What are the 3 types of rocks?
1. What are the 3 types of rocks?
The three types of rocks:
1. Igneous rocks
2. Sedimentary rocks
3. Metamorphic rocks -batuan beku.
Terbagi bedasarkan tempat terbentuknya :
* batuan beku dalam
*batuan beku gang
*batuan beku luar
- batuan sedimen
Berdasarkan proses terjadinya :
*batuan sedimen klastik
*batuan sedimen chemis
* batuan sedimen organik
berdasarkan tenaga yg menyangkut :
* sedimen aquatis
*sedimen aeolis
*sedimen glasial
Berdasar tempat terjadi
*sedimen teritis
*sedimen marine
*sedimen fluvial
*sedimen glasial
-batuan metamorf
Di klasifikasikan
*batuan metamorf kontak
*batuan metamorf dinamo
*batuan metamorf pnuematolitis
2. What are the types of nouns ? Give the example of each types.
#noun-a word that functions as the name of a specific object or set of objects, such as living creatures, places, actions, qualities, states of existence, or ideas.
there are 7types of nouns
1.common noun
2.proper noun
3.concrete noun
4.abstract noun
5.collective noun
6.countable noun
7.uncountable noun
2.there is specific name
example: planet: Jupiter , mars , mercury
car: Toyota , bmw , Honda
girl: Susan, Shinta , michelle
3.everything you can experience with your five senses: smell, touch, sight, hearing, or taste.
ex: lemon, train ,sugar
4.emotions: Love, fear, anger, joy, excitement
5.crowd, government, team, family, audience, committee, gang
6.can be counted : two apples , three biscuits
7.cannot be counted: rice, water , air
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3. what are the types of network
apa saja jenis jaringannya
-Peer to peer
-Client server
4. These are the types of narrative text, except.... *a Legend b Historical fictionc Advertising d FantasyFolktales
c Advertising
c. advertising
advertising : iklan
5. Describe the different types of computers. what is the most common type? what are the types of personal computers?
There are 4 different types of computers. Supercomputers are the fastest computers, but at the same time are the very expensive ones. This type of computer is usually used on scientific research centers.Mainframe Computers can cater numerous users and support programs happening at the same time. This type of computer is usually used by governments and large organizations.Minicomputers can cater to users ranging from 4 to 200 simultaneously. This type of computer is the mid-sized one.Microcomputers can cater to one user at a time. This type of computer is the most common type because they are not that costly.The most common type of computer is the microcomputer or also known as the personal computer.
Types of Personal ComputersTowel Model
Handheld Model
Desktop Computer
Notebook Computer
Laptop Computer
Netbook Computer
Tablet PC Model
semoga membantu kak
6. what are the different types of freshwater aquaculture?
Apa saja jenis akuakultur air tawar yang berbeda?
7. _____ off the hawaiian coastline are living, others are dead. while some types of coral reefs some types of coral reefs there are many types of coral reefs coral reefs
while some types
maaf kalo salah
8. what are the types of population mobility
tipe dari populasi
9. . ______ off the hawaiian coastline are living, others are dead. while some types of coral reefs some types of coral reefs there are many types of coral reefs coral reefs
sorry if I'm wrong ^^
10. What are the pattern/types of unpaid work?
“Unpaid work” includes activities like routine household work (e.g. cooking, cleaning and gardening), caring for children and other family and non-family members, volunteering, and shopping.
Apa saja pola/jenis pekerjaan tidak dibayar?
sorry if wrong
11. Top middle and bottom are the 3 types of ………………………… alignment.
Secara umum, terdapat 3 jenis perataan teks di Microsoft Word, yakni align left (rata kiri), align right (rata kanan), center (rata tengah), dan justify (rata kanan kiri)
semoga membantu:) maaf kalau salah:):):):):):):):)"""""""
12. 1. What are the types of interaction ?
