Go 32 She 49 Some

Go 32 She 49 Some

tolong dibantuu plisss26. I……..at 5 am *a.get upb.gets upc.getting upd.got up27. I …….a letter for my mom *a.writeb.writingc.wroted.writes28. They…..me so well *a.knowb.knewc.knewd.known29. We…….this food here *a.ateb.eatc.eatend.eating30. She…….a homemade cake *a.madeb.makec.makesd.making31. I……a delicious food for you *a.cookingb.cooksc.cookedd.cook32. She…….a picture here *a.drewb.drawnc.drawingd.draws33. it most…….. all the time *a.happenb.happeningc.happensd.hapen34. He often….to my gym *a.comeb.camec.comingd.comes35. you can…..fresh vegetables *a.getsb.getc.gettingd.got36. The ships…… tonight *a.arriveb.arrivesc.arrivedd.arriving37. She ……a bread every morning *a.eatingb.atec.eatsd.eat38. Soleha …….every morning *a.takes a bathb.take a bathc.taking a bathd.took a bath39. They…..badminton every weekend *a.playingb.playsc.playedd.play40. They…..some fruits for my family *a.boughtb.buysc.buyd.buying41. We…..not do the task *a.didb. bec.ared.do42. They……us so well *a.knowb.knewc.knowingd.known43. we……a letter for me *a.sendingb.sentc.sendd.sends44. we…..lyric of the song *a.madeb.makingc.makesd.make45. He……..to me *a.laughsb.laughc.laughingd.lauged46. The thesis … written by me. *a. Isb. Willc. Will bed . Would47. … we come together? *a. Whatb. Arec. Isd. Shall48. They won’t … to school soon. *a. Be gob. Gonec. Wentd. Go49. It is eight already, we … be late. *a. Are going tob. Be going toc. Be Goned. Were going to50. She will … loved. *a. Isb. Hasc. Id. Be​

Daftar Isi

1. tolong dibantuu plisss26. I……..at 5 am *a.get upb.gets upc.getting upd.got up27. I …….a letter for my mom *a.writeb.writingc.wroted.writes28. They…..me so well *a.knowb.knewc.knewd.known29. We…….this food here *a.ateb.eatc.eatend.eating30. She…….a homemade cake *a.madeb.makec.makesd.making31. I……a delicious food for you *a.cookingb.cooksc.cookedd.cook32. She…….a picture here *a.drewb.drawnc.drawingd.draws33. it most…….. all the time *a.happenb.happeningc.happensd.hapen34. He often….to my gym *a.comeb.camec.comingd.comes35. you can…..fresh vegetables *a.getsb.getc.gettingd.got36. The ships…… tonight *a.arriveb.arrivesc.arrivedd.arriving37. She ……a bread every morning *a.eatingb.atec.eatsd.eat38. Soleha …….every morning *a.takes a bathb.take a bathc.taking a bathd.took a bath39. They…..badminton every weekend *a.playingb.playsc.playedd.play40. They…..some fruits for my family *a.boughtb.buysc.buyd.buying41. We…..not do the task *a.didb. bec.ared.do42. They……us so well *a.knowb.knewc.knowingd.known43. we……a letter for me *a.sendingb.sentc.sendd.sends44. we…..lyric of the song *a.madeb.makingc.makesd.make45. He……..to me *a.laughsb.laughc.laughingd.lauged46. The thesis … written by me. *a. Isb. Willc. Will bed . Would47. … we come together? *a. Whatb. Arec. Isd. Shall48. They won’t … to school soon. *a. Be gob. Gonec. Wentd. Go49. It is eight already, we … be late. *a. Are going tob. Be going toc. Be Goned. Were going to50. She will … loved. *a. Isb. Hasc. Id. Be​

26. A. get up

27. C. wrote

28. A. know

29. A. ate

30. A. made

31. C. cooked

32. A. drew

33. A. happen

34. D. comes

35. B. get

36. B. arrives

37. C. eats

38. A. takes a bath

39. D. play

40. A. bought

41. A. did

42. A. know

43. B. sent

44. A made

45. D. laughed

46. A. is

47. D. shall

48. D. go

49. A. are going to

50. D. be

semoga membantu ^_^

2. tolong dijawab serius pentingg ini I often (1. listen) ……..… to pop music on the radio, and I (2. watch) ………. TV a lot – films mainly. I really (3. like) …… staying at home, but I (4. wake) …… up late at the weekend. Mark (5. go) ……. out a lot. He (6. do - not - like) ………….……. staying at home. He usually (7. go) …… to bed late, but Tina (8. get) …….. up early and (9. study)…………. before breakfast. She (10. like) ………. mending things at home. I (11. have) ….…got a sister and a brother, I (12. be) …. the oldest. My sister (13. stay) ……… with me. My brother (14. Speak) ………… four languages. He (15. Teach) ……………. Spanish at university. A young American, Phillips, (16. be – traveling) ……………… through France. He (17. meet) ………. Marie, and they (18. go) ….. out together immediately. Jerry and Mark (19. be) ….. Twin. They both (20. have).…… got big moustaches, and (21. wear) ……… the same kind of glasses. In their free time they (22. work) ………… as fire fighters. Look out! There (23. be) …. a girl (24. ride) …….……… a bike in front of us, and watch out! There (25. be) …...some children (26. play) ….……… a ball, they (27. be - run) …………….….across the road. Be careful when you (28. be – drive) ……………… a car.! This week Lisa (29. be-study) …………….hard for exams. At this moment she (30. be) … Still (31. do) …..... her school assignment, so she (32. be –not – watch) …………………… TV. More than 57.000 people (33. work) …….…..at Heathrow Airport. Every day, around 1200 planes (34. take) ……….. off and land at Heathrow. I usually (35. fly) …….. from Washington to New York. If I (36. leave)…..….. home at 6.30 in the morning, I can (37. catch) …..….. the 7.30 flight. It (38. get) …… to La Guardia Airport, which (39. arrive) ………………. at about 8.30. Now, I’m in the center of New York at my office by 9.15. So, the whole journey (40. take) …………. less than three hours. It’s expensive, it (41. cost) …………. about $300 return, but it’s very quick. The weather (42. be)…. very hot. These classrooms (43. have –not – get) ………………. any air conditioner. Let’s (44. move) ..…… to the library, maybe we can (45. find)……… a cool place. My uncle (46. have –get) ………………….. brown eyes, but my aunt, she (47. be) ….. from England, she (48. have –get) …………….. blue eyes. Sure they (49. have –get) ………………. their mixed baby eyes color. Can you imagine the dark purple eyes color of my cousin. Those (50. be) …… so beautiful.



