The Summer Of The Beautiful White Horse Summary In Hindi

The Summer Of The Beautiful White Horse Summary In Hindi

The flowers look beautiful in summer. The "Verb" in this sentence is ..........​

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1. The flowers look beautiful in summer. The "Verb" in this sentence is ..........​




2. 1. Which sentence uses the correct order of adjectives? *A. My brother rode a big, black, beautiful Friesian horse in the parade.B. My brother rode a beautiful Friesian big black horse in the parade.C. My brother rode a beautiful big black Friesian horse in the parade.D. My brother rode a Friesian horse in the parade.saya kurang faham di soal ini​


B.My brother rode a beautiful friesian big black horse in the parade


Maaf kalo salah

3. Pertanyaan : Sebutkan Meaning Of the song , message of the song and figurative language dari lagu westlife beautiful in white. Terima Kasih

this song really tells us about what we would ever like to be. from the first time we meet until the everlasting. meaning we admire sb the first time we meet and we expect no-change. that is why he says *and from mnow till my very last breath this day ill cherish, you look so beautiful in white.

4. hindian ocean-in the south of-is-in-of java-island-is tolong ya

Hindian ocean is in the south of java island. Semoga membantu. #maafkalosalah

5. the girl who wears a white veil is beautiful the synonym of the underlined word is...​


Underlined word nya Veil bukan? Kalau iya berarti synonym nya Mask


Beautiful synonym nya Pretty

6. What is the summary of little women in 200 words

apa ringkasan wanita kecil dalam 200 kata

7. the horse in the stable yesterday​

kuda ada dikandang kemarin.

8. The steam/we saw white cloud in the sky *5 pointsBecause of the steam, we saw white cloud in the skyWe saw the steam because of white cloud in the sky​


Because of the steam, we saw white cloud in the sky


#Sorry if wrong

#And don't delete my answer

9. a summary of the different conditions of Dutch and Japanese colonialism in the economic fields of religion and culture​


A summary in indonesia economic of religion

10. All of the house in the villagge are beautiful

Semua rumah di pedesaan indah/cantik.Semua rumah didesa itu cantik

11. The clothes sold in the Yard sale can be worn ….summer. during of in for

during lahh menurut profersor oxford

12. in the summer the amount of ....that we get is more than we get in the winter


jadikan jawaban terbaik yahh ^_^

13. what is the purpose of the writer in telling the story of Snow White

apakah tujuan dari penulis mengatakan cerita ini salju dgn
maaf kalau salahthe purpose of the writer in telling the story of Snow White is to persuade us to take a lesson from the story, that we must always thankful for what God has given to us and don’t be envious of others.

14. 15. the white house, ____ in washington, is the home of the president.


gedung Putih di Washington, adalah rumah presiden


15. Pertanyaan : Sebutkan Meaning Of the song , message of the song and figurative language dari lagu westlife beautiful in white. Terima Kasih

Terjemahan beauty in white

Tidak yakin jika Anda mengetahui hal ini

Tapi ketika kita pertama kali bertemu

Aku menjadi sangat gugup hingga tidak bisa bicara

Pada saat itu juga

Saya menemukan satu dan

Hidupku telah menemukan bagian yang hilang

Jadi selama aku hidup aku mencintaimu

Akan memiliki dan memelukmu

Kamu terlihat sangat cantik dalam warna putih

Dan mulai sekarang sampai napas terakhir saya

Hari ini saya akan menghargai

Kamu terlihat sangat cantik dalam warna putih

Malam ini

Apa yang kita miliki adalah abadi

Cintaku tak ada habisnya

Dan dengan cincin ini saya katakan kepada dunia

Anda adalah alasan saya mengapa Anda semua yang saya percayai

Dengan sepenuh hati aku maksud setiap kata

Jadi selama aku hidup aku mencintaimu

Akan memiliki dan memelukmu

Kamu terlihat sangat cantik dalam warna putih

Dan mulai sekarang sampai napas terakhir saya

Hari ini saya akan menghargai

Kamu terlihat sangat cantik dalam warna putih

Malam ini

The Message of this song that man. Is really loves his girl, he admires his girl who is very beautiful, his girl with a white dress is so charming.

Figurative language

Missing place

Beautiful in white

Couldn't speak

Senoga membantu

16. The teacher uually. In the white board in front of the claroom.


Guru biasanya. Di papan tulis di depan kelas.

17. We will work in groups to fill in the blank spaces inthe summary of "Sangkuriang".​


Kami akan bekerja dalam kelompok untuk mengisi ruang kosong

ringkasan dari "Sangkuriang".


maaf kalau salah

18. Look! The horse and the donkey look alike. But, the horse is bigger than the donkey. The donkey is smaller than the horse. Right? 9. The text above tells us about? A. The description of horse B. The comparison of donkey B. The description of horse and donkey D. The comparison of donkey and horse


D.The conparison of donkey and horse.


Karena teks menunjuk pada perbandingankudadankeledai(horseanddonkey).

arigatou ^^

19. in the summer the amount of...that we get is more that we get in the winter​

di musim panas jumlah ... yang kita dapatkan lebih banyak dari yang kita dapatkan di musim dingin



το άλογο = Kuda



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