Because She Had A Reputation For

Because She Had A Reputation For

"The University of Australia has an international reputation for....."The bold word above [reputation) has a synonim withSelect one:O a. CharacteristicO b. Tastec. Size.d. Prestige​

Daftar Isi

1. "The University of Australia has an international reputation for....."The bold word above [reputation) has a synonim withSelect one:O a. CharacteristicO b. Tastec. Size.d. Prestige​


D. prestige


Reputation: kepercayaan luas tentang seseorang/sesuatu berdasarkan hal yang sudah terjadi

Prestige: respek/admirasi luas tenatang seseorang/sesuatu berdasarkan prestasi yang didapat

2. apa arti reputation?

reputatin itu artinya reputasiarti dari reputation adalah reputasi

3. Reputation merujuk pada kata

merujuk pada kata berupa penghargaan atau kata menghargai

4. Which of the following is a justification for giving a page quality (PQ) rating of lowest? - There is absolutely no information about who is responsible for the content of the website on a YMYL topic - All the Main Content (MC) of the page is copied and created with deceptive intent. - The website clearly and significantly violates the Google Webmaster Guidelines. - The website has an extremely negative and malicious reputation.

- The website has an extremely negative and malicious reputation.

Sorry if my answer's wrong...
Please choose my answer as the brainliest^^

5. what made edison have great reputation

Apa yg membuat Edison memiliki reputasi besar?

6. CBT E-learning Madrasah Soal No. 1 Dari 20 Soal Ms. Sartika is a young dentist. She works at a famous medical clinic. The clinic is situated in the city center. Ms. Sartika has a very good reputation. She is friendly and smart. There have been no complains about her so far from her patients. Where does Ms. Sartika work?


where does ms.santika work?

dimanakah Nona santika bekerja?


bukti: kalimat kedua didalam paragraf

7. 25 poin“The question might be, “Dolwant it for prestige orusefulness?" (paragraph 2).What is the similar meaning ofthe underlined word(prestige)? *O FameO DifferenceO PositionO ReputationO Devation​




maapin kalo salah...

8. tentukan orientation , complication ,dan resolution pada kalimat di bawah ini ? Once upon a time there was an old man and his wife. One day he went to a bamboo grove to collect bamboo shoots, where he found a bamboo tree illuminated in the middle part. He wondered why and then became curious about what was inside. He carefully cut the bamboo and was astonished to find a pretty baby inside. He decided to pick her up and bring her back to his home. He consulted with his wife how to handle this baby, and they made up their minds to raise this baby as a gift from God. After several years had passed, the baby grew up and was a young and beautiful lady in the town. Everyone knew her because she was graceful and beautiful. Hearing about her reputation, there were so many gentlemen who proposed marriage to her that the old parents were now very proud of her and tried to make her choose a candidates. She, however, declined any proposal. She became very sad and was crying everyday. The old parents couldn't understand why and couldn't get the daughter to answer. On a full moon night, she decided to tell why she was crying and to say she had to leave home and go back to the moon. She was frustrated for a long time because the time for her departure had come. The moon beams arrived to transport her back to the moon. She said good-bye to her old parents and gave them an elixir of life as a good-bye gift. The old parents lived a long life after that.

Orientation : Paragraf 1
Complication : Paragraf 2
Resolution : Paragraf 3

9. tolong bantu please observe these cases and give your suggestion(s) in such situations. 1. Youre friend is walking alone in an unknown area. He/She has lost hisher wallet and doesn't have any more money left. he/she actually just a five minutes walk from the highway, but because it is dark, he/she is frightened and is losing hope. Your suggestion: "I think you should_______2. Your mom is struggling with a financial crisis because she has to choose between paying your college tuition or your father's medications .Your suggestion: I think you should______ 3. Your father is depressed because he just got fired from his offce While at the same time, he needs money to pay his rent and feed his family. Your suggestion:I think you should _______4. Your brother is for school, and he's begging you to take him on the motorcycle. On the other hand, you also need to attend important morning class and you know you cant skip it The route between your brother's school and your university is different. Your suggestion: I think you should__________5. Your friend is going through a dilemma. He/She is presently employed in a mediocre company when he/she is accepted in a different major corporation. He/She has already been working for seven months there, and feels that if he/she abruptly resign, he/she will be branded as unreliable and it would ruin his her reputation. Your suggestion: I think you should__________

1. I think you should against frightened feels.

2. I think you should help your mom, seek a job in order help your own tuition.

3. I think you should pray to the god first, then you can help your mind father to calming while hard time..

4. I think you should apologize to your brother, because you couldn't take him to school. You can told him to get a cab, or other transportation for save time.

5. I think you should think over. If seek a job is very hard. Therefore, you have to take it anyway.

Semoga membantuJawaban :
1) I think you should fight your fear, tryna convince yourself, "there's nothing with the dark. Unless there are some dumb people who will hurt me. I believe I can fight them. I trust myself."

