1. State the noble values of the Betawi death custom. 2. What is meant by tahlilan? 3. State the series of Betawi death ceremonies.
1. 1. State the noble values of the Betawi death custom. 2. What is meant by tahlilan? 3. State the series of Betawi death ceremonies.
1. -Attitude to help each other with fellow humans-Always be grateful to God for everything that has been given to us.
-Attitude of sharing happiness with others
- Always keep yourself and the environment clean.
- Preserving Betawi culture
2.Tahlilan, or tahlil - just the same thing - because this is from an Arabic word (hallala-yuhallilu-tahlilan) which means reading the sentence La ilaha illa Allah. Tahlilan then became a tradition that took root among the Indonesian Muslim community, especially for the nahdhiyyin community, NU.
3.The Tradition of the Betawi People When People Die
When someone dies, the Betawi people will carry out several processions before and after the person who died is buried. Some of these processions include:
Caring for or TroublingCaring for or neglecting is visiting the house of a neighbor, relative or other person who is experiencing an adversity such as death. Ngelawat or nyelawat is a habit of the Indonesian ethnic group which is also practiced by the Betawi people. This habit is mainly carried out by neighbors and closest relatives. People who come to visit usually provide assistance in the form of money called "tribute money" which is not determined depending on their ability and sincerity.
Help take care of the bodies of people who dieIn addition to caring or ngelayat, usually Betawi people will assist in taking care of the bodies of the deceased, starting from bathing to carrying out ceremonies for fidiyah or pudie at a mosque or mosque and led by an elder local kyai. The family of the corpse handed over a representative to the kyai with an email of consent-kabul.
TahlilanIn the Betawi tradition, respect for the deceased is manifested in the form of tahlilan. This tahlilan is held by family members who respond to the deceased or the deceased. They hold salvation or alms when the deceased has reached 7 days, 40 days, 100 days, and 1000 days from the time of death. During tahlilan they invite neighbors and relatives to attend and recite verses of the Qur'an and prayers - prayers for the deceased or the deceased.
NgoredNgored in the Betawi community is defined as the grave pilgrimage activity. Usually this activity is carried out at certain times and aims to pray for the deceased to have their sins forgiven while living in the world.
make the best answer ok;)
jadikan jawaban terbaik ya;)
1. -Attitude to help each other with fellow humans-Always be grateful to God for everything that has been given to us.
-Attitude of sharing happiness with others
- Always keep yourself and the environment clean.
- Preserving Betawi culture
2.Tahlilan, or tahlil - just the same thing - because this is from an Arabic word (hallala-yuhallilu-tahlilan) which means reading the sentence La ilaha illa Allah. Tahlilan then became a tradition that took root among the Indonesian Muslim community, especially for the nahdhiyyin community, NU.
3.The Tradition of the Betawi People When People Die
When someone dies, the Betawi people will carry out several processions before and after the person who died is buried. Some of these processions include:
Caring for or Troubling
Caring for or neglecting is visiting the house of a neighbor, relative or other person who is experiencing an adversity such as death. Ngelawat or nyelawat is a habit of the Indonesian ethnic group which is also practiced by the Betawi people. This habit is mainly carried out by neighbors and closest relatives. People who come to visit usually provide assistance in the form of money called "tribute money" which is not determined depending on their ability and sincerity.
Help take care of the bodies of people who die
In addition to caring or ngelayat, usually Betawi people will assist in taking care of the bodies of the deceased, starting from bathing to carrying out ceremonies for fidiyah or pudie at a mosque or mosque and led by an elder local kyai. The family of the corpse handed over a representative to the kyai with an email of consent-kabul.
In the Betawi tradition, respect for the deceased is manifested in the form of tahlilan. This tahlilan is held by family members who respond to the deceased or the deceased. They hold salvation or alms when the deceased has reached 7 days, 40 days, 100 days, and 1000 days from the time of death. During tahlilan they invite neighbors and relatives to attend and recite verses of the Qur'an and prayers - prayers for the deceased or the deceased.
Ngored in the Betawi community is defined as the grave pilgrimage activity. Usually this activity is carried out at certain times and aims to pray for the deceased to have their sins forgiven while living in the world.
2. State the aim of manual is
sebutkan tujuannya secara manual
3. State if the statement is true by giving symbol of check list
Pernyataan benar dengan memberikan simbol check list
SEMOGA MEMBANTU4. the People Consultative Assembly of the Re-public of Indonesia (MPR). They have someassistants. They are ministers. The minister'sjob is to assist the President. The ministersare chosen and appointed by the President. They lead a department and responsible to the President.artinya
Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Republik Indonesia (MPR). Mereka punya beberapa asisten. Mereka adalah menteri. Tugas menteri adalah membantu Presiden. Para menteri dipilih dan diangkat oleh Presiden. Mereka memimpin sebuah departemen dan bertanggung jawab kepada President.
semoga membantu^∆^
5. Iron has a melting point of 1538°C and a boiling point of 2862°C. Identify the state of matter of iron at each temperature is 100oC. The state is ....
Semoga Membantu Ya
6. 1. The area of Russia is 2. Who is the President of the State of Russia...