soalnya ada di buku kah kak...kalo ada foto aja...kalo begini aku bingung

3. 15 Can this camera….. good photos? A) make B) to make C) take D) to take16 Who was the first person…… today? A) spoke to you B) you spoke to C)you spoke D) whom you spoke17 I can´t find the book……… A) nowhere B) everywhere C) anywhere D) somewhere18 There was a house at ……..A) the mountain foot B) the foot of the mountain C) the feet of the mountain D) the mountain´s foot19 A person who talks to ……….is not necessarily mad. A) himself B) oneself C) yourself D) itself20 I´ll be 13 tomorrow, ………….? A) am I B) aren´t I C) won´t I D) will I21 Did you hear ……….. Julie said? A) what B) that C) that what D) which22 Spanish people usually speak … than English people. A) quicklier B) more quicklier C) more quickly D) more quicker23 That old lady can´t stop me …….. the tennis match on my radio. A) to listen B) listening C) listen to D) listening to24 I haven´t got a chair…… A) to sit B) for to sit on C) to sit on D) for sitting25 ….. at the moment, I´ll go to the shops. A) For it doesn´t rain B) As it doesn´t rain C) For it isn´t raining D) As it isn´t raining26 Bill drinks…….whisky. A) any B) none C) too many D)so much27 ……… are very intelligent. A)Both of them B) Both them C) Both they D)The both28 In a shop …….. customers. A) it is important pleasing B) it is important to pleaseC) there is important pleasing D) there is important to please29 Don’t leave your shoes on the table. A) Put off them! B) Take them off! C) Pick them off! D) Pick up them!30 ……..in my class like the teacher. A) All persons B) All pupils C) Everyone D) All people 31 We expected about 20 girls but there were………. people there. A) another B) others C)some D) more32 Your bicycle shouldn´t be in the house! A) Take it out! B) Get out it! C) Put it off! D) Take away it!33 What time does the bus ……….. Bradford?A) go away to B) go away for C) leave to D) leave for34 She ……….. be Canadian because she´s got a British passport.A)can´t B) isn´t able to C) musn´t D) doesn´t need35 “ Our daughter ………….”, they said. A) was born since three years B) is born for three years agoC) was born three years ago D) has been born since three years ago36 When ………. English?A) has he begun to study B) has he begun study C) did he begin to study D) did he begin study37 Do you want some cheese? No,……………A) I´ve some still B) I still have much C) I don´t want D) I´ve still got some38 Brenda likes going to the theatre and ………… A) so do I B) so go I C) so I like D) so I am39 …..from London to Edinburgh! A) How long there is B) What a long way it is C) What distance is there D) How long is40 He´s a good guitarist, but he plays the piano……… A) quiet well B) too hardly C) very good D) much better41 When you go to the shops, bring me……….. A) a fruit tin B) a fruits tin C) a tin of fruit D) a tin of fruits42 Molly doesn’t eat fish.A) So doesn´t John. B) Neither does John. C) John doesn’t too. D) John doesn´t that either.43 The airport is five miles……… A) away from here B) from here away C) far from here D) far away from here44 Please ask……….and see me. A) to Bill to come B) Bill to come C) to Bill come D) Bill come45 She always buys..my birthday.A) anything nice to B) anything nice for C) something awful to D) something awful for46 Aren´t they friends…..? A) of yours B) of you C) to yours D) to you47 She hardly ever eats………potatoes. A) or bread or B) bread or C) neither bread or D) neither bread nor48 This is the record we…….. A) like so much B) are liking so much C) like it much D) are liking it much49 She´s going to buy………new trousers. A) some pair of B) some C) a couple of D) this50 Is she going to school? No,………. A) she doesn´t B) she´s cycling C) she gets by bus D) to the shops

15 take
16 you spoke to

17 everywhere

18. kurang yakin ^^

19 a(maksudnya orang yang ngomong sendiri itu ga selamanya gila))

Semoga membantu :)
Ps : tanyakan yang susah menurut kamu aja, jangan semua, biar untuk mengasah kemampuanmu juga ^^ Salamm

4. This text is for number 36 – 38. SANIA’S DAILY SCHEDULE NO TIME ACTIVITIES 1 04.30 Wake up 2 05.00 Pray subuh 3 05.00 - 06.00 Help mother 4 06.00 – 06.30 Take bath and breakfast 5 06.30 – 07.00 Go to school 6 07.00 – 15.30 Study at school 7 15.30 – 16.00 Take rest 8 16.00 – 17.00 Play with friends 9 17.00 – 17.45 Take bath and pray mahrib 10 18.00 – 19.00 Recite Holy Qur’an 11 19.00 – 19.30 Pray isya 12 19.30 – 21.30 study 36. How many times does Sania pray at home? A. four times B. three times C. twice D. once 37. How long does Sania study at school? A. more than nine hours B. less than eight hours C. seven and a half hours D. eight and a half hours 38.What does Sania usually do at half past six in the evening? A. She takes a bath and prays mahrib B. She takes a bath and has breakfast C. She recites the Holy Qur’an D. She plays with friends Fill in the blanks in the dialogue with suitable words. (39-40) Amin : “ I spent my holiday in Bali for a week. I really enjoyed my quality time with family. What about you, Dafa?” Dafa : “ I went to Paris. I saw the Eiffel Tower.” Amin : “ Wow, it must be very exciting. Can you tell me more about Eiffel Tower?” Dafa : “ Of course. Eiffel Tower had become the world’s tallest structure until the Chrysler Building was built in New York in 1930. Don’t you know that there are only (39) ... tall buildings in the world, like Eiffel Tower, Chrysler Building, and Burj Kalifa. No wonder there are many people around the world want to visit Eiffel Tower, and I had a new experience and so (40) … fun there. 39. A. few B. little C. many D. much 40. A. few B. little C. many D. much The text is for number 41 – 43. Today is Sunday. My family and I are at the Snow Park. Many people are gathered in the park. I also meet my friends there. Some people are sitting on the grass. But some others are sitting on the bench. My brother is wearing a red cap. He is kicking a ball by himself. My father is wearing running shoes. My mother is wearing glasses. She is holding a carton of milk. I enjoy my toys with my friend Alex. We are playing our little toy cars. 41. Whom is the writer in the park with? A. his family B. his friends C. his penfriends D. his classmates 42. “I also meet my friends there”. What is the closest meaning of the underlined word? A. family B. siblings C. relatives D. pals 43. “she is holding a carton of milk.” What does the underlined word refer to? A. the writer’s friend B. the writer’s family C. the writer’s mother D. the writer’s sister The text is for number 44 – 46. Hello everybody. My name is Kevin, and this is my family. My mother’s name is Luisa. She writes news stories or articles for a newspaper or magazine. Every Sunday, she gets up at 5 o’clock in the morning and prepares breakfast. After that, she usually cleans our house. She also likes listening to the radio and watching films on TV. My father’s name is Juan. He works at a factory. On Sunday, he always washes his car. But sometimes, he watches a football match on TV. He watches it with his friends. 44. What does the text tell us about? A. Kevin’s family members B. Kevin’s description C. Kevin’s daily activities D. Kevin’s family’s activities 45. What does Kevin’s mother do? A. She is a housewife B. She is a journalist C. She is a reporter D. She is a factory worker 46. “he watches it with his friends”. What does the underlined word refer to? A. the writer’s car B. Mr. Juan’s house C. the writer’s TV D . a football match Read the following table carefully to answer numbers 47 - 49 THE TABLE OF 8A STUDENTS NO NAME AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT 1 Azis Ahmad Mustofa 13 160 cm 40 kg 2 Choiril Anam 14 157 cm 41 kg 3 Farhana Nurlita Asih 13 155 cm 32 kg 4 Gufron Jufri 12 160 cm 43 kg 5 Muhammad Abdul Fikri 14 167 cm 40 kg 6 Omar Khadafi 15 161 cm 39 kg 7 Raissa Sekar Wangi 14 156 cm 36 kg 47. From the data above, we can conclude that … A. Gufron Jufri is older than Azis Ahmad B. Choiril Anam has the same age of Omar Khadafi C. Muhammad Abdul Fikri is as old as Raissa Sekar Wangi D. Azis Ahmad Mustofa is the youngest students of all. 48. Gufron Jufri is … than Choiril Anam. A. taller B. tallest C. shorter D. shortest 49. Who is the thinnest student of all? A. Choiril Anam B. Farhana Nurlita Asih C. Raissa Sekar Wangi D. Muhammad Abdul Fikri 50. Arrange these sentence into a good dialogue! 1. Ana : “ At 7 a.m and we must gather at the field”. 2. Ita : “ When will it be hold?’ 3. Ita : “ Ok, thank you for your information”. 4. Ana : “ It will be hold on Sunday morning”. 5. Ita : “ Hello, may I speak to Ana?” 6. Ana :” you’re welcome Ita, bye”. 7. Ana : “ Hello, Ana speaking”. 8. Ana : “ Yes, Mr. Budi said so.” 9. Ita : “ Ana, I just want to know, is there a working bee in our village this week?” 10. Ita :” What time and where should we gather?” A. 5 – 7 – 9 – 8 - 2 – 4 - 10 – 1- 6 – 3 B. 5 – 7 – 9 – 1 – 10 – 4 – 8 - 2 – 3 – 6 C. 5 – 7 – 9 – 8 – 2 – 4 – 10 – 1 – 3 – 6 D. 5 – 7 – 9 – 8 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 10 – 1 – 6