2) I think you should communicate with your children. Talk to him/her. He/she has to understand his/her family condition. Let you pay his/her father's medication or help you with looking for part-time job. So he/she can help your family

3) I think you should communicate with your son/daughter. Explain the family condition. I'm sure you can through this together. For the son/daughter, cheer up your father. He needs you by your side. Help him to get money, or simply always be there whenever he needs help

4) I think you should call your lecturer, explain that you can't attend the morning class on time because you have to take your brother to his school first. If he/she is a good lecturer, he/she will understand and let you take your brother first

5) I think you should ignore your reputation in your old company. You have to make yourself as a priority. That is bigger company. If you work there, it will be more promising. It's important for your life

Semoga membantu^^

10. The following text is for questions 9 to 11Ms. Arneta is a young dentist. She works at a fomous medical clinic. The clinic is situatedin the city center. Ms. Arneta has a very good reputation. She is friendly and smart. Therehave been no complaints about her so far.9.Where does Ms. Arneta work?A.In a famous medical clinic.B. In a hospital.C. In a pharmacy.D.In an office.​


A.In a famous medical clinic

11. Despite the transgression, his reputation . . . . * a. has not been harmed b. was not harmed c. not has been harmed d. has been not harmed


a. has not been harmed


semoga membantu

12. Combine the sentences using the suitable relative pronouns 1. He gave me a sweater. It's style is attractive 2. The trousers are too long for Adi. Father bought it in Bandung 3. The boys were famous singers. They held a show last week 4. The director has a good reputation in the office. We work for him 5. The painter is my friend. Her work is being exhibited in the Hotel

1. he gave me a sweater that style is attractive.
2. the trousers that father bought in bandung are too long for adi.
3. the boys who held a show last week were famous singers.
4. the director whom we work for has a good reputation in the office.
5. the painter whose work is being exhibited in the hotel is my friend.

13. 3. Yogi is going through a dilemma. He is presently employed in a mediocre company when he is accepted in a different major corporation. He has already been working for seven months there, and feels that if he abruptly resign, he will be branded as unreliable and it would ruin his reputation. Your suggestion:I think you should 4. Your mom is struggling with a financial crisis because she has to choose between paying your college tuition or your father's medications. Your suggestion: I think you should 5. Your father is depressed because he just got fired from his office. While at the same time, he needs money to pay his rent and feed his family. Your suggestion: I think you should​

3. Just continue working there for a year or so if you really care about your reputation, but if you really don't want to continue, then just resign and don't forget to explain why and give reasonable excuse to your boss.

4. save money for your college tuition and for your father medication bill, you can also open a small business on your own to have more income, it's not easy but It's worth a try.

5. cheer your dad first, and then encourage your family to save money together, don't buy anything unnecessary just focus on saving money for daily needs and to pay rent. same as before, you could also try to open a family business, maybe sell some cookies if you like baking or you could search on the internet for more business idea

I'm so sorry if my grammar is bad, I'm still learning and I hope you understand ^^

14. Cheating is when a person misleads, deceives or acts dishonestly on purpose. Cheating may happen at school, at home, or while playing a sport. I think chieating can lead worse habit in our future.Some students argue that cheating is the best and easiest way to get a good grade. The integrity we possess is for more important as it is part of your reputation. Once we begin to cheat, the self-respect we have for ourselves slowly decrease while our reputation is at riskNot only are we defeating the purpose of schooling, but cheating will also lead to bad habits of being dependent on other for ideas and wanting to take the easy way out of situations. When we are so used to getting the answers from someone else, we become used to the easy solution, expect to simply be handed the right answers. We are avoiding the process of hardworking,causing us to not gain knowledge, determination, or drive. We are left being dependent on someone else for our success which will only bring us down in the future.When we cheat, we are only cheating curselves, slowly losing our integrity, and self-respect in the process. Fven if cheating gives us an advantage in the short-run, the advantages in the future outweigh the present benefit. 1. What is the writer's point of view about cheating. A. It is the best way for students in exam.B. It can lead worse habits in our future C. It gives us many advantages in our life.D. It the best solution when we meet difficulties. E. It can increase our integrity an reputation.2. What is the disadvantage of cheating? A. Getting a good grade.B. Being independent on others. C. Taking the easy way out of situation. D. Avoiding the hard work. E. Losing our selt-respect.3. "The integrity we possess is far more important as (it) is part of your reputation"The underlined word reters to Your reputation...A. Your reputationB. A good gradeC. CheatingD. Our futureE. Our integrity4. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? A. Cheating is the best way to get a good grade. B. Integrity is more important than reputation. C. Our reputation decreases while we cheat.D. Reputation is better than integrity E. Some students Iike cheating.​


1. B. It can lead worse habits in our future

  ( Itu dapat menyebabkan kebiasaan buruk di masa depan kita )

2. D. Avoiding the hard work.

   ( menghindari kerja keras )

3. C. Cheating

   ( menyontek )

