Fill In The Blanks With Appropriate Words With Answers Pdf

Fill In The Blanks With Appropriate Words With Answers Pdf

fill in the blanks with appropriate words

1. fill in the blanks with appropriate words

soal dan foto kayaknya kurang sesuai kak hehe :)
saya jawab berdasarkan foto
maaf kalau salah :)

2. fill in the blanks with appropriate words​

Degree of Comparison


Fill in the blanks with appropriate words​

The Lom River is shallower than the Iskar River . (Sungai Lom lebih dangkal dari Sungai Iskar)Turkish coffee is more popular in Bulgaria than in Turkey . (Kopi Turki lebih populer di Bulgaria daripada di Turki)The town of Ahtopol is not as attractive as the town of Sozopul . (Kota Ahtopol tidak semenarik kota Sozopul)His biggest desire is to return home.  (Keinginan terbesarnya adalah kembali ke rumah)She is probably the angriest person that I know . (Dia mungkin orang yang paling marah yang saya kenal) The most people want to be rich . (Kebanyakan orang ingin menjadi kaya)His score is as good as mine . (Skornya sebagus punyaku)Ann is happier than her sister . (Ann lebih bahagia dari saudara perempuannya)The soonest, the best . (Yang tercepat, yang terbaik)New York is one of the busiest city in the U.S. (New York adalah salah satu kota tersibuk di AS)


Degree of Comparison

Degree of comparison merupakan bentuk adjective (kata sifat) atau adverb (kata keterangan) yang menyatakan perbandingan. Ada tiga degree of comparison, yaitu: positive, comparative, dan superlative degree.

Positive Degree

Ketika digunakan untuk menyatakan perbandingan, positive degree harus digunakan bersama correlative conjunction as … as. Positive degree berupa bentuk standar adjective dan adverb tanpa perubahan apapun.

Contoh Positive Degree:

adjective: beautiful, difficult, easy, much, tired adverb: carefully, fast, gently, much, quickly

Contoh Kalimat Positive Degree:

This bag is as expensive as the blue one. (Tas ini sama mahalnya dengan tas biru itu)Ammar is as handsome as Attar. (Ammar sama tampannya dengan AttarThis food is as delicious as the food in the restaurant. (Makanan ini sama lezatnya dengan makanan di restoran)

Comparative Degree

Comparative degree digunakan untuk membandingkan dua orang, binatang, benda, atau hal. Kebanyakan adjective atau adverb yang terdiri dari satu suku kata ditambahkan akhiran -er, sedangkan dua suku kata atau lebih diawali dengan kata more. Khusus untuk dua suku kata adjective dengan akhiran -y, akhiran tersebut dihilangkan lalu ditambahkan -ier. Ketika berada di dalam kalimat, degree of comparison ini biasanya diikuti kata than.

Contoh Comparative Degree:

adjective: cold-colder, patient – more patient, happy-happier adverb: fast-faster, gently – more gently, slowly – more slowly

Contoh Kalimat Comparative Degree:

This bag is more expensive than the blue one.  (Tas ini lebih mahal dari yang biru)Ammar is more handsome than Attar . (Ammar lebih tampan dari pada Attar)This food is more delicious than the food in the restaurant. (Makanan ini lebih enak daripada makanan di restoran)

Superlative Degree

Superlative degree berfungsi untuk membandingankan tiga atau lebih orang, benda, atau hal. Mayoritas satu suku adjective dan adverb didapat bentuk superlative-nya dengan menambahkan akhiran -est, sedangkan yang lebih dari satu suku kata ditambahkan kata most di depannya. Adapun untuk adjective yang terdiri dari dua suku kata dengan akhiran -y, akhiran tersebut dihilangkan lalu ditambahkan -iest. Ketika berada di dalam kalimat, superlative degree diawali dengan definite article the.

Contoh Superlative Degree:

adjective: cold-coldest, patient – most patient, happy-happiest adverb: fast-fastest, gently – most gently, slowly –  most slowly

Contoh Kalimat Superlative Degree:

This bag is the most expensive among all the bags in this shop . (Tas ini adalah yang paling mahal di antara semua tas di toko ini)Ammar is the most handsome in his family . (Ammar adalah yang paling tampan di keluarganya)This food is the most delicious food in this restaurant. (Makanan ini adalah makanan paling enak di restoran ini)


Materi tentang degree of comparison:

Materi tentang degree of comparison:

Materi tentang degree of comparison:



Kelas : 11

Mata Pelajaran: bahasa Inggris

Bab : 3

Kode:11 .5.3


3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.




Rough translation/terjemahan kasar:

iklan pekerjaan di situs menarik perhatian saya dan saya ingin mengajukan diri karena sesuai dengan minat saya.

sebagai konsultan yang berpengalaman, saya ingin bergabung dan memberikan dampak positif langsung terhadap perusahaan anda. keahlain saya meliputi latar belakang yang kuat di desain dan perencanaan, pembudgetan, reputasi dalam menangani proyek besar. saya percaya bahwa keahlain saya bisa membantu dalam meningkatkan perusahaan anda saya orang yang bertanggung jawab, berintegritas dan berkomitmen kepada perusahaan saya. saya punya keahlian komunikasi yang bagus dan saya pernah menjadi ketua tim yang besar. saya benar benar percaaya saya tepat untuk posisi tersebut.

