which line do you like most?why?
1. which line do you like most?why?
Be with God, In God everything possible
2. apa arti which line do you like most? why?
Baris mana yang paling kamu sukai? Kenapa?
3. Bantu cari jawabannya: artinya which line do you like most? why?
Yang baris apakah anda seperti kebanyakan? mengapa?baris yang mana kamu sangat sukai? kenapa?
line itu artinya banyak tp tergantung dengan teks nya dlu
4. why do most people like running!!
because running does not need expensive tools and easy sport to do. and people can do running in their spare time.Because running doesn't need expensive materials and running can do anywhere and anytime
Semoga membantu
5. (why,where,which,how many) colour do you like most? red or green
where colour do you like most?
which colour do you like most? red or green
6. 1. What is your favourite colour? 2. What is your favourite animal? 3. What material do you like? Why? 4. What is your most favourite movie? 5. What is your fear of? 6. Do you like Science? 7. What is you spirit animal? 8. Do you like horror movies? 9. Do you like playing Roblox? 10. What is your most favourite game?
1. blue
2. owl
3. Wait what u like those think?
4. doraemon
5. spider
6. a little bit
7. i dont have one?
8. i watch some of that
9. yes
10. cooking mama lol
1. Red
2. Cats
3. Silk. Because it is so soft
4. Harry Potter
5. Darkness
6. Yes
7. Lion
8. No
9. No
10. Among Us
7. Answer the following question based on the song"count on me"5.Which part of the song do you like most?why
You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go
Never say goodbye
You know you can
Anda akan selalu memiliki bahu saya ketika Anda menangis
Saya tidak akan pernah melepaskannya
Jangan pernah mengucapkan selamat tinggal
Kamu tahu kamu bisa
8. 4. Mention one English song do you like the most and why do you like that song?
{ⓢⓤⓝⓓⓐⓨ ⓑⓔⓢⓣ}
karena lagu itu mengingat akan ketenangan di waktu senggang
Ed sheeran-Perfect. Cause every i hear that song,i feel like my gf in front of me and hug ke tightly.9. TASK 2Answer the following questions.1. Who is your favorite singer?2. Why do you like him/her?3. Could you mention the titles of his/her songs?What are they?4. Among his/her songs, which song do you likemost?5. Why do you like the song?
pertanyaan ini sih harusnya dijawab sendiri kan, karena semua orang punya penyanyi favorit masing masing. tapi karna sudah ditanyakan, ya saya jawab saja
1. BTS (hehehe)
2. because the work they make provides motivation and positive encouragement to others
3. there are so many (more than 100)
4. love myself
5. because the song tells us that the most sincere love comes from ourselves
semoga membantu
10. a) What kind of song do you like most? b) Why do you like them? c) Which is your favorite song? d) Why do you like it? e) When did you listen to the song for the first time? f) How did you feel when you listened to the song for the forst time?
1. kind of song i like most is kpop
2. because they are so easy listening
3. playing with fire by blackpink
4. because part of lyrics "uri sarangeun buljangnan" always i remember and the song is easy listening
5. i listen the song first on january 21, 2016
6. like a title of the song "playing with fire" i feel so fire, and happy for the firsta) kinda pop
b) because it interesting
c) Anna kedrick - get back up again
d) make me motivate
e) after i watch troll movie (lol but true)
f) reminds me when i want to give up and then i listen to this song makes me cheer up
11. 1. Which English speaking country do you like the most?Why?2. Do think Indonesia is the most beautiful country in the world? Give me your reasons!
General Knowledge:
1. Which English speaking country do you like the most?
The English speaking country that I like the most is America.
It is because America is the strongest nation in the world where all the brightest minds work together side by side to build their country as great as we know it now. Its language, which is English language, is learned & spoken all over the world as one of the proofs of how great America is.
2. Do think Indonesia is the most beautiful country in the world?
Yes, I think Indonesia is the most Beautiful country in the world, in terms of its natural resources.
Give me your reasons!
It is because Indonesia has fertile lands and islands with so much biodiversity that no other countries in the world could ever match.
Jawaban dicetak tebal sekaligus penjelasan dan merupakan materi pembelajaran General Knowledge (pengetahuan umum) dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Pengetahuan Umum:
1. Negara berbahasa Inggris mana yang paling kamu sukai?
Negara berbahasa Inggris yang paling aku sukai adalah Amerika.
