My Father Could Convey Complex Spiritual Concepts Change The Voice

My Father Could Convey Complex Spiritual Concepts Change The Voice

change into passive voice my father pays the bill

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1. change into passive voice my father pays the bill

my father said that he pays the billArtinya: berubah menjadi suara pasif ayahku membayar tagihannya

2. Change the sentence into passive voice. (my father buys a new car) *


a new car is bought by my father

3. Change into passive voicea. My father has sent the letter to the post.​

The letter has been sent to the post (by my father).

Semoga membantu :)

4. Change active voice sentences below to passive voice. 9. Father is cleaning out the garden at the moment The passive is......


The garden is being cleaned out by father at the moment.


Present continuous Tense passive: S + is/am/are + being + verb 3 + by + O

5. Change these passive voice sentences into active voice 5.the oil is changed once a month by my father

my father change the oil once a monthMy father changes the oil once a month.

6. Change the sentences into passive voice ! 1. My father plants many trees in front of the house. 2.Wati washerd the dishes in the kitchen ​


Change the sentences into passive voice !

1. My father plants many trees in front of the house.

2.Wati washed the dishes in the kitchen ​


1. Many trees are planted by My Father in front of the house

2. The dishes were washed by Wati in the kitchen

Berdasarkan Rumus:

1. Present Tense

(+) S + V1 (es/s) + O

Active: My father plants many trees in front of the house.

(+) S + is/am/are + V3 + by (agent)

Passive: Many trees are planted by My Father in front of the house

2. Past Tense

(+) S + V2 + O

Active: Wati washed the dishes in the kitchen ​

(+) S + was/were + V3 + by (agent)

Passive: The dishes were washed by Wati in the kitchen

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: SMP

Materi: Passive Voice

Kode Mapel: 5

7. My father fixed the car yesterday.Passive voice is:​


The car was fixed by my father yesterday


8. Change the active into passive voice 1. Active : Father reads the newspaper evry day Passive :​

The newspaper is read by father everyday

9. Change the following active sentences into passive voice!6. My father reads a daily newspaper.​

My father reads a daily newspaper :

A daily newspaper is read by my father

10. passiv voice dari my father gave me the letter

The letter was given me by him

11. change into passive voice Father drives a car to the office




Kalimat nya merupakan simpel present passive bisa di lihat dari verb s/es nya dan rumus passive voice adalah

S + Tobe + 3 dalam passive object menjadi subjek


12. passive voice my father read the newspaper every morning​

newspaper always read by my father

Newspaper is read (verb 3) by my father every morning

Yang di dalam kurung gak usah ditulis, itu cuma buat menjelaskan verb berapa yang harus digunakan

Kalau mau tau rumus passive voice: object + to be + V3 + subject

13. please change into passive voice! father reads a newspaper. 2.we saw some butterflies in the garden

1) A newspaper is read by my father.

2) Some butterflies was seen by us in the garden.

14. Change the sentence into active voice1. This phone had been used by my father2. The building has been renovated by the developers​

My father had used this phone. The developers have renovated the building.


Passive voice merupakan bentuk kalimat di mana subjek kalimatnya menerima aksi sedangkan objeknya yang melakukan aksi, bentuk ini lebih menekankan kepada subjek yang terdampak dibandingkan objek yang menjadi pelaku. Sedangkan active voice merupakan bentuk kalimat di mana subjeknya melakukan aksi dan objeknua menerima aksi.

Pada materi di atas, soal pada nomor 1 menggunakan bentuk waktu Simple Past Perfect Tense, sedangkan pada nomor 2 menggunakan bentuk waktu Simple Present Perfect Tense.

Pola Kalimat Present Perfect

•ᴥ• Active Voice

(+) S + has/have + V3 + O/C.(–) S + has/have + not + V3 + O/C.(?) Has/Have + S + V3 + O/C?

•ᴥ• Passive Voice

(+) S + has/have + been + V3 + by + agent.(–) S + has/have + not + been + V3 + by + agent.(?) Has/Have + S + been + V3 + by + agent?


Has digunakan untuk subjek: he, she, it, dan nama tunggal.Have digunakan untuk subjek: I, you, we, they, dan nama banyak.


Pola Kalimat Present Perfect

•ᴥ• Active Voice

(+) S + had + V3 + O/C.(–) S + had + not + V3 + O/C.(?) Had + S + V3 + O/C?

•ᴥ• Passive Voice

(+) S + had + been + V3 + by + agent.(–) S + had + not + been + V3 + by + agent.(?) Had + S + been + V3 + by + agent?



Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Tingkat: IX (SMP)

Materi: Present Passive

Kode kategorisasi: 09.05.08


15. My father paints the wall di buat kalimat passve voice


The wall is painted by my father

the wall is painted by my father (smoga membantu)

16. my mother makes a cake ( change to passive voice) I sent the message (change to passive voice)​

A cake was made by my Mother.


a cake was made by my mother

the message was sent by me

17. "my father reads a dayli newspaper " change the sentenceas into passive voice in simple present tense​


Dalam bahasa. Indonesia:"ayah saya membaca koran harian" ubah kalimat menjadi kalimat pasif dalam simple present tense

bahasa Inggris:my father is reading the newspaper


dalam bahasa yang simpel

18. Change active voice sentences below to passive voice. Father is cleaning out the garden at the moment The passive is ......


The garden is being cleaned out by father at the moment.


Form kalimat active nya disini:

Subject + to be + verb (-ing) + object + time signal

Father. is. cleaning out. the garden. at the moment.

Form kalimat passivenya jadi:

Subject + to be + being + Verb 3 + signal

The garden is being cleaned out by father at the moment

*di kalimat pasif ini object awal diubah jadi subject

*subject awal diubah jadi posisi object pakai "by" depannya

*Kadang by... bisa dihilangkan kalau yang melakukan tidak jelas atau anonim contohnya by someone itu biasanya dihilangkan

Semoga membantu!

19. My father fixed the car yesterday.Passive voice is​


the car was fixed by my father yesterday

tense: past tense


The car was fixed by my father yesterday.



20. Soal!A change these sentences below to passive VoiceThe feachers are asing the computer now2. My father fixed the car yesterday​


Change these sentences below to passive voice.

1. The teachers are using the computer now.

Passive: The computer is being used by the teachers now.

2. My father fixed the car yesterday

Passive: The car was fixed by my father yesterday.


Pada soal nomor 1, sepertinya terdapat salah ketik. Sehingga saya uba dari 'asing' menjadi 'using'.

Pada soal nomor 1 menggunakan present continuous tense (object +am/is/are + being + verb 3 + by subject)

Pada soal nomor 2 menggunakan past tense (object + was/were + verb 3 + by subject)

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi passive voice pada


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