Some Roses Are Lilies Some Lilies Are Fresh

Some Roses Are Lilies Some Lilies Are Fresh

i think lilies smell better than roses........(agreement)

Daftar Isi

1. i think lilies smell better than roses........(agreement)

I think lilies smell better than roses, right?

jadikan jawaban terbaik yahh ^_^

2. A florist has sunflowers, roses, and lilies in his shop. The ratio of the number of sunflowers to the number of roses is 7:6. The ratio of the number of roses to the number of lilies is 3:5. (English)a. What is the ratio of the number of sunflowers to the number of roses to the number of lilies?b. If the florist has 48 roses, how many sunflowers, roses, and lilies are there in his shop altogether?​


sunflowers :. roses. : lilies

7. :. 6. :

:. 3. :. 5


21. :. 18. :. 30

7. :. 6. : 10. ( bagi 3)

a) 7:6:10

B) roses= 48

sunflowers 7/6x 48=56

liliies= 20/6 x 48=80

total 48+56+80=184 flowers

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga bermanfaat

3. 3. Read the text below and fill the blank word correctly!Water lilies are freshwater plants. There are about 70 species of water lilies. They are native tothe temperate and tropical parts of the world. Water lilies are (A).... in the Americas, Europe,Asia, Africa and Australia. (B) .... most water lily species prefer the still waters of ponds andlakes, some can be found growing in slow-flowing rivers and creeks.​


A. found

B. Although

4. Terjemahan dari : In some ways old roses are the same as modern roses

Dalam beberapa hal mawar tua adalah sama seperti mawar yang modern

5. my name is rika.i am at my garden now.there are many kinds of plants in my garden.there are also kinds of flowers.they are colourful.there are some jasmines.they are white.there are also some red roses.they look so beautiful.besides,there are also some orchids.the orchids have pink colour.kakak tolong bntu yanyatakan benar (T) salah (F)1.rika has a garden (..).2there are no flowers have red colour(..).3the jasmines flowers have red colour(..).4there are some roses in the garden(...).5.the orchid flowers are pink.(..)​








maaf klo salah #semoga membantu:)


1.(T) benar karena di dalam teks ada kata saya ditaman saya sekarang yang artinya Erika memiliki taman.

2.(F) salah karena di dalam teks ada bunga yang berwarna merah.

3.(F) salah karena dalam teks tidak disebutkan ada bunga melati berwarna merah yang ada dalam teks adalah bunga melati berwarna putih.

4.(T) benar karena di dalam teks disebutkan di taman ada beberapa mawar.

5.(T) benar karena dalam teks disebutkan bunga anggrek berwarna pink .


teks bacaan

nama saya rika. saya di taman saya sekarang. ada banyak jenis tanaman di kebun saya. ada juga jenis bunga. warnanya. ada beberapa melati. ada yang putih. ada juga beberapa mawar merah. mereka terlihat sangat cantik, selain itu ada juga beberapa anggrek. anggrek berwarna pink.

1. erika memiliki taman (..).

2.tidak ada bunga yang berwarna merah (..).

3.bunga melati berwarna merah (..).

4.di taman ada beberapa mawar (...).

5.bunga anggrek berwarna pink. (..)

semoga membantu ❤

Maaf kalau salah ya

6. why does the kitchen look nice? A. the kitchen is in the back part of the house B. there are some trees, plants, jasmines, and roses C. there are some flowers and some other decorations D. there are a refrigerator, gas stove, and some utensils

Arti dari kalimat tersebut adalah :

Mengapa di dapur terlihat bagus?
A. dapur ada di bagian belakang rumah
B. ada beberapa pohon, tanaman, jasmine, dan mawar
C. ada beberapa bunga dan beberapa dekorasi lainnya D. ada lemari es, kompor gas, dan beberapa peralatan

The answer is ( C ) there are some flowers and some other decorations D. there are a refrigerator, gas stove, and some utensils.

Jawabanya adalah yang C ada beberapa bunga dan beberapa dekorasi lainnya D. ada lemari es, kompor gas, dan beberapa peralatan.