Itu karena Amerika adalah bangsa terkuat di dunia di mana semua pikiran paling cerdas bekerja berdampingan bersama untuk membangun negara mereka sebesar yang kita kenal sekarang. Bahasanya, yaitu bahasa Inggris, dipelajari & diucapkan di seluruh dunia sebagai salah satu bukti betapa hebatnya Amerika.
2. Apakah menurutmu Indonesia adalah negara terindah di dunia?
Ya, menurutku Indonesia adalah negara terindah di dunia, dari segi sumber daya alamnya.
Beri aku alasanmu!
Itu karena Indonesia memiliki tanah dan pulau-pulau yang subur dengan begitu banyak keanekaragaman hayati yang tidak dapat ditandingi oleh negara lain di dunia.
Semoga membantu ya.
12. 1. who is your favorite singer? 2. why do you like him/ her? 3. could you mention the titles of his /her songs?what are they? 4. among his/her songs, which song do you like most? 5. why do you like the song?plees answer! thaks you!
1. Ariana Grande
2. Because I see she is beautiful and her voice is good
3.everyday , dangerous woman , break free ,
4.Dangerous Woman
5. because I often listen to the song and I like the song
13. which line do you like most ? why? (i have a drem )
A Futuristic Line, Because i like to see future
14. What kind of performances do you like the most? why?
The show that I like is a very lively and interesting show, because I like that everyone is interested and comes to the show.
pertunjukan yang kusukai adalah pertunjukan yang sangat meriah dan menarik, karna saya suka semua orang tertarik dan datang ke pertunjukannya.
semoga membantu ^_^
sy tidak menggunakan alat translate ,sy kuliah di singapore jd sy bisa bhs inggris:)
15. why do most tenneagers like chatting?
endak bisa bahasa inggris:v
Because chatting is easier than meeting in person. Especially with a pandemic like this time, which requires us not to have physical contact with other people. And nowadays almost all teenagers have gadgets/device, so that's why they spend their time chatting rather than meeting people in person.
Karena chatting lebih mudah daripada bertemu langsung. Apalagi dengan pandemi seperti saat ini, yang mengharuskan kita untuk tidak melakukan kontak fisik dengan orang lain. Dan saat ini hampir semua remaja memiliki gadget / perangkat, oleh karena itu mereka lebih banyak menghabiskan waktunya untuk mengobrol daripada bertemu orang secara langsung.
hope it helps you, semoga membantu yaa:D
16. 1.who is your favorite singer? 2.why do you like him/her? 3.could you mention the titles of his/her songs?what are they?4.among his/her songs,which song do you like most?5.why do you like the song?Tolong di jawab ya,terimakasih ^_^
1. my favorite singer is Selena Gomez
2. because she is multitalent, her voice is sooo great, and she is pretty
3. Who says, hands to myself, same old love, and many more
4. Who says
5. Because it has moral value about being yourself and the instrument is veryy cool1. chen (exo)
2. Because of the high as it gives me goose bumps.
3. best luck, everytime, beautiful accident, for you
4. I like all the songs sung by him
5. Because he sang very well, song lyrics is also very good. I think he sings with inspiration.
17. Which song do you like most
lagu mana yang paling kamu sukai? kalo kamu nanya ditranslate
Kamu paling suka lagu apa?
kalo nanya dijawab
aku suka lagu.......
( kalo aku sih,Cant stop singing "teen beach")
Semoga membantu!
18. artikan ke bahasa indonesia *why do you think some words need to be repeated *which line do you like most? why? *do you like song? what makes you like the song *what can you learn from the song
1. Menurutmu, kenapa ada beberapa kata yang harus diulang?
2. Bagian mana yang paling kamu suka? Kenapa?
3. Apa kamu suka lagu ini? Apa yang membuat kamu menyukai lagu ini?
4. Apa yang dapat diambil dari lagu ini?*kenapa kamu berfikir bahwa beberapa kalimat perlu diulangi?
*barisan mana yg paling km suka? knp?
*apakah km menyukai lagu? apa yg membuatmu menyukainya?
*apa yg dapat kamu pelajari dari lagu itu?
19. what car do you like the most? why we should use " the " in that sentences
The word 'the' is definite, which means certain. We use the word 'the' when we want to express something certain.
#jadikan jawaban terbaik ya
20. Which animal do you like most?
I very like Lion
and so Scorpion
and Tarantula
.....if it's a pet, then it will be dogs and cats
if it's a wild animal, then it will be wolf and dolphin
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