36. B

37. D

38. C

39. A

40. C

41. B

42. D

43. C

44. A

45. D

46. C

47. B

48. A

49. B

50. B


klo salah ya terlalu banyak soalnya

5. ada yang bisa bantu?? tolong dong.. Academic knowledge: Fill in the gaps into the right forms (Verb, Adjective, & Comparative forms). He was born in a small Missouri village near the Mississippi river in 1835. He (17. be) __ (18. actual-adj) ____ not a healthy baby, but he (19. manage) ____ well to survive because of his mother ‘s tender care. Can you add some (20. more) __ information, especially his formal education? He (21. go) __ to a log – cabin school until he (22. be) __ twelve years old and this (23. be) __ the end of his formal school. After his father’s death in 1847, he (24. leave) ___ school and became a printer’s apprentice. Correct, Elaine. At that time Andrew Jackson (25. be) __ the president of the country and Abraham Lincoln (26. be) __ still a young farm labored in Illinois. He (27. write) ___ a short story (28. call) ____ “the Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”, didn’t he? Yes, that’s right. This short story (29. make) ___ him known well all over the country. He (30. publish) _____ his first book in 1867 in New York. And two years latter his second book (31. call) ___ “innocent Abroad” (32. be) _ (33. Publish) ______ (34. do) __ you know when he (35. get) __ (36. Marry) ____ and what his wife’s name (37. – be) __? He (38. be) __ married to Olivia Langdon in 1870 in Elmira, New York. It (39. be) __ an (40. extreme- adj) ______ successful marriage. Could you explain it why you (41. say) __ it was an extremely successful marriage? They (42. be) __ (43. devotee) _____ to each other throughout their lives. His wife, Olivia also (44. have) __a strong and lasting influence on his writing. She (45. edit) ____ almost all his manuscripts and he always (46. accept) ____ her changes without arguments. Mark Twain (47. write) ___ “Tom Sawyer”, didn’t he? This book also (48. make) ___ him famous all over the world. Yes, that’s right Gregg. He wrote this book in 1876 and this one of the books he wrote for which he (49. be) _ (50. superlative) ___ famous. The other two books are “Huckleberry Finn” in 1884, and “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” in 1889.


17. Was

18. Actually

19. Managed

20. More

21. Went

22. Was

23. Was

24. Left

25. Was

26. Was

27. Wrote

28. Called

29. Made

30. Published

31. Called

32. Was

33. Published

34. Do

35. Got

36. Married

37. Was

38. Was

39. Was

40. Extremely

41. Said

42. Become

43. Devoted

44. Had

45. Change

46. Accepting

47. Wrote

48. Made

49. Was

50. Super

6. 1. I just want to see four white________ here 2 points a.mice b.mouses c.some mouse d.some mouses 2. These trousers _____ made of cotton 2 points a.is b.are c.am d.was 3. They have ten ________ sold 2 points a.sheep b.sheeps c.some sheep d.some sheeps 4. There are many ___________ at the park 2 points a.child b.a child c.two children d.children 5. They have ten glass________ sold 2 points a.box b.a box c.boxs d.boxes 6. Ann never drives dangerously. She comes to a _______________ road 2 points a.danger b.dangerous c.dangerously d.very dangerously 7. He is a ______ dancer. He dances well 2 points a.good b.well c.best d.the best 8. Acehnese food is very _________. I like it so much 2 points a.tasteless b.acid c.sour d.delicious 9. The little girl was wearing a ______________ dress 2 points a.beautiful long red b.ugly short yellow c.nice black pink d.good short long 10. I will consider your __________ ideas. Thank you very much 2 points a.delicious b.original c.useful d.brilliant 11. Robert and Liliana __________ two of friends in my classroom. 2 points a.is b.are c.am d.was 12. She ________ say anything. 2 points a.does b.doesn't c.do d.don't 13. My mother ________ me a delicious cake in the kitchen every Sunday. 2 points a.make b.makes c.made d.maked 14. He _______ both Arabic and English very well 2 points a.speak b.speaks c.spoke d.spoken 15. Simon and Alex ___________ through the air 2 points a.travel b.travels c.traveler d.traveled 16. Arif _________ here last month 2 points a.was b.were c.is d.are 17. Hi Andrea, did Elizabeth ________ you last night? 2 points a.meet b.met c.meeted d.meted 18. She baked cake __________ 2 points a.today b.now c.last Sunday d.tomorrow 19. Rina _________ late yesterday 2 points a.was b.were c.is d.are 20. When I was young, I __________ for two hours 2 points a.cry b.cries c.cried d.crying 21. Is Sally __________ a bath now? 2 points a.take b.takes c.took d.taking 22. You are not _______ a cup of tea right now 2 points a.drink b.drinks c.drank d.drinking 23. What _______ you doing these days? 2 points a.is b.are c.was d.will 24. The kids are watching TV ________ 2 points a.now b.today c.yesterday d.tomorrow 25. My father is __________ to fix my motorcycle 2 points a.try b.tries c.tried d.trying 26. I talked to Jenny and Mike. I told __________ about Luzy’s birthday party 2 points a.us b.them c.they d.we 27. ________ is really going to be surprised! 2 points a.she b.her c.his d.them 28. I gave a birthday gift to _______ as a present 2 points a.he b.him c.she d.we 29. Don't touch! this book is belong to ________ 2 points a.I b.she c.it d.me 30. Look at those people! __________ are my cousins 2 points a.we b.you c.they d.them 31. ________ you heard news from Jill for 2 hours? 2 points a.has b.have c,will d.was 32. I am afraid, she _______ forgotten my book since yesterday 2 points a.has b.have c.will d.was 33. I __________ contacted him since 2 days ago 2 points a.hasn't b.haven't c.isn't d.aren't 34. _______ have been here for 5 days 2 points a.she b.he c.it d.they 35. Ali has _________ a letter for 3 hours 2 points a.write b.writing c.wrote d.written 36. They will _______ to a dentist tomorrow 2 points a.go b.goes c.gone d.going 37. I _______ do that for her tomorrow evening 2 points a.was b.were c.will d.am 38. Sinta is going to _________ her grand mother next month 2 points a.visit b.visited c.visiting d.will visit 39. Tono is _________ a pilot 2 points a.going to be b.going to go c.going to school d.going to play 40. My uncle will not repair his motorcycle __________ 2 points a.today b.yesterday c.now d.tomorrow 41. I went swimming _________ it was cold 2 points a.and b.or c.although d.yet 42. Ram likes tea ______ Anthony like coffee 2 points a.and b.but c.or d.so 43. ________ starting a new bussiness, you should have qualified workers 2 points a.before b.after c.although d.meanwhile 44. The bird is standing ______ singing in the air 2 points a.but b.and c.so d.because 45. You look tired, ______ why don't you take some rest? 2 points a.but b.and c.so d.because 46. ________ sun shines down on the earth 2 points a.a b.an c.and d.the 47. I see ______ beautiful house 2 points a.a b.an c.and d.the 48. Sheila takes _______ umbrella in the room 2 points a.a b.an c.and d.the 49. _________ tiger lives in Asia 2 points a.a b.an c.and d.the 50. I like _______ amazing experience 2 points a.a b.an c.and d.the


