A Particle Having The Same Charge As Of Electron

A Particle Having The Same Charge As Of Electron

In fig 21-25 particle 10f charge + 1.0 Nc and particle 2 of charge -3.0 Nc are held at sparation L=10.0 cm on an X axis. If particle 3of uknown charge 93 is to be located such that the net elescrotastic force on'in from particle 1 and 2 is zero,what must be the (a) x and (b) y cordinates of particle 3?

Daftar Isi

1. In fig 21-25 particle 10f charge + 1.0 Nc and particle 2 of charge -3.0 Nc are held at sparation L=10.0 cm on an X axis. If particle 3of uknown charge 93 is to be located such that the net elescrotastic force on'in from particle 1 and 2 is zero,what must be the (a) x and (b) y cordinates of particle 3?


q1 = 1 nC

q2 = -3 nC

L = 10 cm


a. Koordinat x

b. Koordinat y

untuk q3 dimana F=0


q3 tidak mungkin diantara q1 dan q2 karena gaya dari q1 dan q2 searah.

q3 tidak mungkin di kanan q2 krn gaya dr q2>gaya dari q1.

Jadi q3 ada dikiri q1.

F₁₃ =  F₂₃

kq1.q3/d² = kq2.q3/(L+d)²

(L+d)²/d² = q2/q1

[(L+d)/d]² = 3/1

(L+d)/d = √3

L+d = d√3

L= d(√3-1)

d = L/(√3-1)

d = 10/0,7 = 13,6 cm

a. q3 harus ditempatkan pada x = -13,6 cm sepanjang sb x.

b. karena q3 harus pada sb x maka y=0

2. In 1996 physicists created an anti-atom of hydrogen. In such an atom, which is the antimatter equivalent of an ordinary atom, the electrical charges of all the component particles are reversed. Thus, the nucleus of an anti-atom is made of an anti-proton, which has the same mass as a proton but bears a negative charge, while the electron is replaced by an anti-electron (also called positron) with the same mass as an electron, but bearing a positive charge. Would you expect the energy levels, emission spectra, and atomic orbitals of an antihydrogen atom to be different from those of a hydrogen atom? What would happen if an anti-atom of hydrogen collided with a hydrogen atom?​


Pada tahun 1996 fisikawan menciptakan anti-atom hidrogen. Dalam atom semacam itu, yang merupakan antimateri yang setara dengan atom biasa, muatan listrik semua partikel komponen dibalik. .dengan demikian, inti anti-atom terbuat dari anti-proton, yang memiliki massa yang sama dengan proton tetapi memiliki muatan negatif, sedangkan elektron digantikan oleh anti-elektron (disebut juga positron) bermassa sama. sebagai elektron, tetapi membawa muatan positif. .apakah Anda mengharapkan tingkat energi, spektrum emisi, dan orbital atom dari atom antihidrogen berbeda dari atom hidrogen? Apa yang akan terjadi jika anti-atom hidrogen bertabrakan dengan atom hidrogen? .


Semoga membantu

Jadikan jawaban terbaik

The anti-atom of hydrogen should show the same characteristics as a hydrogen atom. Should an anti-atom of hydrogen collide with a hydrogen atom, they would be annihilated and energy would be given off.

3. the operating principles of the telephone are __ they were in the nineteenth century the same as today today what the same the same today the same today as

The operating principles of the telephone are___the same as today____ they were in the nineteenth century.


Prinsip pengoperasian telepon sama seperti saat ini di abad kesembilan belas.

Penggunaan the same as, menggunakan pola berikut:

~ noun + verb + the same as + noun

Penggunaan menurut soal:

Telephone(+noun) are(+linking verb) the same as (+the same) today (+noun)

Contoh lain penggunaan the same asYour dress is the same as mineThe patterns are the same as my shirtYour luck is the same as their luckPresident's car is the same as your carYour bag is the same as my bag

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi tentang Penggunaan Kata the same https://brainly.co.id/tugas/3439768

#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

4. The magnetic force of a material comes from the spinning of what atomic particle?


Every substance is made up of tiny units called atoms. Each atom has electrons, particles that carry electric charges. Spinning like tops, the electrons circle the nucleus, or core, of an atom. Their movement generates an electric current and causes each electron to act like a microscopic magnet.

Read more on Brainly.in - https://brainly.in/question/40909693#readmore

5. An electron with a charge of 1.6 x 10-¹9 C is moving at a speed of 5 x 105 m/s through a magnetic field of 0.8 T. What is the magnitude of the magnetic force on the electron?tolong jawab yaa mskhh​



F = B x Q x v

F = 0,8 x 1.6 x 10^(-19) x 5 x 10^5

F =  6,4 x 10^(-14) N

6. Apakah kamu match with the same time as a result of the year and a half years

Apakah kamu cocok dengan waktu yang sama selama satu setengah tahun

7. A particle travels 28.5 km in 30 minutes. Find the speed of the particle in k​m/h


57 km/h

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

from the question, we know that:

D = 28,5 km

T = 30 minutes = 0,5 hour

Because the formula is Speed = [tex]\frac{distance}{time}[/tex]

so, Speed = [tex]\frac{28,5}{0,5}[/tex] = 57 km/h

Hope you find it helpful! Feel free to ask if there's something you don't understand from my explanation :)

8. our socks have.... colour as theirs: a. the same as b. the same c. as same d. not as

our socks have the same colour as theirs.b. the same. colour as theirs

9. My name is the same as that of a colour= Jawab ya


artinya"Nama saya sama dengan warna dari"


Namaku sama dengan nama sebuah warna.


semoga membantu ya!

