Sam Walks 20m Towards South

Sam Walks 20m Towards South

Who … towards the post office? walkd.walked​

Daftar Isi

1. Who … towards the post office? walkd.walked​


b. is walking

maaf y kalo salah

2. My Sam This is my robot. His name is Sam. Sam has two arms, three round eyes, two ears and an antenna on his head. He is tall and handsome and made of metal. Sam wears a black tuxedo. He walks fast, though he has only one leg. Sam is a helpful robot. He plays with me and helps mum serve meals. 1.who is sam ? ​

pertanyaan:siapa itu sam jawaban: sam itu robot


Who is Sam?

Sam is the writer's helpfulrobot.


kalo salah boleh dikoreksi hehe ;D


3. My Sam This is my robot. His name is Sam. Sam has two arms, three round eyes, two ears and an antenna on his head. He is tall and handsome and made of metal. Sam wears a black tuxedo. He walks fast, though he has only one leg. Sam is a helpful robot. He plays with me and helps mum serve meals.​


4. My Sam This is my robot. His name is Sam. Sam has two arms, three round eyes, two ears and an antenna on his head. He is tall and handsome and made of metal. Sam wears a black tuxedo. He walks fast, though he has only one leg. Sam is a helpful robot. He plays with me and helps mum serve meals. why does firman say that sam is a helpful robot ?​


karna Sam selalu membantu firman


Sam saya Ini adalah robot saya. Namanya Sam. Sam memiliki dua lengan, tiga mata bulat, dua telinga dan antena di kepalanya. Dia tinggi dan tampan dan terbuat dari logam. Sam memakai tuksedo hitam. Dia berjalan cepat, meskipun dia hanya memiliki satu kaki. Sam adalah robot yang membantu. Dia bermain dengan saya dan membantu ibu menyajikan makanan. mengapa firman mengatakan bahwa sam adalah robot yang berguna?

maaf kalok salah


Because Sam can help everyone.


Translate: Ini adalah robotku. Namanya Sam. Sam memiliki dua lengan, tiga mata bulat, dua telinga dan antena di kepalanya. Dia tinggi dan tampan dan terbuat dari logam. Sam memakai tuksedo hitam. Dia berjalan cepat, meskipun dia hanya memiliki satu kaki. Sam adalah robot yang membantu. Dia bermain dengan saya dan membantu ibu menyajikan makanan. mengapa firman mengatakan bahwa sam adalah robot yang berguna?​

Doum-i doegil balamyeo, teullyeossdamyeon joesonghabnida! [][Jadiin Best Ya][] [][Sorry klo salah][] [][Klo gbt, gausa apus jawaban aku. Aku jawab juga mikir jan seenaknya ngapus][]

5. My SamThis is my robot. His name is Sam.Sam has two arms, three roundeyes, two cars and an antenna on hishead. He is tall and handsome. He ismade of metal. Sam wears a blacktuxedo. He walks fast, though he hasonly one leg.Sam is a helpful robot. He plays withme and helps mum serve meals.​ tolong artikan


Sam saya

Ini robot saya. Namanya Sam.

Sam memiliki dua lengan, tiga putaran

mata, dua mobil dan antena di tubuhnya

kepala. Dia tinggi dan tampan. Dia adalah

terbuat dari metal. Sam memakai baju hitam

tuksedo. Dia berjalan cepat, meskipun dia sudah melakukannya

hanya satu kaki.

Sam adalah robot yang sangat membantu. Dia bermain dengan

saya dan membantu ibu menyajikan makanan.


maaf kalo salah

6. The direction between south and west is ... A. South westB. South NorthC. South eastD. North west​


B. South North



A.South west(barat daya)


terjemahannya adalah:Arah antara selatan dan barat adalah ... A. Barat Daya B. Selatan Utara C. Tenggara D. Barat Laut

jadi jwbnnya A.Barat daya

maaf klw salah

semoga mmbntuu✨

7. walks onthe catwalks​


berjalan di atas catwalk


itu artinya

8. My SamThis is my robot. His name is Sam. Sam has two arms, three round eyes, two earsand an antenna on his head. He is tall and handsome and made of metal. Sam wears a blacktuxedo. He walks fast, though he has only one leg. Sam is helpful robot. He plays with meand helps mom serve meals.Whois Sam?1). what kind of tenses that used in the text? ​

Sam is the writter's robot

1. Simple present tense


1. simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan atau kebenaran umum

9. POST QUIZQuestion 4 of 5Dari pilihan berikut ini, manakah kalimat bahasa Inggrisyang benar?Select one:To school, Paul always walks.Paul walks to school always.Paul walks always to school.Paul always walks to school.PREVIOUSNEXT​

"Paul always walks to school."


