7th Class Maths Project Works

7th Class Maths Project Works

mrs.dewi(teach/teaches) maths in our class every friday​

Daftar Isi

1. mrs.dewi(teach/teaches) maths in our class every friday​

Mr.s dewi teaches maths in our class every friday

Maaf kalo salah

2. tampilan yang memuat Project module class dan komponen adalah​

Jawaban:project explorer memudahkan kita mencari form module dan class


semoga membantu

3. the handy machine that you often use in maths class is​


period, ruler, pencil, dll



(maybe, maaf klo kurang benar)

4. 10.studies maths in the class.a. Itb. Himc. Herd. She​




d. She


karena subjek he/she/it dalam simple present tense, verb ditambah s/es tolong dikoreksi klo salah

5. Mirza, I can't come to the class 10 poinbecause I'm sick. Tell yourclassmate to continue theproject. Ask Ms Diana tosupervise your class. Thx whatis the writer's intention to writethe text? *OA. To help Mirza to finish the projectB. To ask Ms Ria to monitor theclassC. To ask the class to continue theprojectD. To tell Mirza that she comes tothe class​


do it by urself, dude!

semangat empat lima zheyenk2 ku d rmh aja

6. langkah-langkah untuk membuat Project baru yaituA.klik menu new project-class libraryB.klik menu file-new-wps applicationC.klik menu new project-windowsD.klik kanan jendela properties-add-mdiform ​




semoga membantu jadikan jawaban tercedas maaf jika salah :)


C.klik menu new project-windows

7. future simple passive voice1.the public works project....(complete)next month ​


The public works project will / shall complete next month


menggunakan will / shall karena hal itu belum terjadi dan akan terjadi di masa depan.

8. feeling better now? by the way, have a project in biology class, cassava fermentation

I did'nt feel better. What will you do with your fermentation cassava project?karena tidak jelas ini mau d apakan jadi saya beranggapan bahwa kalimat d atas d artikan kedalam bahasa indonesia, betul?

sudah merasa lebih baik sekarang? ngomong-ngomong ada proyek/tugas di kelas biologi tentang fermentasi singkong (membuat tape)

jika bukan d terjemahkan maka jawaban saya adalah
feeling better now? YES I AM THANKS FOR ASKING
have a project in biology class, cassava fermentation - LETS GO THERE AND PERFORM THE PROJECT

9. tampilan yang memuat project, form, module, class,Dan komponen adalah​


project explorer memudahkan kita mencari form module dan class

10. Tom has class....the morning, and he works....the afternoon​. Pliss Jawabb

The Answer:

Tom has class in the morning, dan he works in the afternoon.


Preposisi waktu (Preposition of Time) yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik di kalimat di soal adalah in.

In digunakan untuk menyatakan tahun, bulan, masa tertentu dalam setahun. Selain itu, In juga digunakan untuk menyatakan masa tertentu dalam sehari. Misalnya:

She wakes up late in the morning. [Dia telat bangun tidur pada pagi hari]Never did I work in the evening. [Tidak pernah sekalipun aku bekerja pada malam hari]In the afternoon, the flower will bloom. [Pada sore hari, bunga itu akan mekar]


Solution Details

[tex]\bold {Subject\::}[/tex] English

[tex]\bold {Level\::}[/tex] Elementary

[tex]\bold {Chapter\::}[/tex] Prepositions

[tex]\bold {Code\::}[/tex] 5


KeywordsInPrepositionsPrepositions of time

11. 1. My father works hard every day,....? 2. They will help me finishing the project,....? 3. You can finish your asignment,....? 4. The students are in the class,....?

question tag.

1, My father works hard every day, doesn't he?
2. They will help me finishing this project, won't they?
3. You can finish your assignment, can't you?
4. The students are in the class, aren't they?


12. Match the word with their indonesian equivalents.compare your works with your class


excuse me, what word? sorry I don't quite catch your question.

13. langkah-langkah untuk membuat project baru yaitu a.klik menu new project - class library b.klik menu file - new - wps applicationc.klik menu new project - windows form applicationd.klik kanan jendela properties - add - mdiform ​


C. Klik menu new project - Windows form application


Semoga membantu

14. 7. Project Explorer menampilkan semua file proyek, kecuali ...a. Formb. Modulc. Classd. Event​


c. Class


maaf kalo salah

15. tom has class ... the morning, and he works ... the afternoon

in the morning and he works at the afternoonTom has class in the morning and he works in the afternoon

16. The whole class agrees that (many / much) time has been spent on this project.

The whole class agrees that much time has been spent on this project.

Time tidak bisa dihitung.

kenapa susunan katanya sedikit aneh?

Semoga membantu.

17. Do like the example. and then, read your works in front of the class!

skin hilda ad 3 skin biasa, skin s5, sama skin mentor appretice

18. apa perbedaan 'she teaches maths' dan 'she teaching maths'​


she teaches maths (Dia biasanya mengajar matematika)

She is teaching maths (Dia sedang mengajar matematika)

Jangan lupa di follow ya kak :)


Kata tersebut memiliki perbedaan arti yaitu:

she teaches maths : Dia biasanya mengajar matematika

sementara → she teaching maths : Dia sedang belajar matematika.




Semoga Membantu~

19. 1. my father works hard every day,...?2. they will help me finishing the project,...?3. you can finish you asignment,...?4. the students are in the class,...?What question tag?

1. Doesn't he?
2. Won't they?
3. Can't you?
4. Aren't they?1. Doesn't he?
2. Won't they?
3. Can't you?
4. Aren't they?

Maaf kalo salah

20. Match the word with their indonesian equivalents.compare your works with your class


jawabannya adalah : Cocokkan kata tersebut dengan padanan bahasa Indonesia. Bandingkan karya Anda dengan kelas Anda

semoga membantu


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