The Figure Indicates The Energy Level Diagram

The Figure Indicates The Energy Level Diagram

Fight fatigue and increase energy level.” What is the meaning of the underlined word? *​

1. Fight fatigue and increase energy level.” What is the meaning of the underlined word? *​


kelelahan dan meningkatkan tingkat energi.” "fatigue and increase energy level.”

2. A figure is made up of a rectangle and a semicircle as shown in the diagram below. what is the area of the figure?


Area itu bahasa inggris dari Luas, maka

Area of square = S x S

= 7 x 7

= 49 cm²

Radius = Diameter / 2

= 7 / 2

= 3.5 cm

Area of [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] circle = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] x [tex]\pi[/tex] x r²

= [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] x [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex] x 3.5²

= 19.25 cm²

Are of the figure = 49 + 19.25 = 68.25 cm²


phi [tex](\pi )[/tex] untuk [tex]\frac{22}{7}[/tex] digunakan apabila jari-jari/radius berkelipatan 7, sedangkan

phi untuk 3.14 digunakan apabila jari-jari/radius tidak berkelipatan 7

3. Indifference curve indicates .... (A) the same number of production (B) the same amount of budget (C) the same production costs (D) the same level of consumption (E) the same satisfaction

Pertanyaan :

Kurva indiferensi menunjukkan ....(A) jumlah produksi yang sama(B) jumlah anggaran yang sama(C) biaya produksi yang sama(D) tingkat konsumsi yang sama(E) kepuasan yang sama

Indifference curve indicates ....(A) the same number of production(B) the same amount of budget(C) the same production costs(D) the same level of consumption(E) the same satisfaction


(D) tingkat konsumsi yang sama

(D) the same level of consumption


Kurva indiferen (indifference curve) adalah kurva yang menghubungkan titik-titik kombinasi dari sejumlah barang tertentu yang dikonsumsi dan memberikan tingkat kepuasan yang sama, atau keadaan di mana konsumen berada dalam keadaan indifferen dalam mengkonsumsi berbagai jenis barang.

Indifference curves (indifference curves) are curves that connect the combination points of a certain number of goods consumed and provide the same level of satisfaction, or circumstances where consumers are indifferent in consuming various types of goods.

4. Which part indicates the address of the job applications


Arti dari Which part indicates the address of the job applications adalah bagian mana yang mengidentifikasikan alamat pelamar pekerjaan. Apabila pertanyaan ini untuk surat lamaran pada halaman 57 kelas XII, maka jawabannya There is no part indicates the address of the job application.


Perhatikan surat lamaran di bawah ini.

January 23, 2014

(The address of the company)

George Sebastian

Prosperous Company

25 Saint John Court

Hatfield, CA 08065


Dear Mr. Sebastian,

(opening paragraph)

I am writing to apply for the programmer position advertised in the Times Union. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references.

Pelajari lebih lanjut pertanyaan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan pertanyaan di atas pada


5. The perimeter of the figure is . . . .



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

lihat gambar di atas

Keliling bangun tersebut adalah 15

6. arti dari conckuding paragraph that indicates the end of the text

Arti dari Conckuding paragraph that indicates the end of the text adalah Penutup ayat yang menunjukkan akhir teks.

7. Find the perimeter of the figure !​


K set lingkaran = 3,14 × 13 = 40,82 cm

K total = 3 + 5 + 15 + 40,82 = 63,82 cm

8. Choose the figure that completes the series​


kotak yang ke-4

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

lihat yang lingkaran orange : pada kotak pertama posisinya ada di kanan atas, kotak kedua kanan bawah, kotak ketiga kiri bawah, kotak keempat, kiri atas. Maka, untuk kotak kelima balik lagi ke titik awal (kanan atas)

-->jadi dia bergerak nya searah jarum jam ya

persegi biru : pada kotak pertama posisinya ada di kanan bawah, kotak kedua kanan tengah, kotak ketiga kanan atas, kotak keempat tengah atas. Maka, untuk kotak kelima adalah kiri atas.

-->berbalik arah dari jarum jam

9. Find the permeter of the figure

2 x ( 4 + 8 )

= 2 x 12

= 24 cm

semoga benar

2×(8 cm + 4 cm)

2×(16 cm + 8 cm)


maaf kalo salah

10. which part indicates the address of the job applicant?​


There is not part indicates the address of the job applicant.

semoga membantunya :}

maaf jika saya salah

11. Which part indicates the opening of the letter?


salam pembukaan berisi sapaan sapaan pada umumnya. penulisan salam pembuka diawali dengan huruf kapital dan diakhiri dengan tanda koma.


semoga membantu

12. apa arti consluding paragraph that indicates the end of the text

penutup paragraf itu menunjukan akhir dari sebuah teks

13. the are of the figure

it's the same as 1 circle

I hope this helps

14. The perimeter of the figure is . . . .

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Perimeter = keliling

Keliling = 10 + 3 + 5 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 =28m

15. Wihch part indicates the address off the job applicant??




because i like shake the dick :)

16. what is the area of the figure?​

L = ((1,5 + 2,5 + 1,5) × 5) - 2 × (2,5 × 3,5 ÷ 2)

L = (5,5 × 5) - 8,75

L = 27,5 - 8,75

L = 18,75cm²

17. what is the synonim of "indicates"

synonym indicates is "show"the synonim is show

sorry if wrong

18. Which part indicates the address of the job applicant

Bagian mana yang menunjukan alamat pelamar kerja?

19. The figure is made up of a square and trapezium. The perimeter of the figure is 60 cm. Find the area of the figure. Use the steps.​


The area of the figure is 188 cm².

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Form that figure, we know that A and C are both squares. Therefore, the length of the rightmost side of the figure is 8 cm.

Let s be the length of C’s sides.

Given that the perimeter of the figure is 60 cm, we can get:

(14 + 2×8 + 3s) cm = 60 cm

⇔ 14 + 16 + 3s = 60

⇔ 30 + 3s = 60

⇔ 3s = 60 – 30

⇔ 3s = 30

⇔ s = 30/3

s = 10 cm

Let A be the area of the figure, we can find:

A = the sum of all areas

⇔ A = area of square A + area of trapezium

⇔ A = s² + ½(base+top)×height

⇔ A = 10² + ½(14+8)×8

⇔ A = 100 + 11×8

⇔ A = 100 + 88

A = 188 cm²


∴  The area of the figure is 188 cm².

20. Find the area of the figure​



persegi panjang

panjang p = 10 m

lebar l = 6 m


alas a = lebar persegi panjang = 6 m

tingg t = 7 cm

luas persegi panjang

= p x l

= 6 m x 10 m

= 60 m²

luas segitiga

= /2 x alas x tinggi

= 1/2 x 6 x 7

= 21 cm²

luas gabungan = 60 m² + 21 m² = 81 m²

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