Rearrange the dialog below into a good one! (Urutkan dialog dibawah ini menjadi dialog yang bagus) Reorder answers 1. Teacher : Everybody, Are you ready to learn English now? Reorder answers 2. Students : Good morning, ma’am Reorder answers 3. Siti : Yes, We will use English in our English class. Reorder answers 4. Teacher : Good morning, students. Reorder answers 5. Students : We will use English in our class. Do you understand me, Siti. What did I say? Reorder answers 6. Students : Yes, Ma’am Reorder answers 7. Students : Yes, Ma’am Reorder answers 8. Teacher : Everybody, may I have your attention, please? Reorder answers 9. Teacher : Listen to our explanation!
1. Rearrange the dialog below into a good one! (Urutkan dialog dibawah ini menjadi dialog yang bagus) Reorder answers 1. Teacher : Everybody, Are you ready to learn English now? Reorder answers 2. Students : Good morning, ma’am Reorder answers 3. Siti : Yes, We will use English in our English class. Reorder answers 4. Teacher : Good morning, students. Reorder answers 5. Students : We will use English in our class. Do you understand me, Siti. What did I say? Reorder answers 6. Students : Yes, Ma’am Reorder answers 7. Students : Yes, Ma’am Reorder answers 8. Teacher : Everybody, may I have your attention, please? Reorder answers 9. Teacher : Listen to our explanation!
Jawaban :
Teacher : Good morning, students
Students : Good morning, ma’am
Teacher : Everybody, may I have your attention, please ?
Students : Yes, ma’am
Teacher : Everybody, are you ready to learn English now ?
Students : Yes, ma’am
Teacher : Listen to our explanation !
Students : We will use English in our class
Teacher : Do you understand me, Siti. What did I say ?
Siti : Yes, We will use English in our English class
Penjelasan :
Jika terdapat bentuk soal yang berbentuk dialog seperti contoh soal diatas dan kalian harus mengurutkannya, maka hal yang pertama kali harus dilakukan adalah menterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa indonesia terlebih dahulu, cara menterjemahkannya dengan bantuan google translate atau dengan kamus terjemahan bahasa inggris - bahasa indonesia. Jika kalian sudah menterjemahkan semua artinya maka kalian akan lebih mudah mengurutkannya menjadi sebuah dialog yang utuh.
Pelajari lebih lanjut :
materi contoh dialog dalam bahasa inggris pada link
2. Rearrange the dialog below into a good one! (Urutkan dialog dibawah ini menjadi dialog yang bagus) Reorder answers 1. Teacher : Everybody, Are you ready to learn English now? Reorder answers 2. Students : Good morning, ma'am Reorder answers 3. Siti : Yes, Ma.Am. We will use English in our English class. Reorder answers 4. Teacher : Good morning, students. Reorder answers 5. Students : We will use English in our class. Do you understand me, Siti. What did I say? Reorder answers 6. Students : Yes, Ma'am Reorder answers 7. Students : Yes, Ma'am Reorder answers 8. Teacher : Everybody, may I have your attention, please? Reorder answers 9. Teacher : Listen to our explanation!
Urutan dialognya: 4. Teacher: Good morning, Students2. Students: Good morning, Ma’am8. Teacher: Everybody, may I have your attention, please?6. Students: yes, Ma’am9. Teacher Listen to my explanation7. Students: Yes, Ma’amTeacher: we will use English in our class. 5. Do you understand me? Siti, what did I say?3. Siti: Yes, Ma’am. We will use English in our English class1. Teacher: Everybody, are you ready to learn English now?Artinya:Guru: Selamat pagi, murid2Siswa: Selamat pagi, BuGuru: Semuanya, boleh saya minta perhatian kalian?Siswa: ya, BuGuru: Dengarkan penjelasan sayaSiswa: Ya, BuGuru: kita akan menggunakan bahasa Inggris di kelas kita. Apakah kalian mengerti [maksud] saya? Siti, apa yang saya katakan?Siti: Ya, bu. Kita akan menggunakan bahasa Inggris di kelas kita [saat pelajaran] bahasa InggrisGuru: Semuanya, apakah kalian siap untuk belajar bahasa Inggris sekarang?PEMBAHASANExpression Attention
Ungkapan untuk mendapatkan perhatian atau atensi dari perorangan atau kelompok.
