What Are The Number Of Ways Of Selecting 30

What Are The Number Of Ways Of Selecting 30

The ratio of the number of cats to the number of birds at a pet shop is 2:5. The ratio of the number of birds to the number of rabbits is 1:3. (English)a. What is the ratio of the number of cats to the number of birds to the number of rabbits?b. If there are 30 rabbits, how many cats are there at the pet shop?​

Daftar Isi

1. The ratio of the number of cats to the number of birds at a pet shop is 2:5. The ratio of the number of birds to the number of rabbits is 1:3. (English)a. What is the ratio of the number of cats to the number of birds to the number of rabbits?b. If there are 30 rabbits, how many cats are there at the pet shop?​


cats: bird:rabbit

2. :. 5:

:. 1 :. 3


2. :. 5. : 15

a) 2:5:15

B ) rabbits 30

cats = 2/15 x 30= 4

there are 4 cats

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga bermanfaat

2. The sum of 40 % of number A and 30 % of number B is 6. The sum of 25 % of number A and 15% of number B is 5. Accordingly, what is the value of A?


----------------------- x 100




---------------------- x 100



4A+3B= 60

------------------ -

A = 40

3. The ratio of the number of junior employees to the number of senior employees in a company is 5:2. (a) What fraction of the total number of employees are junior employees? (b) If the total number of employees is 28, how many of them are senior employees?​

[tex]a) .\frac{junior \: ratio}{total \: ratio} = \frac{5}{5 + 2} = \frac{5}{7} \\ \\ b). \frac{senior \: ratio}{total \: ratio} \times total \: employees \\ \\ \frac{2}{7} \times 28 \: employees \\ \\ 8 \: employees[/tex]

4. For Wati's birthday, Mother has prepared 30 balloons. A total of 12 balloons are red and the rest are white. Determine the ratio of the number of red balloons to the number of white balloons.


Red : White = 2 : 3

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

DIKETAHUI Total of balloons = 30, andRed balloons = 12.DITANYARatio = ...?CARADETERMINE THE NUMBER OF WHITE BALLOONS

[tex] = 30 - 12 \\ = 18[/tex]


[tex] = R : W \\ = 12 : 18 \\ = 2 : 3[/tex]


5. What number of atoms of nitrogen are present in 1.00 g ofeach of the compounds in Exercise 53​


1.00 g NH3 x (1 mole NH3 / 17.0 g NH3) x (6.023 x 10^23 molecules NH3 / 1 mole NH3) x (1 atom N / 1 molecule NH3) = 3.54 x 10^22 N atoms

6. There are some dogs, cats and rabbits in a pet farm. The number of dogs is 3/5 of the total number of cats and rabbits. The ratio of the number of cats to the number of rabbits is 8 : 7. There are 30 more dogs than rabbits. How many animals are there in the farm?​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

diket: • dog = 3/5 dari jumlah kucing dan kelinci

• perbandingan kucing dan kelinci adalah 8:7

• jumlah dog lebih 30 dari kelinci

● perbandingan dog, kucing, dan kelinci?


perbandingan total kucing dan kelinci adalah 8:7 jika

dijumlahkan menjadi 15. maka,

perbandingan dog = jumlah perbandingan kucing dan


3/5 = 8/15 + 7/15

(3/5)3 = 15/15 (samakan penyebut)

9/15 = 8/15 + 7/15

maka, perbandingannya adalah,

dog : kucing : kelinci

9x : 8x : 7x

● Lanjut ke poin diket yang ketiga. dimana jumlah dog

lebih banyak 30 ekor dibanding kelinci.

dog = kelinci

9x = 7x + 30 (jika dog lebih 30. maka untuk

membuat jumlah kelinci sama dengan

dog harus ditambah 30)

9x -7x = 30

2x = 30

x = 30/2

x = 15

maka, kita tinggal memasukkan nilai x nya,

dog : kucing : kelinci

9x15 : 8x15 : 7x15

135 : 120 : 105

maka total hewan = 135 + 120 + 105

= 360

maaf, klo salah :'

tapi klo bener kasih tahu ya :)

7. 30% of the members of a club are female and 20%of these females own cars. 30 female members inthe club own cars.PROBLEMSOLVING(a) How many female members are there?(b) What is the total number of members?(c) What percentage of the club members arefemales who own cars?​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

misalkan Total = T, Perempuan = P,

perempuan yang punya mobil = X

a. banyak perempuan

P  = 30% T

perempuan punya mobil (X) = 20% x P

                                         30 = 20% P

                                         30 = 20/100 x P

                                           P = 30 x 100/20

                                           P = 150 orang

jadi banyak perempuan adalah 150 orang

b. Total member

P  = 30% T

150 = 30% T

150 = 30/100 x T

T = 150 x 100/30

  = 500 orang

jadi total member di dalam club adalah 500 orang

c. presentasi perempuan yang punya mobil

   = X/T x 100%

   = 30/500 x 100%

   = 6%

presentasi perempuan yang punya mobil adalah 6%

8. What are at least three ways of describing poetry?


1) Understand the poem.

2) Make a summary that contains 5W+1H elements about the poem.

