Show How Would You Connect Three Resistors

Show How Would You Connect Three Resistors

excue me,would you show me,how go to into the beach

Daftar Isi

1. excue me,would you show me,how go to into the beach

Permisi, Maukah kamu memberi tahu saya, Bagaimana cara pergi ke Pantai?

2. sudiro : excuse me, would you show me, how to go in the beach?

itu mau di artiin apa di bikin dialogSudiro: Permisi, maukah anda memberi tahu saya, bagaimana caranya pergi ke Pantai?

3. 4.would you show me where..?​

Is Harbour, ya isi aja gitu

4. Student ActivitySuppose you are going to join a three-day camping activity.How would you ask for your parents' permission?How would your parents respond?Create a dialog about it​


You: Hi mom and dad

parents: Hi..(Name)

You: Mom, so there are something that i want to talk to you about

parents: Well, what is it?

You: So, i have a three days camping activity and i really wanted to go

parents: With whom are you going to go?

You: With my friends

Parents: Well, why not

You: Okay

Mom: Then, prepare your stuffs and don't forget to call us when you have arrived okay?

You: Okay

Dad: I hope you can get something to learn from the three days camping activity

You: Okay dad

5. suppose your friend invites you to attend his/her drama show. You promise him/her that you'll watch the show. How would the conversation go?​


A: hey

B: hey

A: how are you doing

B: i'm doing fine how bout you

A: yeah fine aswell

B: hey you ready for tommorow

A: for what

B: my drama show

A: oh yeah i forgot

B: dont forget to come and watch it

A: yeah i will

B: ok dont forget you promise to me remember

A: yeah i remember

B: yeah, ok see you soon

A: yeah ok bye

B: bye


6. please-restaurant-would-show-you-the-me-nearest​


Would You show me the nearest restauran please?



Would You show me the nearest restauran please?

Maukah kamu menunjukan restoran terdekat, tolong?

7. please-show-would-me-you-comb-my-?

would you please show me my comb?Itu pembenaran kata
Would you please show me my comb?
Tolong biasakah kamu tunjukan saya sisirku?

8. show-me-where-is-would-the hotel-you-?

Would you show me where the hotel is?whould you show me where is the hottel

9. Answer the questions1. Would you like to drink something? (coffee)2. How much is a can of ice tea? ($2)3. Would you like some apple pie? (no)4. Would you like some tomato soup? (yes)5. What would you like to drink? (milk)6. How much sugar would you like? (a little)7. How much cheese would you like? (two kilograms)8. What would you like to eat? (fish and chips)9. How many slices of bread would you like?(three)10. Would you like to drink cappuccino? (yes)​


1. I would like to drink a cup of coffee

2. It costs $2 for a can of ice tea.

3. I don't want some apple pie.

4. I would like some tomato soup.

5. I would like to drink a cup of milk.

6. I would like a little amount of sugar.

7. I would like a 2 kilograms of cheese.

8. I would like to eat fish and chips.

10. Apakah ada yang pakai internet Three ... kenapa brainly tidak bisa connect pake internet Three kalo di buka di laptop ?

coba clear cookies sama plugin data di browser nyasaya pke internt three,,pake laptop tetep bisa connect ke brainly.
koneksi internetnya mungkin lagi ga stabil

11. How can you show emphasis when you talk?


When we talk we need to emphasize each word in order the receiver can get the meaning from each word. In my opinion the way to show the emphasis is through the intonation. If you think the word is important, you will stress it automatically.


12. would you like me the show you the place? the underlined sentence show us that....

maukah kamu menunjukkan saya tempatnya?asking for help expression.

13. you-hospital-would-is-show-where-me-the-?

would you show me where is the hospital. maaf kalau salah

14. show-me-where-is-would- the hotelyou-​


tunjukkan-di mana-hotel-kamu


Would - you -show -me -where -is -the hotel?


artinya bisakah kamu memberi tahu aku dimana hotelnya?

diatas adalah jawabannya ya


15. would you like to show me how to send a fax? the utterance above is to express​


masih pemula Jan sok keras


gua bukan bajhasa Inggris tapi ipa


Langkah-langkah Cara Mengirim Data Menggunakan Fakaimili yaitu

Langkah mengirim yang ke 1

Membuat surat pengantar untuk memastikan untuk siapa dan kemana dokument ini akan dikirim dan apakah nomor yang dituju benar atau salah. Masukkan surat pengantar terlebih dahulu sebelum dokumen Anda ke dalam mesin fax feeder yang menghadap ke arah mesin.

Langkah mengirim yang ke 2

Masukkan nomor fax tujuan ke dalam mesin fax anda. Akan ada tombol angka digit seperti tombol telepon pada mesin fax. Hati-hati ketik nomor sehingga Anda tidak membuat kesalahan, karena sulit untuk mengetahui bila Anda telah menghubungi nomor faks yang salah.

Langkah 3 dalam menggunakan mesin fax

Tekan tombol kirim jika Anda telah benar memasukkan semua angka ke dalam mesin. Ini akan memulai pengiriman dokumen. Tombol kirim biasanya lebih besar dan memiliki warna yang berbeda dari pada tombol yang lain dan mudah untuk dicari. Biasaya, tombol ini ditempatkan di samping atau di bawah keypad mesin fax anda.

Langkah 4 mengoperasikan mesin fax

Tunggu sampai dokumen Anda melewati mesin dan kumpulkan jika sudah selesai. Apa pun dokumen yang akan Anda kirimkan akan melewati serangkaian rol dan direkam secara digital di dalam mesin fax.

Langkah 5 kirim fax

Tunggu sampai ada konfirmasi di layar monitor yang akan memberitahukan Anda apakah kiriman faks Anda berhasil terkirim atau tidak. Di langkah ke lima ini merupakan langkah terakhir, apabila terkirim berarti sudah selesai dalam pengiriman fax ke nomor tujuan.


16. Would you like to show me how to senda fax?The utterance above is to express ​


Would you like to show me how to send a fax?

The utterance above is to express asking to do something.

Atau, jawaban lainnya: request.


Arti dari "Would you like to show me how to send a fax?" adalah "maukah kamu menunjukkan kepada saya bagaimana mengirim faks?"

The utterance above is to express (Kalimat di atas mengekspresikan).

Kalimat di atas adalah kalimat permintaan dengan kata tanya (asking), karena diawali dengan kata "would you like to ...".

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai asking to do something expression pada


17. What would you say to show agreement?

That's right.



I agree.

I agree with you.

I think you are right.

Yes, I think so too.

I see what you mean.

That is a good point.

That's exactly how I fell.

That is what I think too.

I agree with you 100%.

I couldn't agree more.

(=I agree 100%.)

You could say that again!

(used when emphasizing)

18. Lisa : do you know how to make a blog?Aris : Yes.LisaO a. Do you want to show meob. You must have shown meO c. You might wanted to show meO d. Sure i would show you​


a. Do you want to show me


maap ye klo salah




maaf ya kalau saya salah ....

19. Please - show - would - me - you - comb - my

would you show me my comb please

semoga membantuwould you show me my comb please

maaf kalo salah

20. 10 candidates including you got hired. what would be the three things that would make you star out. How will you be able to use them to your advantage?

Terjemahannya ke Indonesianya adalah :

10 kandidat termasuk Anda dipekerjakan. Apa jadinya tiga hal yang akan membuat Anda keluar. Bagaimana Anda bisa menggunakannya untuk keuntungan Anda?

Itu terjemahan Indonesia
Semoga membantu dan maaf jika ada yang salah ^_^

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