Semoga bermanfaat
Jangan lupa di follow ya...the kitchen is in the back part of the house

7. 10.Rearrange these words into good sentences!Some - we - in-school yard - plant - roses - yellowA. We plant some yellow roses in school yardB. We some plant yellow roses in school yardC. We roses plant some yellow in school yardD. In school yard we some plant yellow roses​


A. We plant some yellow roses in school yard

Semogamembantudan maafbila adasalah

Kalau membantu,jadikan jawabanterbaik ya

Nocopas!(copy paste)



Follow boleh kok :)



8. Mary spent $48.00 on 20 stalks of daisies and lilies. each stalk of daisies cost $2 which each stalk of lilies costs $3. how many lilies did she buy? bantuin please teman-teman! makasih banyak


3 lilies


#maaf kalo salah

9. makna lukisan water lilies buatan monet​

Lukisan teratai pertamanya berjudul Water Lilies and the Japanese bridge, 1897. Lukisan bunga teratai di kolam dan jembatan gaya Jepang di atasnya. Warna lukisan didominasi hijau dan biru. Bagian gelap dan terang lukisan dikomposisikan secara harmonis menimbulkan sensasi warna menyenangkan. Teknik lukisan impasto, cat dikuaskan berlapis-lapis, menghasilkan tekstur tebal yang membuat lukisan semakin menarik. Lukisan lainnya tentang bunga teratai cukup banyak. Lukisan-lukisan teratai terakhirnya diciptakan pada tahun 1920an.

Monet melukiskan keindahan teratai dengan ketekunan dan kesungguhan. Lebih 20 tahun melukis teratai, tinggal di rumah yang dikelilingi dengan kolam dan taman yang dipenuhi bunga teratai. Pekerjaan yang dilaksanakan dengan kesungguhan dan ketekunan menghasilkan lukisan-lukisan masterpiece.

10. I love gardening. I have a small garden in my backyeard. In the garden, there are some flowers. There are daffodils, cambodian flowers, orchids, red roses and white lilies. My oldest daughter, annisa, is crazy about red roses. She always helps me watering the flowers in the afternoon. I love all the flowers in my gareden. Pertanyaannya adalah: what is the talking about text above?

A flower garden

semoga membantu


A person who like gardening, and garden.

-Semoga terbantu:)

11. lotuses........(1) five species of water lilies,the correct answer is...a) amb)isc)ared)was​


lotuses........(1) five species of water lilies,

the correct answer is...

a) am






karena, dikatakan bahwa ada lima spesies dari lily air





maaf jika salah

12. Does Rina's mother plant some roses?

apakah ibunya rina menanam beberapa mawarapakah ibu rina menanam beberapa mawar?

13. sebutkan kelebihan dan kelemahan water lilies karya claude monet ​


Water Lilies adalah sebuah seri lukisan oleh Claude Monet yang menggambarkan lily pad di kolam renangnya di Giverny, Perancis. Beberapa kelebihan dari lukisan ini adalah:

Penggunaan warna yang indah: Monet terkenal dengan penggunaan warna yang indah dan harmonis dalam lukisannya, dan Water Lilies tidak terkecuali. Lukisan ini menunjukkan penggunaan warna yang cerah dan hidup, yang menambah kesan visual yang menyenangkan.

Teknik impresionisme: Monet menggunakan teknik impresionisme dalam lukisannya, yang memungkinkannya untuk menangkap suasana yang tepat dari kolam renangnya. Lukisan ini menunjukkan efek cahaya yang indah dan bayangan yang menyegarkan, yang menambah kesan realisme.

Penggunaan perspektif: Monet menggunakan perspektif yang unik dalam lukisannya, yang memungkinkan pemirsa untuk merasakan sensasi seperti berada di tengah kolam renang.

Beberapa kelemahan dari lukisan ini adalah :

Kekurangan detil : Monet lebih fokus pada penggunaan warna daripada detil , maka beberapa orang mungkin merasa kurang terkesan dengan kurangnya detil yang terlihat dalam lukisan ini.

Beberapa orang mungkin merasa kurang terkesan dengan tema yang sama : Monet menggambar seri lukisan yang sama dari kolam renangnya, dan beberapa orang mungkin merasa kurang terkesan dengan lukisan yang sama dari sudut pandang yang sama.

