11th Ethics Book Back Answers

11th Ethics Book Back Answers

apa saja persamaan dan perbedaan antara "etika pancasila" disitu sisa dengan virtual ethics, deontology ethics, dan utilitarianism​

1. apa saja persamaan dan perbedaan antara "etika pancasila" disitu sisa dengan virtual ethics, deontology ethics, dan utilitarianism​


gak tau awoakwoakowkaoa

2. Apa arti dari Idiom "Back to the drawing book" ?​


Idiom:Kembali ke buku gambar


Idiom "Kembali ke buku gambar

3. susun dengan benar the-back-book-put-shelf-the.

put back the book  in the shelfput the book back the shelf

4. 11th Quiz ☆Terlampir -,​


Terlampir -,

by rai1194

Terlampiir caranya


5. jaundice 11th and Rainbow​



6. activity 4 look back at the information about Ivan and Mischa write short questions and answers. ​


3. Can Ivan read?

3. Yes, he can

4. Is ivan tall?

4. Yes, he is tall

5. Is Mischa beautiful?

5. Yes, she's very beautiful

6. Can Ivan write?

6. Yes, he can

7. Can Mischa write?

7. Yes, she can

8. Can Ivan hear?

8. Yes, he can


3. Can Mischa walk?

Yes, She can.

4. Can Ivan play ball?

No, He can't.

5. is Mischa playing?

Yes, he was.

6. Can Ivan run?

Yes, He can.

7. is Mischa doing homework?

Yes, she was.

8. Can Ivan do sports?

Yes, he can

Semoga membantu kasih jawabanbterbaik yah ;)

Or Brainliest answer :D

7. No 1. Questions What is Rina doing? Wh Answers She's returning a book to the library​


No : 1

Questions : What was Rina doing?

Answers : She was returning a book to the library

No : 2

Questions : Who were Roni and Rudi waiting?

Answers : They were waiting for us

No : 3

Questions : What was Rini doing?

Answers : She was finishing the math homework

No : 4

Questions : Where were they studying?

Answers : They were studying in the library

No : 5

Questions : What was he doing?

Answers : He was having his lunch in the canteen

No : 6

Questions : What were the teachers doing?

Answers : They were having a meeting in the teacher room

No : 7

Questions : What was Sinta doing?

Answers : She was meeting the principal

No : 8

Questions : What were they talking about?

Answers : They were talking about the football match

No : 9

Questions : What was Gani doing?

Answers : He was buying something in the school Co-op

No : 10

Questions : What were you doing there?

Answers : We were practicing English

8. passive voice dari. has kezia taken the book back the library?​


The book was taken back to the library by Kezia


9. the student get the answers from the book,ubah ke pasive any1 help me​


the answers from the book are gotten by the student

tenses: present tense

10. what is the highest value in professional ethics?​


Dedicated and responsibility

11. Apa yang di maksud code of Ethics dalam pelayanan menurut SOP ?


code of ethics adalah kode etik dan standar perilaku yang diartikan sebagai pola, aturan, tata cara, pedoman, dan etis dalam melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan.

maaf kalo salah

12. 11th or 11st? ada yg bisa bantu?

Apabila 11 dijadikan tanggal, atau urutan. Maka, 11 menjadi 11th


Hal tersebut dinamakan angka ordinal. Angka ordinal adalah angka dimana disusun secara berurutan dan terdapat tambahan seperti "st, nd, rd, atau th"

Ordinal Number [1-10]

1st => first. 6th => sixth

2nd => second. 7th => seventh

3rd => third. 8th => eighth

4th => fourth. 9th => ninth

5th => fifth. 10th => tenth

Dapat diketahui bahwa jika terdapat angka 1,2 atau 3 diakhir maka secara berurutan disebut first, second, third. Kecuali angka 11,12,13.

Apabila menemukan dua bilangan akhir 11,12,13 maka tetap menggunakan th dibelakang. Jadinya, eleventh dsb.

Detail Jawaban

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 3 SD

Materi : Ordinal Number

Kata Kunci : 11th

Kode Kategorisasi : 3.5



13. Macam mana nak buat assignment pasal computer security, ethics and privacy

Atur macros security program sehingga anda dapat memfungsikan atau tidak memfungsikan macros
• Menginstal sebuah program antivirus dalam semua computer anda.\
• Jangan pernah membuka sebuah email yang tidak anda harapkan dan tidak berasal dari sumber yang anda percayai
• Cek semua program yang telah di download untuk virus, worm, dan Trojan horse
• Menginstal sebuah firewall program pribadi

14. Your friend, mia, needs her mathematics book back


teman mu mia , membutuhkan buku matematika nya kembali


please return(tolong kembalikan)

15. edo:siti,you can give back book library,pleasesiti:yes,i'am can adn me will give back​


Maksudnya Di Perbaiki Kalimatnya?

Edo:"Siti,Can You Give The Book Back To Library Please?"

Siti:"Yes,Of Course I Can Give The Book To Library!"

Semoga bermanfaat ya

Mohon maaf jika salah ya

16. jelaskan yang di maksud dengan teori ethics of care

Salah satu bentuk kelembutan yang dapat mengatasi sisi kosong dari etika keadilan yang menemui jalan untuk menjawab tingkap kekerasan.

17. Change the following sentences into active! 1. This book should be given back to him. 2. This book should have been given back to him.

He should be given back this book
He should have been given back this book
Maaf kalau salah

18. Write down two aims of “ethics”!


To get the same concept regarding the assessment of good and bad human behavior or actions in a certain space and time.

Directing the development of society towards a harmonious, orderly, orderly, peaceful and prosperous atmosphere.

tuliskan dua tujuan "etika "

answer/jawaban: 1.mendapat konsep yanguntuksama mengenai penilaian baik buruknya perilakuatau tindakan manusia dalam ruang danwaktu tertentu......

2.mengarahkan perkembangan masyarakat menuju suasana yang harmonis ,tertib, teratur, damai ,dan sejahtera.....


1.toget the same concept of assessing the good and bad behavior or actions of Humans in Space and Time.....

2. directing the development of Soul City Tower a harmonious ,orderly, orderly ,peacefuland, force prosperous atmosphere

itu artinya maaf y klo salah.....

19. He asked me to give his book back but I … it.​


He asked me to give his book back but I refuse it.


Refuse : Menolak.

20. July 11th,1945 artinya​

Jawaban:juli ke 11, 1945

Penjelasan:semoga membantu


11 Juli 1945


Sebelas Juli Sembilan Belas Empat puluh Lima


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