Expression:Excuse me,Listen to meAttention, pleasePay attention, pleaseMay I have your attention, please?Response:YesI see.Sure.Really?Tell me more about it.KESIMPULANPercakapan terjadi di kelas antara guru dengan para murid:
Guru meminta para perhatian murid2nya dan murid mengiyakanlalu sebelum memulai pembelajaran kelas, guru memberitahu para muridnya bahwa mereka akan belajar bahasa inggris dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.kemudian guru megecek apakah ada yg mendengarkannya dan memilih salah satu muridnya yaitu sitidan siti menjawab yg menandakan bahwa ia mendengarkan gurunyasetelah pemberitahuan tsb maka BARULAH proses pembelajaran benar2 dimulai yaitu guru bertanya "Everybody, are you ready to learn English now?" ✔Pelajari Lebih LanjutMenyusun percakapan:
Soal serupa:
DETAIL JAWABANMapel: Bahasa Inggris
Materi: Expression of Attention
Kelas: 8
Kode Soal: 5
Kode Kategorisasi: 8.5
3. English Task ASSIGNMENT 1 (Total 10 questions) Make 5 questions with DO YOU …… ? Make another 5 questions with ARE YOU ……. ? Give answers with YES …../NO…….
1. Do you read books? Yes, I do.
2. Do you like to watch movies? No, I don't.
3. Do you want to go to Disneyland next week? Yes, I really do.
4. Do you play guitar? No, I don't.
5. Do you hear that? Yes, I do.
6. Are you moving out soon? Yes, I am.
7. Are you going to the park today? No, I am not.
8. Are you enjoying the view of the sea? Yes, I really am.
9. Are you doing your homework right now? No, I am not.
10. Are you liking the new shoes? Yes, I am.
Jadikan jawaban ini sebagai yang terbaik bila dirasa bermanfaat dan membantu!^^
4. lucifer morning star vs feathirine augustus aurorawho wil win berikane alasan?
Karena biasanya nama Lucifer adalah kaum bangsawan iblis/vampir
5. SPECIAL QUIZ (510/550) ➠ 91 × 39 = ...Pakai cara! (Bersusun)[tex] \star \star {\red{\bf Spesial \: Perkalian}} \star \star [/tex][tex] {\green{\sf (10/10)}} [/tex]
[tex] \boxed{ \colorbox{black}{ \sf{ \color{lightgreen}{ answered\:by\:Duone}}}} [/tex]
91 × 39 = 3.549
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
¹ 819
6. SPECIAL QUIZ (360/400)➠ 37 × 61 = ...Pakai cara! (Bersusun)[tex] \star \star {\red{\bf Spesial \: Perkalian}} \star \star [/tex][tex] {\green{\sf (10/10)}} [/tex]
Jawaban tertera pada lampiran
[tex] \bf37 \times 61 = 2.257[/tex]
Cara ada dilampiran.
7. Translate the sentences below into English!1.hari ini adalah hari jumatAnswers:2.besok adalah hari selasaanswers
1. Hari ini adalah hari jumat
Ansswer:today is friday
2.besok adalah hari selasa
answer:tomorrow is tuesday
maaf kl salah semoga membantu ♡
1.Hari ini hari jumat
Answer:Today is friday
2.Besok adalah hari selasa
Answer:Tomorrow is tuesday
Maaf klo salah
8. quizzz1.Why do we have to study?Rules:Answers must be in English ☆
so that we can pass with the best score. with the best values that make our parents proud and make it easier for us to reach our dreams later in other words success
because we need knowledge and knowledge we can get if we study
9. 4.which planet is known as the morning star or evening star? it is
semoga bisa membantu
it is planet venus
mohon maaf klo kurang tepat..
10. english kelas 9 "the golden star-fruit tree" halaman 140-141
1. When the father died, the brothers divided his father's wealth into two parts.
2. The big brother took almost everything. Because he was very greedy.
3. Because the raven needed the starfruit too, so the raven paid the younger brother with gold. He was brought to a place full of gold, filled the bag full with gold, and then flew back home on the raven's back.