Semoga membantu yaa kak...

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7. Text for number 26 to 28Post office is one of the public service run by the government. It has many functions. It sells postal items like stamps, seals, postcards, envelopes, etc. We can send letters, parcels, money and documents through this office.26. When sending letters, we need ____ as the postal cost. A. seal B. stamp C. Money order D. Parcel27. Who does run the post office? A. government B. public service C. Post office D. seal28. “It has many functions.” The underlined word can be replaced with _____. A. government B. stamp C. Post office D. Seal29. You may introduce yourself in front of the classroom with the following expression _______. A. Nice to meet you B. Let me introduce myself C. See you later D. I’m fine30. 1. Ok, thank you very much 2. May I borrow this book, please? 3. Sure, sign here please 4. You’re welcome The best arrangement is ________ A. 2 – 3 – 1 – 4 B. 2 – 4 – 3 – 1 C. 2 – 1 – 3 – 4 D. 2 – 3 – 4 – 131. The teacher wants to write on the white board, but he doesn’t find any board marker. He says to one of the student ____________. A. bring the board marker please B. take some board markers please C. Please buy the board marker D. Please, clean the white board32. John Pantau is a diligent worker. He ___ comes to his office late. A. Always B. Usually C. Often D. NeverText for number 33 to 37I have a friend. Her name is Sarah. She is a new student in my class. She lives at Number 27 Jalan Hang Tuah Raya, Plumbungan Indah, Sragen, Central Java. She is slim and tall. She has short and straight hair. She is twelve years old. Her nose is pointed. Her eyes are brown. She is charming and smart. Everybody likes her.33. A : Who is the girl in the text? B : ______. A. Sarah B. the students C. the writer D. the teacher34. Sarah has ______ and _____ body. A. short; fat C. short; curly B. slim; tall C. short; curly D. long; fat35. A : How old is Sarah? B : She is ___ years old. A. 11 B. 13 C. 12 D. 1436. X : Where does Sarah live? Y : She lives in __________. A. Bandung B. Solo C. Medan D. Sragen37. Everyone likes her because she is ____. A. fat and tall B. funny and diligent C. a new student D. smart and charmingText for number 38 to 42 Fill in the blanks!It is Thursday. Fajar is in the school __38__. He wants to find a book. The book is about flora __39__ fauna. First, he goes to the catalogue to find the title and the name of __40__. Then he __41__ on piece of paper. He meets the librarian and tells that he wants to __42__ book.38. A. Laboratory C. canteen B. library C. canteen D. gymnastics39. A. Of B. and C. To D. but40. A. the reader B. the writer C. the publisher D. The author41. A. Writes B. reads C. speaks D. listens42. A. find B. meet C. borrow D. catch43. Romi : ... It’s disgusting. Dedi : Calm down. It’s just small worm. A. What is it? B. How are you? C. Where are you? D. What are you doing?44. The students are having lunch during their break time. They are at____. A. canteen B. school yard C. class room D. school hall45. Cindy : We’re leaving. Anne : Wait for me! Cindy : .... ! We’ll be late. Anne : Okay. I’m ready. Let’s go. A. Thanks B. Hold on C. give up D. hurry up46. Which one of the following expressions is included as gratitude? A. Great! B. Wow! It’s amazing C. Thanks a lot D. Good byeText for number 47 to 50This is our classroom. It is large. The floor is always clean. We clean it every morning. It has a black board, a door, and four windows. The wall is green. On the wall, there are some pictures, a calendar, the symbol of Garuda, and the pictures of our president and vice president. The cup board is in the corner and the map is hanged above it. There are twenty four desks and forty eight chairs for students.47. “It is large” The underlined word refers to _____. A. We B. the floor C. our classroom D. this48. We clean it every morning. The opposite of the underlined word is __ A. Clear B. make dirt C. brighten D. endanger49. The colour of the wall is ____ A. White B. Green C. Bue D. Red50. The map is hanged above the ____ A. Door C. Cup bard B. Window C. Cup bard D. Garuda symbolbantu jawab dong kak:(​


