Complete The Following Table Answer

Complete The Following Table Answer

complete the following table.​

1. complete the following table.​

birds = fly (terbang)

dogs = bark (menggonggong)

cockroaches = bite (menggigit)

turtles = swim (berenang)

cats = meow (mengeong)

horses = neigh (meringkik)

tigers = roar (mengaum)

buffaloes = soak (berendam)

kangaroos = jump (melompat)

2. complete the following table ​



Large...Larger...The Largest

Many...More...The Most

3. complete the following table tolong ya ​


difficult: difficulter

rich: richer

taller: tall

happy: happier

famous: famouser

heavy: havier


4. complete the following table with nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs

1. angry (adj); angrily (adv)
2. composition (n)
3. nervous (adj); nervously (adv)
4. worry (v); worry (n); worriedly (adv)
5. correct (v); correct (adj); correctly (adv)
6. neaten (v); neat (adj); neatly (adv)
7. fame (n); famously (adv)
8. manage (v);
9. danger (n); dangerous (adj); dangerously (adv)
10. quiet (v); quietly (adv)

5. complete this following table​


Maaf, gk bisa bantu. Tabelnya mana?


where is the table? please sub a table

6. Complete the following table based on the letter


lengkapi tabel berikut berdasarkan surat itu

7. complete the following table with suitable words​

1. kecil - big - besar
2. kuat - weak - lemah
3. cantik - ugly - jelek
4. lapar - full - kenyang
5. cepat - slow - pelan
6. aktif - passive - pasif
7. tajam - blunt - tumpul
8. luar biasa - ordinary - biasa
9. susah - easy - mudah/gampang
10. berbahaya - harmless - tidak berbahaya

8. Complete the following table using the suitable expression!​

b. could you turn on the AC? accepting : alright refusing: I'm sorry but I'm busy right now

c. could you close the door for me please? accepting : ok! refusing: I can't im doing something else!

d. could you help me with my homework? accepting: sure thing. refusing: I'm sorry but I haven't done it too

e. could you help me clean the whiteboard? accepting: will do! refusing: im afraid I couldn't help you right now

9. Complete the following table based on the sentences in task 7

Anda harus melengkapi tabel tersebut Dalam kalimat di tugas 7.

10. Complete the following table e based on the dialog


lihat informasi lebih lengkapnya di table di dialog

11. listen to the phone calls to complete the following table.

Dengarkan Panggilan telepon untuk menyelesaikan tabel berikut.

maaf jika salah

Semoga Membantu :))

12. arti dari Complete the table with the correct answer​


Lengkapi tabel dengan jawaban yang benar


Semoga membantu >_<


Complete the table with the correct answer


Lengkapi tabel dengan jawaban yang benar

Semoga membantu :)

13. complete the following table with the information you found​


Why people learn English

1. English is a worldwide language.

2. Studying English might help you get a job.

3. You can communicate with more people.

The negative effects of the internet

1. If we are a student,  it may effect our studies.

2. We might get too caught up in the internet, we forget reality.

3. Cyber bullying might happen to you.

The positive effects of green school

1. It may increase students focus in learning with a green enviroment.

2. A green enviroment is healthier for students.

3. It can help decrease absenteeism.

Why is the flag ceremony important in indonesian schools

1. Students can learn to love and respect their country

2. Students will learn how important it is

3. Students will feel like real indonesians


Hopefully this helps, im tots sry if its wrong

14. complete the following table based on the dialogs in activity 26.​

Rika : Curious. She seemed excited about things

mr. Riko : patient and smart. He patiently answered rika's question. And he answered really well

15. complete the following table with the expressions of congratulations

-Good Game!
-Great Job!
-Nice Work!
-Great work out there!
-You did it!
And Etc.

Hope it helps!
youre awesome,congratulation!!
congratulation for your new baby,youre amother now!!
you did is very well,congratulation!!
you passed the exam!congratulation
congratulation for your graduate!!
congratulation on your retirement!!

16. Complete the following me pls​


Objectmeusyouthemhimheritpossessive adjectivemyouryourtheirhisherit's

possessive pronounsmineoursyourstheirshishers(tidak ada)*



Hallo, semoga membantu yaaa :)

17. Complete the following table with nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs

noun = table, chairs, bag, shoes, house. verbs = read, wash, watch, listening, run, see, kiss. adjective : cruel, kind, stingy, straight, tall, small

18. Complete the following table based on the dialogs in Activity 21​

table nya mana yaa? ini cmn dialog activity 21

19. work in pairs. complete the following table with suitable words​



Moga membantu ya!!!❤

20. Taks 5 complete the following table wiht the expression of



Taks 5 lengkapi tabel berikut dengan ungkapan



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