Train - comfortable - executive - the - very - class
1. Train - comfortable - executive - the - very - class
The very executive class train comfortable
Maaf kalau salah , saya merasa ini tepat , tapi akalu salah sekali lagi maaf
The executive train class very comfortable?
The executive train class Its very comfortable?, i guess
2. The following information is for questions no 1 and 2.GAMBIR EXECUTIVE CLASS SCHEDULE TO YOGYAKARTATRAINCLASSDEPARTURE TIME ARRIVAL TIMEArgo Dwipangga 10 Executive class08.0015.35Taksaka Pagi 52 Executive class08.5016.32Bima 44Executive class16.4500.45Gajayana 42Executive class19.4501.44Argolawu 8Executive class20.1503.45Taksaka Malam 54 Executive class20.4504.20Argo Dwipangga 10 covers a ... (1) trip than Taksaka. And Gajayana the ... (2) of all1. A. fasterB. shorterC. slowerD. longer2. A. slowestB. fastestC. shortestD. longest
1. A. Faster
2. B. fastest
Argo dwipangga
08.00-15.35 ( 7 hours 35 minutes)
08.50-16.35 (8 hours 15 minutes)
19:45-01:44 ( 5 hours)
3. apa arti dari " Business class or executive class?
kelas bisnis atau kelas eksekutif ?Kelas Bisnis atau Kelas eksekutif
Maaf bila ada kesalahan...
4. Maman : i have to go to jakarta tomorrow, but i don’t have enough money to buy a ticket. how can i go there?ilyas : you can go there by an economy-class train.maman : how about the executive-class?ilyas : it’s … the economy-class, but it is more expensive
Maman : saya harus pergi ke jakarta besok, tapi saya tidak punya cukup uang untuk membeli tiket. bagaimana saya bisa pergi ke sana?
ilyas : kamu bisa ke sana dengan kereta api kelas ekonomi.
maman : bagaimana dengan kelas eksekutif?
ilyas : itu… kelas ekonomi, tapi lebih mahal
maaf kalo salah
5. Do you know when .... ? A. The class start B. Is the class start C. Do the class start D. Will the class start E. Does the class start
Subject : English
Category : Indirect Question
Do you know when .... ?
Answer :
tidak ada pilihan yang tepat.
Seharusnya 'Do you know when THE CLASS STARTS?'
Karena kalimat merupakan indirect question (pertanyaan tidak langsung. 'ketika kelas mulai' bukan pertanyaannya, jadi tidak terjadi inversi. Kalimatnya tanyanya ada di bagian 'do you know'.
6. The difference between executive summary and business description .....
An executive summary, as per Wikipedia, is a short document or section of a document, produced for business purposes, that summarizes a longer report or proposal or a group of related reports in such a way that readers can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all.
In a way executive summary is like a trailer and business plan is the full movie. But executive summary is most important part of document because if the trailer or executive summary is not interesting probably the audience won’t read the whole business plan document (which is usually lengthy) or watch the full movie.
Executive summary is 1 to 2 pages long where as business plan can be between 20 pages to 40 pages long on an average.
7. Maman : i have to go to jakarta tomorrow. but i don't have enough money to buy a ticket. how can i go there? ilyas : you can go there by an economy-class train. maman : how about the executive-class? ilyas : it's ... the economy-class. but it is more expensive.
It's faster than the economy class. But it is more expensive.
Ada 3 jenis degree of comparison:
- Positif degree
- Comparative degree
- Superlative degree
Ciri Positive degree: ada 2 hal/benda yang sama ____ nya (misalnya sama besarnya, sama tingginya, sama tuanya dst)
Ciri comparative: ada perbandingan antara 2 hal/benda, dimana yang satu lebih ____ dibandingkan yang satunya lagi. (Lebih tinggi, lebih jauh, lebih tua dst)
Ciri superlative degree adalah: ada satu yang paling___ di dalam suatu kelompok/lingungan/tempat dst (jadi dia bukan merupakan perbandinganantara 2 benda, tapi menunjukkan bahwa di suatu kelompok, dialah yang paling___ )
Untuk Positifve degree digunakan as______as.