26. B

27. A

28. C

29. B

30. A

31. B

32. D

33. A

34. B

35. C

36. D

37. D

38. B

39. B

40. D

41. A

42. A

43. A

44. A

45. D

46. C

47. C

48. B

49. B

50. C

8. This text is for number 36 – 38. SANIA’S DAILY SCHEDULE NO TIME ACTIVITIES 1 04.30 Wake up 2 05.00 Pray subuh 3 05.00 - 06.00 Help mother 4 06.00 – 06.30 Take bath and breakfast 5 06.30 – 07.00 Go to school 6 07.00 – 15.30 Study at school 7 15.30 – 16.00 Take rest 8 16.00 – 17.00 Play with friends 9 17.00 – 17.45 Take bath and pray mahrib 10 18.00 – 19.00 Recite Holy Qur’an 11 19.00 – 19.30 Pray isya 12 19.30 – 21.30 study 36. How many times does Sania pray at home? A. four times B. three times C. twice D. once 37. How long does Sania study at school? A. more than nine hours B. less than eight hours C. seven and a half hours D. eight and a half hours 38.What does Sania usually do at half past six in the evening? A. She takes a bath and prays mahrib B. She takes a bath and has breakfast C. She recites the Holy Qur’an D. She plays with friends Fill in the blanks in the dialogue with suitable words. (39-40) Amin : “ I spent my holiday in Bali for a week. I really enjoyed my quality time with family. What about you, Dafa?” Dafa : “ I went to Paris. I saw the Eiffel Tower.” Amin : “ Wow, it must be very exciting. Can you tell me more about Eiffel Tower?” Dafa : “ Of course. Eiffel Tower had become the world’s tallest structure until the Chrysler Building was built in New York in 1930. Don’t you know that there are only (39) ... tall buildings in the world, like Eiffel Tower, Chrysler Building, and Burj Kalifa. No wonder there are many people around the world want to visit Eiffel Tower, and I had a new experience and so (40) … fun there. 39. A. few B. little C. many D. much 40. A. few B. little C. many D. much The text is for number 41 – 43. Today is Sunday. My family and I are at the Snow Park. Many people are gathered in the park. I also meet my friends there. Some people are sitting on the grass. But some others are sitting on the bench. My brother is wearing a red cap. He is kicking a ball by himself. My father is wearing running shoes. My mother is wearing glasses. She is holding a carton of milk. I enjoy my toys with my friend Alex. We are playing our little toy cars. 41. Whom is the writer in the park with? A. his family B. his friends C. his penfriends D. his classmates 42. “I also meet my friends there”. What is the closest meaning of the underlined word? A. family B. siblings C. relatives D. pals 43. “she is holding a carton of milk.” What does the underlined word refer to? A. the writer’s friend B. the writer’s family C. the writer’s mother D. the writer’s sister The text is for number 44 – 46. Hello everybody. My name is Kevin, and this is my family. My mother’s name is Luisa. She writes news stories or articles for a newspaper or magazine. Every Sunday, she gets up at 5 o’clock in the morning and prepares breakfast. After that, she usually cleans our house. She also likes listening to the radio and watching films on TV. My father’s name is Juan. He works at a factory. On Sunday, he always washes his car. But sometimes, he watches a football match on TV. He watches it with his friends. 44. What does the text tell us about? A. Kevin’s family members B. Kevin’s description C. Kevin’s daily activities D. Kevin’s family’s activities 45. What does Kevin’s mother do? A. She is a housewife B. She is a journalist C. She is a reporter D. She is a factory worker 46. “he watches it with his friends”. What does the underlined word refer to? A. the writer’s car B. Mr. Juan’s house C. the writer’s TV D . a football match Read the following table carefully to answer numbers 47 - 49 THE TABLE OF 8A STUDENTS NO NAME AGE HEIGHT WEIGHT 1 Azis Ahmad Mustofa 13 160 cm 40 kg 2 Choiril Anam 14 157 cm 41 kg 3 Farhana Nurlita Asih 13 155 cm 32 kg 4 Gufron Jufri 12 160 cm 43 kg 5 Muhammad Abdul Fikri 14 167 cm 40 kg 6 Omar Khadafi 15 161 cm 39 kg 7 Raissa Sekar Wangi 14 156 cm 36 kg 47. From the data above, we can conclude that … A. Gufron Jufri is older than Azis Ahmad B. Choiril Anam has the same age of Omar Khadafi C. Muhammad Abdul Fikri is as old as Raissa Sekar Wangi D. Azis Ahmad Mustofa is the youngest students of all. 48. Gufron Jufri is … than Choiril Anam. A. taller B. tallest C. shorter D. shortest 49. Who is the thinnest student of all? A. Choiril Anam B. Farhana Nurlita Asih C. Raissa Sekar Wangi D. Muhammad Abdul Fikri 50. Arrange these sentence into a good dialogue! 1. Ana : “ At 7 a.m and we must gather at the field”. 2. Ita : “ When will it be hold?’ 3. Ita : “ Ok, thank you for your information”. 4. Ana : “ It will be hold on Sunday morning”. 5. Ita : “ Hello, may I speak to Ana?” 6. Ana :” you’re welcome Ita, bye”. 7. Ana : “ Hello, Ana speaking”. 8. Ana : “ Yes, Mr. Budi said so.” 9. Ita : “ Ana, I just want to know, is there a working bee in our village this week?” 10. Ita :” What time and where should we gather?” A. 5 – 7 – 9 – 8 - 2 – 4 - 10 – 1- 6 – 3 B. 5 – 7 – 9 – 1 – 10 – 4 – 8 - 2 – 3 – 6 C. 5 – 7 – 9 – 8 – 2 – 4 – 10 – 1 – 3 – 6 D. 5 – 7 – 9 – 8 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 10 – 1 – 6


36. B

Sania sholat di rumah tiga kali, Subuh, Maghrib, dan Isya.

37. D

Sania belajar di sekolah jam 7.00-15.30, berarti delapan setengah jam.

38. C

Pada pukul 6.30 di malam hari, Sania membaca Al Quran.

39. A

Tall buildings adalah kata benda countable, bisa menggunakan quantifier few atau many. Tetapi 'There are only _' tidak bisa diikuti dengan many.

40. D

Fun adalah kata benda uncountable, bisa menggunakan little atau much. Tetapi penulis sangat senang dengan pengalamannya, jadi so little fun terdengar salah.

41. A

Ada di kalimat kedua, My family and I.

42. D

Melihat pilihannya, sepertinya yang digarisbawahi adalah kata 'my friends' dan itu sinonim dengan pals karena pilihan lain menunjukkan keluarga.

43. C

Kalimat sebelumnya menceritakan tentang ibu si penulis, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kalimat berikutnya masih mengacu pada subyek yang sama.

44. D

Paragraf tersebut menceritakan tentang kegiatan orangtua Kevin, si penulis.

45. B

She writes news stories or articles for a newspaper or magazine. Bisa disimpulkan bahwa ibu si penulis adalah seorang wartawan.

46. D

Kalimat sebelumnya, He watches a football match on TV. Kata ganti 'it' mengacu pada pertandingan sepak bola.

47. C

Muhammad dan Raisa berumur sama.

48. A

Gufron 160cm, Choiril 157cm. Jadi, Gufron lebih tinggi daripada Choiril.

49. B

Paling kurus adalah Farhana, 32kg.

50. C

9. Hi! yg bisa jwb aku kasih 20 poin dan jd jwban terbaikI often (1. listen) listened to pop music on the radio, and I (2. watch) watched TV a lot – films mainly. I really (3. like) ------- staying at home, but I (4. Wake) woked up late at the weekend.Mark (5. go) gone out a lot. He (6. do - not - like) ………….……. staying at home. He usually (7. Go) gone to bed late, but Tina (8. get) gotten up early and (9. study)…………. before breakfast. She (10. like) ………. mending things at home. I (11. have) had got a sister and a brother, I (12. be) been the oldest. My sister (13. stay) ……… with me. My brother (14. Speak) spoke four languages. He (15. Teach) taught Spanish at university.A young American, Phillips, (16. be – traveling) ……………… through France. He (17. meet) met Marie, and they (18. go) gone out together immediately.Jerry and Mark (19. be) beenTwin. They both (20. have) had got big moustaches, and (21. wear) worn the same kind of glasses. In their free time they (22. work) -------- as fire fighters.Look out! There (23. be) been a girl (24. ride) ridden a bike in front of us, and watch out! There (25. be) been some children (26. play) played a ball, they (27. be - run) …………….….across the road. Be careful when you (28. be – drive) ……………… a car.!This week Lisa (29. be-study) …………….hard for exams. At this moment she (30. be) … Still (31. do) done her school assignment, so she (32. be –not – watch) …………………… TV. More than 57.000 people (33. work) …….…..at Heathrow Airport. Every day, around 1200 planes (34. take) taken off and land at Heathrow.I usually (35. fly) flew from Washington to New York. If I (36. Leave) left home at 6.30 in the morning, I can (37. catch) caught the 7.30 flight. It (38. get) gotten to La Guardia Airport, which (39. arrive) ………………. at about 8.30. Now, I’m in the center of New York at my office by 9.15. So, the whole journey (40. take) …………. less than three hours. It’s expensive, it (41. cost) …………. about $300 return, but it’s very quick. The weather (42. be)…. very hot. These classrooms (43. have –not – get) ………………. any air conditioner. Let’s (44. move) ..…… to the library, maybe we can (45. find)……… a cool place. My uncle (46. have –get) ………………….. brown eyes, but my aunt, she (47. be) ….. from England, she (48. have –get) …………….. blue eyes. Sure they (49. have –get) ………………. their mixed baby eyes color. Can you imagine the dark purple eyes color of my cousin. Those (50. be) …… so beautiful.​


