The Given Signs Signify Something And On That Basis

The Given Signs Signify Something And On That Basis

Look at the pictures and discuss the questions that followcing StartedKeep leftWhen seeing the above signs notices, what must you do? And what must you noWhich signs notices suggest that you must do something!Which signs/notices suggest that you must not do something?Whar signs/notices in your area tells you to do and not to do something?​

Daftar Isi

1. Look at the pictures and discuss the questions that followcing StartedKeep leftWhen seeing the above signs notices, what must you do? And what must you noWhich signs notices suggest that you must do something!Which signs/notices suggest that you must not do something?Whar signs/notices in your area tells you to do and not to do something?​

terjemahan :

Perhatikan gambar-gambar itu dan diskusikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini

cing Dimulai

Tetap di kiri

Ketika melihat tanda-tanda pemberitahuan di atas, apa yang harus Anda lakukan? Dan apa yang harus Anda tidak

Pemberitahuan tanda mana yang menyarankan bahwa Anda harus melakukan sesuatu!

Tanda / pemberitahuan mana yang menyarankan agar Anda tidak melakukan sesuatu?

Tanda / pemberitahuan apa di daerah Anda yang menyuruh Anda melakukan dan tidak melakukan sesuatu?

maaf saya hanya bisa kasih terjemahan karena pertanyaan di atas belum lengkap karna...

pasti ada gambarnya.

klo mau jawaban lengkap km bisa kasih gambarnya dengan menulis ulang pertanyaan nnti saya jawab

smoga lainkali lebih hati hati ya

2. look and write down the following prohibition based on the signs!​


1. staff only

2. dilarang putar balik

3. dilarang membawa kamera / dilarang memotret

4. truk dilarang masuk

5. dilarang membuang sampah


1. staff only/ only staff can in

2. prohibited u turn

3. no camera allowed

4. no truck allowed

5. Do not litter

3. describe the categories of these road signs.1. warning signs have a function to warn people on the road.2.regulatory signs are divide into prohibitory signs and mandatory signs3.some drivers on the toll road see road signs to direct them in choosing the right direction​


jelaskan kategori rambu jalan ini.

1. Rambu peringatan berfungsi untuk memperingatkan orang di jalan

2. Rambu regulasi dibagi menjadi rambu larangan dan rambu wajib

3. Beberapa pengemudi di jalan memutar melihat rambu-rambu jalan untuk mengarahkan mereka dalam memilih arah yang benar

4. 30. DS : Suti said to Aminah : “You have given something to your husband last night.” a. Suti said to Aminah that You have given something to your husband the night before. b. Suti said to Aminah that You had given something to your husband the night before. c. Suti said to Aminah that She gave something to her husband the night before d. Suti said to Aminah that She had given something to her husband the night before e. Suti said to Aminah that she is giving something to her husband the night before




DS : Suti said to Aminah : “You have given something to your husband last night.”

IS : Suti said to Aminah that She had given something to her husband the night before

semoga membantu

5. What do you think would have motivated the earlyman record and draw on walls using signs and symbols?

Because at one time,they were bored of not doing any thing,so they started to do something that's not as boring as doing nothing,so they started to draw on walls and later their descendants became famous artists such as the one who drew Mona Lisa.

6. somewhere that you grow flowers ... something to put on the floor ... something to put on the fire ... a small tape ...

somewhere that you grow flowers: garden
something to put on the floor: slipper
something to put on the fire: firewood
a small tape: cassete

semoga membantu :D

7. the trafic signs help drive on the road​


stop sign


to stop all the car in certain area

8. look at the signs and situations below and write rules for the signs

1. don't run in the coridor
3. don't eat in the classroom
5. don't climb over in the stadium
7. don't take pictures at the museum
9. don't smoke on the bus

9. look at the signs and situations below and write rules for the signs

2.don't litter in the park
3.don't eat and drink in the Classroom
4.don't bring pet in the building
6.don't fishing at the lake
7.don't take picture at the museum
9.don't smoking on the bus
10. don't ride bicycle in the park
maaf kalo salah y

10. Make a dialogue based on the following signs!​

1. C=hey!. You suppose not to use a phone in here

D=why not ?

