These 150 Houses In A Locality

These 150 Houses In A Locality

They built these houses in 1902 diubah menjadi passive form

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1. They built these houses in 1902 diubah menjadi passive form


These houses were built in 1902 by them


Kalimat di atas termasuk passive voice dalam bentuk simple past tense

dilihat dari kata 'built' yang merupakan verb ke-2 dari kata 'build'.

Dan, kata 'were' digunakan karena sebagai 'be' dari 'houses' yang berarti 'rumah' yang 'lebih dari satu' maka menggunakan 'be past tense' yaitu 'were' (dalam bentuk simple present yaitu 'are')

Dan INGAT passive voice menggunakan Verb ke-3

Jadi, kalimat tersebut diubah menjadi passive voice bentuk simple past tense

2. passive voiceactive: we built these houses in 1899passive: ?tolong diubah ke passive ​

A:We built these houses in 1899

p:these houses was built by us in 1899


A: active dan P:Passive

karna built merupakan verb 2 maka kita menggunakan was/were.Disini kata nya afalah houses,house termasuk it jadi kita pake was yaa,terus kita pake verb 3 built(verb 2)

Build (Verb 1) Built(verb 2) built (verb 3)

semiga membantu

3. Form adjectives from these nouns : 1. Commerce : ......... 2. Locality : ........ 3. Base : ...... 4. Money : ....... 5. Nature : .......

1. Commercial
2. Local
3. Baseful
4. Rich
5. Natural

jadikan jawaban terbaik yahh ^_^

4. maksud dari locality adalah​


Tempat, suatu tempat dan sekitarnya






jadikan jawaban terbaik

5. A painter painted 222 houses in 2 years. The number of houses painted in the first year is 5 times of that of the second year. How many houses did the painter paint in the second year? houses

[tex]5x + x = 222[/tex]

[tex]6x = 222[/tex]

[tex] \frac{6x}{6} = \frac{222}{6} [/tex]

[tex]x = 37[/tex]

So, the number of houses the painter painted in the second year is 37 houses.

6. It makes Indonesia rich in custom houses artinya

itu membuat indonesia kaya rumah adat

7. 35. How many houses were destroyed by the tornado in the Sendangguwo and Tandang neighbourhoods? A Less than five houses. B. More than ten houses. C. Five houses D. Three houses E. Yen houses


A. Lees than five houses

8. Rewrite these in passive sentences1. They were building houses right next to the school​


The houses were being built by them right next to the school.


Semoga dapat membantu!

9. A painter painted 222 houses in 2 years. The number of houses painted in the first year is 5 times of that of the second year. How many houses did the painter paint in the second year?


111 Houses

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

First Year= 222 : 2

= 111 x 5

= 555 Houses

Second Year= First Year: 5

= 555 : 5

=111 Houses

Semoga Membantu :)

10. how many houses in this world​


As of 2021, there are somewhere in the vicinity of 2.3 billion houses in the world.


sorry if wrong

wrong? comment in the comments column

11. describing life in a village(tell about condition people, houses, activities​


༺ ʙɪsᴍɪʟʟᴀʜ ★

My village is called Aadapur. Our community comprises about 150 to 200 families; the total number of people dwelling here is nearly 2000. I have a family of four – it consists of my parents, my elder sister, and myself. While my sister helps my mother with household chores, my father does manual labor in the nearby construction site.

Anantapur is a small village, but a lovely one. One long stretch of road runs across the entire town, branching and bending here and there, and giving birth to lanes and bylanes. Small mud huts and cottages sit in two parallel rows on either side of the road, facing one another. All the households of mud and sand; only a few handfuls of cement-made buildings are in the area.

We have some facilities here and there. At th very center of the village stands the community village school’ it is aided by the Government. It is the only education institution in the area; there are no colleges. The school building is of two stories and houses students from standards 1 to 8. I study in the fifth standard.

The village panchayat building is another building made from concrete. All minor judiciary matters are dealt with over here. The house is presided over by the Panch and his other ministers.