3. liked

6. don't like

9. studied

10. liked

13. stayed

16. was traveling

22. worked

27. were running

28. are driving

29. is studying

32. can not watch

33. work

39. arrived

40. took

41. costs

42. is

43. haven't got

44. move

45. find

46. has got

47. is

48. has got

49. have got

50. are


Maaf kalo ada yang salah

10. PUT THE VERBS IN BRACKETS IN THE CORRECT TENSE TO MAKE CONDITIONALS 1. If he_______________early today, I won´t wait for him. ( NOT COME ) 2. I_______________to Bahamas if I get much money. ( GO ) 3. If you see her,_______________her to come. (TELL ) 4. What will you do if you_______________your passport? ( LOSE ) 5. Stay at home if you_______________to come. ( NOT WANT ) 6. If you______________your driving exam, you______________to Wales last summer. ( PASS / DRIVE ) 7. If you_______________the flowers, they______________. ( NOT WATER / DIE ) 8. Peter_______________money if he_______________a job. ( EARN / HAVE ) 9. If I_______________, I_______________you, but I forgot.( REMEMBER / TELEPHONE ) 10. I_______________an ambulance if I_______________an accident. ( CALL / SEE ) 11. If you _______________ ( SIT ) down, I _______________ ( TELL ) the teacher that you are here. 12. If I _______________ ( BE ) you, I _______________ ( STUDY ) harder. 13. He ______________ ( COME ) if he ___________ ( HAVE ) time, but he didn´t. 14. He _______________ ( KILL ) a man if he _______________ ( KNOW ) the truth. 15. If she _______________ ( COME ), _______________ ( TELL ) her that I want to see her. 16.They might be angry if we_______________to their party next week. ( NOT GO ) 17.If the examiner had read the passage more slowly, the candidates _________ __________ it. ( UNDERSTAND ) 18. They could get lost if they_______________a road map. ( NOT HAVE ) 19. He would have won the prize if he_______________harder, but he didn´t. ( TRY ) 20. If she had told me the truth, I _____________________ her (FORGIVE) 21. I´ll collect the papers if you_______________. ( FINISH ) 22.The man said he______________me unless I told him where the money was. ( HIT ) 23. I_____________a map for her in case she couldn´t find our house. ( DRAW ) 24. I can´t understand why he´s late unless he_______________our message. ( NOT GET ) 25. In case they_______________my first letter I wrote them a second one. ( NOT RECEIVE ) 26. If I found 100 pounds in the street, I ________________ it. ( KEEP ) 27. They´d be rather angry if you _______________ them. ( NOT VISIT ) 28. If I had been offered the job, I think I _______________ it. ( TAKE ) 29. I´m sure Tom will lend you some money. I would be very surprised if he _______________ .( REFUSE ) 30. Many people would be out of work if that factory __________ down.(CLOSE) 31. If she sold her car, She ______________ much money for it. ( NOT GET ) 32. They´re expecting us. They would be disappointed if we ______________. ( NOT COME ) 33. Would George be angry if I ____________ his bike without asking? ( TAKE ) 34. Ann gave me this ring. She _______________ terribly sorry if I lost it. ( BE ) 35. If someone _______________ in here with a gun, I´d be frightened. ( WALK ) 36. What would have happened if you ______________ to work yesterday? ( NOT GO ) 37. I´m sure she ________ if you had explained the situation to her. UNDERSTAND) 38. What would you do if a millionaire _________ you to marry him/her? (ASK) 39. What would you do if you _____________ your passport in a foreign country? ( LOSE ) 40. What would you do if someone _________ an egg at you? ( THROW ) 41. If I went to bed now, I ______________. ( NOT SLEEP ) 42. If she __________ for the job, she would have got it. ( APPLY ) 43. If I _______________ her number, I would telephone her. ( KNOW ) 44. I _______________ that coat if I were you. ( NOT BUY ) 45. I _______________ you a cigarette if I had one but I haven´t. ( GIVE ) 46. This soup would taste better if it ______________ more salt in it. ( HAVE ) 47. If you _______________ to bed so late every night, you wouldn´t be so tired all the time. ( NOT GO ) 48. I wouldn ´t mind living in England if the weather ____________ better. ( BE ) 49. I´d help you if I __________ but I´m afraid I can´t. ( CAN ) 50. If I were you, I _______________ him. ( NOT MARRY )


1. If he doesn't come early today, I won´t wait for him.

2. I will go to Bahamas if I get much money.

3. If you see her, you will tell her to come.

4. What will you do if you lose your passport?

5. Stay at home if you won't want to come.

6. If you pass your driving exam, you will drive to Wales last summer.

7. If you don't water the flowers, they will die.

8. Peter will earn money if he has a job.

9. If I remember, I will telephone you, but I forgot.

10. I will call an ambulance if I see an accident.

11. If you sit down, I will tell the teacher that you are here.

12. If I were you, I would study harder.

13. He would have come if he had had time, but he didn´t.

14. He will kill a man if he knows the truth.

15. If she comes,  I will tell her that I want to see her.

16.They might be angry if we wouldn't go to their party next week.

17.If the examiner had read the passage more slowly, the candidates would have understood it.

18. They could get lost if they didn't have a road map.

19. He would have won the prize if he had tried harder, but he didn´t.

20. If she had told me the truth, I would have forgiven her.

21. I´ll collect the papers if you finish.

22.The man said he would hit me unless I told him where the money was.

