Imagine You Were In The Place Of The Astrologer

Imagine You Were In The Place Of The Astrologer

imagine you are the maid in the story.what would you do in the midst of time?

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1. imagine you are the maid in the story.what would you do in the midst of time?

I will do casual activities like watching TV.

2. imagine you are the maid in the story.what would you do in the midst of time?

if there are scripts I will do as written. Anyway, I will do my best so the results don't disappoint

3. imagine you are the fish in the story. can you narrate the story from his point of view?

no, i can't. because i don't even know why was the prince turned out become a fish. but we can make it become : There's a fish that caught by a fisherman. The fish wasn't a simple fish. it was an enchanted fish. So the fish asked for mercy to the fisherman. the fisherman let the fish go. One day, when he fish swam happily, the fisherman come again to the fish and asked for a wish. the fish thought that the fisherman already release him once so the fish granted the fisherman wish. etc.

4. Imagine that your own visited a place. Write the events when you were visiting the place. Use the following chart to help you. Then, take turns telling about your experiences.Apa artinya dan maksudnya apa?

bayangkan kamu sedang mengunjungi suatu tempat. tulis acara yang ada ketika kamu mengunjungi tempat tersebut.gunakan chart yang tersedia untuk membantumu. lalu,ceritakan pengalaman kamu

5. Jawaban imagine you are the fish in the story .can you narrate the story from his point of view


Jawaban bayangkan Anda adalah ikan dalam cerita. Dapatkah Anda menceritakan kisah itu dari sudut pandangnya

6. . What did Douglas do after his right arm caught in the winch? Could you imagine if you were in that situation? would you do the same?


mohon maaf mana ceritanya ya

kalo ada ceritanya baru tau


itu saja

7. Imagine that you once visited a place. Write the events when you were visiting the palace. Use the following chart to help you. Then, take turns telling about your experiences

-Orientation (who, what, when, where):
I once visited my grandmother in Bogor to celebrate Eid together with big family who were in Bogor one week before celebrating Eid. I went from Binjai to Bogor with my mom.
-Series of events (presented in the order they really happened):
1. When we gathered together in grandma's house in Bogor in celebrating Eid, we were very happy because I seldom visited them. We shook hands one another.
2. Suddenly my aunt and my uncle invited me and my cousin Ima with their own family to go to Bali by their car.I felt very happy because it was the first time for me to go there but for them it was the second or the third time or maybe more.
3. Before crossing to Bali we all must have gone through a big ship. We enjoyed the beautiful and interesting view since there were many children did attraction with swimming while catching coins and keep them in their mouths.
4. By the time we also arrived in Bali and relax even traveled all places there. we didn't forget to take picture everywhere, ate many halal traditional food, etc.
- Reorientation (stating personal comments about the events):
I didn't think to go to Bali at that time because I only wanted to visit my grandma in Bogor with my mom. It was so fantastic moment for me.

8. imagine you are the fish in the story . can you narrate the story from his point of view ?

everyday, i always swim in the water. i always swim to finding a food, i and my friends always pass many area together.

9. imagine you are the fish in the story from his poin of view? tentangthe enchanted fish

Saya tidak megerti bahasa inggris

10. imagine you are the fish in the story. can you narrate the story from his point of view?

Yes, of course... Since the standpoint of the fish was very good story and never give up to keep swimming ...

Thank you... (semoga bisa membantu anda)

11. imagine you are the fish in the story, can you narrate the story from his point of view? cerita tentang the enchanted fish

A classic tale of an enchanted fish with wondrous powers, a fisherman and his wifeDefinitely a story where too much of a good thing can lead to ruin,The Enchanted Fish tells the story of a poor fisherman who pulls a golden fish out of the sea. Upon finding out that the fish is magical, the fisherman's wife demands that the magic fish grant them wish, after wish, after wish. A story of greed and over-reaching ambition. Beautifully illustrated, this classic tale will capture children's interest and spark their imagination inspiring a lifelong love of literature and reading.

12. imagine you are the fish in the story. can you narrate the story from his point of view ?

bayangkan anda adalah ikan dalam cerita. anda dapat menceritakan dari sudut pandangnya
Bayangkan Anda adalah ikan dalam cerita. Anda dapat menceritakan kisah dari sudut pandang?

13. Imagine you are the fish in the story can you narrate the story from his point of view terjemahann

Bayangkan Anda adalah ikan dalam cerita dapatkah Anda menceritakan kisah dari sudut pandangnyabayangkan kamu adalah ikan di dalam suatu cerita
bisakah kamu buat cerita dari pandangan si ikan?

kurang lebihlah....

14. imagine you are the fish in the story,can you narrate the story from his point of view !! in story "The enchanted Fish"

if i were be the fish I never want to doing everything the fisherman want. he can doing something else not always ask to meee

15. What would you have done if you were in Mr. Behrman's place ? At story of "the last leaf"

Apa yang akan Anda lakukan jika Anda ware di mr.behrman adalah tempat?

16. Imagine that your own visited a place. Write the events when you were visiting the place. Use the following chart to help you. Then, take turns telling about your experiences. Apa maksudnya (bukan artinya).

Membuat catatan/ringkasan pengalaman secara garis besar.
Membuat ringkasan pengalaman secara garis umum atau garis besar...

17. Imagine you are the fish in the story. Can you narrate the story from his point of view? JAWABANNYA APA?????

once upon a time there was a fisherman. he caught me. i told him that i wasn't a real fish but the prince then he let me go.
after he reached home, he told his wife about what happened. his wife wanted him to ask me something. she asked the fisherman to ask me for a cottage. then the fisherman came to me, called me, told me what did his wife wanted. i gave him.
the fisherman's wife kept asking me something again and again.
she wanted to be the lord of the sun and the moon. the fisherman asked to me. but i said to him to go home, to his small hut. the fisherman and his wife live there everyday.

18. Imagine that you once visited a place,write the events when you were visiting the place.Use the following chart to help you. Then,take turns telling about your experiences

kamu bikin dulu sesuai sama diagram nya. yang kotak pertama itu namanya introduction atau perkenalan .kamu sebutin orang orang nya siapa, tempat nya dimana, waktunya kapan.


last year, i visited borobudur temple with my parents.

yang event2 itu kamu isi tentang pengalaman kamu, kejadian apa aja. terserah mau berapa paragraf.

yg terakhir itu kesimpulan. kamu bisa ceritain perasaan kamu selama mengunjungi tempat tersebut.

semoga membantu

19. Imagine you are the fish in the story . Can you narrate the story from his point of view ?

Bayangkan bahwa kamu adalah ikan yg ada pada kisah/cerita itu.Dapatkah kamu menceritakan dari sudut pandang ikan itu?

20. imagine you are the fish in the story , how would the story end? write your ending of the story.

The fisherman is feel enough with the fish gift not be greed and won't seize me

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