write a poem in English !#no copas#ngasalreport
1. write a poem in English !#no copas#ngasalreport
I don’t talk.
My lips part and air pushes out,
but the sound must not fit,
because my thoughts are so big.
So I don’t try to talk.
My thoughts must be too good for
words, for the air, for my lips.
But they are just right for paper.
My thoughts flow on paper.
They are just big enough.
So I don’t talk;I compose,
I write,
I dream.
Artinya dalam bahasa indonesia
Aku tidak bicara
Bibirku terbuka dan hembuskan udara
tapi terdengar tidak sesuai
karena pikiranku begitu besar
Maka aku tak perlu coba bicara
Pikiranku pasti terlalu bagus untuk
kata kata, untuk nafas, untuk bibirku.
Tapi mereka seharusnya tertulis
Pikiranku mengalir di kertas
Mereka itu cukup besar
Maka aku tak bicara
Aku merangkai
Aku menyusun
Aku bermimpi.
Semoga Membantu :)
2. Write a shape poem about a butterfly In english
Butterflies are one of the most beautiful animals to look at. Butterflies themselves have various types and various colors that adorn their wings.
No wonder this animal has become one of the icons of beauty for women
Penjelasan: jadikan jawaban terbaik
3. can you help me to make a poem in English?
Translate : Apakah kamu bisa menolong ku membuat sebuah syair / sajak di Inggris ?
semoga bermanfaat maaf kalo salah
4. nic. Then, completewice. First studyNearwherever you areI belleve that thedoes go onOnce more you open the doorAnd you're here in my heartAnd my heart will go on and onThere is some love that will not go awayYou're here, there's nothingAnd I know that my heart will go onWe'll stay forever this wayYou arein my heartAnd my heart will go on and on
what does it mean? is that a task? or a song's lyrics?
5. Create your own poem about friendship in English! (At least five sentences)
(To All My Friends )
That I could be this human at this time
breathing, looking, seeing, smelling
That I could be this moment at this time
resting, calmly moving, feeling
That I could be this excellence at this time
sudden, changed, peaceful, & woke
To all my friends who have been with me in weakness
when water falls rush down my two sides
To all my friends who have felt me in anguish
when this earthen back breaks between the crack of two blades
To all my friends who have held me in rage
when fire tears through swallows behind tight grins
I know you
I see you
I hear you
Although the world is silent around you
I know you
I see you
I hear you
6. my heart leaps up poem multple choice questions and
hatiku melompat puisi pertanyaan pilihan ganda dan esai
Arti dari kalimat My heart leaps up poem multple choice questions and....
Hatiku melompat-lompat puisi pertanyaan pilihan ganda dan....
Semoga membantu
7. mice - Sons in law - Trousers - Child - Apple - Self - Donkey - Room - Farmer - Girl - Bus -
mice - tikus
sons in law - menantu
trousers - celana panjang
child - anak
apple - apel
self - diri
donkey - keledai
room - ruang
farmer - petani
girl - perempuan
bus - bis
8. Write a shape poem about a butterflyin english
Terjemahlan aj itu jawaban nya
What a beautiful color you are
Flying among the flowers
Looking for honey
Sometimes I see you swinging
On the stalks and leaves
Or chase with your friends
How happy I am to see you
Can I have beautiful wings
Like your wings
Artinya :
Alangkah elok warnamu
Terbang di antara bunga-bunga
Mencari madu
Kadang kulihat engkau berayun
Di tangkai dan daun-daun
Atau berkejaran bersama kawanmu
Alangkah senang aku melihatmu
Dapatkah aku memiliki sayap indah
Seperti sayapmu
$emoga membantu :>
9. The girl .......... good knowledge and capability in English
The girl have good knowledge and capability in English
Maaf kalo salah10. make an acrostic poem for PUTRI EKA as beautiful as you can in english, please..
Put your hands up with me
Up in the sky
Together we do
Remember you're not alone
It's nice to meet you
Even thought just in dream
Kill your fear
And be a brave girl.
11. He ____into the pond to save the child. (jump)
He is into the pond to save thr child
maaf kalo salah
12. Tolong tuliskan judul Poem English modern yang berkaitan dengan Nature?
By Riya Shrivastava
Emerges above the land into their peak.
(Bermunculan dari atas tanah sampai ke puncak)
It is the sky they constantly seek.
(Itu langit yang selalu mereka cari)
From the far distance, we won’t notice their height.
(Dari jarak yang jauh, kita tidak bisa melihat ketinggiannya)
A view from the top is a spectacular sight.
(Pemandangan dari puncak adalah pemandangan yang spektakuler)
Closely positioned to form a range.
(posisi yang dekat untuk memberi kisaran)
Human eyes won’t notice the change.