C=look at the sign. It says "no telephone or handphone allowed to use in here"

D= oh . Sorry


Alpha=hey!.your not suppose to park in here!

Johnson=why cant i park my car in here ?

Alpha look at the sign! It says "no parking in these area"

Johnson= oh sorry


Obi= excuse me sir . You cant take a photo in here

Anakin=why cant i ?

Obi=look at the sign . It says "no taking photo in this area

Anakin= oh . Sorry . I dintd see the sign


Policeman= Hey!.you cant make sounds in here


Policeman= because the sign said "no sounds in these area"

Rachel=sorry sir . I wont do it again

Policeman= good

Gak tau salah atau gak


11. hare are the sticker signs that Sinta, galang,and ara make. can you help them match the signs and the picture? write the number under each picture. bantu jawab kak​


gambar yang:

pertama= 8

kedua= 4

ketiga= 5

keempat= 7

kelima= 1

keenam= 3

ketujuh= 6

kelapan= 2


fix benar ini mah

12. write obligations, prohibitions, and suggestions based on the signs.tolong bantuin plis, tolong dijwb dgn serius ☺️​


1.No parking

2.wear helmet when riding a motorbike

3. nomor tiga saya ngak tau

4.stop Anything is prohibited

5.littering is prohibited

6.aku lupa nomor 6

7.please don't smoke in this place

8.nomor 8 juga lupa:( swimming here



1. dilarang ada parkir

2. memakai helm saat mengendarai sepeda motor

3. nomor tiga saya ngak tau

4. menghentikan Apa pun dilarang

5. dilarang membuang sampah sembarangan

6.aku lupa nomor 6

7. Tolong jangan merokok di tempat ini

8.nomor 8 juga lupa:(

9.tidak ada berenang di sini

°senag bisa membantu

°maaf bilah ada kesalahan:)

13. look at the signs and situations below and write rules for the signs

4. Situations : In the building
Rules : In the Building or other Public building like hospital,Or something else..
In this Place There should be no noise, especially from the howling of dogs, because it can interfere with the activity there

2. Situations : In the park
Rules : You Are not Allowed to throw or out rubbish anywhere on the park... Because It Can cause Environtment get dirty

6. Situations : At the lake
Rules : You Can't fishing in this place, Because it Can Damaging the lake Ecosystem

8. Situations : In the hospital
Rules : You Can't Hear a Music or something similar like this, Because Can Make a Noisy Sound , and Can interfere Patient Or Doctors Activity In Here

10. Situations : In the park
Rules : You Can't bike on this park area, because it Can interfere some people Activity here...

Semoga membantu!
Cheers! !

14. later,riri,bayu,and santi talk again about the plan. this time they want to do something together. continue the conversation based on the given hint

Contoh conversation:

Riri: hi Santi do you have plan in next saturday night?
Santi: No, why?
Riri: Let us go to the cinema. there is a good movie
Bayu: Yes, I agree. I want to go too.
Santi: Hmm, what is the title of the movie?
Riri: Doctor Strange, Marvel movie
Santi: Oh ya, I like superhero. I want to go with you
bayu: yeah, I am looking forward to it.
r: riri, b: bayu, s:santi

R: hey, let's get together again sometime.
B: sure, what do you want to do
s: why don't we go rafting
B: that's a good idea
R: Rafting? I'm afraid I can't go rafting. I can't swim
S: well, you don't have to be able to swim to go rafting. you can wear a life vest
B: yes, you don;t have to be afraid
R: well, i think i can give it a try. when should we go
B: what about next week
S and R: sounds good. Ok next week then.

