Model Activity Task Class 10 Part 3 Geography

Model Activity Task Class 10 Part 3 Geography

jawaban activity 4 task 1 tolong jawab semua 3 -10 ​

1. jawaban activity 4 task 1 tolong jawab semua 3 -10 ​


3. will be attended

4. will be reconstructed

5. had been fed

6. is being cleaned

7. is used

8. is washed

9. are being bought

10. was painted

maaf kalau salah :)

2. Tolong di bantu jawab ya... pleeesss activity 5 (task 3) dan activity 6 (task 4)


activity 5 task 3 :

1. Thanks You ,Mom

2. Have A Sweet Dream , Dear

3. Wait , My mom Is Calling Me , Sorry , I'll Talk To You Later , See You

4. See You

activity 6 task 4 :

greeting :

good morning

good afternoon


whats up


good evening

how are you all?

how's it going?

how are you

leave taking :

see you tomorrow

see you soon

see you then


take care


good night

see you later

3. mohon di bantu ya kaka activity 3 task 1 and task 2

task 2

1. Mr.Aditya, he is veterinarian

2.Communication skills, Social, Sciences, Humanities, Mathematics, Chemistry, and the Biological and Physical Sciences

3. Yes, cause he has excellent language and communication skills

4. Animals illnesses and injuries

5. Yes

4. The students like geography .       ........ PE class ? titik2 itu buat pertanyaan dari do or does

Do the students like PE class?Do The students like PE class?

kalau ga salah ya :)

5. Activity 2Task 1Study these thoroughly​


Itu dipelajari







They : ini semua subjek/orangnya

positive sentence: kalimat positif yang berarti boleh/bisa. (can I climb a tall tree?) = bolehkah saya memanjat pohon tinggi itu?

negative sentence: kalimat negatif yang berarti tidak. (I can't climb a tall tree) = Saya tidak bisa memanjat pohon tinggi.

Question = pertanyaan/bertanya


Answer= Jawaban

Yes/no + subjek + can/can't

maaf kalau salah

masih belajar juga

6. bahasa Inggris class: VIII activity 9​


1. The smartphone is cheaper than the computer.

2. My Dad is older than my Mom.

3. Rafflesia Arnoldi is the biggest flower in the world.

4. A cheetah runs faster than a deer.

5. Jakarta is much bigger and busier than Semarang.

6. A whale is the largest sea living mammal.

7. Daisy: Do you know the highest structure in the world?

8. But, the dictionary is thicker.

9. My pencil is shorter than yours.

10. Nile river in Africa is the longest river in the world.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Degrees of Comparison (derajat perbandingan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Degrees of Comparison

Comparative degree dibentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran "-er" untuk satu suku kata. Jika kata sifatnya terdiri lebih dari satu suku kata, maka harus ditambahkan kata more.... than....

Contoh : Tony is younger than i am. (Tony lebih muda dariku)

This novel is more interesting than that novel. (novel ini lebih menarik daripada novel itu)

Superlative degree dengan menambahkan akhiran "-est" dan memiliki arti sebagai yang paling sehingga tidak bisa dibandingkan lagi. Jika kata sifatnya terdiri lebih dari satu suku kata, maka harus ditambahkan kata the most di depan kata sifat (Adjective)nya tersebut.

Contoh : I am the youngest person in my family. (Aku adalah orang termuda / yang paling muda di dalam keluargaku)

Semoga membantu ya.

7. tolong dibantu yang task 1,activity ,dan task 2. #harusbenar#terimakasih ​

Task 1

1. Dress

2. White

3. Fabrics

4. Thin

5. New

6. Under

7. Without

8. Wide

9. On

10. High

Task 2

1. Named

2. Cute

3. Adorable

4. Year old

5. Long fur

6. Brown

7. White

8. Beautiful

9. Fluffy

10. Bark

11. Heavy

12. Attention

13. Intimidated

14. Hisses

15. Arch

16. Jump

17. Weird

18. Soft

19. Pounces

20. Boxes

21. Hide in

Semoga jawabannya membantu, untuk activity bisa ditranslate sendiri yaa

8. the teacher of class 5 uses a model to show part of the solar system​


nggk bisa basa inggris.

9. task 1 Activity 1 ......

1. busy
2. olimpyad
3. problem
4. prepare
5. support
maaf kalau salah

10. Tolong dong dijawab task 2 dan 3 dan juga activity 2 ya please besok dikumpul


1. more complicated = lebih kompleks/rumit

My homework is more complicated than yours

(PR ku lebih kompleks daripada PR mu)

2. The most independent = yang paling mandiri

I'm the most independent child in my home

(Aku adalah anak paling mandiri dirumah)

3. more shophisticated = lebih canggih

My phone is more shophisticated than your laptop

(ponselku lebih canggih dari pada laptopmu)

4. more serious = lebih serius

Her problem is more serious than mine

(Masalah dia lebih serius daripada masalahku)

5. more consistent = lebih konsisten

Mr.Asgaf is more consistent at work than Mr.Lee

(Pak Asgaf lebih konsisten dalam pekerjaan dari pada Pak Lee)

1. older

2. most diligent

3. bigger

4. shortest

5. faster

6. slower

7. more beautiful

8. more crowded

9. largest

10. smallest

1. tall

2. more nourishing

3. most valuable

4. great

5. more famous

11. Tolong dong dijawab task 3 dan activity 2 please penting besok dikumpul

Activity 2:

1.No other boy is as "taller" as james.

2.Milk is "nourishing" than any other food.

3.Radium is on of the "Valueable" metals.

4.Few English poets were as "great" as wordsworth.

5.Shimla is "more famous" than most other hill stations in India.

