Why Are Children Compared To Rootless Weeds

Why Are Children Compared To Rootless Weeds

(why/what/who)are the children

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1. (why/what/who)are the children




Karena kalau who itu menanyakan seseorang/mereka/lainnya

Semoga bermanfaat

2. 1.how tall are you compared to your classmate?2. how old are you compared to your classmate?3.how far is your house from the school compared to your classmate?Explain!​


1.how tall are you compared to your classmate?

I am as tall as my classmate.

2. how old are you compared to your classmate?

I am younger than my classmate.

3.how far is your house from the school compared to your classmate?

My house is the nearest from the school.


Rumus Degrees of Comparison:

ada tiga tingkat perbandingan untuk kata sifat dan kata keterangan dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu:

Positive degree

Comparative degree

Superlative degree

Positive degree digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu dalam keadaan selevel:

Contoh : I am as happy as my parents. (Aku sebahagia kedua orang tuaku)

Comparative degree dibentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran "-er"

Contoh : Tony is younger than i am. (Tony lebih muda dariku)

Superlative degree dengan menambahkan akhiran "-est" dan memiliki arti sebagai yang paling sehingga tidak bisa dibandingkan lagi.

Contoh : I am the youngest person in my family. (Aku adalah orang termuda / yang paling muda di dalam keluargaku)

Semoga membantu ya.

3. The children ………… the movie. A.The children are going to watch the movie B.The children is going to watch the movie C.The children are going to watched the movie D.The children are going to watching the movie




maaf kalo salah ya

semoga membantu

4. children are sometimes very.... when other children want to take their things​



Atau artinya :


Maaf kalau salah..

jawaban: FUSSY

PENJELASAN : children are sometimes very FUSSY when other children want to take their things

Maaf kl salah

5. Why Children don't have any obligation to work?


working needs enough knowledge, mental, social skills, etc. and children havent got it all yet, and that's why children go to school and learn about those to make them ready to work someday later



Because, children are still in a period where they still have a lot to learn in everything

Semoga membantu

6. Why do the children usually go to the mosque? *​


pertanyaan nya:

Mengapa anak-anak biasanya pergi ke masjid? *


Jwaban nya:Mungkininginmengikutiorang tuanyaygrajinsolatinginmengenallebihjauhtentangmesjiddanlainsebagainya



7. children are sometimes very.... when other children want to take their things​




anak-anak terkadang sangat marah ketika anak yang lain ingin mengambil barang miliknya

Detail Jawaban:

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 5

Apk : Brainly (Jaringan Pembelajaran Sosial)

Link : brainly.co.id

Semoga Membantu!

8. do you think school children are easy targets for cyber bullies? why?


pengertian : Yes because nowadays almost every student is using internet and there are several people who dont hesitate to bully others on the internet.


Menurut Anda, apakah anak sekolah adalah sasaran empuk bagi pelaku intimidasi cyber buly? Mengapa?

jawaban dalam bahasa indonesia:

pembuli biasa nya selalu membuli orang yang lemah fisik agar bisa di perlakukan seenak nya. pembuli juga akan mencari sasaran buli pada orang yang hanya punya sedikit teman. pembuli akan membuat sasaran bulian nya di jauhi oleh orang lain,menghina secara fisik atau mental korban.

jawaban dalam bahasa inggris:

The usual bully always bullies people who are physically weak so that they can be treated as they wish. The bully will also look for the bladder to target people who have few friends. The bullies will make their bulian targets shunned by other people, physically or mentally humiliating the victim.


semoga membantu

9. Our yard looks awful.There are too....weeds


Our yard looks awful. There are too many weeds

Answer : many


maaf kalau salah..semoga membantu!

10. happy children to have are a picnic​


children are happy to have a picnic

Semoga Membantu

11. the children are.... they want to...​


anak-anak adalah .... mereka ingin ...


anak anak adalah? seorang lelaki atau perempuan yang belum dewasa atau belum mengalami masa pubertas. Anak juga merupakan keturunan kedua, di mana kata "anak" merujuk pada lawan dari orang tua, orang dewasa adalah anak dari orang tua mereka, meskipun mereka telah dewasa.

biasanya mereka ingin?

Mainan dan dia suka merengek.

semoga membantu

12. 5. Why are children prohibited from riding in theshopping cart​


Because your child can fall out of the cart and suffer serious head injury.


The answer is in the picture.

Maaf klo salah

Semoga membantu:)

13. A. Why are most laboratory instruments made of tempered glass?B. What are the benefits of using this material for laboratory instruments compared to other materials?​


A. Most of the laboratory apparatus is made of glass because glass is a transparent material and we can see through it clearly. It does not react with most of the chemicals used in experiments. Glass withstands high temperatures.

B. It will withstand nearly all temperatures used in normal laboratory use. It is highly resistant to chemical attack. Its low coefficient of expansion allows it to be manufactured with relatively heavy walls giving it mechanical strength, while retaining reasonable heat resistance.

14. why do parents choose homeschooling to educate their children

Mengapa orangtua memilih homeschooling untuk mendidik anak mereka
Because parents think that their kids would have more time for creative play and unique interestss.

15. do children like to try new food? why?

Bc children liked try something new especially food Yes they do,Because they have great curiosity about new world,like food examples.

16. 1 Who is the man?2 What are the children looking at in picture 2 ?why?3.what are they looking at in picture 34 why are the children excited in picture 4?​


1.the man asked his friend where he came from

2.He thought his friend came from China, eh, he is Australian

3.they see food

4.because of his friend Birthday

Penjelasan :artinya

1.pria itu bertanya kepada temannya dari mana dia berasal

2.Dia mengira temannya berasal dari China, eh, dia orang Australia

3.mereka melihat makanan

4.karena Ulang Tahun temannya

17. Genneraly, sand soil contains the least nutrients compared to garden soil and clay soil. Why ?


Because, sand soil does not contain water, minerals.

Maaf kalau salah

Semoga Membantu

18. Why do children have to wear hats scholl?


Wearing a sun-protective hat is a simple and effective strategy for reducing ultraviolet radiation to the face.

19. Children are not independent. They are att___ to their parents.​


Anak-anak tidak mandiri. Mereka memperhatikan orang tua mereka


maaf kalo salah ya:)

saya sudah terjemahkan tapi saya tidak tau jawabannya maaf

20. who is the men?what are the children looking at in picture 2? why? what are they looking at in picture 3why are the children excited in the picture 4 picture 2? why? ​


JAWABAN: ADA 10 lelaki | dan ada 7 perempuan jadi hasil nya 19 murid! || TERJEMAHAN: siapa laki-laki itu? apa yang anak-anak lihat pada gambar 2? mengapa? apa yang mereka lihat di gambar 3 mengapa anak-anak bersemangat pada gambar 4 gambar 2? mengapa? kami || SEMOGA MEMBANTU ANDA KAWAN. . SEMANGAT BELAJAR YA! TERIMAKASIH

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