoun menggambarkan benda atau orang.
Contoh kata: bed, bag, mother, police, wall, Surabaya.
Contoh kalimat: The photo is on the wall.
3. AdjectiveAdjective menggambarkan lebih detail tentang suatu benda.
Contoh kata: interesting, good, nice, yellow.
Contoh kalimat: The movie is interesting. It is a good song.
4. AdverbAdverb menjelaskan tentang kata kerja, kata sifat, dan keterangan.
Contoh kata: really, very, well, always, carefully, beautifully.
Contoh kalimat: I always come on time. She sings beautifully.
5. PronounPronoun berperan untuk menggantikan kata benda (noun).
Contoh kata: she, they, this, some, I, it
Contoh kalimat: I like English. It is really interesting.
6. DeterminerDeterminer berperan untuk membatasi atau menentukan suatu kata benda (noun).
Contoh kata: a, the, an, many, some
Contoh kalimat: Many students are in the class. I have an idea.
7. PrepositionPreposition berperan untuk menghubungkan suatu kata benda dengan kata yang lainnya.
Contoh kata: at, after, on, before, in
Contoh kalimat: The meeting will be held on Friday. The teacher is in the class.
8. ConjunctionConjunction berperan untuk menghubungkan klausa, kalimar, atau kata.
Contoh kata: yes, but, although, however, when.
Contoh kalimat: I was studying when my father came.
9. InterjectionInterjecion merupakan seruan pendek, terkadang dimasukkan dalam kalimat.
Contoh kata: Oh! Hi! Well, ouch!.
Contoh kalimat: Well, I don't understand. Hi! How have you been?
Pelajari lebih lanjut1. Analisis kalimat "my brother owns a new house":
Detail jawabanKelas: 10
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Parts of Speech
Kode: 10.5
Kata kunci: parts, speech, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb
15. X is a compound with three carbon atom and isomeric with y. X reacts with Tollen's reagent and acidified KMnO4. Y has no reaction with both reagents. A. Identify x and y b. Draw structural equation on the reaction.
Senyawa X adalah propanal dengan gambar struktur:
CH₃ - CH₂ - C - H
Senyawa Y adalah propanon dengan gambar struktur:
CH₃ - C - CH₃
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
Senyawa X terdiri dari 3 atom karbon.
Senyawa X berisomer dengan Y.
Senyawa X bereaksi dengan Tollens dan KMnO₄.
Senyawa Y tidak bereaksi dengan Tollens dan KMnO₄.
a. Identifikasi senyawa X dan Y
b. Gambarkan rumus strukturnya
Menentukan senyawa X dan gambar strukturnya.Senyawa X bereaksi dengan Tollens dan KMnO₄. Hal ini berarti senyawa X memiliki gugus fungsi aldehida (R-CHO) yang memiliki 3 atom karbon. Maka gambar rumus strukturnya adalah:
CH₃ - CH₂ - C - H
Menentukan senyawa Y dan gambar strukturnya.Senyawa Y tidak bereaksi dengan Tollens dan KMnO₄. Hal ini berarti senyawa Y memiliki gugus fungsi keton (R-CO-R') yang memiliki 3 atom karbon sama dengan senyawa X. Karena senyawa X dan senyawa Y saling berisomer. Maka gambar rumus strukturnya adalah:
CH₃ - C - CH₃
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Membedakan aldehida dan keton fungsi aldehida dan keton
16. Identify the words in the poem that have the following meaning
Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa yang berlaku universal yang digunakan di seluruh negara yang ada di dunia ini dan bersifat internasional. Based on the questions, the words in the poem that have the following meaning are:
a. Soil surface with grass-roots growing in it It. It means that grass growing in soil.
b. Decorated. It means that something is decorated.
c. Soft, sweet, and pure. It means softed, sweeted, and pure.
d. Sleeps peacefully and comfortably. It means please sleeps peacefully and comfortably.