Task 3:

1. Siska is "Older" Than Kanaya.

2. She is the "diligent" In my class.

3. My brother is "bigger" than me.

4. I am the "shortest" In my family.

5. My Car is "faster" than yours.

6. My elephant is "slower" than lion.

7. Klayar beach is "beautiful" than Depok beach.

8. Yogyakarta is "crowded" than Solo.

9. My room is the "large" In this office.

10. My bedroom is the "Smallest" in the boarding house.

Maaf sekali jika ada yang salah ya kak!

12. activity 3 task 1. What's juna's bad characteristic?

juna was get some bad lesson from his parent

13. Task 4 activity 1 jawabannya?​

1. The orchids are beautiful, aren’t they?
2. Yes, they really are
3. Do you think the purple one is beautiful ?
4. I think the red one is better
5. Oh, you’re right

14. bantuuu donggg yang task 6 dan individual activity​

Task 6

1.There are

2.There is

3.There are

4.There is

5.There are

6.There are

7.There is

8.There is

9.There are

10.There is

Individual Activity

1.There are two cats under the tree

2.There are many flower in the room

3.There are a lot of students at the conference

4.There are many tomato in the basket

5.There is a library around the corner


15. bahasa Inggrisclass: VIIIactivity 9​

bantu jawab

1. The smartphone is cheaperthan the computer.

2. My dad is older than my mom.

3. Rafflesia Arnoldi is the biggest flower in the world.

4. Cheetah runs faster than deer.

5. Jakarta is much bigger and busier than Semarang.

6. Whale is the largest sea living mammal.

7. Do you know the highest structure in the world?

8. Wow, it's thick. But, the dictionary is thicker. it has 500 pages.

9. My pensil is shorter than yours.

10. Nile river in Africa is the longest riverin the world. it is 6650 km in length.


- biasanya tambahan "er" digunakan kalo ada kata "than" setelahnya (menunjukkan perbandingan).

- tambahan "est" digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang "paling" atau "ter-" (tertinggi kedudukannya), contoh: terbesar(biggest), terpanjang(longest), paling tua(oldest), shortest(terpendek).

semoga mudah dipahami.

16. tolong ya activity 4 task 1​


nomor satunya mana bosqu

17. bantu yang task 6 dan individual activity​


1. There are

2. There is

3. There are

4. There is

7. There is

8. There is

10. There is


18. Task 2:act out one of the dialogs for the class. Tolong kerjakan task 2 sma task 3 terimakasi

Writing SpeechJawaban

Pada Task 2 tidak dapat diselesaikan disini karena perintahnya adalah untuk mempresentasikan dialog di depan kelas. Sementara untuk Task 3, perintahnya adalah untuk membuat teks pidato formal dengan langkah yang diberikan di bawah.

1. Pertama-tama bayangkan bahwa kamu akan menjadi calon ketua OSIS di sekolah

2. Kamu sedang dalam proses kampanye untuk pemilihan ketua OSIS

3. Tuliskan daftar-daftar kegiatan yang akan kamu wujudkan jika terpilih

Tuliskan terlebih dahulu apa saja program kerjamu sebagai ketua OSIS. Misalnya:

- Improving academic extra curricular such as Mathematics club, Biology club, English club

- Creating new activities for girls, like cheerleader competition

- Building the honesty canteen program


Setelah mengetahui cara pengerjaannya mari kita mulai untuk menuliskan teks pidatonya.

"If I am elected as the president of the students organization, I will support sport competition in our school. We are going to have more regular practices of sports like soccer and badminton so that we can win in competitions. I would also like to improve other side of extra curricular which is the academic ones, such as Mathematics club, Biology club and English club. I believe the intelligent skills need to be improved as well, not only the physical activities. My next program is creating a cheerleader club for girls in our school, this will benefit when sports team will have a competition outside the school, the cheerleader team could be their supporter. Moreover, I would like to build an honesty canteen in our school. With this method I hope that students will be more aware of crimes and start considering honesty in every action that you do. Thank you for your support. My motto is that, together we can."

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

-----------------------------------Detil Jawaban Kelas: SMAMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: Grammar, WritingKode: 11.5.3Kata kunci: Would, Speech text

19. Activity Individual Task 1 dan 2​

Jawaban Task 1

1. True

2. True

3. True

4. False

Correction: The mega launching of the company's new apparel series.

5. True

6. True

7. False

Correction: The small opening ceremony and dinner party.

8. True

9. False

Correction: May 20th, 2011

10. True


Teka diatas termasuk ke dalam teks fungsional undangan (invitation) diamana teks ini berupa dialog tertulis baik dalam surat fisik maupun surat digital yang bertujuan mengundang seseoran / komunitas untuk menghadiri suatu event. Biasanya teks fungsional undangan hanya berbentuk formal karena ungkapan resmi untuk mengundang seseorang yang khusus dipilih dalam event tersebut.  

Teks fungsional undangan sangat sering dijumpai saat ini dalam email maupun aplikasi obrolan untuk mengundang konsumen atau peserta acara. Hal ini dilakukan pula untuk tujuan promosi atau pengenalan produk. Bahkan ini dapat pula dilakukan di media sosial yang yang berisi komunitas tertentu. Bahkan undangan pernikahan dan ulang tahun saat ini telah betransformasi ke dalam bentuk digital, sehingga tidak perlu repot mengantar atau mengirim undangan tersebut ke banyak tamu. Hanya dengan mengirimnya melalui aplikasi obrolan atau email, seseorang bisa menghemat banyak waktu dan dana dalam mengundang.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut  

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai teks fungsional Undangan (Invitation) pada link berikut ini



20. tolong bantu ya kakactivity 1 task 1 dan task 2

Task 2 1.sania mikaela yofan 2.solo 3.jaya daya street semarang 5.rendang

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