Anantapur is still on its way to development. The village had its first electric connection only a few months back. We have electricity for 14 hours in households from four o’clock in the evenings to six o’clock in the mornings. We do face minor power-cuts once or twice, but those are very rare.

The local bazaar is 10 minutes from our area. If one has to buy any essential commodities or food items, they can go to the market on foot; they can also take a rickshaw ride of 5 minutes. The bazaar is flocked with markets that sell essential, necessary products. The bazaar also has a government ration shop. The entire village gathers in a queue before the ration shop once every month for their share of subsidized rations. Apart from these shops, the village itself has four or five small shops here and there.

The roads are all cart-tracks; they are not line tracks. Our village consists of a close-knit community – everyone knows each other here. Every evening, my friends from neighboring huts and I gather in the fields to play. We play hide-and-seek and kabaddi mostly. The streets stay lit from the lamp-posts present in every bylane.

The main occupation of the people in Anandapur is manual labor, handicrafts, and agriculture. After they complete their eight standard education, a few people migrate to the city of Calcutta for higher studies; the Government distributes yearly scholarships for this opportunity.

Situated in the lap of nature, my village is surrounded by greenery. Like in cities, pollution has not yet invaded the air around us. Although city life provides many benefits and advantages to its dwellers, I am satisfied with the little and peaceful life, which I lead in my small village.

#Sᴇᴍᴏɢᴀ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴀɴᴛᴜ

# ᴀʏᴏ ʙᴇʟᴀᴊᴀʀ

12. are the houses in Lina' s neighborhood similar


yes, they have the same design, with a blue roof and no fence. they are all white and grey



13. the prince of houses...dramatically in recent years

has gone

maaf kalo salah

14. the greater the population there is in a locality, ........... for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.

Jawaban: the greater the population there is in a locality, without for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse

15. most people........(live) in houses​


most people live in houses.

Kenapa hanya live saja atau memakai V1?


1. Most people -> subjek yang jamak. Jadi gunakan kata kerja pertama (V1)

2. Kalimat itu juga menunjukkan keseharian orang-orang. Apalagi emang pada faktanya, kebanyakan orang sering tinggal di rumah. Jadi, gunakanlah simple present tense.

Semoga benar.

16. Which one this is statementincorrect! A. That is my houses. B. This is a pen on the table.C. These are birds in the sky.D. Those are my cars in a garage ​




Seharusnya there are a birds in the sky


Which one this is statement


A. That is my houses.

B. This is a pen on the table.

C. These are birds in the sky.

D. Those are my cars in a garage


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan satu satuny jawaban yang salah adalah poin A. karena memakai kata "that" sementara jumlah rumahnya banyak. Bentuk yang benar seharusnya: That is my house.

Semoga membantu ya.

17. rewrite these in passiv3 sentences 1.they were building houses right next to the school


The houses were built by them right next to the school.

Semogamembantu :)

18. 29 What can we see in Machu Pichu in PeruA Granite structureB. Beautiful sceneryC. Ancient statuesD. 150 houses​


mostly beautifull scenery


What we can se in machu pichu in peru is A. Granite structure

19. It makes Indonesia rich in custom houses artinya

itu membuat Indonesia kaya akan rumah adat

20. how are the houses in the housing complex​


1. She lives in a new housing complex.

2. All the houses there look the same.

3. Her house has a blue roof with no fence, a white and grey colour, and there are also two trees in front of the house.

4. Her house is located near the small bridge on Jalan Teratai.

5. Her house has a handycraft made from Tana Toraja hanging on the front door and also a big stone in front of the house.


1. Dia tinggal di sebuah kompleks perumahan baru.

2. Semua rumah disana terlihat sama.

3. Rumahnya memiliki atap berwarna biru dan tidak berpagar, warnanya putih dan abu-abu, dan ada juga dua pohon di depan rumah tersebut.

4. Rumahnya berlokasi dekat dengan jembatan kecil di Jalan Teratai.

5. Rumahnya memiliki sebuah kerajinan tangan dari Tana Toraja yang tergantung di pintu depan dan juga sebuah batu besar di depan rumah itu.


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