Service To Man Is Service To God Expansion Of Idea

Service To Man Is Service To God Expansion Of Idea

8. Service dengan cara melompat danmemukul bola dalam permainan bola volidisebut ....a. drive serviceb. jump servicec. shuffle serviced. man to man service​

Daftar Isi

1. 8. Service dengan cara melompat danmemukul bola dalam permainan bola volidisebut ....a. drive serviceb. jump servicec. shuffle serviced. man to man service​


B. Jump service

2. give to examples of each expression below:1.How to offer a helping/ to accept an offer helping/ to refuse an offer of helping/service​


1.May I help you ?

 bisakah saya membantumu ?

2. of course ,thank you

    tentu, terimakasih

3. no, thank's

   tidak usah, terimakasih

^^ Have a Nice Day!

1. Mau I give you a hand? (Bisakah saya membantumu?)

2. Yes, please (iya, tolong)

3. It's okay, I can do it myself (Terima kasih, aku bisa melakukannya sendiri)

3. give two example of the each expression below. 1. how to offer a helping/service. 2. how to accept an offer of helping/service. 3. how to refuce an offer of helping/service.​

1. How to offer a helping/service

(Bagaimana cara memberi sebuah bantuan/pelayanan)

="May I help you to pick up these?" (Bolehkah saya membantu anda mengangkat ini)

2. How to accept an offer of helping/service

(Bagaimana cara menerima bantuan/pelayanan)

="Yes, please. I need your help. Thank you so much" (Iya, tolong. Saya membutuhkan bantuan anda. Terimakasih banyak)

3. How to refuse an offer of helping/service

(Bagaimana cara menolak bantuan/pelayanan)

= Thank you so much. But it's not too hard so i can do it by my self" (Terimakasih banyak. Tapi ini tidak begitu sulit jadi aku bisa melakukannya sendiri)

4. give two examples of each expression to offer a helping / to accept an offer helping/ to refuse an offer helping/service​


Offering a service:

Good afternoon madam. Is there anything I can help?Hey Judith, need help with that?

Accept an offer:

Yes, can you move this table dear?Oh. Yea. Can you pass me the water?

Refuse an offer:

No thanks dear, I can do it myself.Thanks for your help but I can handle this.

Hope it helpsヾ(^∇^)



2.thank for your offer, yes, please

3.sorry, not for me, no, thank you


maaf galengkap

5. How do people ruply to an offer of service or help?


Thanks, thank you, Ok appreciate your help, big thanks.

6. what is scain of service ?

servise scan identifies the services running on a list of open ports
artinya: servise scan mengindetifikasi layanan yang berjalan pada daftar port yang terbuka

7. The standard procedure to offer the service to the guest is ?


do you want


kalau salah maaf saya ga terlalu bisa juga lagi test maaf ya

8. Nancy : i would like to complain aboaut the service of this hotel. The underlinet expression means that nancy is.......with the service.


Nancy is not satisfied with the service.


9. how to accep a service?​

Agreement by the defendant (or the defendant's attorney) to accept papers or a complaint without having the papers served by a process server or a sheriff. Acceptance of service is accomplished by signing a "receipt and acknowledgment of acceptance of service" (or similarly titled instrument).

10. Indian police service is the one of the most service

They replace Police Service (Empire) India in 1948, a year after India gained independence from Britain.

Layanan tersebut menggantikan Polisi (Kekaisaran) India pada 1948, setahun setelah India meraih kemerdekaan dari Inggris.

11. cara melakukan servis dengan melompat dan memukul bola disebut a drive servis B jump servis C shuffle service D man to man service​


Jump service


karena bahasa inggris nya melompat adalah jump sedangkan bahasa inggris nya servis adalah service

12. Write 2 expressions of how to affer a help/a service


1. doyouwantmeto...?

e.g : do you want me to help you finish your home work?

2. cani...?

e.g : can i help you to cleared up this stuff?

13. Note: To use our service server you must read our terms of service and privacy policy. Apa artinya?

Untuk menggunakan server layanan kami Anda harus membaca persyaratan layanan dan kebijakan privasi.untuk menggunakan sever layanan kami anda harus membaca
persyaratan layanan dan kebijakan privasi

#semoga membantu
#maaf y klo salah
#jadikan jawaban ku yang terbaik

14. Apa yang dimaksud expresing of asking, giving and refusing to give service

Ungkapan dalam menanyakan sesuatu, memberi sesuatu, dan menolak sesuatu untuk memberikan pelayanan

15. Write 2 expressions of how to affer a help/a service


4. Do you know how to refuse an offer/a service?

=> Yes, I do. Here are the expressions to refuse an offer/a service:

• No thanks. (tidak terimakasih)

• I can’t, thanks anyway (aku tidak bisa, terimakasih)

• No, I really won’t, thank you (tidak, aku tidak mau, terimakasih)

• It’s okay, I can do it myself. (terimakasih, aku bisa melakukannya sendiri)

• No thank you. (tidak terimakasih)

• No thanks, I don’t need any help (tidak terimakasih, aku tidak membutuhkan bantuan)

• Don’t worry, I will do it myself. (jangan khawatir, aku akan melakukannya sendiri)

• That’s alright, I will manage it on my own. (tidak apa apa, aku akan melakukannya sendiri)


Offering Service/Help used to offer service/help to others. (Offering Service/Help digunakan untuk menawarkan jasa atau bantuan kepada orang lain.)

Patterns of offering help/service are:

May + I + verb 1?

Would you like me to + verb 1?

Can + I + verb 1?

16. Make a sentence of how to accept an offer / a service


I'm really interested in this,when can you start?

17. the advertisement is not mostly addressed use the institutes service

the question is less clear, but i think it's a customer

18. how to accep a service?​


Agreement by the defendant (or the defendant's attorney) to accept papers or a complaint without having the papers served by a process server or a sheriff. Acceptance of service is accomplished by signing a "receipt and acknowledgment of acceptance of service" (or similarly titled instrument).


Semoga Membantu

I hope this helps


Accepting Service/Help (Menerima jasa/Bantuan)

●Thank you.

●That’s very kind of you.

●Thanks (very much).


Terjemahan :

Menerima Layanan / Bantuan (Menerima jasa / Bantuan)

■Terima kasih.

■Anda sangat baik.

■Terima kasih banyak).



sudah jelas


19. Make a sentence of how to accept an offer / a service



20. What is the advertisement about? What is the purpose of the text? What do the readers have to get this service? How much do we pay for this service? How to get this college matching service?

thinking of goin back to school

to tell readers if they wanted going back to school

just call them

call service is free

you called them and then they will match what you wanted

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