List Of Government Schools In Tamilnadu

List Of Government Schools In Tamilnadu

Government had planned to repair more than thounsands of damaged schools

Daftar Isi

1. Government had planned to repair more than thounsands of damaged schools

So, what's your question?kalo diartikan :

Pemerintah sudah merencanakan untuk memperbaiki lebih dari ribuan sekolah yang rusak

2. 5 metioned the name of schools in USA

1. avon high school
2. dayspring christian school
3. st.agnes school
4. ace academy
5. alexander school

3. list of things in the laboratory

Bisa membuat list sendiri dari gambar yang saya kirim
semoga bermanfaat

4. list 10 of verb 2, then make in sentence!​

Verb 2 pada bahasa inggris menunjukkan bahwa suatu kejadian yang sudah terjadi di masa lalu. (Kata kerja)

Beberapa contohnya adalah:

Made: I made a sandwich. (Membuat)Said: Tana said something nice to me. (Mengatakan)Bit: The snake bit the rat. (Menggigit)Sold: Uncle Tommy sold his jacket. (MenjualRan: She ran faster than any other. (Berlari)Lost: I lost my keys. (Kehilangan)Sang: The opera singer sang really loud. (Bernyanyi)Slept: My brother slept earlier than me. (Tidur)Stood: My teacher stood while writing on blackboard. (Berdiri)Swam: Zenia swam faster than Lila. (Berenang)

semoga membantu

Drove: Tasya drove a car yesterday

Worked: Biya worked better for last minute

Ate: Mutia ate pizza last Tuesday

Red (baca artinya): Nawa red newspaper last afternoon

Studied: Rifka studied Math 1 hour ago

Played: Abyan played UNO last week

Drank: Aero drank last time

Went: Luqman went to Grand Indonesia last December

Exercised: Nasywa exercised last month

Saw: nadin saw dentist last year

5. the system of government in laos is... ​


Laos, officially Lao People's Democratic Republic is led by a Single-party Socialist government, with the official and only legislature being the Laos National Assembly.

6. List of synonyms and antonyms words in english






2. COLD >< HOT



7. the lowest level of the government in Indonesia is​

Jawabannya adalah Ketua RT
Semoga membantu ya

8. List of synonyms and antonyms words in english

1. old - d. young
2. greatful - ungreatful, mean, rude, abusive, heedless, thankless, unappreciative
3. tall - a. short
4. fat - h. thin
5. big - j. small
6. dilligent - c. lazy
7. good - i. bad
8. long - f. short
9. straight - b. curly
10. flat - e. pointed

maaf kalau salah

9. The lowest level of government in indonesia is......

organisasi pemerintahan terendah adalah Rukun Tentangga (RT) 
mohon bantuannya untuk menjadi yg tercedas yaa :)

10. mention four element of central government in indonesia! tolong di jawab!


Mention four element of central government in indonesia!

↪MPR, DPR, President, vice president.


Diartikan ke dalam bahasa Indonsia⬇

Sebutkan empat unsur pemerintah pusat di Indonesia!

↪MPR, DPR, Presiden, wakil presiden.

Semoga Membantu ♨

Selamat Belajar♨





Democracy is a system of government organized by the people, by the people, and for the people. Democracy is a self-governing social and political system with government powers limited by law and custom to protect the rights of individual citizens.

12. According to the current Indonesian national education system, the levels ofeducation in the school system consist of basic education, secondary education,and higher education. Basic education consists of six years of elementaryeducation and three years of junior secondary schools, which has been declared“Nine-year Compulsory Education” since 1994. Secondary education consists ofthree years of schooling at general senior secondary schools or vocational seniorsecondary schools. Indonesia has approximately 170,000 elementary schools,35,000 junior high schools, 20.000 general senior secondary schools, and 6,000vocational senior secondary schools. These schools serve around 30.000.000students in elementary school, 10.000.000 students in junior secondary school,4.300.000 students in general senior secondary school, and 2.300.000 studentsin vocational secondary school. The number of schools has increased 4.2 timesduring the last 35 years. Through this development, the net enrolment ratio (NER)has already achieved 94.30% for elementary schools, 62.06% for juniorsecondary schools, and 42.64% for general and vocational senior secondaryschools (Ministry of National Education 2006).​

hello friends

I want to tell you about my self

my name is robi

13. the type of government in Indonesia is​


Indonesia is a democratic country that applies a presidential system and Pancasila is the soul of the Indonesian democracy. Pancasila is the philosophic fundamentals of the state. Pancasila consists of five principles that are interrelated and inseparable, namely:


1. The belief in one God

2. A just and civilized humanism

3. Unity of Indonesia

4. Democratic citizenship lead by wise guidance born of representative consultation

5. Social justice for all the people of Indonesia



Indonesia has 34 provinces (including 2 Special Territories of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and Yogyakarta) and one Special Capital Region of Jakarta (DKI). East Timor was once part of Indonesia, but then through a referendum in 1999, East Timor became the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste.



The population of Indonesia can be divided into two major groups: in the western region most of the people are from the Malay ethnicity while in the eastern region there are the Papuans originating from the Melanesian Islands. Indonesia also recognizes specific ethnic groups that come from a certain province/area and have specific language for example the Javanese from Central or East Java, the Sundanese from West Java or the Batak ethnicity from North Sumatra.

In addition, there are also minority ethnicities derived from Chinese, Indian and Arabic descendents. These people travelled as merchants through trade exchange since the 8th century BC and migrated to Indonesia. Approximately 3% of the population is from Chinese ethnicity, although the exact percentage is not known as the last ethnicity census was held in the 1930s.

