Amit And Himanshu Are Working On An Assignment

Amit And Himanshu Are Working On An Assignment

ekhi and wily are working on an english assignment from mis vicia di buat present continuous tense​

Daftar Isi

1. ekhi and wily are working on an english assignment from mis vicia di buat present continuous tense​


Ekhi and Wily are working on an english assignment from miss Vicia⇒present continuous tense

Ekhi and Wily were working on an english assignment from Vicia⇒past  continuous tense


present continuous tense structure:


past continuos tense structure:


2. 8.) Andi and Wulan are discussing the assignment in the library... are working together.​


They are


maaf kalau salah



Andi and Wulan are discussing the assignment in the library They are woeking together

sekian trimakasi

3. maya and michael.....working theur assignment together

Maya and Michael (are) working their assignment together.

Tapi jika bentuk past, maka gunakan "were"

Maya dan Michael mengerjakan tugas bersama-sama
maaf kalau salah :")

4. 3. Jack and Peter ... hard today.A. is working B. working.C. are workingD. work​


C. Are Working


5. you and your friend are given the assignment to make an article talking about natural preservation​


kamu dan temanmu diberi tugas untuk membuat artikel yang membahas tentang pelestarian alam

Konservasi adalah pelestarian atau perlindungan. Secara harfiah, konservasi berasal dari bahasa Inggris, conservation yang artinya pelestarian atau perlindungan.

6. jhon and mary are my students.......are very hard working

they. maaf kalo salah Jhon and Mary are my students, they are very hard working

7. My father and mother ____________ in the garden all day yesterday. *Are workingWas workingWere workingIs workingWorked​






8. FILL THE BLANK WITH THE SIMPLE PRESENT OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS My parents usually …… (not work) on Sundays but today they …… (work) A. Doesn't work, are working B. Don't work, are working C. Isn't working, work D. Aren't working, are working


A. Doesn't work, are working


9. Rubah ke bentuk positif dan negatif They are working on the factor

simple present :
+ They are work on the factor
- they are not work on the factor

past tense :
+They were work on the factor
-they were not work on the factor

10. The construction crew was working on the base ofthe building. Where are they working​


they work in basic buildings


good luck!

11. 6 You and your friend are working on a pair-workassignment in his/her house. You ask him/herfor another glass of water. What would yousay? How would your friend respond?​


you :sorry, can i have another glass of water, please?

your friend respond : ok, i'll get it for you.

12. Task 4Look at the picture and write an introduction dialogue! Write it on your assignment book!​


Ani : Hello my name is Ani who are you?

Jonathan : Hi i am Jonathan and this is Mark nice to meet ya

Ani : Hi Jonathan Hi Mark nice to meet you all

Mark : Same here

Semoga membantu :)

13. 3. Jack and Peter ... hard today.A. is working B. working.C. are workingD. work​



Maaf kalo salah ya Kaka

Semoga membantu ya Kaka


kata Ilham jawabannya work

14. 9. You're with a friend working on an assignment. You have difficulty answering these question and you invite your friend to answer the question together. What do you say? Let's .... (Answer/these question/easily)


we must say "Guys, can you guys come to my home? cause i need your help guys, me and my friend is working on an assignment, but me and my friend have a difficulty answering those question, thats why i need your help guys, i hope you guys can help me.. Bye, see you at my house."

Maaf aku baru SMP kelas 7, tapi ku masih bisa kok ngebantu kaka:D

(Btw itu ceritanya nelpon temannya atau apa? soalnya aku ngeliat tulisannya "you invite your friend to answering the question together" nah disitu aku mulai bingung, cara dia ngundang temennya itu pake telpon atau pergi langsung kerumah teman-temannya? gitu lohh maksud ku)


Suppose my friend named Abi and I called her to help me like:

Hello abi! i and rika are working on assignments but there are difficult questions and we think you can answer them will you help us?


heheheh kira2 kek gtu

semoga harimu menyenangkan

15. ali and udin are their science assignment​


ali dan udin ada tugas sains


Ali dan Udin mempunyai tugas Sains

16. lebih cocok mana marina and elisa are hard working women atau women marina and elisa are hardworking

marina and elisa are hard working women (karena diawali dengan nama orang dulu)bagusnya sih marina and elisa are hard working womens/marina and elisa are a hardworker woman maaf klo salah=)

17. 7, (+) You are working on any special projects at work. (-)...(?)...​


(-) You are not working on any special projects at work

(?) Are you working on any special projects at work?


Berikut adalah formula untuk membuat Negative dan Interrogative.

Negative - Subject + dont/doesn/t + verb + object

Interrogative - Do/does + subject + verb + object

18. Are henny and riya working on the proposal right now? (no-have meeting)


no, they are not, they have meeting right now

19. they are working on the project​


mereka sedang mengerjakan proyek



. maap keun klo salah :'v

20. 6. You and your friend are working on a pair-workassignment in his/her house. You ask him/herfor another glass of water. What would yousay? How would your friend respond?​

Asking for something

You : Would mind if I ask another glass of water, please? I am so thirsty and the weather is so hot.

Your friend : I will be back with a glass of cold water, then.

You : Thank you. It's very kind of you.

Your friend : Don't mention it.


Asking for help adalah ungkapan yang menyatakan meminta bantuan kepada orang lain.


Can you please move the chair for me? (Bisakah kamu memindahkan kursi ini untukku, tolong?)

Would you mind passing me the salt? (Apakah kamu berkeberatan mengambilkanku garam?)

Cara menjawab asking for help:

Possitive : menyanggupi permintaan bantuan yang disampaikan.

Of course! (Tentu saja!)

Sure. Why not? (Tentu saja. Kenapa tidak?)

Not at all. I'll do it for you. (Tidak sama sekali. Aku akan lakukan itu untukmu.)

Negative : tidak menyanggupi permintaan bantuan yang disampaikan.

I am sorry. I am very busy now. (Aku minta maaf. Aku sangat sibuk sekarang.)

I do mind, because you are closer to the door. How about if you do it by yourself? (Aku berkeberatan, karena kamu lebih dekat dengan pintu. Bagaimana jika kamu melakukannya sendiri?)

Pembahasan soal

You and your friend are working on a pair-work assignment in his/her house. You ask him/her for another glass of water. What would you say? How would your friend respond?

Kamu dan temanmu sedang mengerjakan tugas kelompok di rumah temanmu. Kamu meminta temanmu untuk mengambilkan segelas air lagi. Apa yang akan kamu katakan? Bagaimana temanmu akan meresponnya?

You : Would mind if I ask another glass of water, please? I am so thirsty and the weather is so hot.

Kamu : Apakah kamu berkeberatan jika aku meminta segelas air lagi, tolong? Aku sangat haus dan cuacanya sangat panas.

Your friend : I will be back with a glass of cold water, then.

Temanmu : Aku akan kembali dengan segelas air dingin, kalau begitu.

You : Thank you. It's very kind of you.

Kamu : Terima kasih. Betapa baiknya kamu.

Your friend : Don't mention it.

Temanmu : Bukan apa-apa.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Contoh dialog asking for help

2. Contoh responding of asking for help



Detail jawaban

Kelas : XI SMA

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Bab : Making suggestion and offer

Kode : 11.5.1

Kata kunci : asking, responding, help, positive, negative, short-dialogue

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