Paul always walks to school


Artinya: Paul selalu berjalan kaki ke sekolah

Kenapa tidak yang pertama, kedua ataupun ketiga?

Walaupun katanya sama hanya urutannya yang dibalik, artinya pun berbeda. Sebagai contoh yang kedua, Paul walks to school always. Artinya adalah: Paul jalan kaki ke sekolah selalu. Nah berbeda kan? Biasanya tujuan di belakang dan jika ada kata seperti: always, often dll biasanya di taruh di depan kata kerjanya seperti: Walks, works, dll

Semoga bermanfaat ^^

-Lily ✨

10. suatu bola dilemparkan vertikal keatas mencapai tinggi 20m kemuadian jatuh sam memantul setinggi 3/4 dari tinggi sebelumnya demikian seterusnya sampai bola berhenti tentukan panjang lintasan bola tersebut​

kurang paham..........

11. Sam bantu dong sam urutkan dari yang terkecil!

1)1/3, 3/4, 1/2, 2/5= 20/60, 45/60, 30/60, 24/60
=1/3, 2/5, 1/2, 3/4
2)1/4, 3/5, 2/8, 4/6= 30/120, 72/120, 30/120, 80/120
=1/4, 2/8, 3/5, 4/6
3)6/5, 5/4, 8/6, 9/8= 144/120,150/120,160/120,135/120=9/8, 6/5, 5/4, 8/6
4)6/5, 4/6, 7/5, 11/10= 36/30, 20/30, 42/30, 33/30
5)7/6, 11/8, 4/5, 5/10= 140/120, 165/120, 96/120, 60/120=5/10, 4/5, 7/6, 11/8

12. This is my robot. His name is Sam. Sam has two arms, three round eyes, two ears and an antenna on his head. He is tall and handsome and made of metal. Sam wears a black tuxedo. He walks fast, though he has only one leg.  Sam is a helpful robot. He plays with me and helps mum serve meals.    3. What are his characteristics?​


kalo Inggris itu bisa di translet kan

13. (+) ali walks every morning (-)...... (?)..........

(-) Ali don't walks every morning
(?) Do Ali walks every morning?(+) Ali walks every morning
(-) Ali not walk every morning
(?) Is Ali walk every morning?

14. My Sam This is my robot. His name is Sam. Sam has two arms, three round eyes, two ears and an antenna on his head. He is tall and handsome and made of metal. Sam wears a black tuxedo. He walks fast, though he has only one leg. Sam is a helpful robot. He plays with me and helps mum serve meals. 9. What is Sam? 10. What are his characteristics? 11. What does he wear? 12. Why does the writer say that Sam is a helpful robot? ​


9. Sam i a robot

10. sam has two arms

- two ears

- an antenna on his head

11. he wear a black tuxedo

12. because sam always play with the writer and can help the writer's mom to serve meal


9. Sam is a robot

10. Helpful

11. Black Tuxedo

12. Because Sam plays with the writer and helps the writer's mum serve meals.


9. 'What is sam?' ☞︎︎︎ 'Apa itu Sam?'

Sam adalah sebuah robot.

10. 'What are his characterictics?' ☞︎︎︎ 'Apa karakteristiknya?'

Karakteristik Sam adalah Suka menolong.

11. 'What does he wear?' ☞︎︎︎ 'Apa yang dia pakai?'

Dua memakai Tuksedo hitam.

12. 'Why does the writer say that Sam is a helpful robot?' ☞︎︎︎ 'Kenapa penulisnya bilang bahwa Sam adalah robot yang suka menolong?'

Karena, Sam suka bermain dengan penulisnya dan suka membantu ibunya penulis menghidangkan makanan.

semoga membantu. maaf kalo salah.

- Have a nice day :)

15. A. Read the following text to answer the questions My Sam This is my robot. His name is Sam Sam has two arms, three round eyes, two ears and an antenna on his head. He is tall and handsome and made of metal. Sam wears a black tuxedo. He walks fast, though he has only one leg Sam is a helpful robot. He plays with me and helps mum serve meals 1. Who is Sam? 2. What are his characteristics? 3. What does he wear? 4. Why does Firman say that Sam is a helpful robot? 5. Does Firman like Sam or not? How do you know?​


My Sam

This is my robot. His name is Sam.

