Select A Figure From Amongst The Answer Figures

Select A Figure From Amongst The Answer Figures

We made the juice from freshly ... orange. Select the correct answer from :A. squeeze B. squeezed C. squeezing D. squeezing of

Daftar Isi

1. We made the juice from freshly ... orange. Select the correct answer from :A. squeeze B. squeezed C. squeezing D. squeezing of

freshly squeeze orange

2. The air turned ... when the wind blew. Select the correct answer from : A. cold B. coldly C. colds D. coldest

the air turned cold when the wind blew

A cold

3. The guess made the bell boy ... the luggage. Select the correct answer from : A. to bring B. brought C. brings D. bring

the guess made the bell brought the luggage

4. select the answer and right answer send me​


mana pertanyaanya?,,..........................................

5. I try to figure in the answer of what the function of the organization is Soal eror?? A. I B. Figure in C. What D. Is


The error:

B. Figure in


Bahasa Inggris dari mencari tahu adalah figure out, bukan figure in (Phrasal Verb).


I try to figure in the answer of what the function of the organization is.


I try to figure out the answer of what the function of the organization is.

Phrasal Verb yang tepat untuk kalimat di atas adalah figure out bukan figure in. Karena yang bermakna mencari tahu adalah figure out, bukan figure ini. Kalimat di atas juga bukanlah kalimat tanya, meskipun terdapat kata tanya "what" dan "is". Maka dari itu, peletakan kata "is" di akhir kalimat, sebagai tanda yang menunjukkan bahwa kalimat tersebut adalah kalimat positif atau berbentuk pernyataan, bukan pertanyaan.

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Phrasal Verb pada

Kata kunci: Phrasal Verb, error


6. Read the dialog then select the correct answer from the choices below Mike : Oh my God, I left my book at home. Dave: .......


Tidak ada option nya kak

?...............Mana dialognya kak....?

7. in the figure, 4 quadrants, each of radius 2 m, are removed from a rectangle. find the perimeter and the area of the figure​



Kok yang nanya pakai Bahasa Inggris ya?

8. Find the value of the unknown from the folowing figure!

Jawafind the value of the

9. The outbound participants should ... for the footbridge on the river. Select the correct answer from : A. look over B. look into C. look out D. look up

The answer is:

C look out

10. What value can you figure out from the song a million dream​


-dont stop dreaming

-make your dream is come true

-do more higher dream as u can


maaf kalau salah:)

11. Susan decides ... that she has committed a crime. Select the correct answer from : A. confess B. confessing C. confessed D. to confess

Susan decides..... That she has committed a crime. Select the corrrct answer from...


D. to confess

karena termasuk kalimat to intinitive.

Semoga membantu

12. The patient should avoid ... cosmetics during the skin recovery. Select the correct answer from : A. to wear B. wearing C. to wearing D. wear

Jawabannya adalah B. Wearing

13. The artificial flower ... from paper was sold in the market. Select the correct answer from : A. which made B. was made C. made D. it was made

D. it was made

Maaf jika salah tapi itu menerut saya

14. While travelling to Mexico, the newlyweds ... the site of the Aztec. Select the correct answer from : A. has visited B. had visited C. visited D. visiting

the newlyweds visited the site of the aztec

15. determine the combined volume of the figure!please answer!!!!​


Volume balok = p x l x t

                       = 40 cm x 35 cm x 15 cm

                       = 21.000 [tex]cm^{3}[/tex]

Volume prisma segitga = ([tex]\frac{a . t}{2}[/tex] x t. prisma)

                                       =  [tex]\frac{35 cm . 35}{2}[/tex] x 40 cm

                                       = 612.5 x 40 cm

                                       = 24.500

so the combined volume is 45.500 [tex]cm^{3}[/tex]

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Semoga membantu yaa..

16. In the figure, 4 quadrants, each of radius 2 m, are removed from a rectangle. Find(i) the perimeter(ii) the area,of the remaining figure.​


1. perimeter= 28.56 m/28.6m

II. 50. 44 m2

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


9-4= 5


5 + 3.14 + 3 + 3.14+ 5+ 3.14 + 3 + 3.14

= 28.56 m

Kalau di rounded off:

= 28. 6 m


3+2+2=7 (breadth) total area = 9x7 = 63 m 2

a= 22/7 x 4

a= 3.14

total area - 3.14 x 4

63 - 3.14 - 3.14 - 3.14 - 3.14

= 50.44 m2

semoga membantu

maaf klo salah

17. Answer the following questions how many figures are three? Mention them!


hey I need the dialogue or text

kalau kamu bs baca lagi, cari 3 tokoh lali sebutkan namanya

18. apa artinya ini ? dan jawablah ? figures which appear in the shadow play is taken from the story ?

artinya angka-angka yg muncul dalam wayang diambil dari cerita?
jawabannya aku ngga tau
Pikirkan apa yang muncul di permainan wayang yang diambil dari ceritanya

Tidak bisa dijawab karena kamu tidak menyertakan "the story"

19. The recent progress report ... to the Branch Manager. Select the correct answer from : A. submits B. will submit C. will be submited D. will be submitting

the recent profress report submits to the branch manager

20. Mars, ... has two satellites. Select the correct answer from : A. which the fourth planet from the Sun B. it is the fourth planet from the Sun C. the fourth planet from the Sun D. is the fourth planet of the Sun

the fourth planet from the sun

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