4. Yes, he did. The younger brother gladly accepted the offer
5. Because on the way home, the load soon became too heavy for the raven. Unable to hang on, the raven swayed, and the greedy brother fell straight down the to the sea with his bag and pockets full of gold. He sank very fast down the sea. The older died because of his greediness.
The Golden Star-Fruit Tree
A long time ago, there was a rich old man living in Vietnam. He had two sons. They had very different attitudes. The older brother was very greedy, but the younger brother was very kind. When the old man died, the brothers divided his father's wealth into two parts. The big brother took almost everything. He gave his younger brother only a small piece of land, with a star-fruit tree in front of it. The younger brother did not mind. From then on he lived there and made his living only by selling star-fruits from the tree.
Unfortunately, a very big raven often came and ate all the ripe fruits. At first, he was too afraid of the raven and did not know what to do. But one day he dared to approach the raven. He begged to it not eat the fruits. "If you eat the fruit, I will have nothing to sell to the market, and my family will starve."
Surprisingly the raven was not angry. He replied, "I need the fruits too. Can I have them and I'll pay you with gold. Bring a 1-meter long bag, and I'll bring to place full of gold and you can fill the bag full with gold." The younger brother then told his wife to make the 1-meter long bag. When the bag was done, he climbed on the raven's back and they flew to a place full of gold. He filled the bag full of gold and then flew back home on the raven's back. From then on, the younger brother and his family could live happily in luxury
On the commemoration of his father's death, he invited his older brother to come to his house. Thinking that his brother had a poor house, the big brother refused to come. But because his younger brother insisted, he and his wife finally decided to come. When they got to the younger brother's house, they were surprised to see that he was now very rich.
He asked his younger brother how he had got all his wealth, and the younger brother was happy to tell him the truth. Then, the greedy brother and his wife offered the younger brother to trade all their fortune for the star-fruit tree. The younger brother gladly accepted the offer. Soon the older brother and his family moved to the house with the star-fruit tree. When the raven came for the star-fruits, the older brother made the same plea. As expected, the raven told him to bring a 1-meter long bag.
Because he's was greedy, he asked his wife to make a much longer bag. When the bag was the bag done, he climbed on the raven's back, and then they flew to the place full of gold. He filled the big bag with gold. He also brought some gold in his pockets. On the way home, the load soon became too heavy for the raven. Unable to hang on, the raven swayed, and the greedy brother fell straight down the to the sea with his bag and pockets full of gold. He sank very fast down the sea. The older died because of his greediness.
11. Key Answers buku pathway english kelas XI The Seasons
kunci jawaban buku pathway bahasa inggris kelas XI The seasons
maaf kalo salah.
12. SPECIAL QUIZ (610/650) ➠ 39 × 75 = ...Pakai cara! (Bersusun)[tex] \star \star {\red{\bf Spesial \: Perkalian}} \star \star [/tex][tex] {\green{\sf (10/10)}} [/tex]
39 x 75 = 2.925
_____ x
SEMOGAMEMBANTU^^13. English, prepare for UTS, give me your best answers, perlu jawaban berkualitas BERTUTORIAL segera
Jawaban:I usually get up early in the morning Binsar reads a newspaper sometimesThey don’t study on Sunday I usually walk in the parkDo you have rice for breakfast?Crocodiles eat meatOstriches do not flyCats do not eat leaves What are sticky notes for?A pencil sharpener is for sharpening pencilsPembahasan Simple Present Tense
Digunakan untuk menyatakan Kegiatan yang dilakukan secara berulang, kebiasaan, rutinitas dan fakta umum.
Adverb of frequency Always, Often, diletakkan di antara verbSometimes ➡️ diletakkan di awal dan akhir kalimatRumus Present Tense(+) S + adv.freq + V1 (-s/es) + Complement
(-) S + do/does + not + Adv.freq + V1 + Complement
(?) Do/does + S + Adv.freq + V1 + Complement?
KesimpulanHuruf acak dalam soal terdapat huruf kapital sebagai penanda kata pertama:
1. I usually get up early in the morning
➡️ Saya biasanya bangun awal di pagi hari
2. Binsar reads a newspaper sometimes
➡️ Binsar kadang-kadang membaca koran
3. They don’t study on Sunday
➡️ Mereka tidak belajar pada hari minggu
4. I usually walk in the park
➡️ Saya biasanya jalan-jalan di taman
5. Do you have rice for breakfast?
➡️ Apa kamu sarapan nasi?