Islam is the major religion of 85.2% of the population, designating Indonesia as the largest Moslem country in the world. The remaining population consists of Protestants (8.9%); Catholics (3%); Hindus (1.8%); Buddhists (0.8%) and other religion (0.3%).



As in other democratic countries, Indonesia applies the Trias Politica that recognizes the separation of the legislative, executive and judicial bodies. The executive institution is centralized under the president, vice president, and the cabinet of ministers. The cabinet is a presidential cabinet in which the ministers report to the president and do not represent the political parties.

The legislative authority is under the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) that consists of two bodies namely the Parliament composing of members of political parties and the Regional Representative Council (DPD) composing of representatives from each province in Indonesia. Each province is represented by 4 delegates that are elected by the people in the respective region.

The People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) is the highest state institution. Upon the Amendment of the 1945 Constitution, the membership of the MPR starting the period of 1999-2004, was amended to include not only the members of the parliament (DPR) but also the members of the DPD. Formerly the MPR consisted of the parliament members and group representatives. Currently, the MPR has 550 members from the parliament and 128 members from the Regional Representative Council (DPD). The parliament members and the DPD members are elected every five years. Since 2004, the MPR has become a bi-chamber parliament with the DPD as second chamber.

The judicial institution -since the reform era and upon the amendment of the 1945 Constitution- is administered by the Supreme Court including the administration of the judges.


Indonesia has abundant natural resources outside Java including crude oil, natural gas, tin, copper and gold. Despite being the second largest exporter of natural gas, Indonesia recently has become a net importer of crude oil. The agriculture products of Indonesia include rice, tea, coffee, spices and rubber. The major trade partners of Indonesia are Japan, the United States of America and neighboring countries namely Malaysia, Singapore and Australia. In the 1990’s, Indonesia’s economy experienced a set-back as a consequence of the economy crisis that hit most Asian countries. However, the economy is now relatively stable.

14. please edit the correct sentence above !The number of school SMK in Indonesia less than SMA and SMA is more than SMK and the highest number of schools was SMA in 2012 while the lowest number of schools was SMK schools 1990.​


The number of school SMK in indonesia less more than SMK and the hingest number of schools was SMA in 2012 while the lowest number of the schools was SMK school was SMK school 1990.


The Answer:

The number of SMK schools in Indonesia is fewer than SMA and SMA more than SMK and the highest number of schools is SMA in 2012 while the lowest number of schools is SMK in 1990.

15. my school is one of the best schools in town. the school...​


the school is the best

Penjelasan:tolong diberi teks nya dulu ya kak :)

pencet logo yg ada dibawah tempat pertanyaan :)

The school is the best

16. What are the meaning of "Government" and "King" in Indonesian?​

Answer : Government : Pemerintah, King : Raja

I hope this is right! :D

17. In Australia there are three levels of government, the federal government, state governments and local governments . All of these levels of government are necessary for a number of reasons. First, the federal government is necessary for the big things. They keep the economy in order and look after things like defense. Similarly, the state governments look after the middle sized things. For example, they look after law and order, preventing things like vandalism in schools. Finally, local governments look after the small things. They look after things like collecting rubbish, otherwise everyone would have diseases. Thus, for the reasons above we can conclude that the three levels of government are necessary. What is the topic of the text above? a. The level of state government, b. The level of federal government, c. The level of local government, d. The level of Australia government.


What is the topic of the text above ?

d. The level of Australia Government


Teks di atas membahas tentang tingkatan dalam sistem Pemerintahan Australia. Topik pembahasan dapat dicermati pada awal paragraph yang sekaligus tersirat ide pokok dalam teks.

In Australia there are three levels of government, the federal government, state governments and local governments . All of these levels of government are necessary for a number of reasons.

Dari kalimat-kalimat di atas, dijelaskan bahwa terdapat tiga tingkatan yang berperan paling penting dalam Sistem Pemerintahan Australia yang meliputi Pemerintah Federal, Pemerintah Negara dan Pemerintah Daerah.

Untuk pilihan A => tidak tepat karena tidak sesuai dengan ide pokoknya. State Government merupakan bagian spesifikasi dari Tingkatan Sistem Pemerintah AustraliaUntuk pilihan B => tidak tepat karena tidak sesuai dengan ide pokok dalam paragraph. Federal Government merupakan bagian spesifikasi dari tingkatan sistem Pemerintahan AustraliaUntuk pilihan C => tidak tepat katena tidak sesuai dengan ide pokok dalam paragraph. Local Government merupakan bagian spesisfikasi dari tingkatan sistem Pemerintahan Australia.

Maka, jawaban yang tepat dan mencakup tiga level sistem Pemerintahan Australia adalah The level of Australia Government{d}


Learn more about :

Analytical Exposition

See detail

Level : Shs (11)

Subject : English

Category : Intensive reading

Code : 11.5.4

Keywords : Australia; Government; Federal; State; Local


18. list of family members in englis​


Family members
































mom father uncle baby bab

19. ..... is the 12th in the list of class.


This Is The 12Th the List Of Class

20. 36. (The) curricula of American public schools (are) (set in) individual states; they (do not determine) by the federal government. a. the b. are c. set in d. do not determine

kalau pertanyaanya adalah mana yg salah, jwbnnya D.

harusnya Are not determined


36. (The) curricula of American public schools (are) (set in) individual states; they (do not determine) by the federal government.

B. Are

Seharusnya 36. (The) curricula of American public schools (set in) individual states; they (do not determine) by the federal government.


Kalimat di atas menggunakan simple present tense. Sehingga to be (are) pada kalimat di atas seharusnya tidak ada.

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