23. I drew a map for her in case she couldn´t find our house.

24. I can´t understand why he´s late unless he won't get our message.

25. In case they wouldn't receive my first letter I wrote them a second one.

26. If I found 100 pounds in the street, I would keep it.

27. They´d be rather angry if you didn't visit them.

28. If I had been offered the job, I think I would have taken it.

29. I´m sure Tom will lend you some money. I would be very surprised if he refused.

30. Many people would be out of work if that factory closed down.

31. If she sold her car, She wouldn't get much money for it.

32. They´re expecting us. They would be disappointed if we didn't come.

33. Would George be angry if I took his bike without asking?

34. Ann gave me this ring. She would be terribly sorry if I lost it.

35. If someone walked in here with a gun, I´d be frightened.

36. What would have happened if you hadn't gone to work yesterday?

37. I´m sure she would have understood if you had explained the situation to her.

38. What would you do if a millionaire asked you to marry him/her?

39. What would you do if you lost your passport in a foreign country?

40. What would you do if someone threw an egg at you?

41. If I went to bed now, I wouldn't sleep.

42. If she applied for the job, she would have got it.

43. If I knew her number, I would telephone her.

44. I wouldn't buy that coat if I were you.

45. I would give you a cigarette if I had one but I haven´t.

46. This soup would taste better if it had more salt in it.

47. If you didn't go to bed so late every night, you wouldn´t be so tired all the time.

48. I wouldn ´t mind living in England if the weather was better.

49. I´d help you if I could but I´m afraid I can´t.

50. If I were you, I didn't marry him.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai conditional sentence all types dan faktanya pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/35215050


11. Analisis kalmia conditional berikut ini dengan menandai manakah pengandaianbentuk saran, perintah, peringatan dan harapan1. If they make this place dirty, they have to clean it.2. If they want to meet me, they must come before 3 pm.3. If you want to pass the exam, you must be more discipline4. If you want a good price, you have to go to the factory outlet5. If you want fly to Bali by plane, you have to reserved your ticket6. If she wants to be the winner, she has to be creative7. If you want to be the winner, you have to practice a lot.8. If you want to be with her, you have to asked her out9. If you want to get good marks, you must study hard10. If you want to get healthy, you must get some medicine and take a rest11. You have to feed your pets, if you dont want your pets die12. You have to put some cherries on your cake, if you dont want your cake look paleand dull13. You have to speak Japanese well, if you want to go to Japan14. You must bring the camera if you want to the Zoo15. If you are able to get married, you should get married soon.16. If you want to get better soon, you should get some medicine and take a rest17. If you want to get better, you should see a doctor.18. If you want to get up early in the morning, why don’t you stop watching TV.19. If you want to know him more, follow him on Facebook20. If you love her, marry her.21. If the food is fully cooked, serve it while warm.22. If he calls, tell me immediately.23. If you see John, tell him he needs to come to my office.24. If you travel abroad, remember the passport25. If you go to Australia, send me a postcard.26. If you go to the supermarket, bring back some milk.27. If Mike comes, call me.28. If you drink, don’t drive.29. If you visit Seattle, Sail to Bainbrige Island on a Washington State Ferry.30. If you visit Seattle, Tour Pike Place Market.31. If you visit Seattle, Book a night at Sun Juan Islands.32. If you visit Seattle, Visit Chihuly Garden and Glass.33. If you visit Seattle, Watch the aircraft being built at the Boeing factory.34. If you visit Seattle, Tour The Chocolate factory in Freemont.35. If you heat water until 100 degrees of celcius, it will boil.36. If we heat ice, it melts37. If we sleep late, we are sleepy at school38. If you are 17 years old or older, you are allowed to have an id card39. water flowers, they die40. If you heat water, it boils.41. If you put ice cubes outside the fridge, it will melt.42. If you throw an apple upward, it will fall downward.43. People stop using their own cars if public Transport is good enough44. Pets die if they don’t get enough feed45. If I have 1 billion rupiahs, I will build a hotel.46. If I graduate from high school, I will continue my study to Japan.47. If I get the scholarship, I will treat you all.48. If I have a lot of money, I will build a big house49. If I become a teacher, I will be a good teacher50. If you come to Bali, I will meet you there​


bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla


12. Ada yang bisa bantu?? tolong dong.. Academic knowledge: Fill in the gaps into the right forms (Verb, Adjective, & Comparative forms). He was born in a small Missouri village near the Mississippi river in 1835. He (17. be) __ (18. actual-adj) ____ not a healthy baby, but he (19. manage) ____ well to survive because of his mother ‘s tender care. Can you add some (20. more) __ information, especially his formal education? He (21. go) __ to a log – cabin school until he (22. be) __ twelve years old and this (23. be) __ the end of his formal school. After his father’s death in 1847, he (24. leave) ___ school and became a printer’s apprentice. Correct, Elaine. At that time Andrew Jackson (25. be) __ the president of the country and Abraham Lincoln (26. be) __ still a young farm labored in Illinois. He (27. write) ___ a short story (28. call) ____ “the Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”, didn’t he? Yes, that’s right. This short story (29. make) ___ him known well all over the country. He (30. publish) _____ his first book in 1867 in New York. And two years latter his second book (31. call) ___ “innocent Abroad” (32. be) _ (33. Publish) ______ (34. do) __ you know when he (35. get) __ (36. Marry) ____ and what his wife’s name (37. – be) __? He (38. be) __ married to Olivia Langdon in 1870 in Elmira, New York. It (39. be) __ an (40. extreme- adj) ______ successful marriage. Could you explain it why you (41. say) __ it was an extremely successful marriage? They (42. be) __ (43. devotee) _____ to each other throughout their lives. His wife, Olivia also (44. have) __a strong and lasting influence on his writing. She (45. edit) ____ almost all his manuscripts and he always (46. accept) ____ her changes without arguments. Mark Twain (47. write) ___ “Tom Sawyer”, didn’t he? This book also (48. make) ___ him famous all over the world. Yes, that’s right Gregg. He wrote this book in 1876 and this one of the books he wrote for which he (49. be) _ (50. superlative) ___ famous. The other two books are “Huckleberry Finn” in 1884, and “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” in 1889.


almost....maaf kalo salah

13. Hi! Kalo yg bisa jawab aku kasih 20 poinI often (1. listen) listened to pop music on the radio, and I (2. watch) watched TV a lot – films mainly. I really (3. like) ------- staying at home, but I (4. Wake) woked up late at the weekend.Mark (5. go) gone out a lot. He (6. do - not - like) ………….……. staying at home. He usually (7. Go) gone to bed late, but Tina (8. get) gotten up early and (9. study)…………. before breakfast. She (10. like) ………. mending things at home. I (11. have) had got a sister and a brother, I (12. be) been the oldest. My sister (13. stay) ……… with me. My brother (14. Speak) spoke four languages. He (15. Teach) taught Spanish at university.A young American, Phillips, (16. be – traveling) ……………… through France. He (17. meet) met Marie, and they (18. go) gone out together immediately.Jerry and Mark (19. be) beenTwin. They both (20. have) had got big moustaches, and (21. wear) worn the same kind of glasses. In their free time they (22. work) -------- as fire fighters.Look out! There (23. be) been a girl (24. ride) ridden a bike in front of us, and watch out! There (25. be) been some children (26. play) played a ball, they (27. be - run) …………….….across the road. Be careful when you (28. be – drive) ……………… a car.!This week Lisa (29. be-study) …………….hard for exams. At this moment she (30. be) … Still (31. do) done her school assignment, so she (32. be –not – watch) …………………… TV. More than 57.000 people (33. work) …….…..at Heathrow Airport. Every day, around 1200 planes (34. take) taken off and land at Heathrow.I usually (35. fly) flew from Washington to New York. If I (36. Leave) left home at 6.30 in the morning, I can (37. catch) caught the 7.30 flight. It (38. get) gotten to La Guardia Airport, which (39. arrive) ………………. at about 8.30. Now, I’m in the center of New York at my office by 9.15. So, the whole journey (40. take) …………. less than three hours. It’s expensive, it (41. cost) …………. about $300 return, but it’s very quick. The weather (42. be)…. very hot. These classrooms (43. have –not – get) ………………. any air conditioner. Let’s (44. move) ..…… to the library, maybe we can (45. find)……… a cool place. My uncle (46. have –get) ………………….. brown eyes, but my aunt, she (47. be) ….. from England, she (48. have –get) …………….. blue eyes. Sure they (49. have –get) ………………. their mixed baby eyes color. Can you imagine the dark purple eyes color of my cousin. Those (50. be) …… so beautiful.​