1. 17.125.200 km²
2. Vladimir Putin
The Russian Federation, commonly referred to as Russia or Rusky, is a sovereign state that extends across a large area east of Europe and northern Asia. With an area of 17,125,200 km², Russia is the largest country in the world.
I hope this helps
1) 17 125 200 km2
2) Vladimir Putin
Maaf kalo salah
7. tolong terjemahin ya kakak yg pintar bahasa inggris. klo bisa jgn pke google translate. thanks before :) the court shall consist of fifteen judges. no two of whom may be nationals of the same state. the judges of the court shall be elected by the general assembly and by the security council of the UNO from a list of persons nominated by the national groups.
Pengadilan harus terdiri dari lima belas juri. Tidak ada dua juri yang mungkin warga negara dari negara yang sama. Para juri pengadilan harus dipilih oleh Majelis Umum dan Dewan Keamanan UNO dari sebuah daftar orang-orang yang dinominasi oleh kelompok nasional.
8. what is the function of regional representative council (DPD) mohon di jawab dalam B.Inggris
1. Submission of Proposed Draft Laws Submit to the DPR draft laws relating to regional autonomy, central and regional relations, the formation and expansion and amalgamation of regions, management of natural resources and other economic resources, as well as those related to the balance of central finance and area.
2. Discussion of Draft Laws Participate in discussing draft laws relating to regional autonomy; central and regional relations; formation, expansion and merger of regions; management of natural resources and other economic resources as well as the balance between central and regional finance.
3. Consideration of Draft Laws and Selection of BPK Members. Consideration of the draft law on state revenue and expenditure budget and draft laws relating to taxes, education and religion. As well as providing consideration to the DPR in selecting members of the BPK.
4. Supervision of the Implementation of Laws Supervision of the implementation of laws on regional autonomy, formation, expansion and merger of regions, central and regional relations, management of natural resources and other economic resources, implementation of the state revenue and expenditure budget, taxes, education and religion and convey the results of their supervision to the DPR as a material for consideration to be followed up.
5. Compilation of the National Legislation Program (Prolegnas) related to regional autonomy, central and regional relations, the formation and expansion and integration of regions, management of natural resources and other economic resources, as well as those relating to the balance of central and regional finances.
6. Monitoring and Evaluation of Ranperda and Perda Conduct monitoring and evaluation of draft regional regulations (Raperda) and regional regulations (Perda)
9. The council in Indonesian is
"council" in bahasa indonesia is DEWAN
10. Where is seattle located? It is locatek in the state of
dimana lokasi seattle? itu locatek di negara bagian
Where is Seattle located?
It is located in the state of Washington.
Bila diartikan: Di manakah letak Seattle? Seattle terletak di negara bagian Washington
Seattle adalah salah satu kota besar di Amerika Serikat dan termasuk dalam negara bagian Washington.
Pada soal sudah terdapat petunjuk jawaban, yaitu the state of.
The state berarti negara bagian. Sehingga Seattle terletak di negara bagian washington, Amerika Serikat yang dalam bahasa Inggris adalah United State.
Pelajari lebih lanjut teks tentang Seattle pada https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3700620
11. who is the head of state government of the Philippines?
who is the head of state government of the Philippines?
12. what is the capital state of California
may it will be help you:)
13. The process of water changing from the liquid state to the gaseous state at any temperature is called? *
maaf kalo salah
semoga membantu
14. apa arti dari what Is the slogan of Indonesian state?
apa slogan negara RI?
maaf kalo salah
Apa slogan/semboyan negara Indonesia?
15. hindia is name of...in the world netherland is one of state in...contient
Hindia is name of....in the world = Ocean
Netherland is one of state in...continent = Europe1. Hindia is name of Ocean in the world.
2. Netherland is one of state in Europe contient
16. What kind of country is it?What is our state philosophy?Can you mention the five principles of our state philosophy?
1) it is a democratic/presidensil country
2) pancasila
3) Belief in the one and only God.
(Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa)
A just and civilized humanity.
(Kemanusiaan yang Adil dan Beradab)
Unity of Indonesia.
(Persatuan Indonesia)
Democracy, led by the wisdom of the representatives of the people (Kerakyatan yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebjaksanaan dalam permusyawaratan/perwakilan)
Social justice for all Indonesian people.
(Keadilan Sosial bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia)
17. Albany is the capital of...... New york state
New York State
- (tidak ada) / (no article needed)
Tidak diperlukannya kata sambung untuk kalimat tersebut
Jadikan jawaban terbaik
18. 11. Albany is the capital of........New York state.
Semoga membantu :)
Maaf jika salah :(
19. the assistans of the president are the........ministers
the assistans of the president are
answer: -DPR
translate:asisten presiden adalah
para ........ menteri
jawab: -DPR
semoga membantu ya:)#jadikan jawaban yang terbaik#semangat belajar dirumahlike and follow saya ya:)20. 13. It is made of special wax that drown The function of the sentence is the clothes, a. b. objects to state the object's identity to state materials that makes to state the function of the to state what happen or wh C. objects d. happened to the object
Maaf Klo Salah :))
(Sorry If Wrong:)))
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