A Man Buys A Watch For 1950

A Man Buys A Watch For 1950

A man buys a new car for $28,500 he then sells the car for $22,800. what is the percentage loss in the price of the car?

Daftar Isi

1. A man buys a new car for $28,500 he then sells the car for $22,800. what is the percentage loss in the price of the car?

artinya :

Seorang pria membeli mobil baru seharga $28.500, dia kemudian menjual mobil itu seharga $22.800. berapa persentase kerugian harga mobil tersebut?

aku hanya bisa jawab segitu maaf

:( butuh poin



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


Loss=Loss:Real Price x 100%

Loss=5,700:28,500 x 100%=0,2=20%

2. 8. A man buys a camera for $180. He sells it at a profit $36. Express his profit as apercentage of his selling price.​


Selling price = 180 + 36 = $216

percentage of selling price:

[tex]\frac{36}{216} \times100%[/tex]%

= 16.67%

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Percentage of his selling price = [tex]\frac{36}{180} \\[/tex] x 100%

                                                   = 1/5 x 100%

                                                   = 20%  

3. She-bag-her mother-buys-a-for

she buys a bag for her mother

She buys a bag for her mother

Dia membelikan sebuah tas untuk ibunya

4. dialogue about postman send a mail for a man

dialog tentang tukang pos mengirim surat kepada seseorang

5. Isilah dengan pronoun.Mario is a rich man in our village. He buys something expensive. _____ are luxurious.

"They" are luxurious

They merujuk kpd barang2 nya

Materi: Pronoun

Mario is a rich man in our village. He buys something expensive. They are luxurious.

The word "They" refer to "something expensive" because of the word "something" stands for plural.
So the pronoun form of something is "They".

Semoga membantu:)

6. my father buys boks in the shop. He buys twelve books for me .Ten books for my sister and twenty four for my brother . He buys.....books

My father buys boks in the shop. He buys twelve books for me .Ten books for my sister and twenty four for my brother . He buys Forty six books
⇒ 12 +10 +24
⇒ 46 ---> forty six

I hope it can help you ^_^
My Father buys books in the shop.He buys twelve books=12 for me.Ten books =10 for my sister and twenty four=24 for my brother.He buys ....... books

=46 >Fourty six books

Sorry if this wrong

7. make a dialogue about your brother buys a new type of mobile phone for you

Axal : Oy Lex. I was bought a new type of mobile phone for you
Lexee : Omg, really? Are you kidding me??
Axal : Yup. No it wasn't
Lexee : Thank you so much bro!
Axal : My pleasure

8. A man buys a dozen cameras for $1800. He sells them at a profit of $36 each Express his profit as a percentage of his selling price. Tolong jwb pake cara ya makasii :))


19 11/31 %

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Dozen= 12

12 cameras = $1800

1 cameras = 1800÷12=$150

profit of each camera that he sold= 150+36= $186

so , 36/186 × 100 = 19 11/31%

9. My father buys a........of water for me after running for 20 minutes​

My father buys a bottle of water for me after running for 20 minutes.

10. my father buys a toys for my brother in.....​


Toy store


Semoga membantu

toy store

Semoga membantu

11. 12. Titi : ……… Cecep : He collects garbage from people house? *a.What a garbage man do for living?b.What does a garbage man do for living?c.What do a garbage man does for living?d.What for living a garbage man does?​


b. What does a garbage man do for living?


sekarang kita cari artinya :

12. Titi: Apa yang dilakukan tukang sampah untuk hidup? Cecep: Dia mengumpulkan sampah dari rumah warga?

maaf kalau salah

12. 1. What does the monkey eat? It ... banana A. Eat B. Eats C. Ate D. Eaten 2. The correct sentence below is ... A. The cat eating my goldfish B. The cats eats my goldfish C. The cat eaten my goldfish D. The cat eats my goldfish 3. My father buys some toys for his nephew. Change this sentence into negative! A. My father not buys some toys for his nephew B. My father not buys any toys for his nephew C. My father does not buy some toys for his nephew D. My father does not buy any toys for his nephew 4. They watch a football match. The interogative sentence is ... A. Are they watch a football match B. Do they watch a football match? C. Do they watching a football match? D. Did they watch a football match?

Jawaban dari soal B. InggrisNama Mapel: B.InggrisKelas: 5

1. A. Eat2. A. The Cat Eating My Goldfish3. C. My father does not buy some toys for his nephew4. D. Did they watch a football match?

Semoga Membantu:)jadikanyangterbaik:)


1. A

2. A

3. D

4. C



13. Mr. Aris _____ some flowers for his wife. *a. buyb. buysc. is buyd. is buys​




karena ada kata some yah berarti bisa lebih dari satu dan buy nya tinggal ditambahkan S

14. the man needs a .... for the door


Maaf kalo salah... :)key = kunci

tp gatau kl salah:)

15. withstand the man is a compliment for Bima​




16. My mother buys...........apple for mea. Anb. A​


a. An


karna apel nya hanya satu ja di An

17. (+) Rendy buys a cup of office for Linda every morning(-) (-)​


(+) Rendy buys a cup of office for Linda every morning

(-) Rendy doesn't buys a cup of office for Linda every morning

(-)does Rendy buys a cup of office for Linda every morning


semoga membantu

maaf kalau salah

18. My father alwaya.... a delicious cake for us a buy b Eat c buys d Eats adalah

My father always buy a delicious cake for us

A buy


c. buys


"my father" merupakan bentuk singular, jadi jangan lupa diakhiri s di belakangnya, ya.

Pilihan yang lain salah, karena konteks kalimatnya, yaitu "Ayah saya selalu membelikan kue untuk kami". Jadi membeli (buy), bukan makan (eat).

19. He buys a new.......... with his friend.A. WatchB. WatchesC. WatchsD. Wach​



jadikan terbaik ya




sorry kalau salah, tambahan misalnya dia beli jam sama temannya maksudnya temannya juga itu beli jam jadi totalnya kan 2 jam.. jadi jawabannya bisa b. watches

20. (+) rendy buys a cup of coffe for linda every morning (-) (?)


(-) Rendy does not buy a cup of coffee for Linda every morning.

(?) Does Rendy buy a cup of coffee for Linda every morning?

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