3) Change the summary into a descriptive paragraph

9. 1. what are the meaning of hope, wish and congratulations? 2. what are the used of hope wish and congratulations? write down: 3. the ways of saying congratulations. 4. other ways of saying congratulations and the responds. 5. expressing of hope and wish. and also the example of them in the sentences. ​


Artinya: 1. apa yang dimaksud dengan harapan, harapan dan ucapan selamat? 2. apa gunanya harapan harapan dan ucapan selamat? tuliskan: 3. cara-cara mengucapkan selamat. 4. cara lain untuk mengucapkan selamat dan tanggapan. 5. mengungkapkan harapan dan keinginan. dan juga contohnya dalam kalimat.

10. what two ways are three of describing utility​


Concretely, the above production can be done with the following example. The dimensions of production produced by rice farmers in a one year period depend on the amount of labor used in the one year period, the number of equipment / machinery used in that year, and the area of land used in that year. Some decisions that can be chosen are whether farmers produce 10 tons of rice with a lot of labor using makeshift machines (labor-intensive techniques) or alternatively produce 10 tons of rice with limited labor but use dominant machinery (solid capital techniques) or strengthen the use of land that is limited to some machinery and fertilizer assistance to produce the same amount of rice The three techniques (labor intensive, capital intensive or soil solid) are arranged in the production function in equation (1) above. For each input option, the production function looks for the maximum output that can be obtained from the available inputs.

11. There are 10 ways of how to get attention said by the character. what are they?

lain kali difoto ya pertanyaannya karena bingung

12. There are some boys and girls in a class. The ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls is 3 : 4. Half of the number of boys left the class and Math 1/4 of the original number of girls join the class. What is the new ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls .....



maaf kalo salah

13. the sum of four number is 211 the average of three of the number is 42. what is the four number ?


Arti pertanyaan tersebut dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

Jumlah dari 4 bilangan adalah 211 dan rata-rata 3 bilangan adalah 42.Berapakah nilai dari bilangan ke-4 tersebut.



Bilangan 1=A

Bilangan 2=B

Bilangan 3=C

Bilangan 4=D





Nilai bilangan keempat(D)=211-126=85.

Semoga membantu.>_<.Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya.

a+b+c+d = 211

(a+b+c)/3 = 42

a+b+c = 126

a+b+c+d = 211  <= a+b+c = 126

126+d  =211

d = 85

14. The sum of two numbers is 4. One of the number is -6. What is the other number?​ there are two possible answer . What is them


• Bilangan


Learn With Tjo


a + b = 4

a = - 6

a + b = 4

- 6 + b = 4

b = 10

15. *Do you agree or disagree with the issue? *What are the effective ways to handle the problem? The number of drug users in Indonesia creases in every Year


Versi B. Inggris

*Do you agree or disagree with the issue?

*What are the effective ways to handle the problem?

The number of drug users in Indonesia creases in every Year


Versi B. Indo

* Apakah Anda setuju atau tidak setuju dengan masalah tersebut?

* Apa cara efektif untuk menangani masalah tersebut?

Jumlah pengguna narkoba di Indonesia meningkat setiap tahunnya

Moga membantu????

16. tlg dibantu donk kaaa,,,1) What is the ordinal number of 311? 2)What is the cardinal number of 414? 3)What is the cardinal number of 89? 4)What is the cardinal number of 567? 5)What is the cardinal number of 56?​


1. three hundred and eleven 2. the Fourth hundred and fourteen, 3. the Eighty nineth 4. the Fifth hundred and sixty seven 5. the Fifty sixth


17. 1. There are 150 passenger on an airplane. 80 of the passengers aremale. 45 are children. The rest of passengers are female. Find theratio of the number of male passengers to the number of femalepassengers to the number of child passengers?​




80 + 45 = 125 - 150 = 25


The ratio of the number of male passengers to the number of female passengers is 80:25

Number of child passengers is 45.

18. There are some dogs, cats and rabbits in a pet farm. The number of dogs istotal number of cats and rabbits. The ratio of the number of cats to the number ofrabbits is 8: 7. There are 30 more dogs than rabbits. How many animals are there inthe farm?​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

kucing + kelinci = asu

perbandingan kucing dan kelinci adalah

8 : 7 (selisih satu)

There are 30 more dogs than rabbits. berarti selisih satu = 30 hewan

berapa total hewan di peternakan?

8 × 30 = 240 Kucing

7 × 30 = 210 Kelinci

Jumlah asu sama dgn total jumlah kucing dan kelinci

240 + 210 = 450 asu


240 + 210 + 450 = 900 Hewan

semoga membantu ;)

jika masi bingung tanya ya

19. For what number of individuals the getting offices are together to?

Jawaban:untuk berapa jumlah yang diterima bersama

Penjelasan:itu artinya

20. 6. what is the percentage of the number of whole numbers, from 4 to 23, which are multiples of 5 ?

From 4 to 23 there are total 20 numbers. Then there are 4 numbers which are multiples of 5, there are 5, 10, 15 and 20. So the percentage should be 4/20*5/5 = 20/100 = 20%

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