15. jawablah pertanyaan di atas ini 2 write where you would expect to see these warning signs 3 look at the signs and write the correct prohibiting expressions based on the signs​

2. a. on the highway

b. near the river

c. at the gasoline station

3. a. forbid to park nearby signs area

b. forbid to thorw garbage carelessly

c. Forbid to take pictures near the sign area

16. hare are the sticker signs that Sinta, galang,and ara make. can you help them match the signs and the picture? write the number under each picture. bantu jawab kak​


Ada disebelah gambar yaa

17. The traffic signs/help/tje drivers/on the road




maaf ya kalau salah

18. write the following prohibition bassed on the signs below

Tulis berikut larangan bassed pada tanda-tanda di bawah ini. maaf klo sallah

19. Task 2: later,Riri,bayu,and santi talk again abaout the plan.this time they want to do something together.continue the conversation based on the given hint

Tujuan ungkapan intention adalah menceritakan kepada orang lain tentang keinginan atau rencana untuk melakukan sesuatu di masa depan.

Task 2: Later, Riri, Bayu, and Santi talk again about the plan. This time they want to do something together. Continue the conversation based on the given hint!

Nanti, Riri, Bayu dan Santi membicarakan lagi tentang rencana. Kali ini mereka ingin melakukan sesuatu bersama. Lanjutkan percakapan berdasarkan petunjuk yang diberikan!

Riri: Next month will be long holiday. Do you have any plan?

Bayu: I'm going to climb Semeru mountain with my friends.

Santi: I'm planning to shop near my house and cook delicious cakes

Riri: You have already had a plan. I don't know what I want to do.

Bayu: You can join me to climb Semeru mountain. It would be fun!

Santi: Or you can come to my house and make a delicious cake!

Riri: I think we need to do something together. I really want to enjoy the holiday with both of you.

Bayu: That's great idea! What do you want to do?

Riri: Maybe we can go camping together. It must be great!

Santi: I agree. I am planning to bring small stove and kitchen utensils so I ca n cook there

Bayu: OK. I am going to buy some foods and drinks for us

Riri: Yeay. We can go camping after Bayu's hiking.

Santi: OK.


Riri: Next month will be a long holiday. Do you have any plan?

Bulan depan akan liburan panjang. Apakah kamu punya rencana?

Bayu: I'm going to climb Semeru mountain with my friends.

AKu akan naik gunung Semeru dengan teman-temanku

Santi: I'm planning to shop near my house and cook delicious cakes

Aku berencana belanja dekat rumah dan memasak kue yang lezat

Riri: You have already had a plan. I don't know what I want to do.

Kalian sudah ada rencana. Aku tidak tahu apa yang aku ingin lakukan

Bayu: You can join me to climb Semeru mountain. It would be fun!

Kamu bisa ikut naik Semeru! Ini akan menyenangkan!

Santi: Or you can come to my house and make a delicious cake!

Atau kamu bisa datang ke rumahku dan mebuat kue yang lezat

Riri: I think we need to do something together. I really want to enjoy the holiday with both of you.

Aku pikir kita butuh melakukan kegiatan bersama. Aku sangat ingin menikmati liburan dengan kalian

Bayu: That's great idea! What do you want to do?

Itu ide bagus. Apa yang ingin kamu lakukan?

Riri: Maybe we can go camping together. It must be great!

Mungkin kita bisa berkemah bersama. Pasti keren!

Santi: I agree. I am planning to bring small stove and kitchen utensils so I can cook there.

Aku setuju. Aku berencana membawa kompor kecil dan alat memasak jadi aku bisa memasak disana

Bayu: OK. I am going to buy some foods and drinks for us

OK, aku akan membawa makanan dan minuman untuk kita

Riri: Yeay. We can go camping after Bayu's hiking.

Yee. Kita bisa pergi berkemah setelah Bayu mendaki

Santi: OK.


Rumus Intention expressions:

be planning to + verb 1be going to + verb 1


I am planning to bring small stove and kitchen utensils so I can cook there.planning to shop near my house and cook delicious cakesI'm going to climb Semeru mountain with my friends.I am going to buy some foods and drinks for us

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Contoh kalimat intention -------------------------------Detil jawaban

Kelas:  10

Mapel:  Bahasa Inggris

Bab:  Take a plan

Kode:  10.5.3

Kata Kunci: Planning expressions, Dialog, Making intention

20. Task 2: later,Riri,bayu,and santi talk again abaout the plan.this time they want to do something together.continue the conversation based on the given hint


pertanyaan nya apa ya kaakk

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