English Task Identify the part of food and drink label Write down in ur English book.
1. English Task Identify the part of food and drink label Write down in ur English book.
tinggal translet aja apa susahnya
2. English Task Identify the part of food and drink label Write down in ur English book.
aku tidak bisa menjawab karena sibuk ada tugas
aku tidak bisa menjawab karena sibuk ada tugas
3. Example!! English class 8
1. Adi felt unwell during the ceremony
2. Darmawangsa swimming pool management
3. we may stoo the bad risk of keeping the food or drink in that place
4. mad
5. youngest
6. the writer felt tired because of cycling hard
7. are
4. Kak tolong bantuin ngerjakan bahasa inggris task 1 sampai task 2 kelas 8 snp activity 2
task 2
negatif sentence
1. we can't get the best score
2. the company can't pay its employees high
3. you can't withdraw the insurance fund
question sentence
1. can't we get the best score?
2. can't the company pay its employees high?
3. can't you withdraw the insurance fun?
5. Tolong di bantu jawab ya... pleeesss activity 5 (task 3) dan activity 6 (task 4)
activity 5 task 3 :
1. Thanks You ,Mom
2. Have A Sweet Dream , Dear
3. Wait , My mom Is Calling Me , Sorry , I'll Talk To You Later , See You
4. See You
activity 6 task 4 :
greeting :
good morning
good afternoon
whats up
good evening
how are you all?
how's it going?
how are you
leave taking :
see you tomorrow
see you soon
see you then
take care
good night
see you later
6. what do you think activity learny about english subject in your class!
English lesson teaches us about the English way of speaking, and this lesson is fun and also important to learn
7. Kak tolong bantuin ngerjakan bahasa inggris task 1 sampai task 2 kelas 8 snp activity 2
mana soal?............
8. Activity 7 and 8 Full answer ya
2.) The park gates are closed at 6 PM every evening.
3.) In Indonesia, presidential elections are held every five years.
4.) A theater is a place where dramas are performed.
5.) Cheese is made of milk.
6.) The road is covered very often because it it the shortcut to the city.
9. Please answer Questions task 2 and task 3
task 2
1. Home
2. Score / Grades
3. Rank
4. More
5. Sorry
6. Nice
7. First
8. Yeah
9. Proud
10. Thankyou
11. Congratulations on your achievements Odin
12. Working/ Study
task 3
1. House
2. Report Card /Grades
3. Odin
4. Sadly No
5. " Congratulations on your achievements Odin)
6. Study hard and always be the best
7. Get the first rank again
8. Yeah "Im Proud Of You"
semoga membantu
10. the teacher of class 5 uses a model to show part of the solar system
nggk bisa basa inggris.
11. Whats Answer from page 31 task 16 improve your written english peoples opinion?
To improve your opinion you must first understand the word in English, that is the most basic condition to create a valid an opinion.
Secondly, you must not base it on other people because you should make an opinion based on what you think, not by what others think
12. Activity 9Work in pairs.Reread the texts in Activity 4 and 8.Write the similarities and differences between the two texts.Share your answer with the class.
baca lagi bacaan atau teks 4 sama 8
tulis persamaan dan perbedaan antara 2 teks tersebut kalau sudah baca atau presentasikan jawabanmu di kelas
cara jawabnya gima ga ada teksnya kok jheheh
13. chapter 4 hal. 55English class 8
jawaban nya ada pada gambar
14. tolong dong mendingan masuk mana? bingung bgt 1. basic English class (BEC)2. elementary English class (EEC)3. intermedite English class (IEC)4. training class (TC)
kalau menurut aku pribadi mending masuk basic English class (BEC)biasanya pembelajaran yang didapat merupakan basic dari bahasa inggris.
semoga membantu :)
15. Task 2 Answer the questions based on the dialogue in task 1! 1. Who is involved in the dialogue? Answer: 2. Is Jay free from his class in campus? Answer: 3. Why does Jay free from his class? Answer: 4. What are they talking about? Answer: 5. What room they are going to clean? Answer:
Tugas 2
Jawablah pertanyaan berdasarkan dialog pada tugas 1!