(Mata manusia tidak bisa melihat perubahan)
Not a prisoner to the immediate time,
(Bukan seorang tawanan di waktu yang serta merta)
Challenges many, unforgiving climb.
(Rintangan yang banyak dan pendakian yang taktermaafkan)
So much more beyond their beauty.
(Sungguh sangat jauh lebih indah dari kecantikannya)
Sheltering species, that’s their duty.
(Memberikan keteduhan untuk jenis-jenis binatang adalah tugas mereka)
Mountains are members of the nature we know,
(Gunung-gunung adalah anggota alam yang kita tahu)
And at the top they often have snow.
(Dan puncak adalah yang sering bersalju)
13. Mana kalimat yang benar "save our child" atau "save our children"
sebenarnya dua-dua nya benar namun disitu terdapat kata tunggal untuk "child" dan jamak untuk "children".
jadi semuanya benar..
The answer is save our children because this answer is more logic and it reveals in general instead of individual
education Illuminating darkness
Humans are born into the world equipped with senses
Do not know anything plain that has not been colored
Down the sharp road as hard as a rock
Armed with knowledge to break through rigid walls
O world ...
Now I am an adult and ready to face the twilight lantern
Together education frees from the dark past that used to be stupid
Brightly beauty of life in a sense of freedom
Happiness in nature adorned with knowledge sheets
O world ...
You look as bright as the starlight in the sky
Thanks to intelligent young people understanding the meaning of education
Prepare yourself with the best quality
To defeat a towering building
Because the education of the period changed to modern
Versatile sophisticated enjoy human creations
Feels easy with the light of science that continues to shine
Be aware of the importance of education
With self-education it becomes directed
Developing and being innovative in thinking long
Arranging steps for a brilliant future
Until the flying wings bring down the towering building
Thank you hero ...
Happy education day
Your story is beautiful in history
15. Make acrostic poem? SITI KHADIJA SAMAN uses English
To create an acrostic, follow these five easy steps:
Decide what to write about.Write your word down vertically.Brainstorm words or phrases that describe your idea.Place your brainstormed words or phrases on the lines that begin with the same letters.Fill in the rest of the lines to create a poem.16. Arti kata girl is going on in your room for me
gadis terjadi di kamarmu untukku
semoga membantu..
17. The .......... are in the waiting room.A. BoyB. ManC. GirlD. WomenE. Child
E. Child
sama-sama berdiskusi ya jika ada yang salah mohon dilengkapi terimakasih;)
18. peran komunitas save street child,indonesia mengajar dan indonesia bercerita merupakan
ANGERANG - Kertas, pulpen, pensil, berserakan di atas lantai yang terbuat dari semen. Hanya beralaskan tikar, beberapa wajah tampak serius menekuri kertas di tangan mereka. Kegiatan belajar mengajar itu sesekali diselingi canda tawa.
Setiap orang di dunia mempunyai hak untuk mendapatkan pendidikan, tak cuma melalui sekolah. Pemerintah sedianya harus bisa memberikan akses pendidikan kepada rakyat dengan fasilitas memadai, seperti bangunan sekolah, alat-tulis, seragam, guru dan hal-hal yang layaknya dianggap sebagai sekolah formal.
Lihat juga: Mimpi Hal Yang Aneh dan Bersamaan, Apa Yang Sebenarnya Terjadi?
Namun sayang, masih banyak anak-anak kurang mampu yang tidak tersentuh pendidikan. Masih banyak pula anak-anak jalanan yang semestinya belajar, malah berkeliaran untuk mendapatkan sesuap nasi. Peran pemerintah dalam menghadapi persoalan ini pun patut dipertanyakan, selain juga peran orangtua anak-anak jalanan dalam mendidiknya.
Sebuah komunitas anak muda pun membuka mata terhadap permasalahan ini, yakni peduli dengan kondisi anak-anak jalanan. Mereka pun mengajak anak-anak ini menuju gerbang pendidikan melalui pendidikan sekolah nonformal.
Jawaban: Save Street Child (SSC) adalah organisasi independen yang peduli anak- anak marjinal yang memiliki akses pendidikan minim supaya dapat menjadi generasi penerus bangsa bekal yang memadai yaitu pendidikan dan teman baik. SSC lahir dan menjadi wadah bagi kaum muda untuk berbagi.
Penjelasan: semoga membantu
19. in your opinion what is the relation between home and love based on the poem
Love doesn't have to always be happy. Sometimes love can also make people sad. Sad because my feelings are chaotic lyrics, probably because of an unresolved conflict.
20. Tolong bantu di jawab wahai suhu b.Inggris1. What is the subject of the poem?2. What is the theme of the poem?3. What does writer compare on his poem?4. What words help develop the tone of the poem?5. Paraphrase the poem in your own words in a fee sentence?
first of all I wanna ask you. Where's the poem? we can't answer those questions if you don't add the poem
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