Class 11 English Chapter 1 Being Neighborly Question Answer

Class 11 English Chapter 1 Being Neighborly Question Answer

chapter 4 hal. 55English class 8

Daftar Isi

1. chapter 4 hal. 55English class 8

jawaban nya ada pada gambar

2. chapter 4 For example hal 56English class 8 please answers...

maaf kalo salah
hal 55 sama hal 56 kan??

3. English: Is every human being special and why? Bahasa: Apakah setiap manusia istimewa dan mengapa? please help me answer this question:)!


humans are special because humans were created by God with their own uniqueness and also every human being has advantages and disadvantages

4. Chapter 10 pathway to english

Where's the question?

#conquer or die

5. tolong dong mendingan masuk mana? bingung bgt 1. basic English class (BEC)2. elementary English class (EEC)3. intermedite English class (IEC)4. training class (TC) ​

kalau menurut aku pribadi mending masuk basic English class (BEC)biasanya pembelajaran yang didapat merupakan basic dari bahasa inggris.

semoga membantu :)

6. answer chapter 8 my idol​

your question is unclear,

7. chapter it's english time dialog

Kalo gak salah ya,,,, semoga membantu, yang diatas tulisannya chapter 7 being yourself

8. chapter 1 it's english time dialog

bab 1 adalah waktu berdialog dengan bahasa Inggris

Semoga membantu..

9. Amanda chapter 2 is english​

Benar / two


karena Amanda chapter 2 is english artinya Amanda chapter 2 adalah bahasa inggris

10. Questions:1. Who is the tallest student in the the Class A?Answer:2. Who is the shortest student in the Class A?Answer:3. Who is the fattest student in the Class A?Answer: 44. Who is the thinniest student in Class A?Answer:5. Who has the highest score in English in Class A?Answer: tolong di jawab ​

who : menanyakan nama ( jadi saya gak bisa jawab karna tidak tau apa yg harus sy isi, berupa nama... nama seseorang yg ada di buku itu mungkin?

"who is the tallest student in class a"

siapa orang tertinggi di kelas a ?

ex : Bobby

"who is the shortest student in class a"

siapa orang terpendek di kelas a ?

ex : leyla

fattest : tergemuk

thinniest : terkurus

highest score : ( yang memiliki) nilai tertinggi

JAWABANNYA itu Nama orang contoh nama orang : Ashley, Kate, John

1. Who is the tallest students in the class A? =
Siapa murid tertinggi di kelas A
2. Who is the shortest students in the class A=
Siapa murid terpendek di kelas A
3. Who is the fattest students in the class A=
Siapa murid tergemuk di kelas A
4.who is the thinniest in the class A=
Siapa murid terkurus di kelas A
5. Who has the highest score in English in class A =
Siapa murid yang memiliki skor tertinggi di kelas A

Semoga membantu

11. . Answer the following question with correct answer! Question: Who will read the poem in front of the class? Answer Question: When will the class begins? Answer Question: Where will you put your craft? Answer Question: Why will you join dancing club? Answer Question: How many times will you play this song? Answer (Julia and Rano) (in 10 minutes) (in living room) (become a dancer) (3 times)​


Question: Who will read the poem in front of the class?

Answer: Julia and Rano

Question: When will class begins?

Answer: In 10 minutes

Question: Where will you put your craft?

Answer: In the living room

Question: Why will you join dancing club?

Answer: To become a dancer

Question: How many times will you play this song?

Answer: 3 times


Maaf bila ada kesalahan ^^

12. Chapter IV ( Associating ) hal. 56 , for example , Tabel English class 8 Tolong jawab bsk mau dikumpulin

Gambar pertama urutannya disesuaikan dg kolomnya.

Moga membantu

13. II. Answer the following question with correct answer! 1. Question: Who will read the poem in front of the class? Answer : 2. Question: When will the class begins? Answer 3. Question: Where will you put your craft? Answer : 4. Question: Why will you join dancing club? Answer 5. Question : How many times will you play this song? Answer (Julia and Rano) (in 10 minutes) (in living room) (become a dancer) (3 times)​

1. Julia and Rano

2. in 10 minutes

3. in living room

4. become a dancer

5. 3 times

14. Answer the question with complete sentence 1. were these in the class

yes , this in the class

15. 1. Teacher: Tomorrow we will have an English testfor the second chapter. OK? Classwhat did I say? apa bahasa indonesianya ​


Guru: Besok kita akan ada tes bahasa Inggris untuk bab kedua. OK? apa yang aku bilang?


16. English class 11tolong dibantu ya ​



1.Jane and Chris will not show you the way home

2.Gerald will not take the dog for a walk

3. Will dinner be ready at six o'clock tonight?

4.Will the birds eat the food in the garden?

5.We won't go to the bakers to buy some bread

6.Will he go to the theatre with his parents?

7.Will ben lend you the money for the shopping?

8.Andy will not be on holidays tomorrow

9.Will there be some new students in the class?

10.They won't sleep in the new bed when it arrives


She will live in Manchester

you will stay at a hotel

He will buy an expensive bike

tolong kasih yang terbaik yah

17. Tolong Bantu Kak!!English Exercise Chapter 1​


Andri : "Robby, where are going? You look in a hurry."

Robby : "Hai, Andri. Yes, I walk quickly because the sun shines so extreme, hehe..

Andri : "How is your condition today? Are you in a good health?"

Robby : "Extremely good, Andri. I can assume that my leg has recovered about 90 percent."

Andri : "Great, I am glad to hear that. I hope you will get better soon so you can join us in

the next basketball training."

Robby : "I hope so too. And hopefully we can do our best to win the competition too."

Andri : "That's why I really wish that your leg will recover soon."

Robby : "Yeah... me too.I will do the exercise for my leg. I hope we can get the

championship title this time."

Andri : "At last competition our club got the first rank."

Robby : "Really? Congratulation friend. I am happy for it"

Andri : "Thanks. And we will so happy too if we win the next basketball championship in

this city."

Robby : "Yes, you are right, we will so happy for that of course.

Andri : "I hope so. See you next week, Rob and don't force yourself!"

Robby : "I will. Thank you friend!"

Andri : " You're welcome friend."

18. Choose A, B, C or D as the right answer! 1. Teacher : From now on we will use English in our English class. OK? We will use English in our English class. Siti, what did I say? Siti A. All students will speak English. B. Our teacher is teaching English now. C. We will use English in our English class. Teacher and all students will use English in our English class​


C. We will use English in our English class




Can u write the detail of the question please :)

tolong ya

19. English rest chapter 3 seventh grade


Tes bahasa Inggris bab 3 kelas tujuh


I have translated this into Indonesian

20. Chapter 1 it's english time(penjelasan)

Artinya Bab 1 adalah waktunya belajar bahasa inggris

Video Update

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