Belajar Bahas Inggris sangat menyenangkan. Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa yang berlaku universal yang digunakan di seluruh negara yang ada di dunia ini dan bersifat internasional. Based on the questions, the words in the poem that have the following meaning are:
a. Soil surface with grass-roots growing in it It. It means that grass growing in soil.
b. Decorated. It means that something is decorated.
c. Soft, sweet, and pure. It means softed, sweeted, and pure.
d. Sleeps peacefully and comfortably. It means please sleeps peacefully and comfortably.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Materi tentang contoh puisi dalam Bahasa Inggris
17. Identify the cause and effect in the following sentence. Mohon bantuannya yah dari no.2 sampai 10
Identifying the cause and effect.
Cause: Sandy missed the bus. Effect: She was late for school.Cause: Dhita did a part time-job at a fast food restaurant. Effect: She earned money to pay her tuition.Cause: It is raining again. Effect: We decided to stay at home.Cause: Rian did not study hard for his exam. Effect: He got a low score.Cause: A strong wind. Effect: It destroyed many buildings and houses.Cause: My mother watered the chili plant regularly. Effect: The chili plant produced dozens of chilies.Cause: Nia had a motorcycle accident. Effect: She broke her arm.Cause: Doni never brushes his teeth. Effect: He has 5 cavities.Cause: I forgot to take money from my ATM. Effect: I don't have any money left in my purse.Cause: The cupcake burned in the oven. Effect: The cupcake was too hot.Cause adalah penyebab dari suatu kejadian. Effect adalah akibat atau dampak yang terjadi baik itu baik maupun buruk. Pada kalimat-kalimat di atas, cause dan effect dihubungkan dengan kata and. Simak penjelasan berikut.
PembahasanCause dan effect sangat berkaitan satu sama lain. "If there is an effect, there must be a cause. If there is a cause, that could lead to effects." Artinya, jika ada akibat, pasti ada penyebab. Jika ada penyebab, dapat menimbulkan akibat.
Berikut penjelasan dengan terjemahan singkat dari setiap sentence pada soal di atas.
Sandy ketinggalan bis sehingga dia terlambat datang ke sekolah.Dhita melakukan pekerjaan paruh waktu sehingga dia mendapatkan uang untuk membayar kursusnya.Hari ini hujan lagi sehingga kita memutuskan untuk tinggal di rumah saja.Rian tidak belajar keras untuk ujiannya sehingga dia mendapatkan nilai yang rendah.Angin yang kuat menyebabkan menghancurkan banyak bangunan dan rumah.Ibuku menyirami tanaman lombok secara rutin sehingga tumbuhan tersebut menghasilkan lusinan lombok.Nia terkena kecelakaan sepeda motor dan dia keseleo pada lengannya. Doni tidak pernah menggosok giginya sehingga dia memiliki 5 lubang gigi.Saya lupa mengambil uang di ATM jadinya saya tidak memiliki uang yang tertinggal di dompet.Kue mangkuk terbakar di dalam oven sehingga membuatnya terlalu panas.Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang kata hubung cause and effect tentang identifying cause and effects based on the text tentang membuat kalimat cause and effect berdasarkan dua kejadian: jawabanKelas: 11
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Complex sentence - clause of reason and purpose
Kode: 11.5.6
#AyoBelajar #SPJ2
18. read the following text and answer the questions: 1. Identify the text structure ! 2. Identify the tenses! 3. Identify the social function!
1.Sebutkan struktur teks! 2.Tentukan tensesnya!3.Sebutkan fungsi sosial!!Penjelasan:
Maaf kalau salah19. Identify the adjectives in the following sentence "that was a thick and tasty steak" semoga di jawab uwu
Translate :
Identifikasi kata sifat dalam kalimat berikut "itu adalah steak yang kental dan enak"
semoga bermanfaat
jadikan jawaban yang terbaik yaa
Mengidentifikasi kata sifat dalam kalimatYg termasuk kata sifat dalam kalimat tab adalah thick and tasty
20. Identify the cause and the effect of the following sentences!
2. cause : Dhita did part-time job
Effect : She earned extra money to pay her tuition
3. cause : It is raining again
Effect : We decide to stay at home
4. Cause : Rian didn't study hard
Effect : He got a low score
5. Cause : A strong wind
Effect : it destroyed many buildings and houses
6. Cause : chili plant regularly watered by my mother
Effect : it produced dozens of chilies
7. Cause : Nia had a motorcycle accident
Effect : she broke her arm
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