Contoh as old as (sama tuanya), as fast as (sama cepatnya) dst
Untuk comparative dan superlative degree:
Ada beberapa cara membuat comparative dan superlative degree:
1) dengan menambahkan -er (comparative) dan -est (superlative)
Ini untuk kata sifat yang terdiri dari hanya satu suku kata
hot (satu suku kata)/hotter/the hottest
slim/slimmer/the slimmest
2) dengan mengubah huruf -y di akhir kata sifat tersebut menjadi -i dan menambahkan -er atau -est
Ini khusus untuk kata sifat yang terdiri dari dua suku kata dan huruf akhirnya adalah huruf -y
easy (2 suku kata, huruf terakhir huruf y)/ easier/ the easiest
early (2 suku kata, huruf terakhir huruf y)/ earlier/ ther earliest
ugly (2 suku kata, huruf terakhir huruf y)/ uglier/ the ugliest
3) menambahkan kata more (comparative) dan the most (Superlative) di depan kata sifat tersebut
Ini untuk semua kata sifat yang terdiri dari 3 atau lebih suku kata
comfortable (4 suku kata) /more comfortable/ the most comfortable
sinister (3 suku kata) / more sinister/ the most sinister
Ada beberapa kata yang tidak mengikuti kaidah ini misalnya good/better/best atau bad/worse/worst tapi itu sedikit sekali.
Semoga bermanfaat
8. what is the executive summary
kalo untuk tujuan executive summary to find the moral value from the story
executive summary adl kesimpulan pendek dari sebuah proposal atau report bisnis...
9. Pada awal kemerdekaannya, Republic of The Union Birma terdiri dari.....
Rusia bela rusia latvia lituania
10. apa kah arti executive class
artinya itu kelas eksekutifArtinya adalah Kelas eksekutif
11. do you know when...?a. the class startsb. is the class startc. do the class startd. will the class starte. does the class start
A. the class starts .........
A.the class start
12. What is the spelling of Union?
Answer :
People usually use onion for cooking
Good luck :)
13. 4.imam Rahyadi is probably the...a. committee of the semarang night Carnival 2020b. Member of the student's unionc. parent of one of the studentsd.Chief of the stedent's union5. " ... the student's union chamber" The undercared word is the closest in meaning b. door c. floor d. hall
5 a. room
no 4 gak ada text, jd gak bs jwb
14. 52. Do you know when ...?A. the class startsB. is the class startC. do the class startD. Will the class startE. does the class start
Do you know when the class starts?
Maaf kalo salah:)
antara a dan d aku gatau salah satunya ajA
15. apa fungsi The Internasional Astronomical Union (IAU)
menghitung jarak suatu planet ke matahari.
16. What did yugoslavia think of the soviet union ?
Grade: 9
Category: know about yugoslavia
learning: B.INGGRIS
discussion:Yugoslavia, is a country that existed in the Balkans, in southeastern Europe, from 1918 to 2003. In its journey, this country was once a kingdom and a republic. The capital city of this country is Belgrade.
Josip Broz Tito is a big name in the Balkan countries of Yugoslavia.
Yugoslavia is a federal state with six states and two special autonomous regions. The following countries and regions are included in Yugoslavia:
SerbiaMontenegroSloveniaCroatiaBosnia-HezergovinaMacedonianKosovo and Vojvodina Khusus Special Autonomous RegionsPeople there will remember how in the 1980s, Broz Tito,a Yugoslav statesman and revolutionary, often appeared in public sipping a Cuban cigar while holding a bottle of whiskey. Tito also has dozens of well-appointed houses in the corners of Yugoslavia. Tito's luxurious Bled villa is often used to entertain visiting world leaders.
During the reign of Broz Tito, Yugoslavia became a strong country without relying on the powers of the Western or Eastern Blocs.
After the death of Josep Broz Tito, various social and political problems emerged that led to the collapse of Yugoslavia. Some of the factors that contributed to the collapse of Yugoslavia were:
There is a Vacuum of Power in YugoslaviaThere is no ideal leader figure to replace Josep Broz TitoThe occurrence of inter-ethnic divisions in Yugoslavia The collapse of communism in the late 1980sImpact of collapse:The collapse of Yugoslavia had a great impact on the social, political and economic life of the international community. Here are the effects of the collapse of Yugoslavia:
The emergence of new countries in Eastern EuropeThe occurrence of a social crisis in the Balkan Peninsula regionThe emergence of genocide against Muslim Bosnia by the SerbsThe threat of world peace after the Cold Waranswerby:BrainlyEnglish10
17. Do you know when..? A. The class starts B. Is the class starts C. Do the class starts D. Will the class starts E. Does the class starts
Answer ;
A. The class starts
A. The class startsThat is the answer
18. the secobd class is ... the fist class and trind class
the answer is between
#Maaf klw salahThe second class is between the first class and third class
*semoga membantu*
19. Do you know when...? A.the class starts the class start the class start D.wiil the class start E.does the class start
A. the class starts
Maaf klo slah
20. Book - class - want - Singapura - I - June - to - to - executive - 23rd - a - an - on - ticket?
i want to book an executive class ticket on 23rd to Singapore
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