Beberapa orang mungkin merasa kurang terkesan dengan estetika impresionisme : Monet adalah pelopor dari gerakan impresionisme, tapi beberapa orang mungkin merasa kurang terkesan dengan estetika yang ditawarkan dalam lukisan ini.

14. Find the number of pink roses and white lilies in each bouquet​


maksudnya aku nga ngerti

15. make two sentences into one sentence 1. some plants digest flies. flies are trapped on the leaves of some plants 2. kost roses have strong stems. most rose stems are covered with thorns. 3. some plants have a stink. a stink attracts flies 4.some roses grow on vines.vines climb up treees​


1. Some plants digest flies, flies are trapped on the leaves of some plants.

2. Roses have strong stems, most rose stems are covered with thornes

3. Some plants have a stink, a stink attracts flies

4. Some roses grow on vines, vines climb up trees


Semoga membantu ya kak


Maaf kalo salah


16. Some fresh vegetable are shopped in the market by my mother. Diubah jadi aktive voice

My mother shops some fresh vegetable in the market- my mother is shopping some fresh vegetable in the market

maaf kalo salah semoga membantu:-):-)

17. I think tulips are beautiful flowers.Water lilies are more beautifulthan tulips. Roses are the...of allflowersa. beautifulb. as beautiful asC. more beautifuld most beautiful​


a. beautiful


maaf kalo salah

Roses are the MOST BEAUTIFUL of all flowers.


18. my name is rika.i am at my garden now.there are many kinds of plants in my garden.there are also kinds of flowers.they are colourful.there are some jasmines.they are white.there are also some red roses.they look so beautiful.besides,there are also some orchids.the orchids have pink colour. 1.rika has a garden.(..).2 there are no flowers in the garden.(..).3the jasmine flowers have red colour(..)4there are some roses in the garden.(..)5 the orchid flowers are pink(..).nyatakan benar (T) atau salah (f) tolong kak bntuin tugas ku kak​


1.rika has a garden (T)

2. there are no flowers in the garden (F)

3. the jasmine flowers have red colour (F)

4. there are some roses in the garden. (T)

5. the orchid flowers are pink (T)

19. Mary spent $48.00 on 20 stalks of daisies and lilies. each stalk of daisies cost $2 which each stalk of lilies costs $3. how many lilies did she buy?bantuin please teman-teman! makasih banyak


There are 12 daisies and 8 lilies.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

# $48.00

20 stalks

Each stalk of daisies $2

Each stalk of lilies $3

# Create Let Statements

the number of daisies = xthe number of lilies = 20 - x

# Create an Equation

48 = 2(number of daisies) + 3(number of lilies)

48 = 2x + 3(20-x) ⇾distribute

48 = 2x + 60 - 3x ⇾combine like terms

48 = 60 - x ⇾subtract 60 from both sides

-12 = -x

12 = x

# x = 12

⇾Daisies = x

= 12

⇾Lilies = 20 - x

= 20 - 12

= 8

20. buat cerita tentang atlet panah lilies handayani dalam bahasa inggris!

Lilies Handayani (born in Surabaya, East Java, 15 April 1965; age 51) is an archer from Indonesia. Under the guidance of senior athletes in archery, Donald Pandiangan, Lilies Handayani along with nurfitriyana saiman and Kusuma Ward's first medal for Indonesia at the 1988 Seoul Olympics, namely the silver medal. Her daughter, Theresia Deli Adina (Surabaya, May 12, 1990), also an athlete archer. More recently, Deli won a silver medal in the individual 50-meter and a bronze medal in the team event at the National Championship archery in Jakarta. For his achievement was, Gumelar (Chairman of KONI) is pleased to give a gift bow in Senayan Jakarta KONI office on Thursday, April 10, 2013. In addition to making achievement in the National Championship, Deli previously won the championship in 2001 and PPLP Porda. Deli which is the first child of three brothers, have to carry the branch since the age of 7 years or the 1st grade. He himself is now sitting in class 1 SMP N VI Surabaya. "The start Deli much better than me. He's already started archery since the 1st grade, while the second grade I started high school," said her mother, Lilies Handayani.

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