1. Siapa saja yang terlibat dalam dialog tersebut?
2. Apakah Jay bebas dari kelasnya di kampus?
3. Mengapa Jay bebas dari kelasnya?
4. Apa yang mereka bicarakan?
5. Ruangan apa yang akan mereka bersihkan?
maaf kalo salah
1. Who is involved in the dialogue?
Answer: Mrs. Park and Jay.
2. Is Jay free from his class in campus?
Answer: Yes.
3. Why does Jay free from his class?
Answer: It's because his lecturer is attending educational conference in Sydney.
4. What are they talking about?
Answer: They're talking about Jay, where today Jay doesnt't go to campus, and hismumasksJay to help his her.
5. What room they are going to clean?
Answer: Kitchen.
16. mohon di bantu ya kaka activity 3 task 1 and task 2
task 2
1. Mr.Aditya, he is veterinarian
2.Communication skills, Social, Sciences, Humanities, Mathematics, Chemistry, and the Biological and Physical Sciences
3. Yes, cause he has excellent language and communication skills
4. Animals illnesses and injuries
5. Yes
17. Example English class 8
1.Emily buys some fresh vegetables in the traditional market. The negative form of the sentence below is
3.Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph. 1. There were also lions, tigers, deer, and other animals which live freely 2. After the show, Budi and his friends rodethe elephants 3. Budi's school went for a trip to the Safari Park by bus last Sunday 4. After they were tired, they went home happily 5. There was an elephant show and they enjoyed watching it 6. At the Safari park, they saw monkeysswinging on the branches of the tree
The correct arrangement is ....
5.On last Wednesday, I've got unforgettable experience. The day before, I played game on-lineuntil 00.00 am. Because of that I woke up late. It was about 7.30 am and the class would be started at 8.00 am. I ran to bathroom to take a bath. I used to have breakfast before leaving home, but on that day It was impossible. I always rode motorcycle to go. But what an amazing thing happened, I forgot where I put thekey. So, I went to campus by public transportation. Of course, it took longer time. I arrived at 8.15 am, I hurried to get to class but I saw my lecturer standing in front of the class to teach. I entered my classroom and you know what, he was angry to me and didn't let me join his material. It was my bad experience and I hoped I would not do that again.
What should the writer do to avoid being late again to his campus?
18. Catatan :* Activity 7 : Cocokan antara accasion(perayaan) dgn purpose of greeting card ( tujuan kartu ucapan)** Activity 8 : Jelaskan tujuan kartu ucapan dari tiap no yg tersediaTolong bantu kak jangan ngasal di kumpulin sekarang:)English Class 8
Activity 7:
1. Bithday: e. To wish him/her a happy birthday
2. A baby's birth: f. To congratulate the parents on the birth of a baby
3. Recovery: g. To cheer up a sick person by wishing him/her a quick recovery
4. Graduation: c. To congratulate someone on his achievement for finishing his/her study
5. Mother's day: a. To tell your mother how much you love and appreciate her
6. Father's day: h. To tell your father how much you love and appreciate him
7. New home: b. To congratulate someone on his/her new house
8. Wedding: d. To wish the bride and the groom a happy life
Activity 8:
1. To wish him/her a happy birthday
2. To cheer up a sick person by wishing him/her a quick recovery
3. To congratulate the parents on the birth of a baby
4. To thank you someone
5. To congratulate someone on his/her achievement for finishing his/her study
Semoga membantu. Jadikan sebagai jawaban tercerdas ya!
19. English LanguageClass : 8kumpulin besok!!
Bought.WentDied.turned.played.rained.Stayed.Didn't hear.Fell.Made.
Hope this will help u, good luck<3
20. Example English class 8
1. A
2. B
3. A
4. B Celia's trip to the US
5. D 7 4 1 3 2 6 5 9 10 8
6. A Student Organization
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