Sam has two arms, three round eyes, two ears and an antenna on his head. He is tall and handsome and made of metal. Sam wears a black tuxedo. He walks fast, though he has only one leg.

Sam is a helpful robot. He plays with me and helps mum serve meals.

Why does Firman say that Sam is a helpful robot?

B. Atlaliust

B. Atlaliust

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Medan

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah "Sam is a helpful robot because he can play with Firman and help his mother."


Soal menanyakan alasan Firman menyebut Sam sebagai robot yang berguna.

Firman menyebut Sam sebagai robot yang berguna karena Sam dapat diajak bermain dan membantu ibu. Informasi tersebut terdapat dalam kalimat "He plays with me and helps mum serve meals." yang artinya "Dia bermain denganku dan membantu ibuku menyiapkan makanan."

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah "Sam is a helpful robot because he can play with Firman and help his mother."


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16. Eli walks 3 KMS a day.johan walks 2.5 kms a day.Eli walks...than Johan a day.​


0.5 kms longer


Eli lebih banyak berjalan dari pada Johan

3 kms - 2.5 kms = 0.5 kms (selisih)

Eli walks 0.5 kms longer than Johan a day.

Minta tolong diberikan jawaban tercerdas ya kak, terima kasih :)

17. A. Read the following text to answer the questions. My Sam This is my robot. His name is Sam. Sam has two arms, three round eyes, two ears and an antenna on his head. He is tall and handsome and made of metal. Sam wears a black tuxedo. He walks fast, though he has only one leg Sam is a helpful robot. He plays with me and helps mum serve meals. 1. Who is Sam? 2. What are his characteristics? 3. What does he wear? 4. Why does Firman say that Sam is a helpful robot? 5. Does Firman like Sam or not? How do you know?​


1. Sam is Firman's robot.

2. Sam's characteristic are he have two arms, three round eyes, two ears and an antenna on his head. He is tall and handsome and made of metal.

3. He wears a black tuxedo.

4. Because Sam plays with him and helps his mum serve meals.

5. He like Sam. It is because the way he describe how great Sam's characteristics were and how helpful Sam was.


maaf kalo salah

18. The tiger walks...(calm)

Jawaban: Tigers walk very (calmly)

Penjelasan: artinya : Macan berjalan dengan sangat (tenang)

maaf kalau salah

semoga membantu jawaban dari saya

19. lagu towards the sun​


Towards The Sun


Turn your face towards the sun

Let the shadows fall behind you

Don't look back, just carry on

And the shadows will never find you

Turn your face towards the sun

Let the shadows fall behind you

Don't look back, just carry on

And the shadows will never find you

Lost in the rock and roll

Got lost in a promise of a love I never know

Shadows chase me far from home

I remember when my heart was filled with gold

And you know I've been burned

I've been burned I've been burned

You've seen me lose control

It's not worth it's not worth it's not worth

My soul

Turn your face towards the sun

Let the shadows fall behind you

Don't look back, just carry on

And the shadows will never find you

Lost my faith and trust

You and I know gold don't turn to rust

I still swear that we can reign

Like the kings and queens of better yesterdays

Don't you know I've been burned

I've been burned I've been burned

You've seen me lose control

It's not worth it's not worth it's not worth

My soul

Turn your face towards the sun

Let the shadows fall behind you

Don't look back, just carry on

And the shadows will never find you

Where you gonna go where you gonna go where you gonna run to

When you get to the edge of the night

Its time you face the sky

Turn your face towards the sun

Let the shadows fall behind you

Don't look back, just carry on

And the shadows will never find you

Turn your face towards the sun

Let the shadows fall behind you

Don't look back, just carry on

And the shadows will never find you

Turn your face towards the sun

Let the shadows fall behind you

20. questions. xt to answer th My Sam This is my robot. His name is Sam. Sam has two arms, three round eyes, two ears and an antenna on his head. He is tall and handsome. He is made of metal. Sam wears a black tuxedo. He walks fast, though he has only one leg. Sam is a helpful robot. He plays with me and helps mum serve meals.pertanyaan:1.who is Sam? many arm does Sam have?3.what does Sam wear?4.mention 3 characteristics of Sam?5.what does Sam serve for writer's mother?​

Sam is a robot.Sam has two arms.Sam wears a black tuxedo.Sam is tall and handsome, made of metal, and walks fast.Sam helps the writer's mother serve meals.

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