Appreciation Of Night Of Scorpion

Appreciation Of Night Of Scorpion

Responses of appreciation

1. Responses of appreciation

1) Happy to hear that
2) Thank you

2. what the description of goat and scorpion?

The domestic goat is a subspecies of goat domesticated from the wild goat of southwest Asia and Eastern Europe. The goat is a member of the family Bovidae and is closely related to the sheep as both are in the goat-antelope subfamily Caprinae.

Scorpions are members of the class Arachnida and are closely related to spiders, mites, and ticks. They are commonly thought of as desert dwellers, but they also live in Brazilian forests, British Columbia, North Carolina, and even the Himalayas.

goat was never a bath, eating grass, if males have horns, feathers sometimes items, white, if not brown. four legs. very large teeth.
The scorpion fierce animals, had a sting to paralyze their prey (exactly swept tail), had a tough skin. Sometimes the color is black, sometimes blackish green, he lived in a hole.

3. Dialog expesions of appreciation

A : It’s so hot here.
B : That’s right, I feel so sultry. It’s because the Air Conditioner is being repaired. it’s broken.
A : Do you have a fan or something else to cool down.
B : I don’t have it. But I’ll try to open the window, hope it will be better.
A : Thank you very much.
B : Not at all.

4. buat percakapan 3 orang tentang:showing appreciation,expression of attention,checking of understanding

Olivia: Congratulations on the Olympics, Taylor!
Taylor: I get that a lot and thank you! Glad you're one of the friends to compliment me.
Lele: Hey guys! Look at my new iPhone X!
Olivia: Oh my god, the colour is so pretty!
Lele: I know right! I can't wait to show it off to the whole school!
Taylor: Gals, I'm still here you know?
Lele: Oh, sorry Tay. Anyway, holy cow you won the Olympics? Girl, show that medal to the whole world!
Taylor: No, I can't just brag like that. I'm not arrogant like you. Do you comprehend that?

5. what is the definition of showing appreciation​

“Appreciation or Complimenting”

Appreciation or Complimenting merupakan suatu kata untuk mengekspresikan penghargaan atau kekaguman dan diberikan kepada seseorang. Biasanya, pujian disampaikan kepada orang yang sudah cukup akrab dengan kita seperti sahabat, keluarga maupun saudara.

6. Kind of appreciation is?


for your appreciation to hit the mark, keep in mind that there are there different kinds of appreciation - auditor, visual and kinesthetic.


semoga membantu dan jangan lupa follow aku yah Terima kasih

7. what is the meaning of expressing appreciation?​

what is the meaning of expressing appreciation?

Appreciation Expressions dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan apresiasi pada orang lain. Apresiasi yang dimaksud di sini berfokus pada penyampaian seberapa besar, seberapa berarti, atau seberapa berharga bantuan yang diberikan orang lain pada kita.

contoh expressing appreciation di bawah ini!

Thank you, I really/truly appreciate your help/support.

(Terima kasih, saya sangat mengapresiasi bantuanmu/dukunganmu.)

I cannot thank you enough.

(Rasa terima kasih saya tidak akan pernah cukup.)

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

(Terima kasih dari lubuk hati saya yang mendalam.)

8. buatlah 10 kalimat tentang "expressions of appreciation"

- wow your picture is very beautiful!
-you are very handsome
-your work is good
-you did an excellent job
-you are so smart
-your room is so tidy and clean because you are very diligent
-your voice is so cool!
-you do it so well

itu aja yaa gatau lagi yang lain hehe maaf kalo ada salah tulisan dll ya :):) peace

9. asking and giving appreciation of dialogue

ini di terjemahin ke indonesia??

10. give me 4 example of showing appreciation​


-Thank you for always being there for me.

-Your support has made me a stronger person and I will forever be grateful.

-You're my best friend.

-Taking the time to help me was a very nice thing for you to do.


Words of appreciation can be used when you feel gratitude towards someone. This could include thanking someone for a gift, a favor, or just being a good friend. Your words of thanks don't have to be long and fancy as long as they are heartfelt, as you'll see in these examples of words of appreciation.

Apologies, if there's an mistakes! <3

11. buatlah dialog yang mengandung expression of showing appreciation​


Rina: My assignment is so hard, I can't finish it.

Sophie: Can I help you?

Rina: Here, thanks Sophie. I really appreciate your help.


Don't delete my answer, thanks.

12. Mentions the two expression of responding appreciation


1. thank you

2. thanks for your help

1. thank you! it really makes my day.
2. i really put a lot of thought into this, thank you for noticing.

hope it helps

13. write the expression of showing appreciationplease...

