2. The gold foil of the National Monument was recoated and increased toa. 50 kg gold foilb. 40 kg gold foilC. 30 kg gold foild. 20 kg gold foil
1. 2. The gold foil of the National Monument was recoated and increased toa. 50 kg gold foilb. 40 kg gold foilC. 30 kg gold foild. 20 kg gold foil
idk i search from google
a. 50 kg gold foil
maaf kalo salah ‹3
2. Chapter's Review1.Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d.1. The National Monument is located in ....a. North Jakartab. South JakartaC. Central Jakartad. East Jakarta2. The gold foil of the National Monument was recoated and increased to ...a. 50 kg gold foilb. 40 kg gold foilC. 30 kg gold foild. 20 kg gold foil
2. B
maaf kalau salah
3. he....the gold in the box
Put (meletakkan)
Soal nyuruh isi titik dengan verb yg cocok
4. Arti tolakan dan walking in the air dalam.Olahraga atletik
cabang air dan menolak
5. tola tola is eaten by people in my village the active form is
gak bisa bahasa enggres
People in my village ate tola tola.
maaf kalo salah ya
6. Seseorang menendang sebuah batu 100 gram dengan kakinya sehingga batu tersebut terlempar dengan kecepatan 4 m/s. Jika massa orang tersebut 60 kg, berapa kecepatan tolakan pada orang tersebut?
Gambar kamu ikut ikut ya ?
7. he ( lives/lived) gold in the box...
maaf jikalau salah
8. What makes gold coin is more lucrative gold in the form of jewelry?.
Gold coin cannot rust while other metal could
9. Ganesha got gold medal in Tokyo olympic. Answer:
Ganesha got gold medal in Tokyo Olympic. Soal ini tidak menjelaskan apa yang harus dijawab. Namun bila perlu diterjemahkan maka arti dari kalimat diatas adalah Ganesha mendapatkan emas di Olimpiade Tokyo. Namun jika dalam bahasa inggris kata “got” merupakan past tense jadi kalimat tersebut menjelaskan kejadian yang sudah terjadi
Menerjemahkan ke KBBI memiliki arti salinan bahasa. Bahasa dapat dialihkan dari satu bahasa ke bahasa lain. Arti lainnya adalah hasil terjemahan. Penerjemahan dimulai dengan kata “terjemahan”, yang memiliki arti yang sama dengan menyalin atau memindahkan satu bahasa ke bahasa lain. Profesi yang biasanya menerjemahkan dari satu bahasa ke bahasa lain biasa disebut dengan translator atau penerjemah.
Pelajari Lebih Lanjut
Materi tentang menerjemahkan https://brainly.co.id/tugas/9936650
10. in ketika berenang tolakan pada dinding kolam harus kuat agar lu
Jawaban:Untuk membantu memudahkan perenang saat melakukan teknik meluncur
Penjelasan: maaf njawab ngasal:v
11. apa artinya the 100 pieces of gold belonged to the merchant
"The 100 pieces of gold belonged to the merchant" artinya 100 keping emas milik pedagang. Artinya, emas tersebut adalah milik dari pedagang dan dia memiliki hak atas emas tersebut.
Dalam b.indo nya *The 100 pieces of gold belonged to the merchant* adalah "100 keping emas itu milik saudagar/saudara"
Kalau salah maaf yaa๑¯◡¯๑
thanks you byee
12. There are 3 boxes, exactly one of which contains gold. You can keep the gold if you pick the correct box! On each box there is a statement, exactly one of which is true. The gold is in this box The gold is not in this box The gold is not in box Which box
The gold is in this box *maaf kalo salah
13. What makes gold coin is more lucrative gold in the from of jewerly?
Answer :Besides that gold coins need less cost in production and manufacturing sot it is more lucrative than investing gold in the form of jewelry.======================I Hope This Help ^_^
Besides that gold coins need less cost in production and manufacturing sot it is more lucrative than investing gold in the form of jewelry.
Semoga bermanfaat ^_^
14. apa artinya the 100 pieces of gold belonged to the merchant
the 100 pieces of gold belonged to the merchant
Indonesia:100 keping emas itu milik saudagar
15. 15. what did the judge decide about the pieces of gold?a. the judge gave the 100 pieces of gold to the beggarb. the 100 pieces of gold belonged to the merchantc. the 100 pieces of gold was given to the policed. the merchant gave beggar 200 pieces of goldtrian
B. the 100 pieces of gold belonged to the merchant
maaf kalau salah
16. tola tola is eaten by people in my village the active form is
people eat tola tola in my village
17. What makes gold coin is more lucrative gold in the from of jewerly?
tanya arti?
kalimat yang bener
What makes gold coin is more lucrative gold in the form of jewelry?
dan artinya adalah
Apa yang membuat koin emas lebih menguntungkan dari pada emas?
kalau kerja soal menurut text
maka jawabannya adalah
It needs less cost in production and manufacturing.
moga membantu
maaf jika salah
18. apa arti dari put the adjectives in brackets in the correct position1.an unusual ring(gold)
letakkan kata sifat dalam tanda kurung di posisi yang benar 1. cincin yang tidak biasa (emas)
Maaf kalo salah semoga berguna
19. He.......gold in the box?(____________________)Answer:__________)
Ada dua perkiraan aku
-He FOUNDS gold in the box
-he DID'NT FOUND gold in the box
Kalau salah Maafin ya
20. A bar of gold has a mass of 3,8 kg. If the density of gold is 19 g/cm3, what is the volume of the gold?
so, the bar of gold has a mass : 3,8 kg ⇒ 3800 g
and the density of gold is : 19 g/cm³
this is the formula : Volume = mass / density
V = 3800 g / 19 g/cm³
V = 200 cm³
the answer is : V = 200 cm³
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