maaf nggak bisa mba jago

14. Beersebba Bhs...Hari ini 10.31Today is rain we should bring anA umbrella23 Amal that has bankiAlephant BeaceDrabbit15. Teacher And don't play in the clasAndyAthank you bye Clam sorry Diam fine35. Aneby past sevenCten past26. What month is beforemayOmanFill in the Bank with the correct answer!36 This motorcycle37 How do you spell classroom38. The number is6539. A What day is today?& Today is (rabu)40 What month is it now?41 What month after november it is42. The opposite of south is43. The studiereadmgathe perpustakaan44. The cat on the floor last week (tidur)45.A s the weather in Pekanbaru- it is omamnu)27. The book Rp 2000Acheap BiligentClarythick28. A Narn English twice a weekA teach Beaches teaching techsCRead the following text carefully!9 We orange ce yesterdayAdring. Branko rinkingOdrinks30 Aid Mr Lee visit his daughter two daysMy mother is a nurse. Her name is Susanti.She goes to work by motorcycle in thehospital the treats patient nicely. I visit her inthe nurse's room Mymother dits on woodenchair There is a table in front of her. On thetable see tensemeter andthermometer There are some stationary toMy mother witites the patient condition everyAldidthey areshe didhe did31. When do leaves of the tree falls down?Ain summerCin springDin autumn32. She a new bas two yesterdayAbuy bought CbuyingD buysBased on the text.Answer the question below!$6. What does Mrs Susanti do?47 How does she treat the patient?48. What are on the tables?49. How does Susanti go the hospital?So What does "wooden chair" med38. We can see snow inA summerCwinterBspringDautumn​


Today is raining, we should bring an umbrella

Thank you, bye

Before may is April

Today is Wednesday

It is May

After November is December

Opposite ofSouth is North

The cat slept on the floor last week

The book is cheap

Leaves of the tree falls down in Autumn

She bought...

We can see snow in Winter


Tolong soalnya dipeerbaiki, agar lebih mudah dikerjakan... Beberapa soal tidak bisa saya kerjakan karena kurang jelasnya kalimat. Terima kasih, semoga membantu

15. Tolong jawab ini, ganti kata yang di dalam kurung untuk diisi di titik-titiknya. B. Put the verbs in the correct forms. Use present simple or present continuous. I often (1. listen) ……..… to pop music on the radio, and I (2. watch) ………. TV a lot – films mainly. I really (3. like) …… staying at home, but I (4. wake) …… up late at the weekend. Mark (5. go) ……. out a lot. He (6. do - not - like) ………….……. staying at home. He usually (7. go) …… to bed late, but Tina (8. get) …….. up early and (9. study)…………. before breakfast. She (10. like) ………. mending things at home. I (11. have) ….…got a sister and a brother, I (12. be) …. the oldest. My sister (13. stay) ……… with me. My brother (14. Speak) ………… four languages. He (15. Teach) ……………. Spanish at university. A young American, Phillips, (16. be – traveling) ……………… through France. He (17. meet) ………. Marie, and they (18. go) ….. out together immediately. Jerry and Mark (19. be) ….. Twin. They both (20. have).…… got big moustaches, and (21. wear) ……… the same kind of glasses. In their free time they (22. work) ………… as fire fighters. Look out! There (23. be) …. a girl (24. ride) …….……… a bike in front of us, and watch out! There (25. be) …...some children (26. play) ….……… a ball, they (27. be - run) …………….….across the road. Be careful when you (28. be – drive) ……………… a car. This week Lisa (29. be-study) …………….hard for exams. At this moment she (30. be) … Still (31. do) …..... her school assignment, so she (32. be –not – watch) …………………… TV. More than 57.000 people (33. work) …….…..at Heathrow Airport. Every day, around 1200 planes (34. take) ……….. off and land at Heathrow. I usually (35. fly) …….. from Washington to New York. If I (36. leave)…..….. home at 6.30 in the morning, I can (37. catch) …..….. the 7.30 flight. It (38. get) …… to La Guardia Airport, which (39. arrive) ………………. at about 8.30. Now, I’m in the center of New York at my office by 9.15. So, the whole journey (40. take) …………. less than three hours. It’s expensive, it (41. cost) …………. about $300 return, but it’s very quick. The weather (42. be)…. very hot. These classrooms (43. have –not – get) ………………. any air conditioner. Let’s (44. move) ..…… to the library, maybe we can (45. find)……… a cool place. My uncle (46. have –get) ………………….. brown eyes, but my aunt, she (47. be) ….. from England, she (48. have –get) …………….. blue eyes. Sure they (49. have –get) ………………. their mixed baby eyes color. Can you imagine the dark purple eyes color of my cousin. Those (50. be) …… so beautiful.


listenwatchlikewakegoesdoes not likegoesgetsstudieslikeshaveamstaysspeaksteachesis travellingmeetsgoarehavewearworkisridingareplayingare runningare drivingis studyingisdoingis not watchingworktakefly leavecatchgetsarrivestakescostsisdon't havemovefindhasishashaveare


Simple present tense adalah tenses yang digunakan ketika suatu kejadian sedang berlangsung saat ini atau kejadian yang berlangsung berulang kali (kebiasaan).

Untuk membentuk kalimat tense ini, biasanya digunakan kata kerja bentuk dasar atau Verb 1. Kecuali untuk kata ganti orang ketiga, menggunakan Verb 1 + s/es, rumusnya sebagai berikut

Subject + V1 (s/es) + object.

Untuk membentuk kalimat simple present tense negative, biasanya menggunakan tambahan don’t atau doesn’t sebelum kata kerja, kecuali To Be dan Modal, rumusnya adalah

S + Don’t / Doesn’t + Verb (1) + O

Jika kata kerja / verb nya berupa To Be, maka rumusnya menjadi

S + (is, am, are) + not + O

Present continuous tense merupakan bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi sedang berlangsung selama waktu tertentu pada waktu sekarang (present). Bentuk ini menunjukkan bahwa aksi tersebut terjadi sebelum (begins before), selama (is in progress at the present), dan berlanjut setelah (continues after) waktu atau aksi lainnya.

Dalam penerapannya dalam kalimat, rumusnya sebagai berikut

Bentuk positif: Subjek + be (am/is/are) + verb (-ing) + …

Bentuk negatif: Subjek +be (am/is/are) + not + verb (-ing) + …

Maaf kalau ada salah

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