The Pressure That Has To Be Applied To The Ends

The Pressure That Has To Be Applied To The Ends

the rocks will be broken due to all the pressure that is built upyang mana kalimat to be,subjek,V3?​

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1. the rocks will be broken due to all the pressure that is built upyang mana kalimat to be,subjek,V3?​


Subjek : The rocks

To be: will + be

V3 : broken


Broken adalah V3 dari brake.

2. Pressure of 300 N/m2 is experienced when a force of 2 kn is applied. Calculate the area over which the force is applied to obtain the pressure stated. Please help


6,67 m²


Diketahui :

P = 300 N/m²

F = 2 kN = 2 x 1.000 N = 2.000 N

Ditanya :

A = ...?

Pembahasan :

Area bidang tekan dihitung dengan :

P = F/A

A = F/P

A = 2.000/300

A = 6,67 m²

So, the area over which a force is applied to obtain the stated pressure is 6.67 m².

Hope this helps you

3. A...Is a template with a specific design that can be applied to a slide or to the entire presentation




maaf kalo salah

4. 39.) the first thing that you have to do before connecting a modem to a PC is .... A. to power on the computer B. to connect the proper ends of USB wire C. to connect the Ethernet cable D. to insert the power source 40.) why do we need to wait until all the lights on the modem? A. because If it's a DSL signal, connect it with a telephone wire. B. because to inform the user that the modem can be used. C. because It means the connection of the modem to the computer already complete. D. because to catch the signal.

39. a. to power on the computer. 40. c. 39. a
sorry, just help

5. the neaning to these proverb from all is well that ends well

semua yang baik berakhir baik pula

if im not mistakenSemua hal yang baik akan berakhir baik pula

6. 3. Why do we need lidi?a. To make sure that the wrapping is enoughb. To secure both ends of the wrappingc. To mark that the food is well-cookedd. To make it easy to pick up the food​


d. To make it easy to pick up the food

7. ends - the letter - My - mother - post-office-to the-today-​


my mother sends the letter to the post office today

maaf kalau salah.., tolong jadikan jawaban terverifikasi/terbaik ya Kaka please..

8. I applied __ the university of melbourn.applied __ admission to the university of melbourn​


- to

- the

moga moga membantu

9. A gas at 250 K has a pressure of 0.00008 Pa. If the pressure drops to 0.00002 Pa, what is the new temperature?


If a gas at 250 K has a pressure of 0.00008 Pa and the pressure drops to 0.00002 Pa, 62.5 K is the new temperature

Explanation: -

Initial Pressure P₁ = 0.00008 Pa

Final Pressure P₂ = 0.00002 Pa

Initial Temperature T₁ = 250 K

Since the volume is not mentioned, it remains constant.

So initial Volume V₁ = Final volume V₂

Now using the combined gas equation

\frac{P1 V1}{T1}T1P1V1 = \frac{P2 V2}{T2}T2P2V2

Final Temperature T₂ = \frac{P 2 V2 T1}{P1 V1}P1V1P2V2T1

Plugging in the values,

T₂ = \frac{0.00002 Pa x V2 x 250 K}{0.00008 Pa x V1}0.00008PaxV10.00002PaxV2x250K

As V₂ = V₁, they cancel each other.

T₂ = 62.5 K

10. The bell rings. It ends the school day, you teacher

bilang terima kasih dalam B.inggris thank yougood by my teacher i love you

11. Example 1A fruit seller uses a knife with a sharp edge and across-sectional area of 0.5 cm2 to cut open awatermelon.(a) If the force applied on the knife is 18 N, what isthe pressure exerted by the knife on thewatermelon?(b) After that, he cuts open a papaya using the sameknife by exerting a pressure of 2.7 x 105 Pa.Calculate the magnitude of force applied to cutthe papaya​


배너 디자인으로 사용하십시오 ㅔ벶 ㅏ나 ㅐ제베ㅣ멥 ㅏ나

12. If the earth did not rotate, differences in air pressure would be. ,with winds blowing from high-pressure to low-pressure areas.


with are you more

how are you?

13. I am and independent individual who capable to work under pressure. the word " capable" has the same meaning to​


able / Can work under the pressure

14. The new workers ... be late in attending the training. Strict rules are applied.a. have tob. dont have toc. mustd. must not

jawabannya D must not yang artinya pekerja baru tidak boleh terlambat mengikuti pelatihan. aturan tetap di terapkan.

jika jawabannya  B dont have to yang artinya pekerja baru tidak harus terlambat mengikuti pelatihan. aturan tetap di terapkan. salah jadi jawabannya D.
)) D. MUST NOT ((

15. 6. Dayu asks Siti to go to her house and seeCathy. From Siti's respond to Dayu'sinvitation, we can find out that Siti willprobably meet CathyA right after the conversation ends.B. right after the pandemic endsC. long before the time ends.D. never​


A.right after the conversation ends.


Maaf klo slh,,,btw jngn lupa fllow,,,

16. the bell ends the school day. you say,''.......''to you teacher

good bye
maaf kalo salah

17. At every certain hour of the day, the doctor .... inspect the blood pressure of the patients. A. Will have to B. Have to C. Has to D. Have had to E. Having to


c. has to

ada kata every maka tenses yg digunakan adalah simple present tense.

dalam simple present tense kata have akan berubah menjadi has jika subjeknya tunggal

18. The Manometer shown contains water and kerosene. With both tubes open to the atmosphere, the free-surface elevations differ by Ho=20.0 mm. Determine the elevation difference when a pressure of 98.0 Pa is applied to the right tube.

kunjungi situs ini .ingin dapet pulsa gratis setiap hari download cashtree disini

19. I am and independent individual who capable to work under pressure. The word " capable" has the same meaning to​.

bersedia, atau mampu


penjelasan capable : having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing.

Memiliki kemampuan, kekuatan atau kualitas untuk melakukan suatu hal.

20. A box having a mass of 1.5 kg is accelerated across a table at 1.5 m/s2. the coefficient of friction on the box is 0.3. what is the force being applied to the box? if this force were applied by a spring, what would the spring constant have to be in order for the spring to be stretched to only 0.08 m while pulling the box?​


28.125 N/m


Untuk menghitung gaya yang diterapkan pada kotak, kita dapat menggunakan persamaan gaya = massa x akselerasi. Jadi, gaya yang diterapkan pada kotak adalah:

F = 1.5 kg x 1.5 m/s2 = 2.25 N

Untuk menghitung konstanta pegas yang diperlukan untuk menarik kotak sejauh 0,08 m, kita dapat menggunakan persamaan pegas: F = k x d (dimana F adalah gaya, k adalah konstanta pegas, dan d adalah jarak). Karena gaya yang diberikan adalah 2,25 N dan jarak adalah 0,08 m, konstanta pegas yang diperlukan adalah:

k = F / d = 2.25 N / 0.08 m = 28.125 N/m

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