Thank you
I am indebted to you
I appreciate you
You are an inspiration
I am grateful
You are a blessing
You are a true friend
You’re great
This is great
You light up my life
Sincere thanks
You’re the best
You make me happy
You've been very helpful

hope it helps >

14. WAYS OF APPRECIATION? bagaimana ya!mohon dijawab semuanya

1. i make a cup of coffee for him
2. i helped her to wash dishes
3. i give them flower
4. i helped him/her to do the task
5. i say thank to her/himJawaban :
--Ways of Appreciation--
1) I massaged him and made a cup of coffee for him
2) I helped my mother to do the house chores
3) I took care of them and made two glasses of tea for them
4) I taught him/her the lesson material he/she didn't know before
5) I invited them to my house-warming party

Semoga membantu^^

15. appreciation of BJ Habibie​


The former President of Indonesia Baharudin Jusuf Habibie (BJ Habibie) that just passed away really hypnotizes all Indonesian with his charisma and intelectual. As an appreciation a designer of Yogyakarta even draw his biography on a piece of Batik.

16. write down 3 expression of showing appreciation​


1. Thankyou for helping me!

2. I appreciate your gratitude.

3. You are very kind, thanks!



1. Wow! You are so good at math!

1. Wow! You are so good at math!2. You are so handsome!

1. Wow! You are so good at math!2. You are so handsome!3. Your bracelet is beautiful!

1. Wow! You are so good at math!2. You are so handsome!3. Your bracelet is beautiful!4. What a great mark!

1. Wow! You are so good at math!2. You are so handsome!3. Your bracelet is beautiful!4. What a great mark!5. You are so good at the presentation!


tuliskan 3 ungkapan penghargaan

17. apa yg dimaksud margin of appreciation

doktrin peradilan dimana pengadilan internasional memungkinkan negara untuk memiliki ukuran keragaman dalam interpretasi dari kewajiban perjanjian hak asasi manusia

18. Jawablah soal di bawah ini 1.what is showing appreciation? 2.what are the exspression of showing appreciation? 3.please make conversation about exspression of showing appreciation?

1. It means showing gratitude to someone’s help/contribution

2. “thanks” , “Thank you”, “I appreciate it”, “I am grateful”

3. “I am really grateful for your help, I wouldn’t have done my homework without you.”


19. What is the meaning of expressing appreciation​


An award is something that is given to individuals or groups if they do something special in a certain field. Awards are usually given in the form of medals, trophies, titles, certificates, plaques or ribbons. An award is sometimes accompanied by the award of monetary prizes such as the Nobel Prize for contributions to society and the Pulitzer Prize for awards in literature. Awards can also be given by society for one's achievements without any reward.

In the entertainment sector, there are several awards, including:

Academy Award

Emmy Award

Grammy Award

Juno Award


Penghargaan ialah sesuatu yang diberikan pada perorangan atau kelompok jika mereka melakukan suatu keulungan di bidang tertentu. Penghargaan biasanya diberikan dalam bentuk medali, piala, gelar, sertifikat, plaket atau pita. Suatu penghargaan kadang-kadang disertai dengan pemberian hadiah berupa uang seperti Hadiah Nobel untuk kontribusi terhadap masyarakat, dan Hadiah Pulitzer untuk penghargaan bidang literatur. Penghargaan bisa juga diberikan oleh masyarakat karena pencapaian seseorang tanpa hadiah apa-apa.

Di bidang hiburan, terdapat beberapa penghargaan, antara lain:

Academy Award

Emmy Award

Grammy Award

Juno Award

Jawaban:An award is something that is given to individuals or groups if they do something special in a certain field. Awards are usually given in the form of medals, trophies, titles, certificates, plaques or ribbons. An award is sometimes accompanied by the award of monetary prizes such as the Nobel Prize for contributions to society and the Pulitzer Prize for awards in literature. Awards can also be given by society for one's achievements without any reward.

In the entertainment sector, there are several awards, including:

Academy Award

Emmy Award

Grammy Award

Juno Award


Penghargaan ialah sesuatu yang diberikan pada perorangan atau kelompok jika mereka melakukan suatu keulungan di bidang tertentu. Penghargaan biasanya diberikan dalam bentuk medali, piala, gelar, sertifikat, plaket atau pita. Suatu penghargaan kadang-kadang disertai dengan pemberian hadiah berupa uang seperti Hadiah Nobel untuk kontribusi terhadap masyarakat, dan Hadiah Pulitzer untuk penghargaan bidang literatur. Penghargaan bisa juga diberikan oleh masyarakat karena pencapaian seseorang tanpa hadiah apa-apa.

Di bidang hiburan, terdapat beberapa penghargaan, antara lain:

Academy Award

Emmy Award

Grammy Award

Juno Award

20. 5 Example of Asking and giving appreciation.​



Giving appreciation :

1. Thank you for coming to my party!

2. Thank you for lending me your book, it really helps me.

3. Thank you for finding my phone, I really appreciate it.

4. Thanks for helping me, I really appreciate your help.

5. you've always work hard on your studies, I appreciate the good works you've been doing.

6. Thank you for giving me this present, I really love and appreciate it!

Asking for appreciation:

1. Can you appreciate my work please? I've worked really hard for it.

2. Do you like my present? I looked everywhere for it!

3. What do you think about my new dress? I made it on my own.

4. Do you like my new hair? I styled it myself.

5. Look at my cat! Isn't she cute?

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