Select The Word Which Corresponds To The Correctly Spelled Word

Select The Word Which Corresponds To The Correctly Spelled Word

Which of the following word is spelled correctly? Milege Expectant Oversite Aknowledge​

Daftar Isi

1. Which of the following word is spelled correctly? Milege Expectant Oversite Aknowledge​


Oversite dan Expectant.


Milege seharusnya Mileage dan Aknowledge​ seharusnya acknowledge.

Semoga membantu, mohon kalau bisa brainliest answer.

2. Which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly.

There is no single word in the dictionary that is spelled incorrectly, as all words in the dictionary are listed correctly.

3. which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly? a. correctb. correctnessc. correctabled. correctlye. incorrectly

D. Correctly
Kalau gak salah

4. The word'' can" is spelled​


Kata "bisa" dieja : be i s a diartikan "jadilah aku"


maaf kalo salah

Correct spelling for the English word "can"

is [kˈan], [kˈan], [k_ˈa_n]

5. remediala fill in the blanks with the correct answerisilah titik titik dengan jawaban yang benar1 the letter i is spelled ........2 the word from the spelling /di/ - /ou/ - /ji/ is3 the spelling /kyu/ is for the letter ...4. the word fly is spelled5 the letter p is spelled​


1. /aɪ/

2. Dog

3. Q

4. /'ɛf/ - /'ɛl/ - /'waɪ/

5. /'pi:/

mohon dikoreksi kembali

6. 8. The word "one" is spelled9. The word "pot" is spelled10. "Could you turn on the light?" is the expression ofD. Answer the questions below!Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini!1. Spell the word "apple"!Answer:2. Spell the word train!Answer:3. Spell the word "four"!Answer:4. Spell the word "key"!Answer:E-5. Spell the word "eraser"!Answer:plis jawab -_-​


8. o-n-e

9. p-o-t

10. told to turn on the light

1. a-p-p-l-e

2. t-r-a-i-n

3. f-o-u-r

4. k-e-y

5. e-r-a-s-e+r

7. know the letters of the word.say the word correctly.write the word correctly.remember the word.find the word in the a test.​


tahu huruf dari kata tersebut. ucapkan kata dengan benar. tulis kata dengan benar. ingat kata itu. temukan kata tersebut di kamus. lakukan tes.


Apakah ini jawabannya?

8. Select the scan area in the scanner software. The underlined word has the closest meaning to...

(where's the underlined word?) What do you mean"Underlined word"?, theres literally nothing underlined word on this question

9. 6. The second letter of the word 'brick' is spelled​




second word atau huruf kedua




how to pronounce brick:


10. spell could correctly appropriate the word you

could you spell the appropriate word correctly ? ^_^

11. The word cake is spelled.............. * ​




cake dibaca keik, spelled= mengeja

12. What does the word "staff" mean? Select the sentence in the text that helps you understand this word.


the officers chiefly responsible for the internal operations of an institution or business

a group of officers appointed to assist a civil executive or commanding officer

military or naval officers not eligible for operational command

the personnel who assist a director in carrying out an assigned task

eplural staff " a member of a staff "

13. We are so proud of you. What does the underlined word refer to?Make correct sentences based on the situations. Use the key word correctly!​


Kami sangat bangga padamu. Apa arti kata yang digarisbawahi? Buat kalimat yang benar berdasarkan situasi. Gunakan kata kuncinya dengan benar!


itu terjemahnya ya

maaf kalau salah

kalau benar di follow ya Gak maksa kok,Makasih

14. answer the following riddles! a. which word in the dictionary is spelled incorrectly? b.what kind of tree can you carry in your hand?

a. sun and son :v
b. money tree :pa) Incorrectly
(Kata "incorrectly" di dalam kamus)
b) Kurang tau

15. The word pet is spelled................. *​

Correct spelling for the English word

"Pets" is [p'ets], [p'ets], [p_e_t_s] (IPA

phonetic alphabet).

Jawaban:spelling for the English word "Pets" is [pˈɛts], [pˈɛts], [p_ˈɛ_t_s] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Penjelasan:semoga membantu maaf klo salah

jadikan jawaban terbaik yaa

16. the word "pot" is spelled? please tolong jawab yg betul yaaa:)ngasal report!​


pot just like the word.

17. the word "pet" is spelled ​



P - E - T

Pi - I - Ti

18. The third letter in the word cucumber is spelled


Huruf C



------------------Note from Hana (。•́︿•̀。)​------------------  

Maaf kalau salah,  jangan lupa jadikan jawaban tercerdas, ya... dengan mengklik tombol ♕ atau mahkota/crown. Selamat belajar-!!!ʕᵔᴥᵔʔ




[tex]\neq Hana\neq[/tex]

19. 6 why do people ask someono to spell a word? a. To remember the coord Ob to say the word correctly Jc. To know the letters of the word. Dato find the word in the dictionary

Jawaban: remember the letters of the word

sebenernya jawabannya lebih dari 1

C, to know the letters correctly

20. the kid do not cry despite he falls the tree example select the underline word which should be corrected

Anak itu tidak menangis meski jatuh contoh pohon pilih kata garis bawah yang harus dikoreksiThe kid do not cry despite he falls the tree

The kid does not cry despite he falls the tree

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