4. fill in the blanks with approprite words

At once Grandfather and Grandmother began to *prepare* for Issumboshi’s trip. Issumboshi was *ready*.
Issumboshi went on the trip with a big wish in a *small* body. At lastIssumboshi reached the *capital* city and anchored under the *bridge*. Then he climbed up to the railing and viewed the town.There was a fine *palace* over there. At long last Issumboshi arrived at the *palace*. He wanted to meet the feudal *lord*. He wanted to become *a retainer*. The king wondered whether Issumboshi’s small body could do *anything*.

5. fill in the blanks with appropriate expressions! ​






8.have to

9.have to








CMIIW (Correct Me If I'm Wrong) :)

6. fill in the blanks with the appropriate future expression.​








7. fill in the blanks with appropriate answers. use the expressions you have learnt in this chapter.​

A: Have you heard about the film Despicable Me? It's in cinemas now.

Pernahkah kamu mendengar film Despicable me? Ini di bioskop sekarang

B: Yeah, many of my friends say that the film is very interesting

Ya, banyak teman-temanku berkata bahwa filmnya sangat menarik

A: What if we watch it together this Saturday?

Bagimana jika kita menonton bersama sabtu ini?

B: I'm sorry I can't. I will visit my grandma's house this Saturday

Maaf aku tidak bisa. Aku akan mengunjungi nenek saya sabtu ini

A: What about Sunday?

Bagaimana kalau minggu

B: It's fine.


A: Okay. Anyway, are you going somewhere this afternoon?

Oke, omong-omong, kemana kamu akan pergi sore ini?

B: Yes, I'm going to go to the supermarket.

Ya  Aku akan pergi ke supermarket

A: What are you going to buy there?

Apakah yang akan kamu beli disana?

B: I'm going to buy a drawing book

Aku akan membeli buku gambar

A: Can I come with you? I also need it

Bolehkah aku ikut denganmu? Aku juga membutuhkannya

B: Sure.



Berikut adalah contoh ungkapan asking plan/intention:

What would you like to do?Will you go fishing?What are you going to do this weekend?

Ungkapan menyatakan plan/intention:

I will go to Bali next monthI'm going to visit my uncle's house tomorrowI would like to watch the movie againPelajari lebih lanjut

Kalimat intention:


Detil jawaban

Kelas:  10

Mapel:  Bahasa Inggris

Bab:  Asking plan and attention

Kode:  10.5.2

Kata Kunci:  Asking and stating intention, Make a dialog

8. Fill in the blanks with short correct answers​


im not Really Really bruh yeah you now agreement!

im really agree with disagreement!

she is so what you know?? gratitude..



A= did are you always thinking about gratitude??



1. We made an agreement based on three conditions.

2. We were in strong disagreement over continuing.

3. Thank you so much for helping me with the homework.

4. Your welcome, i am happy to help anytime.

Jika ada yang salah, mohon dikoreksi dan maaf ya. :)

9. 13. Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctikns

1. Diana works hard, ________ Rita is lazy.

d. but

2. ________ he is poor, he is contented.

b. until

3. I trust her _________ she always speak the truth.

c. because

4. Wait for me _________ I return.

c. till

5. I rang the bell ________ no one answered.

b. but

6. You must not tell lies _________ your mother will punish you.

a. or

10. fill in the blanks with the appropriate future comprehension


i look a coffe   [1]

feeling good    [2]


segitu aj  enak aj kalian cari sendiri

11. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words, thank you​


very wellapologyhousesincerely

12. II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate expressions! ​





Have to

Have to







13. 13. Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions

7. (C) Unless

= Kalimat bersifat kontradiktif (berlawanan arti) maka unless (kecuali) merupakan pilihan yang tepat

8. (C) Or

= Kalimat menanyakan pilihan, apakah Rita merupakan saudaranya ATAU sepupunya

9. (A) But

= Kalimat terdiri dari 2 kalimat tunggal yang tidak berhubungan

10. (D) Since

= Kalimat menunjukkan sebab akibat.

14. Fill in the balnks with appropriate words


1. Won't


3. Unless


5. If

6. ?

7. If

8. ?

9. If

10. unless


15. Fill in the blanks with short correct answers​


1. "congratulations you won the singing competition"

2. "i hope he get better soon"

3. "i wish you all the best"

4. "i like your shoes"

5. "in order to pass the exam, i have to study very hard"

6. "you should talk to her so that she feels better"

16. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate future expressions

Can't see.... Can't see... Blur.... Blur...

17. II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate expressions!​


1. I had some free time yesterday, so i (Could) Write a few letters.

2. This land belongs to me as far as you (Could) See.

3. Watch this,Mum. I (Can) Stand on one leg.

18. Fill in the blanks with the words


soalnya dimana kakk, apa kelupaan ya T_T

19. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words inthe box!​


a. wake up

b. make

c. take

d. not clean

e. go

f. give

g. not have

h. study

i. play

j. water


Semoga membantu


a. Wake Up

b. Not clean

c. Take

d. Give

e. Go

f. Make

g. Not Have

h. Study

i. Play

j. Water

Maaf kalo salah :)

20. fill in the blanks with the appropriate future expressions

Maybe : What do you think about future of the indonesian atheletes?
Answer : I am sure indonesian athletes will success on the future

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