Bathukamma Songs In Hindi Written

Bathukamma Songs In Hindi Written

a.Dara wrote some beautiful songs,The passive voice isSome beautiful songs were written by Dara.b. Some beautiful songs was written by Dara.C. Some beautiful songs are written by Dara.d. Some beautiful songs have written by Dara.Antoic washing his car.​

1. a.Dara wrote some beautiful songs,The passive voice isSome beautiful songs were written by Dara.b. Some beautiful songs was written by Dara.C. Some beautiful songs are written by Dara.d. Some beautiful songs have written by Dara.Antoic washing his car.​

~ Answer:

The passive voice is...


Some beautiful songs were written by Dara.

~ Discussion:

Halo dan salam kenal. Mengenai passive voice, merupakan kalimat yang menyatakan penukaran letak subyek dengan obyek. Subyek berperan sebagai penerima perlakuan obyek. Subyek menjadi obyek dan sebaliknya obyek sebagai pelakunya yang menjadi subyek.

Supaya dapat kita ubah kalimat aktif ke pasif, awalnya diperhatikan dulu tense-nya.

> Dara wrote some beautiful songs.

adanya kata wrote menunjukkan subyek sudah menulis beberapa lagu indah (obyek) pada waktu lalu termasuk bentuk simple past

Dengan pola:

S + V2 + ...

Diubah menjadi:

O + was/were + V3 + ...


was untuk I, he, she, it, name, objectwere untuk you, they, we, names, objects


wrote menjadi werewritten (simple past verb) dengan mengingat bahwa was/were diperhatikan dari obyeknya—some beautiful songs merupakan pluralobjectmenggunakan werepindahkan posisi some beautiful songs ke awal kalimatpindahkan posisi Dara sebagai obyektambahkan by sebelum Dara

Sehingga jawabannya:

Somebeautifulsongs (O) werewritten (V3) byDara (S).

~Thank you and hope this answer may be helpful.

Good luck! ♡

2. 5. Isyana Sarasvati is agood composer. Most songs in her first album are written byherself She....songs with meaningful lyrics.​





3. Bolehkah:The songs for the show are being written now

Passive present continuous: The songs for the show are being written now.

bolehFuture present itu apa sih??



1. the title : Heal The World

genre: pop

singer: michael jackson

theme: save the world for better future

2. the title : True Friend

genre: pop

singer: miley cyrus

theme: the powership of friend

3. the title : You Raise Me Up

genre : pop

singer: josh groban

theme: God will always be there for you

4. the title : Fight Song

genre : pop

singer : rachel platten

theme : not to give up in living life

5. the title : Let It Go (ost Frozen)

genre : pop

singer : indina mezel

theme : build strong children's attitudes even though they have limitations.

5. narrative text is written monstly in


6. michael___ (listen) to some songs in his room now.​


Michael Listening to some songs ini his room Now


kalimat ini adalah jenis dari Present Countinious Tense... mengapa??? Okay... kmu lihat kan cetak tebal diatas, itu menunjukkan bahwa now adalah jenis Time signal dari present perfect tense... maka v ditambah ing ...

Present continuous tense adalah bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi sedang berlangsung selama waktu tertentu pada waktu sekarang (present).

Rumusnya ialah

S + be + Ving + Time Signal

                             bisa seperi Now, at the moment, right now dll


7. Find five songs in english and fill in the table

it will rain - brunomars

pretty girl - clairo

to the bone - pamungkas

count on me - brunomars

dandelions - ruth b.

snowman - sia

cheap treals - sia

runaway - aurora

sofia - clairo

8. hindian ocean-in the south of-is-in-of java-island-is tolong ya

Hindian ocean is in the south of java island. Semoga membantu. #maafkalosalah

9. my father always _songs in the showertolong jawabannya​


My Father Always Singing a songs in the shower.