10. paper, the pieces of paper attrached towards it. What does this observation indicate ? a. The plastic and the paper are oppositely-charge b. A plastic acquired a charge c. The plastic and the paper have the same charges d. All of the above


halo aku juga bingung

11. Which statement is correct for the nucleus of any atom? A The nucleus contains electrons, neutrons and protons. B The nucleus contains the same number of protons as neutrons. C The nucleus has a total charge of zero. D The nucleus is very small compared with the size of the atom.​


jawaban nya (A)


Semoga membantu

12. the atmosphere particle called as aesrosol is


aerosol merupakan partikel padat dan cair yg jumlahnya sangat kecil yg terdapat diatmosfer, aerosol dihasilkan dari gas buangan manusia seperti asap dari industri, knalpot kendaraan atau gas freon / CFC dimana aerosol menyebabkan berkurangnya jumlah cahaya matahari yg masuk ke bumi dan selain itu aerosol dapat menyebabkan sulitnya cahaya matahari dipantulkan ke atmosfer dan aerosol dapat mengakibatkan rusaknya lapisan ozon

semoga manfaat

KELAS : 10

13. A positive charge Q is placed on a conductive spherical shell with inner radius 1 and outer radius 2. A particle with charge q is placed at the center of the spherical cavity. The magnitude of the electric field at a point in a spherical cavity at a distance r from the center is

The answer and explanation is attached the PNG file

14. In fig 21-25,particle of charge + a and particle 2of change + 400q are held at separation L =9.00cm on an X axis. If particle 3 of change 93 isto be located such that the three particles remain in place wen relased what must be the (a)×and (b) y cordinates of particle 3,and (c) the ratio 93 1q?


q1 = +q

q2 = +4q

L = 9 cm

Ditanya : lokasi q3 dimana ketiga muatan tidak bergerak.

a. koordinat x

b. koordinat y

c. ratio q3/q


q3 harus berada diantara q1 dan q2.

F₁₃ =  F₂₃

kq1.q3/d² = kq2.q3/(L+d)²

(L-d)²/d² = q2/q1

[(L-d)/d]² = 4q/q=4

(L-d)/d = 2

L-d = 2d

3d = L

d = 1/3L = 3 cm

a. koordinat x = 3 cm

b. q3 berada pada sb x --->  y=0

c. Gaya di muatan q sama dgn nol karena tidak bergerak

kq.q3/x² = kq.4q/L²

q3/x² = 4q/L²

q3/q = 4.x²/L²

q3/q = 4.3²/9²

q3/q = 4/9

15. draw the position of particle of these things​


gambarkan posisi partikel dari benda-benda ini

itu artinya ka jan lupa jadikan jawaban terbaik ya ^_^

16. ... teachers prefer a class that is fairly consistent in having pupils of the same level.


some teachers prefer a class that is fairly consistent in having pupils of the same level.

Jawaban lain bisa juga : all (yang bukan singular)

17. As a direct object when the object is the same as the subject of the verb apa arti bahasa indonesianya


sebagai objek langsung saat objeknya sama dengan subjek pada kata kerja

18. A particle travels 24.6 km in 30 minutes. Find the speed of particle in km/h



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

s = 24,6km

t = 30minutes or 0,5hours




19. Indifference curve indicates .... (A) the same number of production (B) the same amount of budget (C) the same production costs (D) the same level of consumption (E) the same satisfaction

Pertanyaan :

Kurva indiferensi menunjukkan ....(A) jumlah produksi yang sama(B) jumlah anggaran yang sama(C) biaya produksi yang sama(D) tingkat konsumsi yang sama(E) kepuasan yang sama

Indifference curve indicates ....(A) the same number of production(B) the same amount of budget(C) the same production costs(D) the same level of consumption(E) the same satisfaction


(D) tingkat konsumsi yang sama

(D) the same level of consumption


Kurva indiferen (indifference curve) adalah kurva yang menghubungkan titik-titik kombinasi dari sejumlah barang tertentu yang dikonsumsi dan memberikan tingkat kepuasan yang sama, atau keadaan di mana konsumen berada dalam keadaan indifferen dalam mengkonsumsi berbagai jenis barang.

Indifference curves (indifference curves) are curves that connect the combination points of a certain number of goods consumed and provide the same level of satisfaction, or circumstances where consumers are indifferent in consuming various types of goods.

20. which of the following word has the same meaning as huge​


tidak tahu apa apa trud ap dong

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