4. C. Our reputation decreases while we cheat.

   ( Reputasi kita menurun saat kita curang. )


semangat belajar nya ^-^

15. Mohon dijawab b.inggris (reputation)

jawab :reputation : nama baik

16. CleopatraCleopatra (69-30 B.C.) is one of the most famous women ofall time. A Greek Queen of Egypt, she played a major role inthe extension of the Roman Empire. She was the brilliant andbeautiful last Pharaoh of Egypt. Historically, she became queenof Egypt in 51 B.C. at the age of eighteen. She was a Ptolemy,descended from one of Alexander the Great's generals. Whenshe was twenty-one, Julius Caesar became her lover. Sevenyears later she met Antony. The romantic tragic relationshipcontinued until they died by suicide in 30 B.C.Cleopatra was legendary. She was famous not only for herbreathtaking beauty but also for her great intellect. She hadbrown eyes and they were shaped like cat eyes. Her skin was infact an olive shade, darker than Hollywood actress Liz Taylor whoportrayed her in the film 'Cleopatra' in 1963. She had mediumdark brown hair, about to the middle of her shoulder blades. Shehad a reputation as an extraordinarily sensuous woman.minta tolong dong ditranslte kan ke b indo ​



Cleopatra (69-30 S.M.) adalah salah satu wanita paling terkenal sepanjang masa. Sebagai Ratu Mesir keturunan Yunani, ia memainkan peranan penting dalam perluasan wilayah Kekaisaran Romawi. Ia merupakan Firaun terakhir Mesir yang sangat pintar dan cantik. Berdasarkan sejarah, ia dinobatkan menjadi Ratu Mesir di tahun 51 S.M. pada usia 18 tahun. Ia adalah seorang Ptolemy, turunan dari salah satu jendral Alexander Agung. Ketika berusia 21 tahun, ia menjadi kekasih Julius Caesar. Tujuh tahun kemudian ia bertemu dengan Antony. Kisah pasangan yang tragis nan romantis ini berlangsung hingga kematian mereka akibat bunuh diri pada tahun 30 S.M. Cleopatra merupakan seorang yang legendaris. Ia tidak hanya terkenal akan kecantikannya namun juga karena kepandaiannya. Ia memiliki mata coklat dan berbentuk seperti mata kucing. Kulitnya berwarna zaitun gelap, lebih gelap dibandingkan dengan aktris Liz Taylor yang mana memerankan dirinya dalam film 'Cleopatra' pada tahun 1963. Ia memiliki rambut berwarna coklat gelap sedang, yang terjuntai sepanjang pundaknya. Ia memiliki reputasi sebagai wanita yang amat sangat sensual.

17. Choose the one word or phrase which would not be appropriate in standard written English: Alike(A) a carrot, a banana has(B) a deserved(C) reputation as valuable(D) sources of vitamin A.


c.reputation as valuable

18. The following text is for questions 9 to 11Ms. Arneta is a young dentist. She works at a fomous medical clinic. The clinic is situatedin the city center. Ms. Arneta has a very good reputation. She is friendly and smart. Therehave been no complaints about her so far.9.Where does Ms. Arneta work ?A. In a famous medical clinic.B. In a hospital.C. In a pharmacy.D. In an office.10. What is Ms. Arneta's character ?A.She is kind-hearted.B.She is lazy.C. She is arrogant.D. She is friendly11. "Ms. Arneta is young dentist." The antonym of 'young' is .....A.old.B. ugly.C. handsome.D. beauty​


9. A. In a famous medical clinic

10. D. Friendly

11. A. Old

Maaf ya kalo ada yang salah

Semoga beruntung :)

19. Tolong carikan orientation , complication , dan resolution pada kalimat di bawah ini ? Once upon a time there was an old man and his wife. One day he went to a bamboo grove to collect bamboo shoots, where he found a bamboo tree illuminated in the middle part. He wondered why and then became curious about what was inside. He carefully cut the bamboo and was astonished to find a pretty baby inside. He decided to pick her up and bring her back to his home. He consulted with his wife how to handle this baby, and they made up their minds to raise this baby as a gift from God. After several years had passed, the baby grew up and was a young and beautiful lady in the town. Everyone knew her because she was graceful and beautiful. Hearing about her reputation, there were so many gentlemen who proposed marriage to her that the old parents were now very proud of her and tried to make her choose a candidates. She, however, declined any proposal. She became very sad and was crying everyday. The old parents couldn't understand why and couldn't get the daughter to answer. On a full moon night, she decided to tell why she was crying . she told them that she hand to leave them and the house and return tp thr moon . the old perents were shocked and sad as well the time of her departure was getting nearer and she was frustrated for a long time . when the day finally arrived , the moon beams arrived to transport her back to thr moon . she said goodbye to her old parents and gave them an elixir of life as a goodbye gift . the old parents lived a long life after that because of the gift

Orientation :Once upon a time sampai Wife.
Complication : liat di gbr
Res: juga

20. jember is a beautiful place.disebut apa kalimat itu? a. Reputationb. Elaborationc. Descriptiond. Identificationmohon jangan mengasal ​


C. Description

kerna mendeskripsikan bahwa Jember adalah tempat yang indah

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