6. Crocodiles eat meat
➡️ Buaya makan daging
7. Ostriches do not fly
➡️ unta tidak terbang
8. Cats do not eat leaves
➡️ Kucing tidak makan daun
9. What are sticky notes for?
➡️ Kertas tempel untuk apa?
10. A pencil sharpener is for sharpening pencils
➡️ penyerut pensil untuk menyerut pensil-pensil
=== Semoga Membantu ===
Pelajari Lebih LanjutPresent Tense: JAWABANMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: Present TenseLevel: JHSKode Soal: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 7.5#SejutaPohonJawaban:
Jumbled word
kebanyakan dalam soal Jumbled word yang didahulukan adalah Subyeklalu Predikatdan Obyekbeberapa kalimat ada yang menambahkan kata Keteranganwaktu/tempataturan tersebut tidak berlaku pada kalimat (?)
I usually get up early in the morning Binsar reads a newspaper sometimes They don't study in sundays (-) I usually walk in the park Do you have rice for breakfast (?)Crocodiles eat meat Ostriches do not fly(-)Cats do not eat leaves (-)What are notes for sticky (?)A Pencil is sharpening for sharpener14. please fill in the answers using English correctly. okay, thank you ~-~
3. we can find toll bridge at each provincial border, for example, when we are from Jakarta and going to Bandung, we have to pass the toll bridge cikampek
4. digital financial services in the form of electronic money from PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia. The function of t-money is as a medium that allows users to make transactions, send money, withdraw money, pay bills, and so forth
5. How to register through the t-money application:
Download the t-money application in Playstore or App Store. Open the t-money application - click Registration. Fill in Personal Data and Password Data - click Register. Follow the registration process further according to the information on the t-money application.
I"m sorry, I do not really understand, T-money used in Seoul or not, sorry if the answer is not right. The answer above is not the t-money card used in Seoul
15. chapter 4 For example hal 56English class 8 please answers...
maaf kalo salah
hal 55 sama hal 56 kan??
16. star from next meeting,i, want you to bring english dictionary m every english lesson what do you think?
aku artiin ya
mulai pertemuan selanjutnya, aku mau kamu untuk membawa kamus bahasa ingrish setiap pelajaran ingrish
gimana menurut mu?
terjemakan=bintang dari pertemuan berikutnya, saya, ingin Anda membawa kamus bahasa Inggris untuk setiap pelajaran bahasa Inggris bagaimana menurut Anda?
answer=yes I will carry out the English dictionary at the next English language meeting
semoga membantu ya jngan lupa follow biar bisa bantu tugas yang lain:)
17. English Challenges, give me your best answers and you'll get best answers from me
6. what is the name of the cat?
Jika dilihat di teks , disitu ada kata " Do you remember Toby ? ITS my cat. "
7. What is the fur like?
Jika dilihat di teks , disitu ada kata " it has soft fur "
~ Tambahan buat belajar : fur itu bulu , soft itu lembut~
6. the name of the cat is toby
7. the fur is soft
8a. there are two spoons on the table
8b. Ana is Mr. Mahmud's wife
18. SPECIAL QUIZ (710/750) ➠ 67 × 77 = ...Pakai cara! (Bersusun)[tex] \star \star {\red{\bf Spesial \: Perkalian}} \star \star [/tex][tex] {\green{\sf (10/10)}} [/tex]
67 × 77 = 5.159✔
[tex]67 \\ 77 \\ - - - ( \times ) \\46 9 \\ 469 \: \: \: \: \\ - - - ( + ) \\ \: \: \: \red{5.159} \pink\bigstar[/tex]
Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:
→ Perkalian
67 × 77 = 5.159 ✅
Cara :
------ ×
---------- +
5.159 ✅
19. comparison analysis betwen book and movie pdf english literat
20. a. vight b. morningc. starwith abc sounds and minimal 2 stanza
* Good morning people
Morning to the world
* fight in the United States
Joni fight for the next few days
* star is the best
I'm have star in the world
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