10. which+are+written+in+italic+artinya


yang dimana tertulis dgn font italic


11. 731.989 in written=​


seven hundred and thirty-one, nine hundred and eighty-nine.

hanya berusaha membantu jangan lupa jadikan tercerdas yaaa...

12. why tamil is official language in singapore not hindi?

The reason Tamil is official language in Singapore not Hindi:

Tamil people is the third largest ethnicity in Singapore. People from Tamil was the first settlers in the island of Singapore under the Chola empire of Tamil Nadu in 1025 AD. It was the victory by a legendary king Rajendra Chola conquering the Hindu empire of Sri Vijaya (Indonesia/Malaysia).

The naming of Singapore is derived from Sanskrit or Tamil language, in which Singa means lion and pore means city. This is the origin of why Singapore is called the Lion City. There are other similar naming of Singapore by the Tamil emperors such as Singampunari near Madurai. Many places in South East Asia are named after from Sanskrit/Indian language words.

Singapore and India were colonized by the British in the 18th century. Singapore was utilized by the British as a main Asian port to strengthen its influence in India. It resulted a huge group of Indian traders and laborers flocking to Singapore, mainly from the south part of India. Tamil people was known to be sea travelers and they took this opportunity presented by the British. They quickly migrated to Singapore and made up one of the largest population in the Singapore culture, third only to the Chinese and Malay population.

While the Tamil is the most spoken Indian language by the large majority of the Indian population in Singapore, Hindi, on the other hand is the least spoken by the Indians in Singapore.

Therefore, the Tamil is declared as an official language of Singapore for Indians, instead of Hindi.


Cerita di atas tergolong Descriptive Text dimana penulis menjelaskan sesuatu cerita untuk menunjukkan suatu kesimpulan. Narasi dari Descriptive Text dapat berupa sebuah cerita tentang seseorang/sekumpulan orang, binatang, tumbuhan, benda, tempat/lokasi, kebudayaan, kondisi sosial, fenomena, dll. Tujuan dari Descriptive text adalah memberi penjelasan atas sesuatu yang ingin disampaikan ke pembaca secara detail sehingga pembaca dapat memahami fakta yang disampaikan oleh penulis.

Ciri-ciri Descriptive Text adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Menggunakan Simple Present Tense yang menjelaskan hal-hal dalam konteks umum.

2. Banyak menggunakan adjective (kata sifat) untuk mengklarifikasikan kata benda yang mengikutinya. Contoh dari text di atas: the third largest ethnicity, huge group.

3. Pemakaian relating verb (kata kerja penghubung). Contoh: is, was, as

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Pengertian Descriptive Text

Penjelasan Descriptive Text

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

13. 4 April 2006 in written=​

date is April 42006 written in Roman numerals


roman numerals ( bilangan Romawi atau disebut juga angka Romawi) adalah sistem penomoran yang berasal Romawi zaman dulu.

semoga bermanfaat

semangat belajarnya

14. ketika anda mendengarkan lagu written in the stars apa yang anda bayangkan​


tenang dan berpikir positif

15. 731.989 in written =​


seven hundred thousand thirty one nine hundred and ninety eight


seven hundred thirty-one nine hundred and eighty-nine


maaf kalo salah

16. Google assistant written in what language


google use all leguage


not bad

17. rose was...three songs in the party last week​


Rose was singing three songs at the party last week

maaf jika salah ya kak

18. 8. 2.578 in number written is​


8. 2.578 = Two thousand five hundred and seventy eight


Artinya : Dua ribu lima ratus tujuh puluh delapan

Semoga membantu :)


two thousand five hundred seventy eight



nomor yang ditulis adalah

maaf kalo salah

19. ur language is same as hindiplz bhs indo in dong​

Jawaban:'' bahasa mu sama seperti hindi''



20. one of the national songs in Indonesia

Satu nusa satu bangsa


Pertanyaanya menanyakan tentang lagiu nasional di Indonesia, Satu nusa satu bangsa di antaranya. Lainnya

Mengheningkan cipta, Indonesia Raya, dll

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