therefore the interaction is divided into three viz
1.interactions between individuals and individuals
2.interaction between groups and groups
3.interaction between groups and individuals
13. Match these types of film with the comments (1-6).
1. It's a story in space with aliens.
= science fiction
2. It was very funny and I laughed for hours afterwards.
= comdey
3. It's all about polar bears and how they live.
= documentary
4. I couldn't watch the film. It was very scary!
= horror
5. There are fast cars and the hero always wins.
= action film
6. In the past, they drew all the pictures on paper. Nowadays, they make them with computers.
= animation
Berdasarkan arti:
1. Ini adalah kisah/cerita di ruang angkasa dengan alien.
= fiksi ilmiah
2. Itu sangat lucu dan saya tertawa berjam-jam setelahnya.
= comdey
3. Ini semua tentang beruang kutub dan bagaimana mereka hidup.
= dokumenter
4. Saya tidak bisa menonton film yg sangat menakutkan!
= horor
5. Ada mobil yg cepat dan pahlawan selalu menang.
= film aksi
6. Di masa lalu, mereka menggambar semua gambar di atas kertas. Saat ini, mereka membuatnya dengan komputer.
= animasi
Semoga membantu
14. what are the types of coronavirus
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
Virus korona SARS
Feline coronavirus
Virus hepatitis tikus
Canine coronavirus
Virus infectious bronchitis
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus
Microhyla letovirus 1
15. The correct types of accientific text are...
Arti :
Jenis teks akientifik yang benar adalah ...
Narrative text in the form of real (non-fictional) events can be in the form of a series of events or events that actually occurred and were packaged in a story. These events or incidents can be events experienced by the storyteller or it can be events that the storyteller observes.
A story in the form of imagination or fiction is a written work in the form of a story that is the result of the author's imagination. Examples of fictional narrative texts include romances, novels, short stories, dramas, and biographies.
Description Text
Descriptive text is written work that is structured in a way that clearly describes objects, objects, places, or events. Topics or themes that are described through descriptive texts are carried out by utilizing the writer's five senses. For example, the sentence: The tomato that the mother just bought is red and the skin is smooth. This sentence gives the reader an idea that the tomatoes that mother just bought have a red color and have a smooth skin surface.
Exposition Text
An exposition text is a written work that presents the author's ideas / opinions accompanied by facts and logical reasons. The exposition text is composed of two main elements. The two main elements of the exposition text are opinions and facts. Actual events are presented in fact sentences. While the logical reasons are presented in the opinion / opinion sentence.
Explanatory Text
Explanatory text is often used to write scientific texts. Examples of written works that are presented in explanatory form are readings that explain the process of a natural or social phenomenon.
In short, explanatory text can be interpreted as text that contains explanations of the why and how of a topic related to natural and social phenomena that occur in our daily lives.
Persuasion Text
The meaning of persuasion text is a written work in the form of an invitation or persuasion to the reader to do or follow the contents in the persuasion text that has been made. The author creates persuasion texts to convince readers to be influenced by the reading so that they have the same thoughts. The hope is that readers will follow and do what the author has written in the persuasion text.
Argumentation Text
Argumentation text is a written work in the form of paragraph development that aims to convince or persuade readers to have the same thoughts as the author. The writing of argumentation text can be in the form of ideas, ideas, opinions accompanied by analogies, examples, explanations of strong arguments so that the reader is influenced by the content in the reading
16. Jawaban dari what are the types of letters
Jawaban dari what are the types of letters adalah
The types of letters are formal letter, semi-formal, and informal letter.
Arti dari soal di atas adalah
Apa saja jenis-jenis surat?
Jenis surat adalah surat resmi, surat setengah resmi, dan surat tidak resmi.
a. Formal letter is for official or business.
b. Semi-formal is a personal letter , but the writers are not to on very close terms.
c. Informal is a very personal letter. The writers are very well known to each other.
Pelajari lebih lanjut types of personal letters pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/14046264
17. 1. what are the types of bullying are discussed in the Text?
verbal bullying, psychological bullying, physical bullying
yo dantau kok tanya saya
18. the six types of simple are....
19. What are The Types of Report Text?
Title page.
Table of contents.
Executive summary.
semoga membantu
20. Jawaban dari what are the types of letters
Letters are generally
1.personal letter
2.official letter
Surat secara umum
1.surat pribadi
2.surat resmi
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